03-18-21 Roll Call Record SheetRecord of City Council Votes for March 18, 2021 Dwight Foster Jarrett LaBarge Maiore Nash Quinlan Sciarra Thorpe Total Open Public Hearing Concerning the Northampton Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY2022-FY2026 Close Public Hearing Concerning the Northampton Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY2022-FY2026 Open Public Hearing to consider FY2022 Water and Sewer Rates Close Public Hearing to consider FY2022 Water and Sewer Rates 21.201 A Resolution in Opposition to State Incentives for Biomass Plants - 2nd reading 2nd reading 21.207 A Resolution Decriminalizing Controlled Substance Possession as well as Cultivation and Distribution of Psychedelic Plants - 1st reading 1st reading 21.208 A Resolution to Adopt the Capital Improvement Program for FY2022- FY2026 Submitted to City Council on February 24, 2021 - 1st reading 1st reading 21.209 A Resolution Expressing Gratitude to Northampton Health Department, First Responders, Ancillary Staff and Volunteers for Efforts to Vaccinate Our Community - 1st reading 1st reading Approval of Consent Agenda Consent Agenda Approval of Minutes of February 18, 2021 21.205 An Order to Establish Water and Sewer Rates for FY2022 ADJOURN FINANCE 21.205 An Order to Establish Water and Sewer Rates for FY2022 - 1st reading 1st reading 21.202 An Order to Authorize Acceptance of Gifts of Labor and Materials for Sidewalk Repair or Replacement - 2nd reading 2nd reading 21.203 An Order to Discontinue a Portion of Sherman Avenue - 2nd reading 2nd reading 1st reading Motion to suspend rules 2nd reading 21.212 An Order to Set Preliminary Municipal Election Date - 1st reading 1st reading Roll Call by Laura Krutzler, Administrative Assistant to the City Council @ p.m. RECESS FOR FINANCE COMMITTEE RESUME CITY COUNCIL MEETING 21.211 An Order Further Extending 20.062, Temporary Suspension of Certain Ordinances to Reopen Restaurants - 1st reading Page 1 of 2 Record of City Council Votes for March 4, 2021 Dwight Foster Jarrett LaBarge Maiore Nash Quinlan Sciarra Thorpe Total 20.181 An Ordinance Relative to Affordable Housing (350-6-12) - 1st reading 1st reading 20.182 An Ordinance Relative to Demolition Review for Historically-Significant Buildings 2nd reading 21.189 An Ordinance to Create an Incentive for Smaller Houses by Allowing Two Half-Scale Units to Count as a Single-Family for Density Purposes - 1st reading 1st reading 20.163 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to Definitions 2nd reading 20.164 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to URA Table of Use 2nd reading 20.165 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to URB- URC Tables of Use 2nd reading 20.166 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Addition of Subsection to Ch. 350-6 2nd reading 20.167 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Addition of WSP District Table of Use 2nd reading 20.168 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to SR-RR Table of Use 2nd reading 20.170 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Delete Sections 350- 10.10 and 350-10.11 2nd reading 20.171 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to Parking Standards 2nd reading 20.172 An Ordinance Relative to Two-Family By Right - Amendment to SC Table of Use 2nd reading Motion to Adjourn At p.m., Councilor moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilor seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a voice vote of Yes, 0 No Page 2 of 2