Roll Call Record Sheet.120320Record of City Council Votes for December 3, 2020 Roll Call by Laura Krutzler, Administrative Assistant to the City Council @ p.m. Consideration/vote on request to reduce 120-day notification period for Omasta APR to 60 days Approval of Consent Agenda RECESS FOR FINANCE COMMITTEE Approval of Minutes of November 5, 2020 20.156 An Order to Appropriate Free Cash $60,000 to Health Department for Temporary COVID-19 Staffing - 1st reading ADJOURN FINANCE RESUME CITY COUNCIL MEETING 20.156 An Order to Appropriate Free Cash $60,000 to Health Department for Temporary COVID-19 Staffing - 1st reading 20.154 An Ordinance Relative to a Stop Sign on Edwards Square 20.155 An Ordinance Relative to Parking on Middle Street 20.139 An Ordinance to Add Section 285-31 Newspaper Boxes - 2nd reading Special Committee for Review of Ordinances (2020 Review) - Request for Extension of Deadline for Submitting Report and Recodification Motion to Adjourn At p.m., Councilor moved to adjourn the meeting; Councilor seconded the motion. The motion was approved on a voice vote of Yes, 0 No 1st reading refer refer 2nd reading Dwight Foster Jarrett LaBarge Maiore Nash Quinlan Sciarra Thorpe Total