CR Information RequestQuestions concerning the Transfer Station If the city is encouraging businesses to use compostable materials, do we have a plan for handling them? At the transfer station, what is the amount of plastic, aluminum, etc. collected. What’s effectively recycled and what is not.  We have heard testimony that plastics are not being recycled, but aluminum and glass are being recycled.    What can residents currently do with compostable materials from restaurants?  Does the city now have a method or service for handling compostable materials? Could an option be that one of the transfer station’s haulers take compostables to Martin’s Farm?   Questions around our waste services downtown Information on the range of materials being hauled out of downtown.  What additional services would we need to accommodate the plastic ban? For example, could compostable bins be provided? Other than the waste receptacles on sidewalks downtown, what if any other programs around waste management does the city operate? We understand the city currently leases space on public property for dumpsters shared by more than one business. Is there room for composting containers to be placed next to the dumpsters if the businesses are interested? Long Term Waste Stream Plans How will Northampton respond to the 2030 Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Solid Waste Master Plan? (Specifically, lowering the threshold for requiring entities that produce commercial food waste to divert it from disposal from one ton to a half-ton)   Are any municipalities in Western Mass involved in regional composting efforts? Could Northampton and Easthampton (which recently passes a similar ordinance) team up to make composting more feasible for businesses through an intermunicipal agreement?   Could the Burts Pit Road composting site be brought back on line?   Are there any grants to support these efforts to shift away from plastic?     Questions for the School Department   If the ordinance passes, will the cafeteria services at Northampton Schools be required to comply with this ordinance?   Will they be required to compost?  What information are students provided around the waste stream at school?