21.373 An Order to Appropriate Free Cash and Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings to Various Capital ProjectsCity of Northampton
In City Council December 2, 2021
Upon recommendation of the Mayor
21.373 An Order to Appropriate Free Cash and Enterprise Fund Retained Earnings to Various
Capital Projects
Ordered, that
$ 100,000 be appropriated from the FY22 Solid Waste Enterprise Retained Earnings to
the landfill closure account (3200640 533030) to fund ongoing expenses which include the gas
flare and piping system, erosion control measures and regulatory compliance considerations. _.
$ 175,000 be appropriated from the FY22 Storm Water Enterprise Retained Earnings to
the drain replacement account (3200620-589022) in order to fund ongoing efforts related to
controlling roadway flooding.
$ 965,000 be appropriated from the FY22 Water Enterprise Retained Earnings to the
waterline replacement account (3200610 589174) to fund DEP mandated repairs to the clearwell
at the water treatment plant.
$ 815,000 be appropriated from the FY22 Sewer Enterprise Retained Earnings to the
Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) improvements account (3200600 583003) to fund the
design for phase II of WWTP upgrades.
$ 70,000 be appropriated from the FY22 General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance (Free
Cash) to the Highway Gasoline/Diesel account (14222 548001) to cover the increased cost of