21.326 An Order Adding Parcel on Mt Tom Road and Dike Road to CT River Greenway-Historic Mill RiverCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, September 22, 2021 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz, Planning & Sustainability, and the Conservation Commission 21.326 An Order Adding Parcel on Mt Tom Road and Dike Road to CT River Greenway-Historic Mill River WHEREAS, The Open Space and Recreation Plan: 2019-2025 recommends filling gaps within the Connecticut River Greenway-Meadows and the Historic Mill River; and WHEREAS, The City acquired 0.45 acres, on the southwest corner of Mount Tom Road and Dike Road (Map ID 39A-048) by Judgement in Tax Lien Case, City of Northampton vs. William Wilkin (Hampshire Registry Book 13247, Page 112 on 4/29/2019); WHEREAS, The parcel abuts other portions of the Connecticut River Greenway-Historic Mill River and its highest and best value is conservation; Ordered, that The Mayor is authorized to sign a deed to the City of Northampton in the care and custody of the Conservation Commission for conservation and passive recreation purposes, as provided by MGL Chapter 40, §8C.