21.317 An Administrative Order to Amend the City of Northampton Administrative CodeMAYOR DAVID J. NARKEWICZ City of Northampton 210 Main Street, Room 12 Northampton, MA 01060-3199 (413) 587-1249 Fax: (413) 587-1275 mayor@northamptonma.gov August 17, 2021 Northampton City Council 210 Main Street, Room 3 Northampton, MA 01060 To the Honorable Members of the City Council, Pursuant to my authority under Article 6, Section 6-1 of the City Charter, I am respectfully submitting the attached Administrative Order removing the reference to the City Clerk as an elected official in Section 2.04 of the Administrative Code in order to align it with the recently enacted changes to the City Charter. As you know, this change from an elected to appointed City Clerk was among the many recommendations put forward to the City Council and Mayor in 2019 by the Charter Review Committee, and ultimately sent to the state legislature as special act amendments to our City Charter. On Friday, August 13, 2021, Governor Baker signed into law Chapter 40 of the Special Acts of 2021, An Act Amending the Charter of the City of Northampton. With our charter amendments now complete, this proposed Administrative Order will bring the Administrative Code into conformity with the City Charter. Thank you in advance for your review of this proposed changes to our Administrative Code. I stand ready to answer any questions or provide additional information and respectfully request the City Council’s approval of the attached Administrative Order. Sincerely, David J. Narkewicz Mayor cc: City Clerk ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER City of Northampton Amend City of Northampton Administrative Code, Part I Administrative Organization, Section 2.04 as follows: 2.04 Office of the City Clerk Established There shall be an Office of the City Clerk under the supervision of a City Clerk elected by the voters of Northampton.