21.312 An Order to Submit a Measure to the Voters at the 2021 Regular City ElectionCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, August 19, 2021 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Councilor William H. Dwight 21.312 AN ORDER TO SUBMIT A MEASURE TO THE VOTERS AT THE 2021 REGULAR CITY ELECTION WHEREAS, pursuant to M.G.L. c. 164, § 35, on June 4, 2020, and on May 6, 2021, the City Council authorized, by two-thirds vote, the establishment of a municipal light plant; and WHEREAS, Section 35 also requires that the City Council authorization be ratified by a majority of the voters at an annual or special election. NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Section 9-5 of the City Charter, the City Council orders that the following question be submitted to the voters at the 2021 regular city election: QUESTION ____. (A YES vote on this question is non-binding; a NO vote is binding) Do you vote to ratify the two prior affirmative votes of the city council authorizing the city to take all necessary and appropriate action to establish and maintain, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 164 of the General Laws and in accordance with the rules, regulations and orders of the Department of Public Utilities and Department of Telecommunications and Cable, a municipal lighting plant for all purposes allowable under the laws of the Commonwealth, including without limitation the operation of a telecommunications systems and any related services? Summary: Question ____ would authorize but not require the city to establish a municipal light plant, which is a city-owned company that can provide utilities services including telecommunications systems and internet to businesses and households. A YES vote does not obligate the city to establish a municipal light plant, but the city cannot form a municipal light plant without voter ratification of the two prior city council votes in favor. A NO vote would prohibit the city from forming a municipal light plant. A “YES” vote would indicate your support for authorizing a municipal light plant. A “NO” vote would indicate your opposition to authorizing a municipal light plant. YES O NO O