21.264 An Order for FY2021 Budget TransfersCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council May 6, 2021 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 21.264 An Order for FY2021 Budget Transfers Ordered, that The following budgetary transfers be made: Department Org Object Transfer From: Transfer To: DPW Forestry, Parks and Cemeteries PS Permanent Salaries 14921 511000 (40,000)$ DPW Forestry, Parks and Cemeteries OOM Grounds Equipment 14923 571001 40,000$ Fire Rescue PS Permanent Salaries 12201 511000 (46,000)$ Fire Rescue OM Equipment Replacement 12202 587000 46,000$ Employee Benefits PS Medical Insurance 19141 519400 (132,456)$ Other Employee Benefits PS Medicare 19191 517001 (26,588)$ Unemployment PS Unemployment Compensation 19131 519300 (23,668)$ Health PS Salaries Permanent 15111 511000 (29,744)$ Assessors PS Permanent Salaries 11411 511000 (8,004)$ Mayor PS Overtime 11211 513000 1,475$ Mayor PS Permanent Salaries 11211 511000 14,000$ Planning and Sustainability PS Overtime 11751 513000 7,995$ Building Inspections PS Overtime 12411 513000 13,750$ Building Inspections PS Salaries Tech/Prof 12411 512000 16,997$ DPW Administration PS Permanent Salaries 14211 511000 3,608$ DPW Snow and Ice PS Overtime 14231 513000 45,651$ DPW Snow and Ice OM Vehicular Supplies 14232 548000 37,553$ DPW Snow and Ice OM Snow Removal Supplies 14232 553020 79,431$ Assessors PS Permanent Salaries 11411 511000 (26,500)$ Assessors OM Property Revaluation Services 11412 530014 26,500$ Total Budgetary Transfers: (332,960)$ 332,960$ Description