21.203 An Order to Discontinue a Portion of Sherman AvenueCity of Northampton
In City Council, March 4, 2021
Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Office of Planning & Sustainability
21. 203 An Order to Discontinue a Portion of Sherman Avenue
WHEREAS, A newly-constructed home at 66 Sherman Avenue was built too close to the road
to meet zoning front yard setbacks, and the only path to zoning relief is the
discontinuance of a 44 square foot sliver of the layout of Sherman Avenue as
shown on a plan entitled “DISCONTINUANCE PLAN, 66 Sherman Avenue”; and
WHEREAS, The discontinuance of a way or a portion thereof must be in the public interest, not
in the sole interests of the abutting landowner; and
WHEREAS, The owner of 66 Sherman Avenue has agreed to donate $50,000 to the City’s
traffic mitigation fund as an offset for the effects on Sherman Avenue, with such
funds being dedicated to pedestrian and traffic mitigation in the area within one
mile of this site; and
WHEREAS, Under these terms, the Northampton Department of Public Works has no objection
to the discontinuance of the sliver or Sherman Avenue; and
WHEREAS, The donated funds will be used for to traffic mitigation and pedestrian
improvements under the traffic mitigation program managed by the Office of
Planning and Sustainability; and
Ordered, that
Upon payment of a donation of $50,000.00, the City Council hereby discontinues that portion of
Sherman Avenue as shown as “Parcel A,” on a plan entitled “DISCONTINUANCE PLAN, 66
Sherman Avenue”;
The City Council further authorizes the Mayor to sign an instrument of conveyance of the
discontinued portion of Sherman Avenue to such owner of 66 Sherman Avenue consistent with
this Order.
Excerpt of Discontinuance Plan (original to be filed in the Registry of Deeds)