21.190 An Order Endorsing the Climate Resilience and Regeneration PlanCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, February 4, 2021 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz, Planning and Sustainability, Planning Board, and Energy and Sustainability Commission 21.190 AN ORDER ENDORSING THE CLIMATE RESILIENCE AND REGENERATION PLAN WHEREAS, the Northampton Planning Board unanimously adopted the Northampton Climate Resilience and Regeneration Plan as an element of and an amendment to the Sustainable Northampton Comprehensive Plan, in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chap. 41, Section 81D (1/28/21) WHEREAS, the Energy and Sustainability Commission unanimously endorsed the Climate Resilience and Regeneration Plan (12/22/20) WHEREAS, the plan creates a comprehensive climate action plan framework for Northampton with a commitment and roadmap to action WHEREAS, City Council endorsement does not imply agreement with every recommendation but does imply acceptance of the overall plan and its call to action NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, The City Council hereby endorses the Northampton Climate Resilience and Regeneration Plan: An element of the Sustainable Northampton Plan, Addressing the climate emergency by regenerating a healthy community, adapting to and mitigating climate change.