20.182 An Ordinance Relative to Demolition Review for Historically-Significant BuildingsCITY OF NORTHAMPTON
In the Year Two Thousand Twenty-One
Upon the Recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Planning and Sustainability
20.182 An Ordinance Relative to Demolition Review for Historically-Significant Buildings
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of
Northampton, Massachusetts, Chapter 161, ‘Demolition,’ be amended to remove Committee appointment
language, which is located in the Administrative Code, and eliminate inconsistencies regarding Ordinance
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City
of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:
Amend the text with the additions, modifications, and deletions shown below. Modify existing Ordinance
subsection numbering to accommodate amendments.
§ 161-6 Administration.
With the adoption of this chapter, § 22-30 of the City's Code of Ordinances specifying how appointments
are made to the Northampton Historical Commission has been amended. The amendment states that as
terms of current members expire, the Mayor will appoint a representative from the Chamber of
Commerce, followed by an architect, followed by a representative from the real estate or construction
industry. (See § 22-30 adopted April 19, 1973 for more detail.)
The Commission may adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to administer the terms of this
chapter. The Office of Planning and Development Sustainability is authorized to adopt a schedule of
reasonable fees to cover the costs associated with the administration of this chapter.
The Commission may delegate authority to make initial determinations of significance to one or more
members of the Commission or to a municipal employee.
The Commission shall create an inventory of significant buildings and structures built during the period
of 1901 to 1939 that will be subject to this chapter within a two-year period from the date of the ordinance
adoption. The Commission may also proactively develop other lists of significant buildings or structures
that may be subject to this chapter. Buildings or structures proposed for the significant list of buildings
and/or structures shall be added only following a public hearing.