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20.158 An Order to Appropriate CPA Funds for the Smith Charities Emergency Repair ProjectCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS In City Council, December 17, 2020 Upon the recommendation of the Community Preservation Committee 20.158 An Order to Appropriate CPA Funds for the Smith Charities Emergency Repair Project Ordered, that WHEREAS, the Smith Charities submitted a CPA application for critical exterior repairs to the Smith Charities Building at 51 Main Street; WHEREAS, the Smith Charities have operated continuously since 1865 from the building, which was designed by noted architect William Fenno Pratt, and is located within the Downtown National Register Historic District; WHEREAS, the project will address the most critical needs identified in an historic building assessment to ensure that it will remain a unique part of the downtown streetscape in the future, and will leverage state grant funds; WHEREAS, CPA funds will be utilized exclusively for critical exterior repairs, and in no way contribute to the operating expenses of Smith Charities; WHEREAS, on November 19, 2020, the Northampton Community Preservation Committee voted unanimously to recommend that $85,000 in Community Preservation Act funds be used to support this project. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, That $85,000 be appropriated from Community Preservation Act funding to the Smith Charities for the Smith Charities Emergency Repairs project. And, that the grantee meets the conditions approved by the Community Preservation Committee, the Mayor, and City Council. Specifically, $85,000 is appropriated from the CPA Historic Preservation Reserve (account #2344930-359932).