20.143 Letter from CPC re Recommendations for Funding
City of Northampton
Community Preservation Committee
210 Main Street, City Hall
Northampton, MA 01060
November 2, 2020
Gina-Louise Sciarra
City Council President
210 Main Street, Room 16
Northampton, MA 01060
Re: Community Preservation Committee Recommendation for Funding
Chairman Sciarra and City Councilors,
To encourage greater diversity of applicants for CPA funds, broaden community participation,
and make applying less formidable, the Community Preservation Committee developed a ‘Small
Grants’ process for funding requests of up to $3,000, with a total project cost not to exceed
$6,000. The small grant process was developed to be simpler and less time consuming than the
traditional application process, but small grant applicants must still demonstrate their eligibility
for funding under the CPA. To expedite the availability of funding, Small Grants
Recommendations are provided to City Council as soon as they are complete. This funding
round, the Community Preservation Committee voted to recommend one Small Grant allocation
of $3,000 to create a trail connection from Old Wilson Road into the Pine Grove section of the
Rocky Hill Greenway.
Additionally, the Community Preservation Plan also provides for Expedited review of projects
for which time-sensitive review is needed. The Water Based Recreation Assessment is being
recommended through that process, to allow the project to go out to bid during the winter and
begin work before the next swimming season.
Full project applications, including detailed information reviewed by the Committee are available
Please do not hesitate to contact myself, or Preservation Planner Sarah LaValley with any
questions about the projects or if additional information is needed.
Thank you,
Brian Adams
Chair, City of Northampton Community Preservation Committee