20.140 An Order to Surplus Land to Abutters at Woodland DriveCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, November 5, 2020 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Planning & Sustainability 20.140 An Order to Surplus Land to Abutters at Woodland Drive WHEREAS, On April 16, 2020, City Council authorized the City to accept a deed for 1.906± acres on Woodland Drive (Map ID 42-031) for an affordable home, a workforce or market rate home, and a future walking and bicycling path, which the city acquired on May 13, 2020 (Book 13526, Page 315); WHEREAS, In conducting due diligence, there are one or more slivers of land which are not necessary for the above purposes, and which could be sold to abutters if mutually agreeable terms could be worked out; Ordered, that City Council declares such slivers of land surplus to City needs and the Mayor is authorized to transfer deeds for such surplus land; Further, related or unrelated to selling such land, if the City is able to acquire deed or easements to extend the above referenced trail further east, the Mayor is authorized to accept said deed or easements.