20.133 An Order to Accept Gift for the Value of Replacing Sidewalk Sections Adjacent to 109 Main StreetCITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS In City Council, October 15, 2020 Upon the recommendation of the Mayor and Department of Public Works 20.133 An Order to Accept Gift for the Value of Replacing Sidewalk Sections Adjacent to 109 Main Street Whereas, the City is the owner of the Main Street and Gothic Street layouts, Northampton, Massachusetts; and Whereas, Trident Realty Corporation is the owner of property at 109 Main Street, Northampton, Massachusetts (Assessors’ Map 32A, Parcel 140), with Grantors rights to said parcel contained in a deed recorded in the Hampshire Registry of Deeds in Book 6062, Page 34; and Whereas, the parties are uncertain as to the location of their common boundary line between their respective parcels, which date back to the early development of Northampton; and Whereas, Trident Realty wishes to replace approximately fifty (50) square feet of concrete sidewalk at its own cost within the uncertain area in front of the building due to its current disrepair and potential safety hazard; and Whereas, to the extent that the City has an interest in the location of the proposed sidewalk replacement, Trident Realty needs the consent of the City to make such repairs and to accept such repairs as a gift to the City; and Whereas, the DPW has no objection to the proposed repairs that meet the DPW standards for concrete sidewalk construction and appreciates the offer of Trident Realty to make such repairs. Ordered that, Northampton City Council, authorizes Trident Realty undertake the replacement of approximately fifty (50) square feet of concrete sidewalk in front of their building at 109 Main Street and accepts such sidewalk replacement as a gift to the City.