20.124 An Order Authorizing Acquisition of Drainage Easement on the East Side of North Farms RoadCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, September 17, 2020 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz and Department of Public Works O-20.124 AN ORDER AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF DRAINAGE EASEMENT ON THE EAST SIDE OF NORTH FARMS ROAD WHEREAS, the City needs to upgrade, replace and extend a drainpipe on the east side of North Farms Road, which outlets onto land of Robert J. Vollinger, Parcel ID 07-042-001; and WHEREAS, the extended easement is shown on a plan of land entitled “Drain Line Easement North Farms Road, Vollinger’s Field, Florence, MA,” dated August 2020 by City of Northampton Department of Public Works; and WHEREAS, Robert J. Vollinger is willing to grant the City the extended easement and to release all claims for the taking of the easement for the consideration of Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($22,500.00). NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, The City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition by purchase, gift, eminent domain, or otherwise of easement interests in a portion of tax parcel ID 07-042-001, as shown on the above-referenced plan, in order to access, install, realign, maintain, repair, and replace one or more drainage pipes and lines, stone pipe end, and associated infrastructure, and to enter and remain upon the easement area by foot and with vehicles and equipment for said purposes. No appropriation is needed as sufficient funds are available in the Drain Replacement Fund 3200620-589022 to pay Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($22,500.00) as consideration or damages for the acquisition authorized hereunder.