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20.078 An Order to Authorize King Street Corridor Improvements Right of Way AcquisitionCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council, June 18, 2020 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz 20.078 AN ORDER AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY INTERESTS FOR THE RECONSTRUCTION OF PORTIONS OF KING STREET, FINN STREET, SUMMER STREET, AND NORTH STREET WHEREAS, Federal Highway and MassDOT, at the City's request, have agreed to fund a reconstruction of King Street from Bright Street to the MassCentral Rail Trail crossing , along with portions of Finn Street, Summer Street, and North Street (“the project”); and WHEREAS, the project will improve bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, improve traffic safety, slow the speed of traffic, improve traffic operations, and update obsolete infrastructure; and WHEREAS, the city is responsible for land acquisitions, including fee interests, and temporary and permanent easements, needed for the project; and WHEREAS, the acquisitions of property interests for the project will be funded by Chapter 90 funds allocated to the City; and WHEREAS, the interests to be taken are shown on a plan entitled “Alteration and Easement Plan, Northampton, Massachusetts Surveyed for the City of Northampton" stamped on May 12, 2020. . NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, The City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition by purchase, gift, eminent domain, or otherwise of fee interests in parcels 1-C and 2-C, permanent easements in, on, over and under parcels PE-01 through PE-06, inclusive, permanent utility easements in, on, over and under parcels PUE-02 through PUE-05, inclusive, and temporary easements in, on, over and under parcels TE-01 through TE-43, inclusive, all as shown on the plan entitled “Alteration and Easement Plan, Northampton, Massachusetts Surveyed for the City of Northampton" stamped on May 12, 2020. The City Council further appropriates the total sum of Two Hundred Twenty- Nine Thousand, Seven Hundred Dollars ($229,700.00) from chapter 90 funds as consideration or damages for the acquisitions.