20.042 An Order to Authorize Intermunicipal Agreement with Towns for Public Health Nursing ProgramCity of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS _________ In City Council April 16, 2020 Upon recommendation of the Mayor 20.042 An Order to Authorize Intermunicipal Agreement with Towns for Public Health Nursing Program Ordered, that Whereas MGL C.40 s. 4A allows for joint operation of public activities among governmental units, and Whereas, MGL c. 40, s. 4A requires that such inter-governmental agreements be approved, in a city, by the City Council and the Mayor, and; Whereas the City of Northampton provides services to and shares services with other municipalities; Therefore pursuant to MGL C. 40 s. 4A the City Council hereby authorizes the City of Northampton to enter into the following inter-municipal agreement for FY2020 and FY2021: Public Health Nursing Program - Contract to partner with the following communities to provide assistance with infectious disease surveillance reporting thru the Massachusetts Virtual Epidemiologic Network (MAVEN) for the COVID-19 crisis: Middlefield, Chesterfield, Huntington, Plainfield, Worthington, Easthampton, East Longmeadow, and the Foothills Health District, which serves the towns of Whately, Westhampton, Williamsburg and Goshen.