20.028 Finn Street Metes and Bounds DescriptionFinn Street Beginning at a point, S29°06’41”E a distance of 122.17 feet from a bound found on the easterly sideline of Prospect Street and the southerly sideline of Warfield Place and running thence, On a curve to the left having a radius of 36.50 feet, a length of 40.44 feet, (a chord bearing S60°51’16”E, a chord distance of 38.41feet) to a point, thence N87°24’08”E along land now or formerly of Stephen & Elizabeth M. Petegorsky; land now or formerly of Thu Kim; land now or formerly of John Edward Murray & Paula Rigano Murray; the southerly end of Warfield Place; land now or formerly of Jaya R. Agrawal & Simon A. Ahtardis; land now or formerly of Douglas A. Garton; land now or formerly of Frederick D. & Jennifer L. Kass; the southerly line of State Street, 490.38 feet to a bound, thence N86°46’38”E along land now or formerly of State Street Northampton Properties, LLC; land now or formerly of Carmen M. & Wilfred Santiago; land now or formerly of Mary B. & John S. Biddle; land now or formerly of Tyler E. Boudreau; land now or formerly of King Enterprises LLC & Florence Savings Bank, a distance of 447.34 feet to a point, thence S02°31’11”E along the westerly sideline of King Street, 40.01 feet to a point, thence S86°45’39”W along land now or formerly of Nicholas D. & Betty Lou Duprey; land now or formerly of ServiceNet, Inc.; the northerly end of Carpenter Avenue; land now or formerly of Jose Maria Goncalves Porter; land now or formerly of David P. & Dorothy G. Goldstone; land now or formerly of Peter Volpe; land now or formerly of Alan & Paula Verson; the northerly line of State Street; land now or formerly of Sullivan Real Estate LLC; land now or formerly of Theresa L. Dunn, Trustee; the northern end of Aldrich Street; land now or formerly of Gwen Agna & Thomas M. Marantz; land now or formerly of Arron L. Simms & Rachel Mak; land now or formerly of Silvia B. Berger, 954.24 feet to an iron pipe, thence N10°06’41”W along the easterly sideline of Prospect Street, 46.21 feet to a point, thence N29°06’41”W along land now or formerly of Stephen & Elizabeth M. Petegorsky, 22.58 feet to the point of beginning. Area of roadway to be accepted= 39,933 square feet, more or less.