20.020 An Order to Authorize NPS to Enter MOU for Every Student Succeeds ActCity of Northampton
In City Council February 6, 2020
Upon recommendation of the Mayor
20.020 An Order to Authorize NPS to Enter MOU for Every Student Succeeds Act
Ordered, that
Whereas the School Department wishes to enter into an agreement with the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education, and Department of Children and Families to allow participation in
Title IV-E Claiming of Transportation Expenditures for Children in Foster Care;
Whereas the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), promotes education stability by allowing a
student the right to continue to attend the school in which they were enrolled at the time of
their placement in foster care, unless it is determined not to be in the student’s best interest;
Therefore, pursuant to MGL C. 44 MGL s. 70, the city, by vote of its city council, authorizes the
Northampton School Committee as the Local Education Agency (LEA), with the approval of the Mayor,
to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding for the purposes of Title IV-E reimbursement.