20.017 Warrant for March 3, 2020 Special Municipal Election20.xxx City of Northampton MASSACHUSETTS ________ 20.017 A Warrant To establish the date, time, and location of a Special Municipal Election In the City Council February 6, 2020 Upon the Recommendation of City Clerk Pamela L. Powers, Ordered that, a special municipal election will be held in the City of Northampton, on Tuesday, March 3, 2020 in the several polling places designated for the purpose by the City Council, as follows: WARD 1, Precinct A - In Jackson Street School Auditorium WARD 1, Precinct B - In Jackson Street School Auditorium WARD 2, Precinct A - In Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School WARD 2, Precinct B - In Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School WARD 3, Precinct A - In the Senior Center, Great Room, 67 Conz Street WARD 3, Precinct B - In the Senior Center, Great Room, 67 Conz Street WARD 4, Precinct A - In the Senior Center, Great Room, 67 Conz Street WARD 4, Precinct B - In the Senior Center, Great Room, 67 Conz Street WARD 5, Precinct A - In Florence Civic and Business Building, 90 Park Street WARD 5, Precinct B - In Smith Vocational-Agricultural High School WARD 6, Precinct A - In Robert K. Finn Ryan Road School WARD 6, Precinct B - In Robert K. Finn Ryan Road School WARD 7, Precinct A - In John F. Kennedy Middle School, Community Room WARD 7, Precinct B - In Leeds School Gymnasium, Lower Level The polls will be opened at seven o'clock in the forenoon and closed at eight o'clock in the evening of the said day, and all such voters in the several wards and precincts in which they are individually entitled to vote between said hours give in their votes Yes or No on the following question: Shall the City of Northampton be allowed to assess an additional $2,500,000 in real estate and personal property taxes for the purposes of funding the operating budgets of the City and Public Schools for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2020?