20.012 An Ordinance Relative to Demolition Review for Historically-Significant BuildingsCITY OF NORTHAMPTON
In the Year Two Thousand and Twenty
Upon the Recommendation of the Mayor and Historical Commission
20.012 An Ordinance
Relative to Demolition Review for Historically-Significant Buildings
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of
Northampton, Massachusetts, be amended to modify the buildings and structures to which Demolition
review applies. The amendments will apply Demolition review to all buildings and structures built in
1900 and earlier, and all principal structures on a lot built in 1945 or earlier to allow for more effective
protection and preservation of the City of Northampton’s significant historic resources.
An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City
of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:
Amend the text with the additions, modifications, and deletions shown below.
Buildings and structures regulated by this chapter are buildings or structures built in 194539 or
earlier, determined to be historically significant and preferably preserved by the Northampton
Historical Commission. Such regulated buildings or structures are all of thosewill be defined by
age for properties built in 1900 and earlier, and all principal buildings or principal structures
(e.g., not including out buildings, sheds, accessory structures, fences) and determined by
inventory listing for those built between 1901 and 194539. The Northampton Historical
Commission will create the inventory within a two-year period from the date of the adoption of
this chapter. The Historical Commission shall make a report to the City Council every six
months after the date of the adoption of this chapter for the two-year period, to report on the
progress. All reviews will be conducted based on a construction date of 1939 or earlier during
the time that the inventory is being developed. After the initial age - and inventory-based
threshold determination, the Commission will institute the public hearing process to ascertain if
the historically significant and preferably preserved criteria apply. At that time the determination
will be made whether or not to activate a review period.