Child Safety Seat Plan�kc c U C) )-230-6, Child Safety Seat Plan 2021 22. As per the order of the City of Northampton 319-19-4 April 26, 2021 Cosmic Cab will provide a front or rear facing Child Safety Seat or Booster Seat upon the request of any customer. The customer will need to schedule at least 1 hour in advance to ensure the availability of the safety restraint required. - Bards, effrey r Miller Owner Cosmic Cab Coml2any 160 Main St. #8. Northampton MA 01060 (413) 230-6119 Office ! Agent: 46a0028 DECLARATIONS - MASSACHUSETTS Tax I.D. No.: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Policy Number: 1020093350 02 MM 00 97 09 98 A R B E L L A ITEM ONE- NAMED INSURED AND ADDRESS Producer Name and Address 415-0028 JEFF MILLER LIGHTHOUSE INS AGCY LTD DBA COSMIC CAB 540 GALLIVAN BLVD 160 MAIN ST STE 8 SUITE 211 NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 DORCHESTER, MA 02124 POLICY PERIOD: Policy Covers FROM 01/18/2021 TO 0111812C22 12.01 A.M, Standard Time at the Named Reason for Declaration. VC ENDORSEMENT Insured's Address slated above (Named Insured's Business: INDIVIDUAL DIRECT BILL Effective Date. D412012021 IN RETURN FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PREMIUM, AND SUBJECT TO ALL TERMS OF THIS POLICY, WE AGREE WITH YOU TO PROVIDE THE INSURANCE AS STATED IN THIS POLICY. ITEM TWO -SCHEDULE OF COVERAGES AND COVERED AUTOS This policy provides orrly'hoee covarages where a charge is shown in" premium column below Each of these coverages will apply only to those *AuIW shown as mvered'Autos' for a particular coverage by the entry of one or more of the symbus Irom the COVERED AUTOS Section of the Business Aube Coverage Form next to the name of the coverage. I IIltall ITV INSIIRIlNCE COVERAGES COVERED AUTOS LIMIT PREMIUM :Entry of ono or more Ina symbols from the COVERED The mostwe vvB pay for ruiy fate aradent or loss AUTOS Sector of the Business Auto Coverage Form sha+v which autos are covered autos Compulsory Bodily Injury 7 20ODD Each Person 40,000 Each der I 11,081 Personal Injury Pratecpurt 7 &DOO Each Party^ 4 Ophonal Bodily Injury 7 100.000 Each Person 13,279 300,000 EachkGide I Property Damage 7 50,000 Each Arllde t 10.598 (COMPULSORY LIMIT ssso0l Auto Medrell Paymenn Insurance Each Perim Uninsured Motorists (COMPULSORY 7 SEE SCHEDULE Each Pernior 308 LIMITS s20,000440,000) SEE SCHEDULE Each boride Undennsured Motorists 7 SEE SCHEDULE each Perlior INCL SEE SCHEDULE Each Acadir l PHYSICAL DAMAGE INSURANCE ..er ..r .-..e;...,t. nh.,..r 1. 1... min,re th., dertuchhle for each Covered Auto_ Ua Comprehenuw Coverage~ Ded ict"is specified Peru Coverage Deductible Collison Coverage Deductible Limited Collision Coverage Deductble Loss of Usa•Rental Reimbursement Towing and Labor of • a For each disablement er Forms and Endorsements attached to this Coverage Form: 26 AP 1056 01110)} CA 00 01 ((10/01) tL 00 21 (04198) 26 AP 1057 (01110) CA 23 86 (01106) MM 99 11 (10111) 26 AP 1092 Will CA 24 02 f 12193) MM 9918 (09198) PREMIUM FOR ENDORSEMENTS ADDITIONAL OR RETURN PREMIUM 'ESTIMATED TOTAL PREMIUM 911201 26 AP 1102 (04111) CA 99 17 (07197} i 26 AP 1109 (07116) IL 0017 (11/85) m,arw. eapP,prsw muiw ar.,urr.. a«rK.. car,. ,.,m r. n.�r,+uen MM 99 23 09198) 'This policy may be subjectro final audit MM 99 54 rCV98) trove dbf wry Aq. MSURED COPY OY2312021 Office IAgent: 46-0028 DECLARATIONS - MASSACHUSETTS Tax I.D. No.: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Policy Number: 1020093350 02 SCHEDULE - MM 00 97 09 98 A R B E L L A ITEM THREE- SCHEDULE OF COVERED AUTOS YOU OWN '+o„er,r„,„,„... .. VEHICLE INFORMATION Auto DESCRIPTION Year. Make. h7otlN, eady Original Sae GVW GCW or No. Vetuele IdeMir.w ri No. IVIN) Cost New Territory, Glyd Slate 001 O08DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SEEXTENDED 21.74p SeasngCapaaty waa.ax«.r.e,.ar,w.r,e 1 DOHN44HOBB162479 LEEDS 002 008 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE EXTENDED 21,740 MA 1DOHN44H18B184670 LEEDS 003 007 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN K1500 WAGON 4 39,665 MA GNFK16367G155614 LEEDS 004 005 DODGE MAGNUM SXT WAGON 4 DR. 27 900 MA D4GZ48VX5H511216 LEEDS CLASSIFICATION MA Auto Busmo . - Samoa Symbol Age Class Na. Re Gommerclal Radius Mobile MsAact leas of Grprp of Operation Equip Cale Use 001 D7 $ 4189D LOCAL AmVDa 002 07 9 41890 LOCAL 7 003 08 9 41890 LOCAL D04 41890 LOCAL 1 LIABILITY Compulsory Personal LIMBS i• Limits In Thousands 800y Iryury in4u7 Optional Property Damage Auto Uninsured (f20.000rf40,000) Proteon ao Es Bodily Injury IComPulsory Limit hledcal Materials underinsured darn persleaeh ace. PersonSS,0011) payments Canputsory Lftls Motorists Auto (S20,0001ta .1)00) No. Premium Premitrn •Limit premium 'Limit Dad. Premium LimitPremum 'Umet Premium 'Limit Premium 001 1,5W 622 100 1,897 50 1514 300 20 44 20 INCL 002 1,583 622 100 t,897 50 40 40 300 1.514 20 44 20 INCL 003 1,583 622 700 1,897 50 1,514 40 40 300 20 44 20 INCL 004 i,563 622 100 1,897 50 40 40 1,514 20 44 300 20 INCL PHYSICAL DAMAGE 40 40 Auto Q Vitus Type •• Specified PeNa No. and Limit ComprehensMa Cddsfan LintltaO Codislpn _ Cov Ded, Premium Dad. Premprm Ded 001 ACV -- Premium Ded Premium 002 ACV 003 ACV 004 ACV Auto Pasarve .•• Tc Mrrg No. AM Waiver Lose and F - Fee Coverage, T - Then Coverage, FIST- Fin and Then, CAC - RV3L of Did. of Use Labor Combined Additional Coverage. •• YES-DeilOmtae Waives at Dnduetibla. rap Designates Policy Leval Additional Insured -Lessor applies, Designates whether Actual Cash Value, Slated Amount Or Agroed Value and, except for ACV, the knit of Liabddy, No I "Wt far towing all Physleat damage loss Is payable to you and the loss Payee named Glow as Interests may gppear at the time of loss. INSURED COPY osa:lnn» Office 1 Agent: 46.0028 DECLARATIONS - MASSACHUSETTS Tax I.D. No.; BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Policy Number: 1020093350 02 SCHEDULE - MM 00 97 09 98 A R B E L L .A ITEM THREE -SCHEDULE OF COVERED AUTOS YOU OWN ..anenwr,..... ei....• VFHICt1= INFORMATION DESCRIPTION Auto Year, Kiska. Model. Body Original It GVW, GCW v Territory, City 6 State No Vehicle ldenhilcatlan No. (VON i Cost New Seating Capacty .MnM rowr¢artaN Ei erap.r 006 2009 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE SPORT VAN 23,530 LEEDS D8HN44E59R576432 MA 009 2010 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE SPORT VAN 23.175 LEEDS D4RN4DEBAR207297 MA 010 2008 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE EXTENDED 21,740 LEEDS DBHN44HXBR772469 MA CLASSIFICATION Auto Business use - Pow -cc Symuo Age Cu►s Radar a Mobile Inspect Lass of No Retail. Canmard* Group I O1 Operation Equip Code Use AmeDa a 006 07 9 41890 LOCAL ! 009 07 9 41890 LOCAL 1 010 07 9 41890 LOCAL LIABILITY LIMITS (• Umd(s)) in Thousands) Compulsory Bodily Injury Personal juryOptional Damage Auto Uninsured Motary Undetmsured ($20,00(+Si00001 Protection $B4O00 Es Bodily I Nury (Compul ory Liit SS,000) Medical Payments L Compulsory Limits Motornu each pers.leach arc. Persian000(S20.000IS40,000) Auto No Premium Pmm7un 'Umit Premium '4imR Dad. Premium Limit Preir,um 'tJmlt Premium 'Lkmst Premium 006 1,583 622 100 1,897 50 1514 20 44 20 INCL 300 40 40 009 1,583 622 100 1.897 50 1,514 20 44 20 INCL 300 40 40 010 1,583 622 100 1,B97 50 1,514 20 44 20 INCL 300 40 40 PHYSICAL DAMAGE Auto eta WN&TyPe - Specified Pedls Cornptehanskve Collision Limited Collision No. and Limn Cov. Dad. Premum Dad. Premium Dad. Premium Dad. Premium 006 ACV 009 ACV 010 ACV Towng uld A art Passive Waiver Lou and F - Fee Coverage, T - Theft Coverage. FaT - Fare and Theft, CAG - No Rest. ATD of Dad, of Vale Labor Combined AdditiorW Coverage. " YES -Designates Waiver of Dedtm bbla. as Designates Policy Level Additional Irisured - Lessor applies. iM Designates whether Actual Cash Value, Stated Amount or Agreed Value and, except forACV, the lime of Liability. Auto NO. Except lot towing all physical damage loss Is payable to you and the loss payee nomad below as Interests may appear at the time of loss copyrigmod marorwr ar msuranca aarviaa... ca *0.. — P INSURED COPY 041,7312021 Office 1 Agent: 46-0026 DECLARATIONS - MASSACHUSETTS ' Tax I.D. No.: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM Policy Number: 1020093350 02 (Continued) - MM 00 97 09 98 A R B E L L A ITEM FOUR- SCHEDULE OF HIRED OR BORROWED COVERED AUTO COVERAGE AND PREMIUMSrr{r o. r» •a»�•-. LIABILITY COVERAGE - RATING BASIS COST OF HIRE State Estsmatod Corr of Rite per each 5100 Fodor Hire for each Ssate �e1n1nn Cost of Hhe means the total amount you Coel of Hire fit ilab, my s Primary) incur for the him of •autos' you don't Sod, Injury Prop Damage sod Injury prop Damage own {not Inrludog'autoa- you borrow or rant fmm your Partners or employees or their family mnrmersl. Coss of Hire does red include charges for services performed by motor nmem d property Total premium or passerigars. PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE Coveregea 4md of Insurance The meal vie vw ,.... n......,��_ Es[snated Annual Rate per each Stoo 0,....+.�... Camptehenuve AC1WI wlaa..re ties m+.ru e 11 rl ercaKada b sees ww,wr-ft are M erda.Eth Specific causes Value, arrrwrropw resew hrfnd Wl.se of Loes Cost of wrw...,ssn., mnw i-Sao swu'1'raY 4ra'Yiewary fwo av ems a�,.r Rapairs by manyfa nwatr,n Collision or weir..., wweaaw ti,..arn mwrw ruA Total Premium a ITEM SIX -SCHEDULE FOR GROSS RECEIPTS OR MILEAGE BASIS. I IA.u—--L.--- -- — - ![:�]'G—�roz*R&-celoptz Per 3100 of Grose Receipts Premiums 17 Per mile LIaWh Covere a Lfabihry Coverepe Auto Afed+eal Pa enta Auto Medico! Paunu,x i 'titian used as a pnmlum basis FOR PUBLIC AUTOS Total Premiums Mlnlmum Premiums Gross Rece,pla means the total amount to whkh you are enlilled for Iransparting passe of whether you or any other tamer ongirese the trans p ngen, mail a mslchartdisa during the poky Period regerdler A Amount you Pay to railroads, steamship line��es and other motorea Gem opert kWuating under then own JCC or PUC permits. B Tatn which you Coed as ■ separate Rem and remit direcay to a govemerMal division. C. C.O.0 Cope"bome for wet of mail or merchondna irxWMng eollections lees. O Advertlabrg Revenue. FOR REN TA LEASING t CQNCl I've E5 ad mileage of al revenue producing units operated during the policy pent. RN GloeS IUMIAte means the total amount to wdich you are enhged or the leasing or rental of •&doe during the (hose lath which you collect es A seprtrate item and remfl directly to a govemmental divglon. poky period and Includes tames except %bteape means the total of as Yve And dead mileage developed by a3 the 'Wool you leased or tented to others during die policy period. INSURED COPY 0443/2021 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. DESCRIPTION OF POLICY CHANGES POLICY NUMBER POLICY CHANGES COMPANY EFFECTIVE 1020093350 02 0412012021 ARBELLA PROTECTION NAMED INSURED AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE JEFF MILLER CHANGES TRANSFER 2010 DODGE VIN 067 TO 2008 DODGE VIN 2469 26AP1109 07 16 Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc. 1933. Page 1 of 1 Era! Used vehh Its permission