18.171 An Order Authorizing Acquisition of Easements for Avis Circle as edited by lkCity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council, October 4, 2018 Upon the recommendation of Mayor David J. Narkewicz O-18.171 AN ORDER AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS FOR THE LAYING OUT OF AVIS CIRCLE AS A PUBLIC WAY ORDERED, that WHEREAS, by its action August 19, 1999, the City Council voted to lay out and accept as a public way that parcel of land shown as “Avis Circle” on a plan entitled “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Street Acceptance Plan of Avis Circle Prepared for the City of Northampton Hampshire County,” by Almer Huntley, Jr. & Associates, Inc., dated March 4, 1999, revised March 25, 1999, and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Plan Book 187, Page 116. WHEREAS, in order to complete the layout of Avis Circle, the City Council must authorize the acquisition of easements over the way. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, The City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition by purchase, gift, eminent domain, or otherwise of easements over that parcel of land shown as “Avis Circle” on a plan entitled “The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Street Acceptance Plan of Avis Circle Prepared for the City of Northampton Hampshire County,” by Almer Huntley, Jr. & Associates, Inc. dated March 4, 1999, revised March 25, 1999, and recorded in the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds Plan Book 187, Page 116. No appropriation is needed for this acquisition.