18.084 Order to Reprogram NPS Generator $24,000 to Leeds Parking Lot Paving Phase IICity of Northampton Massachusetts _________ In City Council April 19, 2018 Upon recommendation of the Mayor O-18.084 An Order to Reprogram NPS Generator $24,000 to Leeds Parking Lot Paving Phase II Ordered, that the $24,000 appropriated in January of 2013, for the purchase of a generator for Northampton Public Schools, be reprogrammed and added to the $140,000 appropriated in March of 2018 for Phase II of the Leeds Elementary School Parking Lot reconstruction. Phase II includes the main entrance, bus loop, access road and rear section of the parking lot leading to the cafeteria. In City Council April 19, 2018 Passed First Reading on a Roll Call Vote of 7 Yes, 0 No, 2 Absent (O’Donnell, Bidwell) Attest:_______________________________________, City Clerk In City Council May 3, 2018 Passed Second Reading on a Roll Call Vote of 9 Yes, 0 No Attest: ______________________________________, City Clerk Approved: David J. Narkewicz, Mayor Rules Suspended, passed two readings and enrolled I hereby certify that the above Order passed the Northampton City Council on May 3, 2018 David J. Narkewicz, Mayor, approved the Order on May 4, 2018 Attest: _______________________________________, City Clerk