32C-067 (41) ,Nortkamptof Redevelopmeft Authority MEMORANDUM TO: Marcia FR oM: Walter J. Murphy SUBJECT: CARD District extension (Conz & Maple) DATE: November 25, 1980 FILE: Personally, I don't have any difficulty with the attached request. This seems to be an acceptable extension of the district bounding as it does on the periphery of the public parking area. Apparently it is the intent of the proposer to include housing in this development therefore Mass. law mandates that the M.I.F.A. application commence at the Boston level not here with the N.I.D.F.A. ' L l / Walt WctU • MAPLEWOOD DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 25 KEYES STREET FLORENCE MASSACHUSETTS FILED Mayor Musante City Hall pO4 2, 5198° Main Street Northampton, Mass. i4AYOR`5 OFFICt Dear Mayor Musante : Over the past eighteen months I have been renovating three old buildings and constructing two new structures at the corner of Conz Street and Maple Avenue. I plan to continue this process and recently while enquiring about further financing was informed about the Northampton C.A.R.D. program, which looks very interesting and could be very helpful to me in implementing my future plans. However, my project is located just outside the present C.A.R.D. boundary, and therefore I cannot proceed with an M.I.F.A. application at this time. I would like to request that my property (Assessor' s Plan 32-c-67,68,69) be considered for inclusion in the Northampton C.A.RCDC District. I feel that the renovations performed to date are an asset to the community, the architectural style fits well with this area of downtown, and that my future plans will interphase appropriately with the overall philosophy of the M.I.F.A. and C.A.R.D. program. For the immediate future I plan to continue renovations, and then early in 1981 to construct an addition to the building on parcel 32-c-69. This addition will provide about 5000 square feet of commercial space and provide housing for about twelve families. I expect to continue the same architectural theme as developed in the front buildings. I would appreciate your attention to my proposal and will happily provide:..any information you or your staff may need to consider my request. �\C� Sin eye .707iff)05-1) .)4s. k qtA/A:4), Novena er 21F • t,".9) '5 A ,r- .7-47/A7Alfilrr) i baPN 711-610r2 IF-T4E 1 2 61980 DEPT.OF BUILDING INSPECT. NORTHAMPTON, Mt.0'. r ,, Oorthampton Redevelopment Authority Northampton Industrial Park City Hall • Northampton, Mass. 01060 • (413) 586-1045 December 15, 1980 • Susan Taymor-Luria Mass. Industrial Finance Agency 131 State Street, Suite 600 Boston, Mass. 02109 Dear Susan: During prior telephone conversations, we had discussed the forthcoming application of David Clark for consideration of eligibility to use the Mass. Industrial Revenue Bond Financing Plan in an extended CARD district. The Clark property is contiguous to the existing Downtown District and he has made contact with the Office of Planning and Development relative to boundary extension process. Gene Bunnell, Director of that department will work with him on the area qualification process. My past talks with you concerned mixed commercial/residential building eligibility in light of your August 8, 1980 memorandum point #1 "The project must involve the rehabilitation of one or more existing structures." This proposal does include such rehabilitation and in addition includes a significant a ei tion. Again, per your suggestion, I have obtained a sketch of the improvements for your early review. Thank you for your exceptional cooperation on this and other previous inquiries. Personal holiday wishes to you and Bob Patterson. ram- 1 Walter J. by enc. (1) cc. Gene Bunnell adz 67604 • - - ------.. y- 111(1 plc aNl..tltl�. \ !""1 [..1 • • r) :(:-.C*1 ' ,/. . • . -.-'' 0. - _ ., ‘ ' t. 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