Playground for All - DC Support Letter.pdfDisability Commission • City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA 01060 Disability Commission website April 2, 2024 Sarah LaValley Community Preservation Committee Planning and Sustainability City Hall 210 Main Street, Room 11 Northampton, MA 01060 Dear Ms. LaValley, This is a letter in support of the project, ‘A Playground for All,’ receiving financial backing from the Community Preservation Act funds. For too long, people with disabilities have been left out of everyday life. All children should be able to play and a playground is not only a quintessential place to play as a child, but occupies an outsized role in children’s lives. It is often a hub and a gathering spot during the school day as well as outside of school hours with families. If Northampton is able to provide a playground that allows for all children to play with and alongside one another, regardless of abilities, then we should do so. I (and we) heartily support this endeavor! Sincerely, _________________________________ Amy Sugihara Chair, Northampton Disability Commission DocuSign Envelope ID: BC732A34-4B6D-4926-B944-B9B4EF3CDF0C 4/2/2024 | 10:21 AM EDT