Pro-Brush Vistron CorporationSEAN M. DUNPHY MAYOR Mr, Charles Dauchy Conservation Officer Memorial Hall Northampton Massachusetts 01060 Dear Mr, Dauchy: I acknowledge receipt of your letter relative to the dam area south of Pine Street owned by Pro Brush. I have met with Mr. Stahlberg and Mr. Gaudry concer- ning this matter and the Recreation Commission dealt for- mally with a similar offer by Pro -Brush in 1974. (See copies of letters enclosed.) It would be pleasing to have the Conservation Commis- sion coordinate its activities with this office and other city agencies. I would be pleased to discuss the proposal further with you and members of the Conservation Commission. SMD:lj enc (4) CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS October 6, 1975 7 Your. ,truly, can M. Dunphy 584 -2264 584-2265 VISTRON CORPORATION Sean M. Dunphy, Mayor City of Northampton Northampton, Ma. 01060 FLORENCE, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 TEL (413) 584-1780 August 7, 1975 Dear Sean: Both Eric and I appreciate your seeing us on Monday, August 4, on such short notice and also your understanding of the problem that we presented to you. I am sure that you understood our concern over what we feel to be a moral obligation regarding the swimming area. We also appreciate your willingness to have Pat Ryan and Pat Goggins investigate the possible use of the dam for a potential municipal swimming area. As we suggested, we would be willing to give to the City the land that we own surrounding the dam along with the dam itself and would make whatever other concessions that were reasonable along these same lines. If you and other members of the City government should feel it unwise to acquire this property then Eric and I will have to again look at our responsibilities to determine the feasibility of removing the dam. Again, I personally want to thank you for seeing us on such short notice and for your complete understanding on this matter. CAG /r cc: Eric Stahlberg Very tr ly yours, Charles A. Gaudry Personnel Director CONSERVATION COMMISSION Richard Carnes, Chairman 277 Audubon Road Leeds, Mass. 01053 Mayor Sean M. Dunphy City Hall Northampton, Massa 01060 c We await. your recommendation. City Councilors Recreation Commission Charles Gaudry CITY OF NORTHAMPTON MASSACHUSETTS Charles H. Dauchy Conservation Planner Northampton Planning Dept. 210 Main Street Northampton, Mass. 01060 Dear Mayor Dunphy: Charles Gaudry, of the Pro -Brush Division of Vistron Corp. has informed the Conservation Commission that Pro -Brush has no further use for the dam on the Mill River, south of the Pine St. Bridge, and that they are considering alternatives for disposition of the dam. The Commission notes that the dam and its impoundment aestheticlly enhance the Mill.River Green Belt and have the potential to accomodate future growth in demand for swimming areas. On the other hand, the dam is an impedement to the natural flow of the river and would be a periodic mainten- ance expense. The enclosed letter from Mr. Gaudry estimates the cost of maintenance at $1000, to $1500, recurring every 10 to 15 years. The Conservation Commission. is interested in pursuing Mr. Gaudry's informal offer of a gift of the dam to the city, particularly to keep open the. option of future recreational use. The Commission could retain management•respon_sibility for the area until such time as the Recreation Department might need the area for an expanded program. However, the Commission first asks the City Council's opinion on the possible acceptance of such a responsibility. If the Council recommends against acceptance of such a gift, the Commission will advise Mr. Gaudry that it is not interested so that he may pursue alternative plans. Sincerely, Char es H. Da chy Conservation Planner VSTRON VISTRON CORPORATION Mr. Charles H. Dauchy Conservation Planner, City of Northampton Memorial Hall Northampton, Ma. 01060 Dear Mr. Dauchy: CAG /r Charles A. Gaudry Personnel Director FLORENCE, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 TEL (413) 584 -1780 September 25, 1975 In reply to our telephone conversation of today, it is my best recollection that in the approximately twenty -five years that I have been employed by Pro Brush Division of Vistron Corporation, we have expended a total of $500.00 in maintenance and work on the dam across the Mill.River. This expense occurred some twelve to fifteen years ago and involved the removal of the silt from behind the dam and doing some pointing up on the stone work on the face of the dam. We recently lowered the water on the dam to inspect it and found that we have a similar expense facing us in the next year. The expense again involves the removal of the silt which has built up behind the dam and some pointing up. It is my estimate that this perhaps.will cost us from $1,000. to $1,500. I think it is safe to assume that the owner of this dam can reasonably expect comparable expenses every ten to fifteen years. Very truly yours, VISTRON VISTRON CORPORATION Northampton Conservation Commission Memorial Hall Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 Gentlemen: FLORENCE, MASSACHUSETTS 01060 TEL (413) 584 -1780 September 9, 1975 Pro Brush Division of the Vistron Corporation is planning to petition the Waterways Division of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for permission to remove the dam across the Mill River on its property off Pine Street in Florence, Massachusetts. We feel it is only proper to advise your commission of our intent prior to our petition to determine whether or not your group has any objections to this action. It is our intent to remove the dam completely and to return the Mill River to its original and natural state. The most convenient time for us to do this work is during September when the river is at its lowest normal flow so a prompt reply is requested. Should you feel it advisable I will gladly attend your next committee meeting and discuss this matter with you or if you prefer, I could arrange to meet with committee members at the site. CAG /r Very truly your Charles A. Gaudry Personnel Director December 24, 1974 Or. Charles Gaudry k?ersonnel Manager -41'o Brush- Vistron Florence, FA 01 060 Dear •Chariie, At the last two meetings of the Nthampton "s-fecreat1 on Commission we have discussed at lengn your com- pany's offer of a donation of th.;: "HIM and .',;am located between Florence Road and Pine t to thft City of Northampton. The Commission has been concerned ith .the uses of the Land and the liability that will. have to be assumed by the city. In checking with the Board of. Health we found that if the city was to acquire the land for ;nunici•ral use we would be obligated to not only provide supervision of the area but also build a bathhouse and. rest room fe.- ailities -to meet state requirements. :For.m nicipal, use the land must be considered as .a. "Bat%Zing T mach" Fart'% not! merely a neighborhood swimming hole. Thus, it appears that the city cannot accept- this land, at this time, because of the rigid state requirements that :oust be met to make it suitable for rc-•;•oreatione L purposes. It is not often that we get offers for the aonation of land and it is .very difficult to refuse the,;, when we do. However, it appears in this case that the .potential uses of the land would, not offset the expense that would have to be borne by,',the city to make the area suitable for recreational use.. On behalf of the Recreation Commission thans. k_ you and your company for the generous offer.: Best wishes for the New Year. i.� Mr. Charles Gaudry _2 ;December 24, 1974 Sincerely, Patriek M. Goggins Director of Recreation PMG /av