2008-01-15 TPC MinutesTRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMISSION City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 -3199 (413) 587 -1249 Fax: (413) 587 -1275 MINUTES January 15, 2008 Bill Letendre opened the meeting at 4:07 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Wallace J. Pulchaski Municipal Building. Members present Russell Sienkiewicz, Maureen Carney (arrived at 4:1 1pm), Leslie Stein, David Narkewicz, William Letendre, James Lowenthal, Wayne Feiden, David Reckhow (arrived at 4:09pm) and Ned Huntley Members absent Keith Wilson and Paul Sustick. 1. Public Comment Kathy Sergeant, 115 Island Road — Stated that she had some questions regarding Island Road and wasn't sure when it was going to be discussed today. Bill Letendre stated that Island Road would be discussed under item number three. 2. Minutes of November 20, 2007 Letendre stated that he wanted to address some items that were in the minutes from November 20, 2007 and October 16, 2007. The valet parking at the restaurants at 41 Strong Avenue is no longer an issue, as they haven't had valet parking in over one year. Regarding the Kensington Avenue parking district, he has only sold one pass. There was a brief discussion over Kensington Avenue. Stein moved to approve the minutes of November 20, 2007. Lowenthal seconded. The vote passed unanimously (7 -0). Narkewicz and Carney abstained because they have not officially been appointed to TPC yet. 3. Proposed Ordinances ■ Island Road No Parking and Tow Away Zones (4) [referred from City Council on 11/15/07, carried over into the new City Council on 12/20/07] Letendre stated that Councilors Dostal and Richards introduced the Island Road Ordinances during the last City Council session. Councilor Dostal was present and presented a map of the proposed parking Ordinances. There was a discussion over the map with the proposed parking Ordinances. Upon questioning Dostal stated that there was a collision with the Fire Department's ladder truck and it got stuck on Island Road because vehicles were parked on the side of the road. The accident started discussion over what would happen if there was a fire at the marina. After the accident a demonstration was done with neighbors present to determine if there was enough clearance for the ladder truck if vehicles were parked on the street. There was a discussion on whether this is addressing the ongoing traffic issues in the neighborhood. It was stated that these Ordinances are being brought forward from a public safety standpoint and does not address the traffic. There was a discussion over the soccer clubs and what steps are being taken to improve traffic on their end. Dostal stated that the Soccer clubs agreed to develop a parking lot on the paper company's property and have kids car pool in to the fields. They are staggering starting times on games so everyone doesn't leave at the same time and he hasn't heard that there has been a major problem since. Lowenthal stated that if there is no parking on Island Road it would have a safety impact because less cars parked on the street mean people will drive faster. Huntley stated that a small percentile drive above the speed limit. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. Sienkiewicz stated that a radar display sign will be made available from the soccer association. It will be a post mounted solar energized sign that will be used during the soccer seasons. Residents who were present questioned whether they could view the map presented by Councilor Dostal. The map was displayed again so that residents could view it. Letendre opened the discussion to public comment. Phillip Sullivan, 96 Island Road — He has a few copies of letters from residents, see attached. He wanted to give an overview of the situation. Island Road is a small street with less than 18 houses it is a tight neighborhood. The houses are very close to the street and there are no sidewalks. These Ordinances started over the soccer traffic no mater what you say. Once soccer volume started to include western united not just Northampton it got unbearable. Tony Patillo counted 205 cars in one hour. That is absolutely absurd, with no permit from the marina. They now have a temporary permit for the fields. There was a rush by a Councilor to put up an emergency no parking over a holiday weekend. Regarding the fire truck incident the truck cut in a little sharp it was not the swing, we have pictures of another fire truck making the turn. Check the driver's license record from the fire truck driver, I have. Letendre asked Sullivan to stay on the point. Sullivan stated that many of the residents have trimmed their bushes and snow blowed the street to make it wider. Councilor Richards pretty much agreed that there wasn't a problem. Councilor Dostal shouldn't vote on this when it goes to council, he says he volunteered at the marina but I think he worked there. The residents are thinking about obtaining a lawyer on this depending on what ways this goes. We staggered the cars to slow the soccer people down but we don't do that anymore. Fire trucks can get by and we have photos of the truck going through. Tractor - trailers make that turn with cars parked there with no problem. 3 -5 cars use the carpool lot when it is supposed to be 60 cars. Legal speed limit is 25 and there are signs asking for people to drive 20mph and most people do. Location of proposed speed indicator is just before you go into the marina and there are no houses there. It should be right in the middle of the street. This is retaliation and it is sad. Kathv Sergeant, 115 Island Road — A number of us were there the day that the fire truck was there. The South side no parking would be fine because we don't park on that side anyway. She has to agree with Sully that this feels punitive. Has anyone driven down Hawley Street, how will a fire truck get through there? Once we squawk and tangle up parking one time on Island Road, now the parking has to change on our street. One the other hand if the southern side has to be enforced we would all bow to it. The northern side would be a hardship. Katherine Achowski, 99 Island Road — Her house falls within the no parking area on the North side and it would really be a hardship for people. She has parking for more than one car at her house but it would be a hardship if she had people over for dinner. She has fallen 4 times this winter on the ice because there are no sidewalks. She can't imagine people walking very far on Island Road to visit someone. Laura Mele, 115 Island Road - If the North side restriction is made it will bump up where cars park now. There are tenants that live on both sides and it will cause more of a problem Sullivan — The Packaging Corporation has allowed people to unofficially park across the street. It takes additional cars off the street and we do get our cars off of the road. There was a brief discussion on the width of the road compared to other Streets in Northampton and what is required for emergency vehicles. Sienkiewicz stated that 15 feet is what is enforced for emergency vehicles for widths on Streets. Huntley stated that he believed that Island Road is 18 feet and the street layout is 25 feet. The discussion on widths of Streets continued. There was a discussion over what vote could be taken on these Ordinances. Feiden moved to recommend to the Council the adoption of the two no parking and tow zones ordinances on the South side of Island Road and table the North side ordinances indefinitely. Huntley Seconded. Sienkiewicz stated that he would support it if he had a more detailed drawing showing the 15 feet clearance around the curve. If doing one side would provide the clearance than he would suport it. We are also looking at an Ordinance that was sponsored by Dostal and the ward councilor at the time. He would be interested in hearing from the current ward councilor on how he feels. Bob Reckman stated that he was there when the Fire Department came down to do a demonstration. He agrees that one side should be eliminated but also wishes there was a better drawing to show no parking on one side. Narkewicz stated that he is not participating in today's meeting because he has not officially been appointed yet. But he wanted to add that you could only opt to send forward the two ordinances for the North side and hold the other two to get more information because these are four individual ordinances. There was continued discussion on the motion. Feiden moved to withdraw his motion. Reckhow moved to table discussion until the February meeting. Sienkiewicz seconded. The vote passed unanimously (7 -0). Dostal stated that for the record he was never an employee of the oxbow marina, he was a volunteer to help the soccer people mow the grass on the fields. Huntley stepped out. 4. Downtown Taxi Stand(s) Request Harriet Rogers was present on behalf of Cool Rides taxi service. She stated that the taxi is having trouble safely unloading on the street during the winter. And they need someplace where they can safely pull over and be guaranteed a space. They transport many people who are disabled. So this is partly a safety issue and partly so people know where they can go to get a taxi. She is requesting three parking spaces throughout town, one on upper Main Street, one on middle Main Street and one on lower Main Street. She also questioned whether there is somewhere people can go to get centralized information about transportation specifically for people who can't afford taxis and maybe are not on the bus route. There was a brief discussion on where to send people for information. Letendre stated that the way the current Ordinance is written a taxi can come to his office and get a permit and it will allow them to park in any city spot for 1 hour. What Harriet is looking for is three designated spots on Main Street just for taxis. Harriet stated that she would recommend putting them near bus stops if possible. Huntley returned. There was a lengthy discussion about taxi stands and whether the taxis can share the bus stops and what signage would be needed. The Commission agreed to research this issue and continue it until the next meeting. 5. Parking zones on Round Hill Road Letendre stated that Clarke school is going through some changes, they sold one of their buildings and there are new residences being built. There are 3 new curb cuts on Round Hill Road and there is parking on both sides of the street. The no parking that is posted is on Crescent Street and ends before the new curb cuts. The intent is to extend the no parking zone beyond the new curb cuts to the swimming pool. This request originated from people living at the Yale house. There was never a problem on this street until the new construction. The area of concern is the South side of the road. Sienkiewicz stated that these types of complaints generally come forward from the ward councilor or is citizen driven. He is wondering who is bringing forward this complaint. Letendre stated that he has received calls and the permanent solution is to extend the no parking zone another 150 feet. Feiden requested that this be put on hold and that a proposal is submitted for further discussion. Item continued. 6. Continued: PVPC Florence Road Traffic Study Discussion Huntley stated that he wasn't at the last November meeting. The DPW has started working on signage and has put some handicap ramps out there and cut back some brush. They lost the painting season but had a pretty rounded discussion on the PVPC recommendations. Florence Road and Ryan Road met the warrants for a 3 -way stop but everyone felt it would be a disaster. 7. Proiect Updates: Look Park Roundabout, Earle Street, Bicycle Trails and Lanes, Sidewalks, Draft Traffic Calming Program, etc. Huntley stated that the Look Park roundabout is almost ready to submit the 75% plans and is on a 2010 construction schedule. Mass Highway wants to make sure anything that is done will have a 20 -year life cycle. Earle street bids have been opened but the contract hasn't been signed, project should start in the spring. Rte 66 has been awarded to Palmer Paving and work should commence shortly. 5 year temp easements will run out and have to be awarded again. Feiden stated that the rail trial from Florence Road to Ice Pond is mostly complete. Construction on the Earle Street to Grove Street to Roundhouse lot should start in February and should be done this calendar year. The Downtown rail trail bid opening was supposed to be at noon today but he doesn't have an update from it. The Nonotuck rail trail to Look Park, Florence Street or Grove Avenue will go out to bid in July, August or September. Huntley stated that the priority listing for sidewalks might need some land takings and could be delayed on North Elm Street. The Traffic Calming program is back at this Department. The DPW interviewed a woman who is graduating this spring but she is going into the private sector, another woman from Arlington, VA submitted an application and we are setting up a telephone interview with her. Only two people with experience applied for the Traffic Engineer position and he doesn't want to be a training ground. So he is requesting that we wait another month on the Traffic Calming program. 8. Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee Update Feiden stated that the committee discussed bike paths, bike lanes and the Traffic Calming program. 9. Public Transit Committee Update Stein stated that PVTA received our request and has said that whenever there are new funds we will be first to receive a new route, see attached letter. New bus shelters were put up and they only place they were not successful was Florence Center. The bus shelter that was proposed to go up was on private property and the owner did not want a bus shelter on his property. So we need to move the bus stop and put up a shelter. We are ready to go and take one parking space. We will need an Ordinance and we need a sign and two spaces in front of Cup and Top. There was a brief discussion about the location of a bus stop in Florence and whether someone was going to talk to the Florence Civic and Business Association first. This item will be brought back to commission. 10. Department Head Updates Feiden stated that the Elm Street Historical District Commission is working on new standards that would include the public right of way. This is just being given as a heads up. 11. 2008 Commission Goals This Commission agreed to wait and discuss this when a new chair of commission is chosen. 12. New Business Sienkiewicz stated that the first increase in traffic accidents in 9 years occurred in 2007. As of January 8 we have had 84 accidents because of the snow. Numbers are up but skewed by bad weather and impatience. There was a discussion over the February meeting date. The Commission agreed to change the meeting date to February 26. 13. Adiourn Sienkiewicz moved to adjourn at 6:O1pm. Reckhow seconded. The vote passed unanimously (7 -0).