2009-05-19 TPC MinutesTRANSPORTATION AND PARKING COMMISSION City of Northampton MAY 19, 2009 City Hall, 210 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 -3199 (413) 587 -1249 Fax: (413) 587 -1275 Councilor David Narkewicz opened the meeting at 4:02 p.m. in City Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA. Members present: David Narkewicz, Maureen Carney (4:10 p.m.), Ned Huntley, William Letendre, Russell Sienkiewicz, Wayne Feiden, Kenneth Jodrie, Gary Hartwell, Leslie Stein, James Lowenthal, Paul Sustick (left at 5:00 p.m.) Also present: Laura Hanson, Asst. Civil Engineer, Northampton DPW Members absent: None 1. Public Comment - Peter Lefcort, 26 Crescent — Concerned about State Street school zone. He would like to see signs warning of school zone. There are 5,000- 10,000 cars daily. Chief Sienkiewicz answered that there would be school zone signs under Ordinance. The Ordinance includes college, Montessori school, Church day school and Smith Campus. 2. Minutes of April 21, 2009 — William Letendre moved approval of minutes of April 21, 2009; Ned Huntley seconded. Leslie Stein had corrections to Page 3. William Letendre moved approval, as amended, of minutes of April 21, 2009; Ned Huntley seconded. The vote passed on a vote of 10 Yes, 1 Abstention (Chief Sienkiewicz abstaining). Preliminary Evaluation: Montview Ave. Neighborhood Traffic Calming Application (TCA #5): Lola Reid, 55 Williams Street, was present to explain the application. Many cars use Montview Ave. as a shortcut through downtown to save time, but are also speeding. Residents are concerned and anxious to have something done. Neighbors have been meeting for almost 2 years regarding this. Some special suggestions include 1) Paint the bridge, 2) Planting trees, and 3) Parking cars differently. Mac Everett, 40 Valley Street also spoke regarding the application. This intersection is a 6 -way near Town Farm Road. The crosswalks need painting. He is also concerned about the area of Hockanum Road near Meadows. Lisa DePiano, 38 Henry Street is also concerned about the speeding activity. Donna Saloom, 83 Pomeroy spoke about speeding on Fridays and Saturday nights on Williams Street. Wayne Feiden spoke of possible use of mitigation funds. There is $10,014 available, and could be used for 1 or 2 small projects such as these. William Letendre stated that existing parking Ordinances can help slow down traffic. Laura Hanson stated she applauds the efforts of this neighborhood coming together. PVPC may also be required to help. Wayne Feiden stated that the goal of bridge painting may not be obvious, but would be easy. Lola Reid stated that more cars go up Holyoke Street and down Pleasant to cut through. James Lowenthal stated that it may not be feasible to use small funds for a treatment for Traffic Calming as the application needs points for leverage. Mac Everett stated that the pedestrian crosswalk is shovel - ready. If the DPW has no money to paint, it is very dangerous. Lola Reid asked if this part of the neighborhood is State Highway? Ned Huntley answered that 130 -170 feet past Holyoke Street is State Highway. Lola Reid stated this is a serious concern for the neighborhood. Upon further discussion, Wayne Feiden stated that the first step is traffic counts. James Lowenthal moved to recommend the Montview Ave. Traffic Calming Application (TCA #5) to the Department of Public Works; William Letendre seconded. The vote passed unanimously (11 -0). 4. Fitzwilly's Alley — This item was taken out of order. Wayne Feiden explained that this is the alley way between Fitzwilly's and the parking lot. The City owns the right of way. An Order would allow the owner of the building to install a new door and staircase. The stairway will not affect pedestrians. James Lowenthal moved that the Transportation and Parking Commission endorse and adopt this Order; Councilor Maureen Carney seconded. The vote passed unanimously (11 -0). 5. Ordinance Change Proposal —Raising parking ticket fines from $10 to $15. William Letendre explained that ticket revenue has gone down. It has been ten years since this fine was raised. All revenue goes to the General Fund. Chief Sienkiewicz moved to forward the Ordinance to City Council (will be referred to Ordinance Committee and Committee on Economic Development, Housing and Land Use); William Letendre seconded. The vote passed unanimously (11 -0). 6. DPW Transportation Engineering Updates (Updates by Laura Hanson) • Jackson Street School SRTS Update — First Reading on the Takings was on May 7, 2009 at City Council. A Board of Public Works public hearing had 15 residents in attendance. • Elm Street Crosswalk Safety Study by Smith College — Final report (attached) • Traffic counts for corridor from Florence Center to Northampton Center — DPW has two traffic counters out now; PVPC has four traffic counters out. The review process is 3 -4 months. • DPW Projects — 1. Hatfield Street sidewalk bid awarded to Craydus Construction 2. Look Park Roundabout — City Council readings May 7, 2009 and May 21, 2009. Bid schedules for June 6, 2009. • Street Smart Sign Installation & Pedestrian Study by UMASS- Update — The signs were installed today. (Photos attached) Another pedestrian study by UMass will be done next Friday and in Fall 2009. Northampton is the pilot study on these signs; the company hopes for positive data for their marketing. • TCR #1 —Bay State Association- This is near completion and can be brought to the Commission for presentation in June. 7. Reschedule June meeting due to Special Election June 16, 2009- Chairman Narkewicz asks all members to vote by Doodle online for June 9 or June 23 meeting date. 8. Committee /Department Reports — Police Department — Chief Sienkiewicz reported that his budget is down to 9 layoffs, or 3 per shift. This allows for four 1 -man patrol cars. This is a big hit for his department. Planning Department — Wayne Feiden reported that the downtown rail trail section should be done by September 2009. The Leeds section is a year ahead and should be done by November or December 2009. The Manhan Rail Trail work should be out to bid by June 13, 2009. Department of Public Works — Ned Huntley reported that, due to budget cuts, the department will reduce hours by 3 hours per week. Chief Sienkiewicz added that the Police will have a 10% pay cut due to the Quinn Bill; officers are not allowed outside jobs. This greatly affects earning potential. 9. New Business - James Lowenthal suggests the Transportation & Parking Commission write a letter of support for the Amtrak rerouting through Northampton. It would be a boon for Northampton. He would be glad to draft the letter. Chief Sienkiewicz moved to approve the Transportation & Parking Commission endorse the Amtrak rerouting through Northampton; James Lowenthal seconded. The vote passed unanimously (10 -0). At 5:45 p.m., Chief Sienkiewicz moved to adjourn and Maureen Carney seconded. The vote passed unanimously (10 -0). Next Meeting June 23, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. (Added May 27,2009) Respectfully submitted, Mary L. Midura Executive Secretary