2010 Planning Board minutes
FOR Thursday January 14, 2010
CONSERVATION COMMISSION in the Hearing Room 18, City Hall 210 Main Street,
Northampton, MA for a public hearing:
5:00 PM
Coca Cola North America for a Notice of Intent for buffer zone work for site work at
45 Industrial Dr., Map ID 25A-185.
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers,
Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA:
5:30 P.M.
Guy Pettit for a finding to expand commercial use at 45-47 Maple St, Florence, Map
Id 23A-56.
PLANNING BOARD in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main
Street, Northampton, MA for public hearings:
7:00 P.M. Continuations:
John Averill at 118 Nonotuck St for site plan to add a second curb cut to a lot.
Oxbow/Northampton Soccer Club Island Road
Theapplicant has requested a withdrawal (without prejudice)
7:30 P.M.
Coca Cola North America for Site Plan Approval for a 13,000 +- sf expansion and
special permit amendment for reduction in parking at 45 Industrial Dr., Map ID 25A-185.
Minutes- 12-10
Request for covenant release- Oaks
See also www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Publish: Dec 31 , 2009 and Jan 7, 2010
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
January 14, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Kenneth Jodrie
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:05 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the continuation of John Averill’s driveway application on
Nonotuck Street.
Averill submitted the memo from Fire Chief and letter of support from an abutter.
Mark Sullivan described issues from last meeting and noted that the applicant had responded to
Board discussed site conditions and zoning requirements.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Board discussed possible conditions
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously
to approve curb cut with condition related to closing access from existing common driveway on
abutting property.
Katharine Baker handed out press release on presentation by Northampton Design Forum on
form-based zoning.
Stephen Gilson provided information about ZRC forum on the 24 at JFK.
Stephen Gilson gave an update on Zoning Revisions Committee.
Stephen Gilson reminded board of Subcommittee Appointments and the need to evaluate in
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
appoint Katharine Baker to tree committee to replace Ken Jodrie.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously
to approve Minutes 1-14.
8:45 adjourn
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Carolyn Misch
APPROVED: Wayne Feiden
RE: Jan 14, 2010 Planning Board Meeting
DATE: Jan 7, 2010
1. Site Plan Approval: Second Curb Cut (CONTINUED FROM 11-12)
Project Address: 118 Nonotuck
Zoning URB
Adjacent Uses: Residential
The applicant was asked to provide additional information about the rights or lack thereof to use the
existing common driveway. He was also asked to seek information from the Fire Department about
safety issues regarding the existing and proposed driveway access.
He was also asked to confirm the status of use of the existing common driveway and will bring that
information to the meeting next week.
Current use of common drive serving six units is not legally granted to the applicant so he is
required to vacate his use.
If the site were subdivided through ANR (automatically allowed for lots with two structures), a
driveway curb cut would be granted by Department of Public Works for the newly created lot.
Applicant does not believe it is feasible to create a shared driveway for the two structures due to
the number of vehicles applicant keeps on site.
The sidewalk is located on the opposite side of Nonotuck from this parcel and therefore a new
curb cut would have no effect on pedestrian safety.
Staff Recommendation
The Board must determine that a second curb cut will improve safety in order to grant the permit.
Applicant does not apparently have rights to the use of the existing common driveway and the Fire
department has stated that it would be safer to have a separate access to the 2 family. Though staff
believes it is feasible to create a separate/private access coming from the existing curb cut, overall it
appears that safety would be improved by eliminating vehicle use from the non-conforming common
2. Special Permit Amendment: Soccer Fields (continued from Sept)
Project Address: Island Rd
Zoning SC
Adjacent Uses: Residential
The applicant has requested a withdrawal.
Staff Recommendation
: Approve withdrawal without prejudice.
3. Site Plan& Special Permit: 13,000 -+ Sf addition to Coke
Project Address: Industrial Drive
Zoning GI
Adjacent Uses: Industrial/Institutional
Coke is seeking site plan approval for an addition over existing impervious surface. They previously had
a special permit for the reduction in parking more than 20%. That would have to be amended to request
an additional reduction of 13 spaces for the new 13,000 sf addition.
Based on information from the tenant, no new parking spaces are necessary to accommodate the
Typically, the Board and the zoning requires sidewalk improvements on each property to address on-site
traffic/pedestrian issues. Given that the Industrial Park sidewalk is on the opposite side of the street from
the site, the applicant has proposed to construct the sidewalk along that side for the same length that
would have been required on its side of the site. There are no off-site traffic mitigation measures required
for industrial zones.
Staff has no issues with the parking reduction nor the site plan.
Note: the applicant also needs approval from Conservation Commission for installation of the berm.
Staff Recommendation:
If Department of Public Works has reviewed and issued a stormwater permit,
then grant permit with the following conditions:
1. Wallpacks used shall not exceed 5 footcandles.
2. Prior to issuance of a final certificate of occupancy, the sidewalk shall be installed along the
opposite side of Industrial Drive as shown on the plans.
Planning Board Agenda
FOR Thursday January 28, 2010
There are no public hearings. Planning Board will have an informal planning discussion related
to Sustainable Northampton Implementation
7:00 PM
Site Plan and Special Permit Changes
Subdivision regulations relating to solar access
Zoning Revisions Update
Subcommittee Appointments
Minutes 1-14
See also www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Publish: Jan 14, 2010 and Jan 21, 2010
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
January 28, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Kenneth Jodrie
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with possible changes to site plan and special
Board discussed ways to address the issues including the elimination of special permits for many
uses. Board discussed focusing on the site plan section to specify criteria for site plans. Have
either special permit or by right.
Discussed options of:
Eliminating separate site plans from special permits.
Identifying areas where 2 boards are involved in review.
Changing special permit and site plan approval criteria to be more specific and clear.
Change the number of uses that require Planning Board special permits and/or
Removing order in which permits must be sought. If special permit than covers site plan
no additional site plan.
Next Meeting would focus on the list of uses that currently require special permits
Board discussed subdivision regulations relating to solar access and whether it should also
include generally provisions for alternative energy?
Board determine that street tree changes should not be made and the list of trees should be taken
from list developed by the tree committee.
Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
approve minutes from Dec 10.
7:30 P.M.
Stephen Gilson openedCoca Cola North America for Site Plan Approval for a 13,000
+- sf expansion and special permit amendment for reduction in parking at 45 Industrial Dr., Map
ID 25A-185.
The project team was introduced. Troy Sandlin, Hixon Engineers , described details of the
Board discussed traffic, noise considerations.
Applicant described project relative to impacts and existing conditions nationwide.
No public comment was taken. Staff noted the letter of support from Wright Builders.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Board discussed conditions relating to lighting, concrete sidewalks and map distribution.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously
to approve site plan and special permit for parking reduction.
8:40 PM
Stephen Gilson opened the continuation of the Oxbow/Soccer Permit Amendment. He noted the
request for withdrawal by the applicant.
George Kohout brought up issue of fall traffic count and asked if it had been submitted as
Staff indicated that it had not been received.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted unanimously
to accept withdrawal without prejudice.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie the Board voted unanimously to
approve lot sale covenant release.
8:50PM adjourn
FOR Thursday February 11, 2010
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a continuation of a public hearing in
Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA:
5:30 P.M.
Guy Pettit for a finding to expand commercial use at 45-47 Maple St, Florence, Map
Id 23A-56.
PLANNING BOARD in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main
Street, Northampton, MA for general discussion:
7:00 PM
Further discussion on site plan and special permit changes.
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
February 11, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with discussion of the changes to special permits.
Board went through the table of uses reviewing instances where special permits are required and
made suggestions for changes.
9:00 Mark Sullivan moved to adjourn Francis Johnson second.
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
February 25, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with discussion of the ZRC schedule and revised
date for public forum.
Discussed Planning Board schedule for March 11
Board determined that it would not be appropriate to discuss the Hill & Dale project outside a
public hearing and asked staff to direct applicant to apply first.
Board continued discussion about changes to special permit in the table.
8:45 Mark Sullivan moved to adjourn Francis Johnson second.
FOR Thursday February 25, 2010
PLANNING BOARD in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main
Street, Northampton, MA for general discussion:
7:00 PM
Further discussion on site plan and special permit changes.
Other Business:
ZRC Forum follow up
FOR Thursday March 11, 2010
CONSERVATION COMMISSION in the Hearing Room 18, City Hall 210 Main Street,
Northampton, MA for a public meeting:
5:00 PM
Samuel Crescione/Clear Falls, request for extension of an Order of Conditions at 48
Drury Lane, Map ID 48-8.
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers,
Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA:
5:30 P.M.
Northampton Area Pediatrics for a Finding to expand medical use at 193 Locust St,
Florence, Map Id 23B-11.
PLANNING BOARD in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main
Street, Northampton, MA for general discussion:
7:00 PM
Discussion and recommendation on ordinance amendment to eliminate fee for citizen-initiated
zoning ordinance amendments.
Further discussion on site plan and special permit changes/zoning ordinance format.
Minutes 2-11, 2-25
See also www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Publish: Feb 25 and March 4, 2010
Account# 71350
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
March 11, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with review of upcoming agendas.
Subcommittee assignment for next time.
George Kohout asked for volunteer for CPA
Stephen Gilson opened the discussion of the petition to eliminate the fee for citizen initiated
zoning ordinance amendments.
Mimi Odgers Glendale Road stated that they were behind the petition. She stated her concern
about the fee rate.
George Kohout suggested that the fee could be reduced.
The Board discussed alternatives.
Stephen Gilson asked who would be in favor of maintaining the language as proposed.
The Board discussed ways in which it could be made better and suggestions for recommendation
to City Council.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously
to recommend the following statement to Council:
The Board is not in favor of the ordinance change as written. However to facilitate citizen
petition process and based on facts that $1,000 reflects the true cost to the City for performing
modification of ordinances, Planning Board recommends City consider options such as including
a sliding fee be based on a number of signatures be implemented.
AND recommends that language clarified to indicate that citizens can petition any councilor, or
department for no fee at all.
8:05 Board discussed options for King Street and reviewed handouts.
Minutes of Feb 25 discussed with a notation to delete reference to Ken Jodrie. Board
unanimously approved minutes for Feb 11 and 25 with changes.
9:25 adjourn
FOR Thursday March 25, 2010
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers,
Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA:
5:30 P.M.
Gleason’s Landscaping for a Finding to expand a pre-existing non-conforming
business use at 383 Westhampton Rd, Florence, Map Id 36-74.
5:45 P.M.
David Teece for an Amendment of an Appeal Decision at 52 Maple St, Florence,
Map ID 23A-40.
Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA for public
7:00 PM
Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment to prohibit landfills in Water Supply
Protection Districts
PLANNING BOARD in Council Chambers, Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main
Street, Northampton, MA for public hearings:
8:15 PM
City of Northampton Office of Planning and Development for special permit for
reduction of lot size for 209 Spring St, Florence (Bean Parcel), Map Id 16c-25.
8:45 PM
Michael Pietras for a Special Permit for dimensional averaging to create a single
family house lot at 117 Straw Ave, Florence, Map Id 17D-19.
Committee Assignments
See also www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Publish: Mar 11 and March 18, 2010
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
March 25, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room 18, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the joint hearing of Planning Board and City Council
Ordinance Committeeon Proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment to prohibit landfills in Water
Supply Protection Districts
Murphy, Carney, Narkewicz sat as City Council Ordinance Committee.
Stephen Gilson described procedure for hearing.
Wayne Feiden described history of WSP zoning ordinance and current zoning allowances.
Mimi Odgers spoke on behalf of the petitioners of the ordinance amendment. She clarified
original language submitted in the petition.
Adam Cohen, North Street, read an argument for the change by Jendi Reiter refuting outside
legal counsel’s (Bobrowski’s) opinion.
Anne Capra, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission and representing Barnes Aquifer Protection
Committee stated that BAPAC does not support expansion of the landfill.
Joanne Bessette, Sylvester Rd, stated that her interpretation of the proposed language would not
allow expansion of the landfill and argued in support of the ordinance.
Stuart Beckley, City of Easthampton planner asked for clarification on permit path.
Karen Morin 122 Glendale Road, spoke in favor of ordinance.
Bridget Holt, 126 Glendale Rd spoke in support of the ordinance.
Bob Aronson, Sylvester Rd spoke against landfill expansion.
Marianne LaBarge, councilor for Ward 6 asked who was to blame for the DEP waiver and spoke
against the landfill expansion.
Mary Coppola Vernon Street spoke against landfill expansion.
Sheila Townsend, 45 Glendale Rd, spoke in favor of ordinance.
Jeanine Reed N. Main St Florence support ordinance.
Zoe Sischner 46 Chestnut Ave asked for clarification on grandfathering.
Bob Aronson asked for clarification on grandfathering.
Resident of 49 Fort Hill terrace spoke against the landfill expansion.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by Murphy and second by Carney, the Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Board discussed possible recommendations.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Mark Sullivan, the board voted 3-3 to
recognize Ned Huntley for clarification of DEP permit. Failed
Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Francis Johnson, the board voted 3-3 to
recommend ordinance as written (Katharine Baker, Francis Johnson, Mark Sullivan in favor).
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Francis Johnson, the board voted to forward
ordinance with no recommendation.(6-0).
9:15 PM
Stephen Gilson opened the hearing on the request byMichael Pietras for a Special
Permit for dimensional averaging to create a single family house lot at 117 Straw Ave, Florence,
Map Id 17D-19.
Mike Pietras described the project for dimensional averaging for zero lot line single family
The Board discussed conditions relating to planting trees, traffic mitigation and sidewalk
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to
approve with conditions.
9:40 PM
Stephen Gilson opened the request by City of Northampton Office of Planning and
Development for special permit for reduction of lot size for 209 Spring St, Florence (Bean
Parcel), Map Id 16c-25.
Wayne Feiden described background and application with slide show.
Board discussed a condition that no more than one curb cut be allowed to access the parcel.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously to
approve permit with condition.
Minutes 1-28-10, 3-11-10 approved unanimously with minor changes.
10:05 adjourn
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Carolyn Misch
APPROVED: Wayne Feiden
RE: Mar 25, 2010 Planning Board Meeting
DATE: Mar 18, 2010
1. Joint Hearing with Ordinance Committee: Ordinance Amendment to “Remove exceptions
for sanitary landfills in Water Supply Protection Districts” Section 350-15.4:
Section 350-15.4 currently prohibits landfills, except for “grandfathered” sites that already have DEP site
assignment from DEP. The City Glendale Road property is the only site that is so grandfathered. The proponents of
the proposed ordinance have stated that their intention is to prohibit any landfill expansion.
Outside counsel, zoning expert Mark Bobrowski, ruled that regardless of proposed zoning amendment
1. The current landfill site (landfill and proposed new cell site) is grandfathered and the zoning change would
NOT affect the operations at the landfill nor the option to create a third new cell.
1. IF a landfill expansion reaches certain defined thresholds, a Zoning Board Finding would be required.
2. IF a landfill expansion does not reach these thresholds, no Finding would be required.
3. IF a landfill expansion met Site Plan Approval thresholds, a Site Plan Approval would be required.
4. The landfill, because of its grandfathering, would not require a Special Permit.
(See attached zoning opinion and the background memo from Wayne Feiden requesting the opinion.)
Staff Recommendation:
The existing ordinance is clear that no new landfills are allowed. The proposed ordinance has no affect on the use or
continued use or expansion of the landfill. It would, however, create confusion by denying a grandfathering that
exists under state statute. Therefore, staff suggests that the Board recommend to Council to deny the amendment in
order to avoid confusion about what is allowed.
2. Special Permit: Reduction in dimensions for land dedication
Project Address: Spring Street
Adjacent Uses: Residential
The application is for the reduction in required lot size by 1.1 acres to a total of 33,248 sf acres with a land donation
of 1.1 acres along the Mill River. The required lot size in WSP is 80,000. This enables protection of both farm land
and valuable land along the river. Please see the application.
At its meeting on March 11, the Conservation Commission voted to recommend the application.
350-6.3-C applies:
Land donations; reduction of dimensional and density requirements. The Planning Board may issue a special permit
for a reduction of a required dimensional or density regulation required under § 350-6.2 where such reduction is for
the purposes of donating land that is contiguous and in common ownership with the land for which the reduction is
requested to the City of Northampton, or to other approved tax-exempt conservation organizations, for open
space/conservation purposes. Such special permit may be issued provided that:
(1) Conservation Commission recommendations.
(a) Said special permit application and all supporting documents (conservation restriction, easement plans, etc.) are
forwarded by the Planning Board to the Northampton Conservation Commission for its review and recommendation
relative to:
[1] The value of the resource area being protected and its consistency with the City's Open Space and
Recreation Plan.
[2] The adequacy of the protection of said resource area.
[3] The adequacy of public accessibility to the resource area being protected.
(b) Failure of the Conservation Commission to respond within 30 days of receipt of the special permit application
shall be deemed the Commission's lack of opposition thereto.
(2) The land was donated, with no financial or other consideration, to the City or another nonprofit tax-exempt
conservation organization and was not transferred as a part of an open space residential or PUD development or as a
condition of any other City permit.
(3) If the land is not donated to the Northampton Conservation Commission, such special permit is subject to
obtaining the approval (within nine months of the expiration of the appeal period of the special permit) of a
conservation restriction/public right-of-way easement by the City Council and the Secretary of the Executive Office
of Environmental Affairs that will remain in effect in perpetuity for that property being transferred.
(4) Prior to said donation, the lot conformed to all relevant zoning requirements or was a preexisting nonconforming
(5) That at least 40% (proposed is 41%) of the required lot size and frontage requirement remain as part of the lot
exclusive of the donation, or for a preexisting nonconforming lot, that at least 5,000 square feet of lot area and 40
feet of frontage remain.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve special permit for lot reduction to 33,248+- square feet as shown in the application.
3. Special Permit: Dimensional Averaging for frontage
Project Address: 117 Straw Ave
Zoning URB
Adjacent Uses: Residential
The applicant received a special permit from the Board for a two unit townhouse addition to the existing
lot. Since that time, the applicant has decided that he would like to subdivide the instead in order to
create one single family house on a separate lot. He has submitted the information to comply with section
350-6.3 dimensional averaging to for frontage reduction. The standard lot frontage in URB is 75’ for a
single family home. The lot could be divided into 2 62’ frontage lots. The applicant is showing a median
of 60’ of frontage.
Department of Public Works has no comments/issues.
In the previous approval, the conditions issued by the Planning Board were as follows:
1. Two shade trees of 3” caliper upon planting shall be planted along the frontage between the new
driveway and the southern property boundary. The species shall be selected by the applicant
from the Northampton Tree Committee approved list of street trees . These trees shall be
maintained in perpetuity and if necessary replaced if damaged.
2. The existing shade tree along the street frontage in front of the existing house shall be
3. The sidewalk along the street frontage shall be repaired and if it is necessary be replaced with
cement concrete in accordance with DPW sidewalk construction standards.
4. As offered by the applicant and prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, a payment of
$2,000 ($1,000 per unit) shall be made to mitigate traffic impacts for the two new units.
The Planning Board must find the following criteria in section 10/11 have been met:
(1) The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. If applicable, this
shall include provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views,
light, and air; and
(2) The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement
within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. If
applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and
adjacent streets, access by public safety vehicles, the arrangement of parking and loading spaces, and
provisions for persons with disabilities; and:
The project, including any concurrent road improvements, will not decrease the level of service
(LOS) of all area City and state roads or intersections affected by the project below the existing
conditions when the project is proposed and shall consider the incremental nature of
development and cumulative impacts on the LOS. The project proponent must demonstrate that
all cumulative and incremental traffic impacts have been mitigated. If those impacts are not
mitigated, the Planning Board shall require in-lieu-of payments to fund a project's proportional
share of necessary improvements to mitigate off-site traffic impacts, including provision of public
transit and pedestrian or bicycle paths, in lieu of requiring off-site improvements, with such
payments as set forth in the table below. Generally, very large master planned projects, including
planned village and planned business parks, are expected to provide overall project mitigation so
that individual end users and lot purchasers do not have to provide mitigation on a lot-by-lot
basis. The Board may exempt residential projects whose traffic impacts are not greater than if
they were developed as an as-of-right development without site plan approval and subdivision
Project Location
CB, GB, GI and SI Zoning Districts; PV District, except for
medical and dental offices; and NB District, except for uses with No mitigation
gas pumps
$1,000 per
M, URC, and URB Zoning Districts
peak trip
(3) The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the
natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area; and
(4) The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources
including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage
collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools; and
(5) The requested use meets special regulations set forth in; Dimensional averaging. The Planning
Board may issue a special permit, in accordance with § .10, changing frontage, lot depths,
setbacks, building coverage and open space (but not other dimensional) requirements for a residential lot
within any residential (R) district only when the following conditions have been met:
(A) The new dimensional requirements must be at least as stringent as the median of that dimension for
all lots where any portion of those lots is within 300 feet of the subject parcel and within the same zoning
district as the subject parcel; and
(B) The requested special permit will provide infill development, open space for public use, or affordable
units; and
(C) A list of all applicable dimensional measurements for lots within 300 (as calculated above) must be
filed with the special permit application as described in the Planning Board's bylaws.and
(6) The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not
unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health,
morals, or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the
ordinance; and
(7) If applicable, the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will
not adversely effect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under MGL c. 41,
§ 81C and 81D.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve creation of two single family lots with frontage reduction as shown with the following conditions:
1. Two shade trees of 3” caliper upon planting shall be planted along the frontage between the new
driveway and the southern property boundary. The species shall be selected by the applicant
from the Northampton Tree Committee approved list of street trees . These trees shall be
maintained in perpetuity and if necessary replaced if damaged.
2. The existing shade tree along the street frontage in front of the existing house shall be
3. The sidewalk along the street frontage shall be repaired and if it is necessary be replaced with
cement concrete in accordance with DPW sidewalk construction standards.
4. To comply with the traffic mitigation requirements in 11.6 2B and prior to the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy, a payment of $1,000 shall be made to mitigate traffic impacts for the new
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Carolyn Misch
APPROVED: Wayne Feiden
RE: Apr 22, 2010 Planning Board Meeting
DATE: Apr 15, 2010
1. Special Permit: Dimensional Averaging for frontage
Project Address: 30 – 32 Walnut Ave
Zoning URC
Adjacent Uses: Residential
The applicant requests to turn one 14,000 sf lot with a single family home and 120’ of frontage (after
acquisition of 12’ strip) into two single family house lots with 60’ frontage each. In the URC district a
standard single family house lot requires 75’ of frontage and 6,000 sf of lot area. The lot area can be met,
but not the frontage, which is the reason for the special permit request under 6.3.
The applicant shows that the median frontage along Walnut Street and within the 300’ buffer is 57’-58’.
The Planning Board must find the following criteria in section 10/11 have been met:
(1) The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. If applicable, this
shall include provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views,
light, and air; and
(2) The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement
within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. If
applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and
adjacent streets, access by public safety vehicles, the arrangement of parking and loading spaces, and
provisions for persons with disabilities; and:
The project, including any concurrent road improvements, will not decrease the level of service
(LOS) of all area City and state roads or intersections affected by the project below the existing
conditions when the project is proposed and shall consider the incremental nature of
development and cumulative impacts on the LOS. The project proponent must demonstrate that
all cumulative and incremental traffic impacts have been mitigated. If those impacts are not
mitigated, the Planning Board shall require in-lieu-of payments to fund a project's proportional
share of necessary improvements to mitigate off-site traffic impacts, including provision of public
transit and pedestrian or bicycle paths, in lieu of requiring off-site improvements, with such
payments as set forth in the table below. Generally, very large master planned projects, including
planned village and planned business parks, are expected to provide overall project mitigation so
that individual end users and lot purchasers do not have to provide mitigation on a lot-by-lot
basis. The Board may exempt residential projects whose traffic impacts are not greater than if
they were developed as an as-of-right development without site plan approval and subdivision
Project Location
CB, GB, GI and SI Zoning Districts; PV District, except for
No mitigation
medical and dental offices; and NB District, except for uses with
Project Location
gas pumps
$1,000 per
M, URC, and URB Zoning Districts
peak trip
(3) The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the
natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area; and
(4) The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City's resources
including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage
collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools; and
(5) The requested use meets special regulations set forth in; Dimensional averaging. The Planning
Board may issue a special permit, in accordance with § .10, changing frontage, lot depths,
setbacks, building coverage and open space (but not other dimensional) requirements for a residential lot
within any residential (R) district only when the following conditions have been met:
(A) The new dimensional requirements must be at least as stringent as the median of that
dimension for all lots where any portion of those lots is within 300 feet of the subject parcel and within the
same zoning district as the subject parcel; and
(B) The requested special permit will provide infill development, open space for public use, or
affordable units; and
(C) A list of all applicable dimensional measurements for lots within 300 (as calculated above)
must be filed with the special permit application as described in the Planning Board's bylaws.and
(6) The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not
unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health,
morals, or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the
ordinance; and
(7) If applicable, the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will
not adversely effect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under MGL c. 41,
§ 81C and 81D.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve creation of two single family lots with frontage reduction as shown with the following conditions:
1. To comply with the traffic mitigation requirements in 11.6 2B and prior to the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy, a payment of $1,000 shall be made to mitigate traffic impacts for the new
Other items:
See Agenda
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
April 23, 2009
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer Arrive 8:15
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Kenneth Jodrie
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Arrive 8:15
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:05 P.M c
. Stephen Gilson opened theontinuation (not previously opened) of a hearing on the
request by Hospital Hill LLC for definitive subdivision approval on the north campus of the
Village at Hospital Hill (Moser Street Extension). Located off Village Hill Rd, Map ID 31C-17
Dave Loring, Tighe and Bond presented the proposed amendments for Mass Development.
Board discussed driveway cuts and permit process for buildout of the lots.
Nan Wychorski, resident of Musante Drive asked whether these were roads or paths to be built.
Steve Gilson read proposed conditions recommended by staff.
Board discussed conditions including additional conditions by Department of Public Works.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously
to close the public hearing.
Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to
approve subdivision with waivers and conditions.
The Board discussed three sets of minutes(2-26, 3-12, 26). Ken Jodrie suggested changes to 2-
26 regarding design guidelines. Stephen Gilson noted a typo change on 3-12.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to
approve minutes with changes discussed.
7:50 P.M
. Stephen Gilson opened the request by Kelly & Robert Ansaldo for a special permit to
establish a dog kennel at 521 Audubon Rd., Leeds, Map ID 4-3.
Kelly Ansaldo described project with sound proofing and insulation. She noted that dogs would
not be allowed outside after dark.
Board asked questions.
Jill Phalps, 533 Audubon Road, read letter into the record regarding noise from a kennel.
Henry Phelps 533 Audubon Rd. spoke against project and read a letter by Dana Collins- 214
Ansaldo responded to issues and reiterated that sound proofing would be installed.
She indicated that she would replace cement pad if necessary and the core of concrete block shall
be filled with sand.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Marilyn Richards the Board voted unanimously to
deny the application.
8:30 P.M
. Stephen Gilson openedrequest by Linda Muerle/Consulting Design for a site plan to
add 3,000+ square feet of space to create 5 live-work units and site plan for reduction in parking
at 285 Prospect St., Northampton, Map ID 24C-005.
Linda Meurle presented application.
Board asked about dumpster curb cuts snow storage.
Elizabeth Humphrey, 291-293 Prospect stated concern about traffic access to site and about
Carol Seluzio, 11 Murphy Terrace added concern about traffic generation from work space.
Teaching classes and retail sales.
David Netto, 17 Murphy Terrace requested that all retail sales from work space be prohibited.
Kathy Sohosck 31 Murphy Terrace asked about guest parking.
Board asked about lighting.
Stephen Gilson read proposed conditions.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted
unanimously to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to
approve the plan with conditions discussed.
9:35 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the request by Colvest Northampton LLC for Site Plan
Amendment to change conditions of the original permit for property at 327 King St,
Northampton, Map ID 24B-38.
Mark Tanner presented request for amending condition 3.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Ken Jodrie, the Board voted unanimously to
approve with conditions.
Other Business:
Staff described High Street Amendment request to settle the appeal.
Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted unanimously to
approve amended decision.
Staff presented proposed changes to Zero Lot Line ordinance. Upon motion by Francis Johnson
and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted unanimously to recommend zero lot line to
Upon motion by Ken Jodrie and Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to move green
communities forward with change in language from “approval” to “action”.
Board discussed allowing the phasing of traffic mitigation requirements for the Ridge as follows:
($10,000, 10,000, 6,000) prior to houses 4, 7, 10.
Board voted unanimously to send letter to Department of Public Works regarding limits on sewer
line extensions being contrary to sustainable Northampton.
Adjourn 10:05
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
April 22, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan
Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the request by 30-32 Walnut Street LLC for a special permit
for dimensional averaging at 30-32 Walnut St., Northampton, Map ID 25C-216 & 217.
Peter Souza, applicant, submitted a survey that clarifies that the frontage would be 59.79’ each
instead of 60’ Median = 56-57’, He noted that all other dimensions are met.
Mark Sullivan asked about 12’ strip of land to the east.
Applicant described the acquisitions necessary to make the lot conform.
Board discussed setback condition to be consistent with those on the block.
Stephen Gilson read letter of support from Czeluzniak, an abutter.
Chris Papus, 52 -58 Walnut asked about parking requirements.
Staff clarified that dimensional averaging is for a single family home.
The Board discussed two conditions relating to maximum setbacks and traffic mitigation.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously
to approve the permit with conditions.
Stephen Gilson opened the discussion about Planning Board by-laws.
George Kohout asked if §1.9 would be the same for all boards.
Katharine Baker suggested locating the shared procedures at the top.
Board discussed corrections to references in 1.4 reference and noted that Board composition and
appointing authority should be specified. Further if any of these are consistent with all boards,
they should be added to shared procedure section.
The Board discussed site plan section changes and decided to discuss the approval criteria on
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second Mark Sullivan the board voted unanimously by roll
call vote for Stephen Gilson to be Chair. Stephen Gilson-abstained
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the board voted unanimously by
roll call vote to appoint Jennifer Dieringer to vice chair. (Jennifer Dieringer abstained).
9 PM adjourn.
FOR Thursday April 8, 2010
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council Chambers,
Puchalski Municipal Building, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA:
5:30 P.M.
CONTINUATION of a request by David Teece for an Amendment of an Appeal
Decision at 52 Maple St, Florence, Map ID 23A-40.
Note: Applicant will be requesting continuation (without opening) to April 22.
PLANNING BOARD MEETS in Room 10 City Hall, 210 Main Street, Northampton, MA
7:00 PM
Committee Assignments
Implementation of Sustainable Northampton/Update from ZRC
Site Plan language
Minutes 3-25
See also www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
April 8, 2010
City of Northampton Hearing Room, 210 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan
Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Jennifer Dieringer opened the meeting with the discussion on the request to
cosponsor a resolution regarding the Keep Farming program.
Ben Groscoff of the Glynwood Center For Keeping Farming gave a presentation of the work the
center does and the opportunity offered to Northampton.
Upoon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted
unanimously to co-sponsor with Conservation Commission and Ag Commission a resolution to
City Council to hire the Glynwood Center to assess agricultural activities in Northampton.
Wayne Feiden distributed revised by-laws for review and discussion at subsequent meetings.
Board discussed subcommittee assignments and filled all but the CPC slot.
Board discussed items to be put on the 4-22 agenda including the site plan and special permit
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously
to approve the minutes of 3-25.
8:10 PM Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted
unanimously to adjourn.
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Carolyn Misch
APPROVED: Wayne Feiden
RE: May 13, 2010 Planning Board Meeting
DATE: May 6, 2010
7:00 Special Permit: 2-lot cluster open space with common driveway
Project Address: Spring St, Florence
Zoning URA/WSP overlay
Adjacent Uses: Residential
This is a 2-lot cluster part of the Bean Farm acquisition/ redevelopment with land being offered for
dedication to the city as permanently protected open space.
The project will contain a common driveway that is not shown on the plans. Staff suggests that no
building permit be issued until technical review be completed by staff for this driveway.
The Planning Board must find the following criteria in section 10/11 have been met:
(1) The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. If applicable, this
shall include provision for surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers and preservation of views,
light, and air; and
(2) The requested use will promote the convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement
within the site and on adjacent streets, minimize traffic impacts on the streets and roads in the area. If
applicable, this shall include considering the location of driveway openings in relation to traffic and
adjacent streets, access by public safety vehicles, the arrangement of parking and loading spaces, and
provisions for persons with disabilities; and:
The project, including any concurrent road improvements, will not decrease the level of service (LOS) of all
area City and state roads or intersections affected by the project below the existing conditions when the
project is proposed and shall consider the incremental nature of development and cumulative impacts on the
LOS. The project proponent must demonstrate that all cumulative and incremental traffic impacts have been
mitigated. If those impacts are not mitigated, the Planning Board shall require in-lieu-of payments to fund a
project’s proportional share of necessary improvements to mitigate off-site traffic impacts, including provision
of public transit and pedestrian or bicycle paths, in lieu of requiring off-site improvements, with such
payments as set forth in the table below. Generally, very large master planned projects, including planned
village and planned business parks, are expected to provide overall project mitigation so that individual end
users and lot purchasers do not have to provide mitigation on a lot-by-lot basis. The Board may exempt
residential projects whose traffic impacts are not greater than if they were developed as an as-of-right
development without site plan approval and subdivision approval.
---The applicant proposes a common driveway which minimizes impact to conflicts on the street.
Project Location
HB Zoning District; BUILDING PERMIT District for project for medical and dental
offices; NB Districts for uses with gas pumps; BUILDING PERMIT Districts with
nonexempt uses; and BUILDING PERMIT, SR, URA, SC and RR Zoning Districts
for sites (1) within 500 feet of a transit stop, or (2) within 500 feet of an asphalt or
concrete City off-road rail trail or bicycle path, or (3) abutting a sidewalk that
extends without a break from the project to either downtown Northampton or
downtown Florence
(3) The requested use will promote a harmonious relationship of structures and open spaces to the
natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area; and
(4) The requested use will not overload, and will mitigate adverse impacts on, the City’s resources
including the effect on the City’s water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm sewage
collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools; and
10.5 Cluster
(5) The requested use meets special regulations set forth in; . The project minimizes curb
cuts by creation of a common driveway.
(6) The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience or welfare. The use will not
unduly impair the integrity of character of the district or adjoining zones, nor be detrimental to the health,
morals, or general welfare. The use shall be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the
ordinance; and
(7) If applicable, the requested use will promote City planning objectives to the extent possible and will
not adversely effect those objectives, as defined in City master or study plans adopted under MGL c. 41,
§ 81C and 81D.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve creation of two single family lots as shown with the following conditions:
1. To comply with the traffic mitigation requirements in 11.6 2B and prior to the issuance of a
certificate of occupancy for either of the two new lots, a payment of $2,000 for the one additional
lot not allowed by-right shall be made to mitigate traffic impacts for the new lots.
2. Prior to issuance of a building permit for either of the lots a site plan shall be submitted for staff
review showing the location of the common driveway that meets all the criteria in the zoning for
width, pulloffs, grades etc.
3. Prior to issuance of a BUILDING PERMIT, the easements for maintenance of the driveway shall
be recorded at the register of deeds.
4. Prior to issuance of a BUILDING PERMIT or transfer of title of the lots, the owner must dedicate
the proposed open space to the city as offered.
5. If the grades for the driveway are 3% or greater within 100’ of the street , this portion must be
6. All runoff from the driveway must be directed on site and not flow into Spring Street. This
condition must be shown to be met on the plans submitted for review.
7: 20 Site Plan Approval Stadium Lighting- Smith Field Hockey
Project Address: West Street
Zoning RR/FFR
Adjacent Uses: Residential
Smith is replacing its lighting on the new Field Hockey field and the lighting levels exceed our lighting
ordinance. This is because the ordinance does not address outdoor sports lighting for stadiums. The
applicant has submitted a rationale for the light levels and shows posts that have full cutoffs directing the
light downward. The minimum light levels recommended by NCAA and other sports organization is
shown in the appplicant’s submittal to be 50 foot candles. Smith is proposing lighting at 52+ foot candles.
Below is a paragraph taken from the International Dark Sky model ordinance language regarding sports
field lighting. It is consistent with what Smith has submitted.
Outdoor Lighting Code Handbook
Version 1.14
December 2000 / September 2002
International Dark-Sky Association
5.02 Sports Lighting
Lighting levels used for night sports are the highest commonly encountered in the nighttime
environment. Recommended levels for social or recreational sports, including most municipal sports
activities, range from 200 to 500 lux (20 to 50 footcandles); levels for professional play with large
spectator attendance and television coverage can reach 3000 lux (300 footcandles). Controlling
trespass and glare with such lighting levels is an extreme technical challenge, requiring the utmost in
quality luminaires and design.
Further, the lighting fixtures commonly used for sports lighting can be huge sources of direct glare,
not only to areas nearby and at considerable distances from the sports fields, but also to spectators
and players actually using the fields. ………….Fortunately, several manufacturers have begun
producing well shielded, even fully shielded luminaires suitable for sports lighting, particularly for the
most commonly encountered levels of lighting. These designs provide major reductions in off-field
spill, and can entirely eliminate direct uplight in all but the brightest lighting levels required for
professional level sports. Further, many feel that these designs deliver substantially improved
lighting quality on the field for the players.
Staff Recommendation:
Approve plans for lighting above the zoning standard based on plans and information submitted showing
full cutoffs and light levels on plans with the following conditions:
1. Final to final sign off, the applicant must submit an as-built showing that the installed lights meet
the standard shown on the plans not to exceed 53 footcandles and with cutoffs shown.
2. Lighting shall be turned off 1 hour after the end of play.
8:00 Site Plan AMENDMENT “Hill & Dale”
Project Address: 327 King Street
Zoning HB
Adjacent Uses: Commercial
The applicant is requesting another amendment to the Site Plan approved for the greater than 24’ wide
curb cut it received in order to install a traffic signal. The concern here is that the permit hints at
specifying a special permit even though under state statute an applicant can go for a FINDING from the
Zoning Board of Appeals for pre-existing non-conforming structures.
The original permit was granted in September 2008. A first amendment was granted in April 2009 to
clarify the easement requirements to the abutting parcels. This would be the second amendment to the
original permit specifically as it relates to condition #2.
The applicant has applied to the Zoning Board of Appeals for review of a Finding to upgrade the building
in its current location.
The Board granted a site plan approval without reviewing any site plan other than the intersection plans
itself based on the condition that it would come back. This was based upon the applicant’s request that
the signal be installed in order to attract possible tenants. The 30+ wide curb cut bears no relationship to
traffic flow, pedestrian & bicycle access etc and parking at this point. All these issues are required to be
addressed as part of site plan approval in 11.6.
Conditions from previous permits as amended:
1. No site work outside the driveway project limits as shown on the plan shall begin until a stormwater permit
has been issued by Department of Public Works.
2. Prior to issuance of any building permit, the applicant must apply for and receive any special permits, as
necessary for any retail use over 10,0000 square feet, and site plan from the Planning Board for any
proposed use greater than 2,000 square feet and/or any other requirement within the zoning for special
permits and/or site plan approval. The application for such permits must show cross-access or easement
areas for vehicle traffic to flow from abutting properties to the signal. The application shall also show
proposed pedestrian easements across property boundaries and conform to all aspects of the zoning
including those relating to retail establishments over 10,000 sf.
NOTE: Northampton's zoning requires special permit for reuse of existing commercial buildings with any
substantial improvements.
3. Prior to issuance of a building permit the applicant shall submit to the Planning Board for review a copy of a
draft cross-access agreement for the abutters of both 347 and 303 King St to cross, via vehicular or non-
vehicular means, the subject parcel. This easement may exclude commercial vehicles used primarily to
support industrial uses, such as cement trucks and chemical trucks. The purpose of this easement is to
comply with the Northampton Zoning Ordinance as specified in the permit herein allowing a wider curb cut
and traffic signal installation. The applicant shall only be responsible for granting access across the property
to each of the stated abutters at such a time that reciprocal access is granted to the applicant by that
abutter. If one or both abutters do not agree to a cross access agreement at the time of the request for a
building permit, the applicant must submit proof of such to the planning board.
4. Prior to issuance of a building permit and upon approval by the Planning Board, the applicant shall fully
execute and record the cross access agreements.
5. The mast arm and signal shall not be installed until Department of Public Works is satisfied that the warrants
can be met with an actual proposed use.
6. Catch basins shall be relocated to the radius of the curves of the newly created intersection.
7. Scored concrete or a cobble landing shall be installed between the driveway egress/ingress leading to the
site for pedestrian safety.
8. The proposed signal must be electronically connected and coordinated with the Barret St. signal. If the
controller at Barret Street must be replaced to accomplish this, the applicant shall be responsible for this
replacement and the replacement must include a pedestrian phase.
9. The new paint lines on King Street shall match existing paint lines that demark 11’ wide travel lanes.
Approve elimination of the condition with remaining conditions to stand with further clarification to
condition # 2 as follows:
Because the Planning Board granted a request to approve a wider curb cut without being able to fully
review the site plan relative to the required approval criteria in 11.6, prior to issuance of a building permit
the applicant shall submit an amended site plan for review and approval by the Planning Board
compliance with all applicable criteria in the zoning under 11.6 approval criteria. The application must
show cross-access or easement areas for vehicle traffic to flow from abutting properties to the signal.
The application shall also show proposed pedestrian easements across property boundaries and conform
to all aspects of the zoning .
Additionally, approval criteria to be altered to clarify that full site plan approval criteria not met as
required for the request to expand a 24’ curb cut which was the initial threshold for review of site
plan for the entire site.
Other items:
See Agenda
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
May 13, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Left 7:40
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M
. Stephen Gilson opened the hearing on Northampton Office of Planning and
Development for a Special Permit to create a 2-lot open space cluster at Spring St. Florence, Map
ID 16C-25.
Stephen Gilson noted that Cons Comm voted to recommend approval.
Wayne Feiden described the project in a PowerPoint presentation.
George Kohout asked for clarification about the lots and unit configuration and asked if the
footprint for structures were necessary for the Board to evaluate.
George Kohout suggested that Planning Board chair be involved in review of common driveway
standards with staff.
There was no public comment.
The Board discussed possible conditions based on staff report and others.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Jennifer Dieringer the Board voted unanimously
to approve with conditions.
7:40 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the hearing on Trustees of Smith College for Site Plan
Approval to install outdoor field lights at the Smith Athletic Fields West St, Northampton, Map
ID 31C-15.
Gary Hartwell for Smith College described the application. Artificial turf will be in location of
existing field.
George Kohout asked about traffic impacts and how the improvements might allow new
tournament games in the evening.
Hartwell said light levels on tennis courts are higher than field hockey field.
Board discussed impacts on neighbors.
George Kohout suggested staff send letter to Smith requesting update on traffic mitigation
/parking for engineering school.
Board discussed conditions.
There was no public comment.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Francis Johnson the Board voted unanimously to
approve with 3 conditions discussed.
8:20 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the hearing Peter LaPointe/Colvest for Site Plan Amendment
at 327 King St, Northampton Map ID 24B-38.
Peter McConnell, Bacon & Wilson, representing Colvest spoke to application and clarified the
Staff described broader context of zoning and permit process.
McConnell reiterated comments about goals for development.
Jennifer Dieringer stated concern about exercising non-conforming status of the site.
Board discussed provisions/options for use.
Applicant described desires to keep building as is, but that they may want to add pad sites for
other tenants.
Board discussed options for conditions and amendment.
Eric Suher, Center Street, spoke in favor of the project noting that Colvest is a reputable
Gene Tacy, Ward 7 Councilor, stated excitement about development prospects on the site.
Peter McConnell stated concern about language in condition.
Board discussed language with application for condition.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Mark Sullivan the Board voted unanimously to
approve amendment eliminating #2 and substituting with language discussed.
Board discussed minutes from March 25 and April and noted that Mark Sullivan should be
reclassified as full member in the Mar 25 minutes.
Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted unanimously
to approve the minutes of 4-8, 4-22 with changes.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously
to eliminate striping condition on VCA parcel based on recommendation by Department of
Public Works.
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday May 13, 2010
THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION will hold a public hearing in the Hearing
Room 18, City Hall 210 Main Street, Northampton:
5:00 PM
Elaine Yeskie, Request for Determination of Applicability to determine whether
reconstruction of a house in the floodplain is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act
and/or Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. 17 Fair Street, Map ID 25c-256
5:30 PM
Richard Jaescke, Request for Determination of Applicability to determine
whether the boundaries of resource areas depicted on the plan are accurately delineated
and whether a garage addition is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or the
Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. 774 Bridge Road, Map ID 18c-36, 18c-176
6:30 PM
Smith College for Notice of Intent for synthetic turf athletic field, and site
improvements in riverfront. College Lane Map ID 31C-15, DEP File 246-639.
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 210 Main Street, Northampton on:
5:30 P.M.
Agnoli Sign Company to erect a new ground sign at Easthampton Savings
Bank, 21 Locust St, Map ID24A-221.
5:30 P.M.
Continuation on the appeal amendment for 52 Maple St, Florence
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers,
212 Main Street, Northampton on:
7:00 P.M
. Northampton Office of Planning and Development for a Special Permit to
create a 2-lot open space cluster at Spring St. Florence, Map ID 16C-25.
7:20 P.M.
Trustees of Smith College for Site Plan Approval to install outdoor field
lights at the Smith Athletic Fields West St, Northampton, Map ID 31C-15.
8:00 P.M.
Peter LaPointe/Colvest for Site Plan Amendment at 327 King St,
Northampton Map ID 24B-38.
Adoption of Amended rules of procedure
Special Permit/Site Plan Approval criteria
Publish: April 29 and May 6, 2010
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday May 27, 2010
public hearing in Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street, Northampton:
4:00 P.M.
Stephen Ross for a Finding to change a preexisting non-conforming structure
(side and rear setback) at 134 State St, Northampton Map Id 31B-130.
THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION will hold a public hearing in the Hearing
Room 18, City Hall 210 Main Street, Northampton:
5:30 PM
City of Northampton, Request for Determination of Applicability to determine
whether invasive species removal is subject to the Wetlands Protection Act and/or
Northampton Wetlands Ordinance. North Farms Road, Map ID 07-35
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 220 Main Street, Northampton on:
5:30 P.M.
Continuation of a request by Seawink for amendment of an appeal.
5:30 P.M.
Peter LaPointe/Colvest for a change to a pre-existing non conforming
structure(location/height) at 327 King St, Northampton Map ID 24B-38.
Summer Mtg Schedule
THE PLANNING BOARD will meet in Council Chambers, 220 Main Street,
Adoption of Amended rules of procedure
Special Permit/Site Plan Approval criteria
Summer Meeting Schedule
Publish: May 13 and May 20, 2010
Bill to: Office of Planning & Development
Account #: 71350
See Also: www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
May 27, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Left 7:40
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting at 7 PM
Planning Board determined summer dates for meeting of: July 22 and Aug 12.
Wayne Feiden described open space plan process with slide slow presentation of layout of plan,
goals, objectives and proposed changes.
The Board requested to be briefed again after the draft is completed toward the end of the
Board discussed committee assignments.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Mark Sullivan the Planning Board voted
unanimously to nominate Jennifer Dieringer to Housing Partnership, Katharine Baker to CPC,
Debin Bruce to Transportation committee
George Kohout offered to remain on PVPC for 6 months.
Board discussed revisions to its by-laws. Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Mark
Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to approve amended by-laws.
Adjourn 9 PM
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday June 24, 2010
public hearing in Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street, Northampton:
4:00 P.M
. Deborah Koch, Finding for pre-existing non-conforming rear setback
expansion at 140 Loudville Rd, Florence Map ID 48-6
4:10 P.M.
Christopher Chaput for Finding to expand detached garage at 152 Crescent St,
Northampton Map ID 24D-292.
4:20 P.M.
Nelson Shifflett for Finding for vertical expansion at 59 Williams St,
Northampton, Map ID 32C-252.
THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION will hold a public hearing in the Hearing
Room 18, City Hall 210 Main Street, Northampton:
5:00 PM
Smith College Facilities Management, request for extension of an Order of
Conditions at College Lane, Map IDs 31A-257, 260, 324; 31B-289, 290, 292, 293; 31C-
13, 14, 15; 31D-8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 238, 999.
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 210 Main Street, Northampton on:
5:30 P.M.
DoubleDuck LLC for non-conforming commercial use (flea market) at 375
South St., Northampton, Map ID 38C-20
Review of Zoning Board of Appeals rules, minutes???
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers,
212 Main Street, Northampton on:
7:00 P.M.
Deborah Koch, Special Permit for substantial improvement in the WP at 140
Loudville Rd, Florence Map ID 48-6.
Special Permit/Site Plan
Finding Changes
Request re: logistics of extension of Police Station permit
Publish: June 10 and June 17, 2010
Bill to: Office of Planning & Development
Account #: 71350
See Also: www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
June 10, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden Left 7:40
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 PM
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting for the joint presentation to Planning Board and
ZRC by the Chamber of Commerce on its recommendations for King Street.
Present for ZRC: Tom Weiner, Peter McClean, Danielle Kahn, Jim Nash, Joel Russell, Dillon
Stephen Gilson introduced the ZRC and Planning Board.
Dennis Bidwell described the Chamber process and general concept of the recommendation from
the Chamber: 3 distinct districts along King Street.
Suzanne Beck, Dennis Bidwell, Pat Goggins, Andrew Crystal presenting for Chamber.
Beck described concern overall about zoning from a business perspective noting that there was
too much room for uncertainty in the current regulations. Recommendations are generally about
citywide zoning with respect to uses as well as specific to King Street.
Chamber focused on deteriorated pedestrian infrastructure in the lower portion of King Street
and citywide noted a need to revise tables, eliminate special permits for many uses, add a site
plan manual for illustration purposes.
Goggins requested that ZRC put package for King St put together separately from other revisions
to code that the ZRC is working on.
George Kohout noted multi-modal station planning and the need to accommodate that in any
changes to the zoning.
Both Planning Board and ZRC asked about intent for screening, buffers, bike friendly features.
George Kohout asked about square footage cap and whether this was discussed.
Chamber indicated that it had not been discussed.
Joel Russell noted parking issues are different for different uses and there might be conflict
between front/side/rear parking and setback. He noted further that there may be conflicts
between the desire for flexibility and predictability.
Bob Reckman, Fruit Street, noted his support for the recommendations. He argued for King St
analysis and zoning recommendations to move forward sooner and separately than other items.
Ed Etheredge spoke in favor of the proposed concepts in the recommendations.
Jeff Dan, Fruit Street, stated concern about eliminating 2002 zoning and second floor
Rich Horton, Chamber economic development committee spoke in support.
Stephen Gilson clarified process. He suggested that in order to keep the momentum on this issue
that it would be appropriate to discuss a timeframe for feedback from ZRC.
ZRC members noted that there was a scheduled meeting in one week to discuss.
Francis Johnson suggested multiple feedback loops.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted
unanimously to refer king street recommendations to the ZRC and that it be fast-tracked. ZRC
should report back to Planning Board with a timeline of anticipated feedback with components of
Board discussed next agenda.
Adjourn 9 PM
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
June 24, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
George Kohout
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the hearing on the request by Deborah Koch, Special Permit
for substantial improvement in the WP at 140 Loudville Rd, Florence Map ID 48-6.
Koch described the project.
Staff clarified the permit application request.
Francis Johnson noted that concern is still relevant to the Watershed Impacts even though the
structure is outside the actual floodplain.
No public comment.
Board discussed parking. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the application shall show as
part of building permit application two parking spaces.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by George Kohout and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously
to approve with special permit with condition.
Board discussed possible changes to the residential finding section to allow abutter notice for
100’ and not 300’. Board expressed concern with the changes and suggested it not move
Staff presented request about what would be necessary to review Police Station extension
request. Planning Board suggested that public might have questions about architectural elements
and therefore they should be prepared with their architect.
8:30 adjourn
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Carolyn Misch
APPROVED: Wayne Feiden
RE: June 24, 2010 Planning Board Meeting
DATE: June 17, 2010
7:00 Special Permit: Substantial Improvement in the WP overlay (floodplain)
Project Address: 140 Loudville Rd
Zoning RR/WP overlay
Adjacent Uses: Residential
The applicant proposes renovation of her house by converting garage to living space and
expanding (cantilevered) out the back. The structural changes amount to more than 15% value
change and therefore trigger a special permit under section 14 of the ordinance and table of use.
The lot is within the 100 year FEMA mapped floodplain BUT the structure is not in the
This is the poster child project representing the need to change the zoning to relax the rules for
existing structures in the WP. Alas, the measure failed because apparently there was not a good
enough poster to explain it. Therefore, the applicant needs the following permits to improve the
structure: Finding from the Zoning Board of Appeals (would have been eliminated had the
zoning changed), Special Permit for substantial Improvement (would have been eliminated had
the zoning changed), AND a conservation commission permit (regardless of zone change).
Staff Recommendation:
Given that the structure is not in the floodplain, staff has no concerns
and recommends approval.
Other Business
Site Plan/Special Permit draft changes discussion
Finding Changes:
§ 350-9.3 Change, extension or alteration of legally preexisting nonconforming structures,
uses, or lots.
{ No change EXCEPT for to Subsection A(6), as shown.
Editors note not to be included in zoning ordinance: § 350-9.3 addresses when “grandfathered”
structures, uses, and lots may be changed, extended or altered. One option for small residential
expansions is to obtain a signoff from all abutters within 300 feet of the property. This has
proven very difficult because of the large number of abutters, most who do not care about the
project. The proposed change reduces the signoff requirement to those abutters within 100 feet.
Property owners will still retain their right to apply to the Zoning Board if they do not obtain
such signoffs.}
(6) As-of-right, if the expansion (vertical or horizontal) is for a residential use and does not
extend either further into a required setback than the existing nonconforming structure, and such
extension does not create any new zoning violation (such as further reducing a setback or open
space), and the applicant provides written evidence satisfactory to the Building Commissioner
that all owners of all parcels within 300 100 feet of the subject property have no objection to the
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday July 22, 2010
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 210 Main Street, Northampton on:
5:30 P.M.
Request for a Finding by Northampton Survival Center to expand the Survival
Center at 265 Prospect St, Northampton Map ID: 24C-013
Continuation of Teece at 52 Maple Street
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers,
212 Main Street, Northampton on:
7:00 P.M.
Request for Permit extension timeline by City of Northampton Police
department for 29 Center St, Map Ids 31B-271, 272, 282, Northampton.
Other Business-
Administrative amendment to Coke Plant
Update on West Street Design Guidelines process.
Publish: July 8 and July 15, 2010
Bill to: Office of Planning & Development
Account #: 71350
See Also: www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
July 22, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened Police Station hearing extension timeline by City of
Northampton Police department for 29 Center St, Map Ids 31B-271, 272, 282, Northampton.
Russ Sienkewiz, Chief, reviewed request noting that there were no changes from the Planning
Board approval except those stipulated by CBAC original permit. Those are shown in the
Mark Sullivan asked if building code changes would affect design and if a parking deck could
be expanded in the future if necessary.
Chief said the building code would not effect design and that the deck could not be expanded
based on expense vs spaces gained.
Clare Bateman, 43 Center Street, requested Board to act favorably and spoke in favor, noting
importance of having a downtown station.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker board voted to close the
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously
to approve extension of permit for two years.
7:30 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the discussion about Coke expansion.
Staff described reason for Coke review.
Troy Sandlin described changes in plan. No other site changes proposed. Production is not
changing. Just changing employee storage area pulled outside of the existing footprint of the
Katharine Baker asked about expansion and removing a dock position.
Sandlin stated that there would be one dock position and it would not result in a truck queue
outside the site.
Sandlin clarified approved versus proposed changes on the site plan.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously
to approve the administrative amendment to the coke plant for the 2500 sf. Expansion.
Staff described West Street design guideline changes.
Board discussed concern about Planning Board taking on review without architectural expertise.
Discussion of Bean common driveway request. Board voted that easements should be recorded
on both parcels. 6-1 (Katharine Baker –not necessary)
SCHEDULE Early Sept MTG for the 7 for joint hearing with CBAC on King St church.
Adjourn 8:45
TO: Planning Board
FROM: Carolyn Misch
APPROVED: Wayne Feiden
RE: July 22, 2010 Planning Board Meeting
DATE: July 15, 2010
7:00 Site Plan Extension: Northampton Police Station
Project Address: Center Street
Zoning CB
Adjacent Uses: Mixed Commercial
Police Department filed an application to extend the timeline by which substantial construction
could start under the original permit granted by the Planning Board. The original permit will
expire in November of 2008 if not extended.
There are no plans to change the design/site etc. The 2 year window for construction to begin
under permits was designed to ensure that if regulations changed, projects that were not already
under construction would expire and be held to the new standards. No zoning regulations
changed since the Police Building was approved.
Staff Recommendation:
Grant an additional 2 years to the permit timeline to begin
Other Business:
Coke Plant minor amendment—See attached drawings and description of changes. Typically
there would be an administrative review/approval if the square footage in itself was below the
2,000 sf threshold for site plan originally approved by the Planning Board. Given that this is
slightly above that figure, staff asked the applicant to come to the board for review in a posted
meeting. Compared to the entire plant and the previously approved plan, this is a minor change
and staff recommends approval.
West Street:
Update on the West Street Design Committee’s work: Proposed ordinance change to create
design review process (similar to CBAC) for the corridor. The process would be under Planning
Board jurisdiction.
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday August 12, 2010
public hearing in Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street, Northampton:
4:00 P.M.
William Dawkins, for a Finding to expand a pre-existing non-conforming
structure along the side setback at 29 Cherry St, Northampton, Map ID 32A-41.
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton:
5:30 P.M.
Linda Enghagen and Kathleen Becker for a special permit for home
occupation in a detached structure at 5-7 Fifth Ave, Northampton, Map ID 24C-113.
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a meeting in City Council Chambers, 212
Main Street, Northampton on:
7:00 P.M.
Review/amendment of by-laws
Smith College Parking Assessment update
Publish: July 29 and Aug 5, 2010
Bill to: Office of Planning & Development
Account #: 71350
See Also: www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Abutters within 300’ notified of the above hearings may contact Office of Planning and
Development for more information or go to www.northamptonma.gov/opd and click
the link for “Public File Cabinet: All Planning Files” to review application materials.
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday August 12, 2010
public hearing in Hearing Room 18, 210 Main Street, Northampton:
4:00 P.M.
William Dawkins, for a Finding to expand a pre-existing non-conforming
structure along the side setback at 29 Cherry St, Northampton, Map ID 32A-41.
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton:
5:30 P.M.
Linda Enghagen and Kathleen Becker for a special permit for home
occupation in a detached structure at 5-7 Fifth Ave, Northampton, Map ID 24C-113.
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a meeting in City Council Chambers, 212
Main Street, Northampton on:
7:00 P.M.
Review/amendment of by-laws
Smith College Parking Assessment update
Review of minor plan change to road width for Northern Ave Condos.
Publish: July 29 and Aug 5, 2010
Bill to: Office of Planning & Development
Account #: 71350
See Also: www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Abutters within 300’ notified of the above hearings may contact Office of Planning and
Development for more information or go to www.northamptonma.gov/opd and click
the link for “Public File Cabinet: All Planning Files” to review application materials.
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
August 12, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson 7:15 arrive
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer 7:15 arrive
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark 7:15 arrive
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Francis Johnson opened the meeting and described the conflict of interest with 3
board members for the administrative approval for the site plan adjustment on View Avenue as
part of the North Street Condominiums.
Staff described various ways plans could be amended. Noted that his was an administrative
change but for the Planning Board review.
Gloria McPherson, Kohl Construction, described changes and clarified relation to project and the
land court case pending (not related to Planning Board permit).
Debin Bruce asked about parking for project and how it would be affected with the change in
McPherson clarified that it was a private street on which there was no city maintenance.
Andrew Weir asked for clarification of access points/parking.
Katharine Baker asked about parking arrangements.
Francis Johnson asked whether there was any public comment(none).
Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Debin Bruce the Board voted unanimously to
approve the site plan amendment to narrow View Ave by 2’.
Review/amendment of by-laws—Staff described the minor amendment Conservation
Commission made to the general by-laws.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted unanimously
to approve the change to bylaw.
Staff distributed parking analysis by Fuss & O’Neill for Smith College.
Staff distributed proposed ordinance language for elimination of renewal of Home occupation
special permits.
Board discussed reasons to maintain the review versus eliminating it.
Mark Sullivan asked why it would even go to the Building Commissioner, why not just by right.
Board agreed to take it up once Zoning Board of Appeals reviewed it.
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad/Agenda
For Thursday Oct 14, 2010
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton:
5:30 P.M.
Special Permit request by Andrew Payne & Loretta Kane to convert a
detached studio to a detached accessory dwelling @ 470 Bridge Rd, Florence, Map Id
5:30 P.M.
Continuation of Teece,
5:45 P.M.
Finding request by Three County Fair to demolish existing barns and replace
them with 54,000 sf in three new barns, 100,000 sf for three covered riding rings at 54
Fair St, Northampton, Map Id 25-44; 25c-251, 254.
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers,
212 Main Street, Northampton:
7:00 P.M.
Special Permit & Site Plan request by Office of Planning and Development to
create a two-family cluster lot and one flag lot with common driveway at 400 Burts Pit
Rd, Florence, Map Ids 30c-43, 44, 60.
7:20 P.M.
Special Permit request to convert a retail space to restaurant at 176 Pine St,
Florence, Map Id 22b-41.
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a joint public hearing with HISTORICAL
City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton:
7:30 P.M.
Continuation (from Sept 23) of a hearing on the request by St. Elizabeth Ann
Seton Parish for Site Plan Approval to construct a 14,000+- square foot building and
parking lot over 75 spaces.
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers,
212 Main Street, Northampton:
8:00 P.M.
Site Plan Major Project request by Three County Fair to construct 54,000 sf in
three new replacement barns, 100,000 sf for three covered riding rings with associated
site development at 54 Fair St, Northampton, Map Id 25-44; 25c-251, 254.
ZRC Work Plan/Projects through May
Letter of support for HP
Publish: Sept 30, and Oct 7, 2010
Bill to: Office of Planning & Development
Account #: 71350
See Also: www.northamptonma.gov (“Calendar”) for continuations
Abutters within 300’ notified of the above hearings may contact Office of Planning and
Development for more information or go to www.northamptonma.gov/opd and click
the link for “Public File Cabinet: All Planning Files” to review application materials.
Northampton Planning Board and Central Business Architecture
Minutes of October 14, 2010
City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton, MA.
Planning Board members present:
Stephen Gilson, Chair
Jennifer Dieringer, Vice Chair
Katharine Baker
Francis Johnson
Kenneth Jodrie
Marilyn Richards
Mark Sullivan
Andrew Weir, Associate
Central Business Architecture members present (for King Street project only)
At 7:10 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the public hearing on the application filed by
the Northampton Office of Planning and Development for an open space residential
(cluster) at 400 Burts Pit Road (owned by Donald and Elizabeth Willard Map ID
30C-43, 44, and 60)
. Demitri Robbins, spelling his name? who hopes to developer the
property, clarified that an APR or CR would cover half of the property.
Feiden presented the application. He explained that DPW preferred a 30’ right-of-way
for formal multi-use trails, although this might end up being nothing more than a simple
walking path and the city is accepting easements where possible simply to leave options
open. He also said that the project would need a stormwater waiver from DPW once the
property owner demonstrates that they will disturb less than 1 acre of land.
Cynthia Monahan, an abutter to the abutter on Burts Pit Road expressed concern about
any easement for a bicycle trail because it would hug her property.
Mark Kestler, an immediate abutter on Burts Pit Road, said he was fine with the
development but also expressed concern about a bicycle trail that would wrap around his
property on two sides.
Upon motion by Frandy Johnson and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted
unanimously to close the public hearing.
Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted
unanimously to approve the requested Special Permit and Site Plan Approval with the
following conditions to be completed prior to the issuance of a building permit for the
flag lot/new house:
1.The conservation restriction or agriculture preservation restriction and the multi-
use trail right-of-way offered to the city must be fully executed, in effect, and on-
2.A stormwater permit waiver must be obtained from the Department of Public
At 7:40 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the joint Planning Board/Central Business
Architecture Committee public hearing on the applications filed by the Roman
Catholic Church Carolyn: please fill in the details at __King Street, Map ID ______.
Mr. Gilson reported that the applicant requested a continuance to December 9, 2010.
There was no board discussion on the application.
Upon motion by Bruce Kriviskey and second by Joe Blumenthal, of the Central Business
Architecture Committee (CBAC), the CBAC members present voted unanimously to
continue the public hearing to 7:00 PM on Thursday December 9, 2010 in City Council
Upon motion by Jen Dieringer and second by Marilyn Richards, the Planning Board
voted unanimously to continue the public hearing to 7:00 PM on Thursday December 9,
2010 in City Council Chambers.
At 7:45 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the public hearing on the applications filed by
the Put Family Restaurant Carolyn: please proof and fill in the details at __Pine
Street, Map ID ______.
The applicant presented their application.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Mark Sullivan, the board voted
unanimously to close the public hearing. Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second
by Jen Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to issue the requested permit with the
following condition:
1. Prior to a certificate of occupancy, the required grease trap shall be installed.
Said grease trap must be maintained to prevent grease from entering city
Feiden presented a request for a letter of support for the Historical Commission’s request
for CPA funding for a Historic Preservation Restriction program. Upon motion by Mark
Sullivan and second by Jen Dieringer, the board voted unanimously to support such a
At 8:00 PM, Stephen Gilson opened the public hearing on the applications filed by
the Three County Fairground Carolyn: please proof and fill in the details at
__Fair Street, Map ID ______.
Mr. Gilson reported that the applicant has requested a
continuance. Mark Sullivan and Marilyn Richards recessed themselves from all
discussion of the fairgrounds application. There was no board discussion on the
Upon motion by Jen Dieringer and second by Andrew Weir, the board voted
unanimously (but with Sullivan and Richards not taking part) to continue the public
hearing to 7:00 PM on October 28, 2010 in City Council Chambers.
Northampton Public Meeting Agenda
For Thursday Oct 28, 2010
THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS will hold a public hearing in Council
Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton:
5:30 P.M.
Special Permit request by Andrew Payne & Loretta Kane to convert a
detached studio to a detached accessory dwelling @ 470 Bridge Rd, Florence, Map Id
5:30 P.M.
Continuation of a Finding request by Three County Fair to demolish existing
barns and replace them with 54,000 sf in three new barns, riding rings at 54 Fair St,
Northampton, Map Id 25-44; 25c-251, 254.
Continuation of Teece,
THE PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers,
212 Main Street, Northampton:
Site Plan Major Project request by Three County Fair to construct 54,000 sf in three new
replacement barns, 100,000 sf of riding rings with associated site development at 54 Fair
St, Northampton, Map Id 25-44; 25c-251, 254.
Open Space Plan
ZRC appointments (2 replacements)
Update on Charrette
Revisit zoning options for table changes
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Dec 2, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member Left at 8
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with a brief recap of discussion for King St Charrette.
Stephen Gilson opened West St Design Guidelines reviewing initial public hearing noting there had
been an issue from smith regarding “demolition”. The new wording would not include demolition and
would state that new buildings or parking lot be subject to ordinance.
Peter Gagnon, Smith College, asked questions about development agreement.
Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously to
recommend approval of West St with amendments.
Discussion of ANR signatures. Upon motion by and second by Debin Bruce, the Board voted
unanimously to allow Wayne and Carolyn Misch to sign ANRs.
Minutes 9(1), 10(2), 11(1): Katharine Baker noted that she was not present for the 10-14 meeting.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to
approve minutes.
Staff presented proposed ordinance table changes to OI, GI, CB. Board discussed ways to show
changes from the existing zoning by highlighting the things that have changed.
Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Katharine Baker the Board voted unanimously to
introduce OI, GI, CB to council.
8:50 Adjourn
Northampton Public Meeting/Legal Ad
For Thursday Dec 9, 2010
hearing in City Council Chambers, 212 Main Street, Northampton:
6:30 P.M.
City of Northampton to install a cover box on ventilation and intake pipes for
boiler at 240 Main St (Memorial Hall), Northampton, Map ID 31D-165.
COMMITTEE will hold a joint public hearing in City Council Chambers, 212
Main Street, Northampton:
7:00 P.M
. Continuation on the applications filed by the Roman Catholic Church 91 King
Street, Map ID 31B-192 for demolition and site plan review. Continuation of a hearing at
91 King Street for Site Plan Approval
PLANNING BOARD will hold a public hearing in City Council Chambers, 212
Main Street, Northampton:
7:45 P.M
. World War II Veteran’s Association of Hampshire County for special permit
to operate a restaurant at 50 Conz St, Northampton, Map ID 32C-104
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Dec 9, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the meeting with the Continuation on the applications filed
by the Roman Catholic Church 91 King Street, Map ID 31B-192 for demolition and site plan
review. Continuation of a hearing at 91 King Street for Site Plan Approval
Upon motion by Katharine Baker and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted
unanimously to continue the church hearing to March 24, 2011 at 7 PM.
Board discussed WSP changes and suggested highlighting changes and bring back final changes
to Jan 13 meeting.
7:45 PM
, Stephen Gilson opened World War II Veteran’s Association of Hampshire County for
special permit to operate a restaurant at 50 Conz St, Northampton, Map ID 32C-10.
Staff provided background on use at the site.
Jason Harder, President of the Veterans Association and Bill Williams, Manager of facility spoke
about the operations.
There were questions relating to liquor license approval.
Gloria Clark, 36 Conz St raised concerns about outside catering business from several years ago,
but had no concerns about current operation.
Louis Hasbrouck, Building Commissioner spoke in favor of the application.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards, and second by Mark Sullivan, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Debin Bruce and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the board voted 6-1 (Francis
Johnson voted against) to approve the special permit.
The Board adjourned at 8:15.
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Feb 10, 2011
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:10 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened Office of Planning and Development for special permit for
frontage and lot area reduction for land donation at 227 South St, Northampton, Map ID 38B-73
Joan Crockett, Hebert Avenue stated concerns about width of street and doesn’t want a bike path
Joe Gesseck, 17 Hebert, wanted assistance with road maintenance and doesn’t want bike path
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second Marilyn Richards, the Board voted unanimously to
close the hearing.
Upon motion by Mark Sullivan and second by Francis Johnson, the Board voted unanimously to
grant the permit.
The Board continued discussion of zoning changes for King Street by reviewing the HB table
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Sept 23, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the request by Constance Whalen for Site Plan Approval for
driveway over side lot line at 158 Baker Hill Rd, Northampton, Map Id 23C-095
Pat Goggins presented application and asked for flexibility to put the driveway anywhere within
the layout based on what makes sense on site.
Staff read Department of Public Works comments.
Ed Etheredge, abutter, spoke in favor of the driveway.
Sue Coffee, abutter, ascended to project.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Francis Johnson the board closed the hearing.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted
unanimously to approve permit with condition for max 15’ width curb cut.
7:15 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the joint hearing with CBAC, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
for Site Plan Approval to construct a 14,000+- square foot building and parking lot over 75
Bruce Kriviskey , Bob Walker, Aelan Tierney, Barry Steeves for CBAC.
Stephen Gilson described hearing process noting that Planning Board cannot close hearing due to
lack of stormwater permit.
Ed Etheredge presented position of church and need for parking noting that it would likely take
at least a year of fundraising before can build. He further noted request for traffic waiver.
Father John Connors described proposal needs based on 5 parishes merging to 1.
Most number of people at any one event would be 300 people. (12-15 times per year)
Mike Talbot, engineering consultant, discussed design of lot 142 spaces and submitted new
landscape plans and new sheet 3 (3 & 7)
Chuck Whitham, Architects, Inc. described plans for new building.
Francis Johnson noted that house and garage are gone.
Katharine Baker asked about connection to the bike path and bike racks.
Stephen Gilson read letter from citizen about connection from building to King Street and bike
path connection. He noted that rendering showed sidewalk to King but not on plans.
Katharine Baker noted character of existing pine trees and asked about ZRC proposal for King
Stephen Gilson highlighted the drop in open space.
Francis Johnson stated that pine trees are not specimen trees.
Stephen Gilson stated that plans don’t show trees to be removed.
Bruce Kriviskey asked about information relating to structural analysis of the building in terms
of its obsolescence and impact to the character of downtown. He read the Solicitor’s memo and
interpretation of the CBAC jurisdiction.
Tierney requested the applicant provide a rendering of parking lot to get better sense of how it
presents on the street (replacing missing tooth) and also asked for structural obsolescence
Andrew Weir noted that the plans are out of character with the location. If parking demand is off
peak, why is it you wouldn’t be able to use other parking in the area?
Staff clarified width issues and snow plowing.
Francis Johnson asked about planting does it include existing.
Debin Bruce noted concern about the front buffer not being deep enough.
Katharine Baker asked why so much parking was required.
Bob Walker asked why second story wasn’t considered for administrative offices as a way to
preserve open space.
Stephen Gilson stated that lighting plans needed adjustmen and asked about dumpster location
and snow removal area.
Kimball Howes, resident, noted that people will park where it is convenient.
Tim Jacobs, 5 Edwards Square, excited about the prospect of church becoming more vibrant, but
raised a concern about removal of stand of pine trees. He asked about noise from events.
Paul Diemand, Southampton parish member, spoke in favor.
Sarah Bullitt, parishioner pleaded for resolution quickly.
David Kramer, resident, noted that there is a need for parking widths as shown.
Discussion of continuation with CBAC.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Andrew Weir the Board voted unanimously to
continue to Oct 14 at 7:30
Upon motion Bob Walker and second by Aelan Tierney, the CBAC voted to continue to Oct 14
at 7:30.
8:45 P.M.
Stephen Gilson openedthe request by Patrick J. Melnik Trustee for Special Permit
Amendment to eliminate the residential sprinkler requirement for buildings and to change the
materials for crosswalks across Chestnut Ave Extension access driveway. Project located at 28
Evergreen Rd, Leeds, Map Ids 6-64, 11A-3.
Pat Melnik, Jr presented request.
Stephen Gilson read Department of Public Works comments.
Francis Johnson asked why there was such a hard line on the water issue from City.
Staff clarified issue.
Board discussed issues and changes to crosswalk.
Jim Montgomery, Grove Ave read Laura Sandhusen’s letter. (submitted).
Stephen Gilson read Sandy Glyn’s letter.
Board discussed amendment for sprinkler.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted
unanimously to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted
unanimously to deny the sprinkler request without prejudice.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the amendment to the crosswalk in accordance with DPW standard.
9:10 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the request by Colvest for Special Permit for a bank, Site Plan
Amendment for expansion of Firestone and reduction in parking for redevelopment of site at 327
King St, Northampton, Map Ids 24B-38, 39.
Peter McConnnell, Bacon Wilson, introduced team.
Mark Darnold presented project as site engineer for the applicant. He clarified that rubble strip
was proposed for refuge island of either scored concrete or granite rubble.
There was a discussion of cross-access easements and phasing.
Katharine Baker asked about permit requirements
Staff clarified permits necessary from Zoning Board of Appeals findings and Planning Board.
Stephen Gilson asked about phasing of pad construction.
Peter LaPoint- stated that buffer to be constructed first, Phase II would be pad.
Board discussed conditions relating to phasing.
Stephen Gilson asked about bike rack at main building.
Francis Johnson asked about stormwater permit from Department of Public Works.
Katharine Baker asked about snow storage.
Jennifer Dieringer asked about conformance of new pad with zoning.
Staff clarified.
Debin Bruce asked about traffic circulation and alignment with Bluebonnet and asked about
buffer requirement if building pad is not built.
Stephen Gilson noted bike loops on plan.
Board discussed elevations.
Stephen Gilson asked who will control design.
Frank Coloccino, applicant displayed concept of building with brick and 40% windows or
display windows.
There was no public comment.
Staff discussed DPW comments and proposed conditions.
Upon motion by Andrew Weir and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Debin Bruce the Board voted unanimously to
approve the plans with conditions as discussed.
Other Business:
Letter of support for HP-- questions to be answered on the 14.
Minutes: May( 2), June (2), July (1), Aug (1)
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Andrew Weir the Board voted unanimously to
approve minutes.
Update about King St Forums.
Discussed Dennis Bidwell’s disclosure
Discussed status for ZRC
Question about letter of support.
10:45 Adjourn
The Northampton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Sept 23, 2010
City of Northampton Council Chambers, 220 Main St., Northampton, MA
Members Present: Time
Chair, Stephen Gilson
Vice Chair, Jennifer Dieringer
Francis “Frandy” Johnson
Marilyn Richards
Katharine Baker
Mark Sullivan Mark
Debin Bruce, Associate Member
Andrew Weir, Associate Member
Planning Director, Wayne Feiden
Senior Planner, Carolyn Misch
7:00 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the request by Constance Whalen for Site Plan Approval for
driveway over side lot line at 158 Baker Hill Rd, Northampton, Map Id 23C-095
Pat Goggins presented application and asked for flexibility to put the driveway anywhere within
the layout based on what makes sense on site.
Staff read Department of Public Works comments.
Ed Etheredge, abutter, spoke in favor of the driveway.
Sue Coffee, abutter, ascended to project.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Francis Johnson the board closed the hearing.
Upon motion by Marilyn Richards and second by Jennifer Dieringer the board voted
unanimously to approve permit with condition for max 15’ width curb cut.
7:15 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the joint hearing with CBAC, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish
for Site Plan Approval to construct a 14,000+- square foot building and parking lot over 75
Bruce Kriviskey , Bob Walker, Aelan Tierney, Barry Steeves for CBAC.
Stephen Gilson described hearing process noting that Planning Board cannot close hearing due to
lack of stormwater permit.
Ed Etheredge presented position of church and need for parking noting that it would likely take
at least a year of fundraising before can build. He further noted request for traffic waiver.
Father John Connors described proposal needs based on 5 parishes merging to 1.
Most number of people at any one event would be 300 people. (12-15 times per year)
Mike Talbot, engineering consultant, discussed design of lot 142 spaces and submitted new
landscape plans and new sheet 3 (3 & 7)
Chuck Whitham, Architects, Inc. described plans for new building.
Francis Johnson noted that house and garage are gone.
Katharine Baker asked about connection to the bike path and bike racks.
Stephen Gilson read letter from citizen about connection from building to King Street and bike
path connection. He noted that rendering showed sidewalk to King but not on plans.
Katharine Baker noted character of existing pine trees and asked about ZRC proposal for King
Stephen Gilson highlighted the drop in open space.
Francis Johnson stated that pine trees are not specimen trees.
Stephen Gilson stated that plans don’t show trees to be removed.
Bruce Kriviskey asked about information relating to structural analysis of the building in terms
of its obsolescence and impact to the character of downtown. He read the Solicitor’s memo and
interpretation of the CBAC jurisdiction.
Tierney requested the applicant provide a rendering of parking lot to get better sense of how it
presents on the street (replacing missing tooth) and also asked for structural obsolescence
Andrew Weir noted that the plans are out of character with the location. If parking demand is off
peak, why is it you wouldn’t be able to use other parking in the area?
Staff clarified width issues and snow plowing.
Francis Johnson asked about planting does it include existing.
Debin Bruce noted concern about the front buffer not being deep enough.
Katharine Baker asked why so much parking was required.
Bob Walker asked why second story wasn’t considered for administrative offices as a way to
preserve open space.
Stephen Gilson stated that lighting plans needed adjustmen and asked about dumpster location
and snow removal area.
Kimball Howes, resident, noted that people will park where it is convenient.
Tim Jacobs, 5 Edwards Square, excited about the prospect of church becoming more vibrant, but
raised a concern about removal of stand of pine trees. He asked about noise from events.
Paul Diemand, Southampton parish member, spoke in favor.
Sarah Bullitt, parishioner pleaded for resolution quickly.
David Kramer, resident, noted that there is a need for parking widths as shown.
Discussion of continuation with CBAC.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Andrew Weir the Board voted unanimously to
continue to Oct 14 at 7:30
Upon motion Bob Walker and second by Aelan Tierney, the CBAC voted to continue to Oct 14
at 7:30.
8:45 P.M.
Stephen Gilson openedthe request by Patrick J. Melnik Trustee for Special Permit
Amendment to eliminate the residential sprinkler requirement for buildings and to change the
materials for crosswalks across Chestnut Ave Extension access driveway. Project located at 28
Evergreen Rd, Leeds, Map Ids 6-64, 11A-3.
Pat Melnik, Jr presented request.
Stephen Gilson read Department of Public Works comments.
Francis Johnson asked why there was such a hard line on the water issue from City.
Staff clarified issue.
Board discussed issues and changes to crosswalk.
Jim Montgomery, Grove Ave read Laura Sandhusen’s letter. (submitted).
Stephen Gilson read Sandy Glyn’s letter.
Board discussed amendment for sprinkler.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted
unanimously to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Marilyn Richards, the Board voted
unanimously to deny the sprinkler request without prejudice.
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Katharine Baker, the Board voted
unanimously to approve the amendment to the crosswalk in accordance with DPW standard.
9:10 P.M.
Stephen Gilson opened the request by Colvest for Special Permit for a bank, Site Plan
Amendment for expansion of Firestone and reduction in parking for redevelopment of site at 327
King St, Northampton, Map Ids 24B-38, 39.
Peter McConnnell, Bacon Wilson, introduced team.
Mark Darnold presented project as site engineer for the applicant. He clarified that rubble strip
was proposed for refuge island of either scored concrete or granite rubble.
There was a discussion of cross-access easements and phasing.
Katharine Baker asked about permit requirements
Staff clarified permits necessary from Zoning Board of Appeals findings and Planning Board.
Stephen Gilson asked about phasing of pad construction.
Peter LaPoint- stated that buffer to be constructed first, Phase II would be pad.
Board discussed conditions relating to phasing.
Stephen Gilson asked about bike rack at main building.
Francis Johnson asked about stormwater permit from Department of Public Works.
Katharine Baker asked about snow storage.
Jennifer Dieringer asked about conformance of new pad with zoning.
Staff clarified.
Debin Bruce asked about traffic circulation and alignment with Bluebonnet and asked about
buffer requirement if building pad is not built.
Stephen Gilson noted bike loops on plan.
Board discussed elevations.
Stephen Gilson asked who will control design.
Frank Coloccino, applicant displayed concept of building with brick and 40% windows or
display windows.
There was no public comment.
Staff discussed DPW comments and proposed conditions.
Upon motion by Andrew Weir and second by Jennifer Dieringer, the Board voted unanimously
to close the hearing.
Upon motion by Francis Johnson and second by Debin Bruce the Board voted unanimously to
approve the plans with conditions as discussed.
Other Business:
Letter of support for HP-- questions to be answered on the 14.
Minutes: May( 2), June (2), July (1), Aug (1)
Upon motion by Jennifer Dieringer and second by Andrew Weir the Board voted unanimously to
approve minutes.
Update about King St Forums.
Discussed Dennis Bidwell’s disclosure
Discussed status for ZRC
Question about letter of support.
10:45 Adjourn
Minutes and Outcomes
King Street Rezoning Charrette Nov 13 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Media Education Foundation
Dec 2, 2010 5 PM to 7 PM 210 Main Street, Room 18 City Hall
Planning Board Members: Stephen Gilson, Mark Sullivan, Debin Bruce, Francis Johnson, Katharine Baker,
Andrew Weir, Marilyn Richards;
Zoning Revisions Committee: Dennis Bidwell, Stephen Gilson, Dani McKahn, Peter McLean, Jim Nash, Mark
NeJame, Bob Reckman, Dillon Sussman, Tom Weiner;
Chamber of Commerce: Suzanne Beck, Andrew Crystal, Mark Darnold, Ed Etheredge
City Staff: Teri Anderson, Wayne Feiden, Carolyn Misch
Indicates consensus on issue and proposed concept
Indicates lack of consensus or clarity on issue/proposed concept where more work was necessary.
Accommodate all modes of access to accommodate diverse funding options.
Simplify regulations.
Articulate principles guiding the zoning and regulate only those things that accomplish those priorities.
Improve visual/aesthetic context for corridor
Allow for current development as well as future development visions.
Allow a greater mix of uses
Encourage design for bikes and pedestrians
Encourage design that reflects local character
Maximize development on King St to reduce sprawl
Attract businesses that strengthen Northampton’s economy
Reduce excess parking and improve stormwater management
Encourage buildings that are built to last
Make zoning easier to understand and enforce
CENTRAL BUSINESS (Main to Trumbull)
Proposed Zoning
Setback/Build-to: 5’ MAX (unchanged)
Height Min. & Max: 30’ Min (unchanged)/65’ Max
Location of parking/Amount: Side/rear of front plane/ 0 (location unchanged)
Uses / Size Cap: Drop special permits for many; 90,000 sf
Design guidelines: Keep unchanged
Landscaping: Only change rear where abuts Res to 15’
Access Control: Unchanged
Open Space 0%
[Type text]
replaces GB and URC between Trumbull and rail trail)
Proposed Zoning Consensus/Outcome
Setback/Build-to: 8’ MIN 10’ from front(street side) of the sidewalk with
goal of creating 10’ pedestrian walk
Height Min. & Max:20’ Min/ 65’ Max – 2 nd story not required. Issue of mandatory 2 nd floor vs. voluntary
discussed. Keep proposed allowance for 2
floor with average height min.
Location of Side/rear of front plane (unchanged)
Uses / Size Cap: Drop special permit for many; 90,000 sf . Issue of ground floor residential
discussed/resolved to keep residential above
first floor
Design guidelines:New for facades Apply to all facades visible from a public way.
Landscaping: in 8’ buffer and buffer to parking Reduce rear
abutting res to 15’
Access Control: Keep Standard Site Plan language (1 per lot)
Open Space 0% landscape requirements only
HIGHWAY BUSINESS (Rail Trail to River Valley Market)
Proposed Zoning Consensus/Outcome
Setback/Build-to Chamber: Min 25’ from 10’ treebelt, 5’ sidewalk prop 12’ Tree Belt (unless 10’ recommended by
line to parking or building Tree Committee)
12’ Multi-use Bike-Ped Walk
Setback/Build-to OPD: 10’ treebelt, 12’ multiuse Performance
12’ Planted buffer to bldg/parking
Trees and buffer to parked cars. (with clear
performance standards)
Height Min. & Max: 20’ Min/ 65’ Max – 2 nd story not required Issue of mandatory 2 nd floor vs. voluntary
discussed. Resolved to keep as proposed.
Location of parking Anywhere on site behind buffer ZRC did not reach consensus. Some wanted
maximum 2 rows of parking in front of
Amount of Parking 0 Planning Board & Chamber consented to no
maximum but 27’ +/- wide promenade
connection from street to front of building.
(10’ wide walk flanked by 9’ wide buffer).
Uses / Size Cap: Drop special permit for many; 90,000 sf Issue of ground floor residential
Design guidelines: Add to all uses
Landscaping: Increased detail for parking lot/front
Access Control: More stringent to 1/lot Discussion of alternative access. Create
incentives for shared access. Special permit
for more than 1 offset possibly by more traffic
Buffer Depth/Details Improve details Discussion not finalized. Related to parking lot
amount/setback with ped promenade b/w
street and bldg.
Open Space 0% landscape requirements only Performance criteria