Civil Spec - All DivisionsHAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA TABLE OF CONTENTS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 000000 – Page 1 of 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NO SECTION TITLE LATEST REVISION 007355 EPA NPDES General Permit for Construction Activities 08/01/2019 018900 Site Construction Performance Requirements 08/01/2019 033055 Cast-In-Place Concrete (Site) 08/01/2019 101455 Traffic and Regulatory Signage (Site) 08/01/2019 310000 Earthwork 08/01/2019 311000 Site Clearing 08/01/2019 312500 Erosion and Sedimentation Controls 08/01/2019 321100 Base Courses (Pavements) 08/01/2019 321216 Asphalt Paving [Massachusetts] 08/01/2019 321610 Curbing 08/01/2019 321723 Pavement Markings 08/01/2019 323113 Chain Link Fences and Gates 08/01/2019 323223 Segmental Retaining Walls 08/01/2019 331000 Water Utilities 08/01/2019 333900 Sanitary Utility Sewerage Structures 08/01/2019 334000 Storm Drainage Utilities 08/01/2019 334020 Warning and Tracer Tape 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 007355 – Page 1 of 4 SECTION 007355 EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section applies to construction projects where greater than 1-acre of land disturbance will occur. This section specifies requirements for the individuals that are in control of the site activities during construction (identified as the “operator(s)”) to apply for a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System General Permit for Construction Activities and to prepare and implement the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)required by the Construction General Permit (CGP). This section does not include the full requirements of the CGP. It is the Contractors responsibility to understand the requirements of the permit, obtain permit coverage and implement the activities required. The permit and details for implementation can be found on the EPA Construction General Permit Website at: https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater-discharges-construction-activities#cgp B. When there are multiple contractors (“operators”) associated with construction activities at the project site, they, and the owner are all required to obtain permit coverage under the requirements of the CGP and all operators must file separate Notice of Intents with the EPA. One SWPPP may be coordinated for the project and implemented by the overall site Operator in coordination with the other operators. The Contractor(s)/(operators)are also responsible for submitting the Notice of Termination (see Section H). C. The stormwater pollution prevention measures contained on the site drawings are the minimum required by the City of Northampton. The Contractor is required to provide additional plans, documents and details to implement measures to prevent pollution from stormwater discharges in full compliance with the EPA CGP permit and all other local, state, and federal requirements. These minimum plans must be modified and/or replaced for inclusion in the SWPPP and must be updated as site construction activities occur by the operator in accordance with the CGP Permit. The operator is fully responsible for selecting and implementing the appropriate sedimentation and erosion controls in accordance with the SWPPP and for continual updates as necessary. D. For construction areas greater than one acre in size, the Contractor shall prepare a SWPPP before submitting a Notice of Intent (NOI) for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity under the CGP. The Contractor shall not begin construction without submitting evidence that the NOI has been filed electronically and has been acknowledged by the EPA at least fourteen (14) days prior to beginning of earth disturbing activities at the project site. The NOI can be filed at: http://www.epa.gov/npdes/electronic-notice-intent-enoi HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 007355 – Page 2 of 4 It is the Contractor’s responsibility to complete the SWPPP, file an NOI, assist the Owner and other contractors in filing separate NOIs, and receiving copies of the EPA acknowledgements of the NOI filings at least fourteen (14) days prior to commencing work on-site. E. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that all personnel associated with the project activities understand the requirements of the CGP that may affect their work. The Contractor is ultimately responsible for ensuring that all the activities on the site comply with the requirements of the permit. Part 5.1 of the SWPPP requires documentation that required personnel were trained on the applicable components of the SWPPP implementation. The operator must sign and date the SWPPP and a copy of the NOI, EPA authorization, SWPPP, and complete Construction General Permit must be available at the construction site. F. The Contractor shall conduct the stormwater management practices in accordance with local regulations and governing authorities, the CGP Permit requirements, and any enforcement action taken or imposed by federal, state, or local agencies. The cost of any fines, construction delays, and/or remedial actions resulting from the Contractor's failure to comply with all provisions of local regulations and CGP requirements shall be paid for by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. G. As a requirement of the CGProgram, the permitee must post a sign or other notice conspicuously at a safe publicly accessible location in close proximity to the project site with the following information: Project Name, NPDES permit tracking number, contact name and contact phone number for project information. The sign must be in a large enough font that it is visible from the right of way, and must be visible from the closest adjacent public road. H. When the site is fully stabilized, as defined in the CGP and no additional exposed soil will be present on the site, the respective Contractor(s)(operators) who filed an NOI shall prepare and file a Notice of Termination (NOT) of coverage under an NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activity (NOT Form). 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include but are not limited to: 1. Section 311000 – SITE CLEARING 2. Section 312500 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 3. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 4. Section 321100 – BASE COURSES (PAVEMENTS) 5. Section 334000 – STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 1.03 REFERENCES A. EPA NPDES General Permit for Construction Activities (Construction General Permit [CGP]) https://www.epa.gov/npdes/epas-2017-construction-manual-general-permit-cgp-and- related-documents HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 007355 – Page 3 of 4 B. EPA NPDES Construction General Permit website: https://www.epa.gov/npdes/stormwater- discharges-constuction-activities#cgp C. Massachusetts Stormwater Regulations (2008) and associated Stormwater Handbook D. Site Plan Approval 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit a copy of the operator finalized SWPPP prior to submitting the Notice of Intent. B. Submit a copy of each NOI submitted to the EPA for each operator and the owner, along with any related correspondence with EPA. C. Submit a copy of the response from the eNOI system assigning the permit tracking number (or a copy of the Acknowledgement Letter received from the NOI processing center if not electronically filed) D. Submit a copy of the Notice of Termination (NOT) Form filed with the EPA at completion of project by each operator. 1.05 INSPECTIONS A. The Contractor shall inspect disturbed areas of the site at least once per week and within 24 hours of a storm of 0.25 inch or greater and in compliance with all the requirements of the CGP and associated SWPPP for the project. B. A SWPPP compliant maintenance inspection report shall be prepared after each inspection. The Contractor shall identify one individual who will be responsible for conducting inspections and preparing the reports in compliance with the permit. The Contractor shall also designate a person who will fill in for the inspector during absences. These individuals shall be trained in all maintenance and inspection practices very specifically outlined in the permit. PART 2 – PRODUCTS (Not Used) HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 007355 – Page 4 of 4 PART 3 – EXECUTION 3.01 EROSION CONTROL DEVICES A. Erosion control devices shall be constructed as specified in the SWPPP and as specified in Section 312500 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS. 3.02 STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PRINCIPLES A. The following general principles shall be followed by the Contractor in preparing the SWPPP and during the construction phase: 1. Protect and maintain existing vegetation wherever possible. 2. Minimize the area of disturbance. 3. To the extent possible, route unpolluted flows around disturbed areas. 4. Install mitigation devices as early as possible. 5. Minimize the time disturbed areas are left unstabilized. 6. Maintain erosion and siltation control devices in proper condition. 3.03 CONTRACTOR’S STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN A. The Contract Drawings and Specifications identify only a portion of the required temporary erosion and sedimentation control devices. The Contractor shall prepare a complete SWPPP in accordance with Permit requirements which identifies the resource on the Site and the erosion and sedimentation control measures as required to minimize pollution. B. Reproducible copies of one or more of the Contract Drawings will be provided to the Contractor to serve as a base for the Contractor to develop a SWPPP and modify as necessary as construction proceeds. END OF SECTION Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 018900 – Page 1 of 4 SECTION 018900 SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies the general requirements for the site work included in the Contract. B. These requirements supplement those contained in the Standard General Conditions of the Construction Contract and their Supplemental Conditions. C. References are included in this Section to Articles of the General Conditions to call the Contractor's attention to frequently needed requirements. 1.02 PERMITS A. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, the Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses. The Owner shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtaining such permits and licenses. The Contractor shall pay all charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of the Work, and shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections to the Work. 1.03 LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work. B. If the Contractor performs any work that is contrary to laws or regulations, the Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting therefrom. 1.04 UTILITIES A. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respect to existing underground facilities (utilities) at or contiguous to the site is based on information and data furnished to Owner or Engineer by the owners of such underground facilities (utilities) or by others. 1. The Owner and Engineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data; and 2. The cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract and Contractor shall have full responsibility for: (i) reviewing and checking all such information and data; (ii) locating all underground facilities (utilities) shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; (iii) coordination of the Work with the owners of such underground facilities (utilities) during construction; and (iv) the safety and protection of all such underground facilities (utilities) and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. B. Not Shown or Indicated: If an underground facility (utility) is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the site which was not shown or indicated in the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 018900 – Page 2 of 4 conditions affected thereby or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency), identify the owner of such underground facility (utility) and give written notice to that facility (utility) owner and to Owner and Engineer. Engineer will promptly review the underground facility (utility) and determine the extent, if any, to which a change is required in the Contract Documents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence of the underground facility (utility). If the Engineer concludes that a change in the Contract Documents is required, revised plans and specifications will be issued to reflect and document such consequences. During such time, the Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such underground facility (utility). C. Contractor shall notify all municipal agencies and utility companies owning or operating utilities, of proposed work affecting the utilities, or agencies. D. Contractor shall give written notification within the time period required by the agency or company for advance notification. A copy of the notification shall be furnished to the Engineer. E. Contractor shall notify "DIG SAFE" before commencing any work in the vicinity of existing subsurface utilities. F. Contractor shall secure in-place existing utilities whose support is affected by the work and cooperate and assist the agency or company operating the utility in maintaining the utility services. Contractor shall correct any damage to the utilities caused by construction operations by repair or replacement, as required by the utility owner. When the repair or replacement is made by the utility owner, Contractor shall pay all costs assessed by the utility owner for the work. G. If the existing utilities are found to conflict with the proposed work, the Contractor shall protect and maintain the utilities and take measurements to determine the location, type and dimensions of the utility. The information shall be furnished to the Engineer who will determine the changes required in the proposed work or existing utilities to resolve the conflict as soon thereafter as is reasonable. H. Contractor shall verify the location, size, invert elevation and type of existing facilities at all points of connection prior to ordering new utility materials. 1.05 SOILS INFORMATION A. A geotechnical report on site soil conditions has been prepared for the Owner. Refer to Section 310000 – EARTHWORK for information about and use of the geotechnical report. B. The geotechnical report and the soils data are furnished to Contractor for informational purposes only and are specifically not a part of these Contract Documents. The Owner does not guarantee that the information is representative of all soils, rock, and other materials that may be encountered on the site. C. Contractor may make additional subsurface explorations upon written request to, and upon approval by, the Owner at no additional cost to the Owner. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 018900 – Page 3 of 4 1.06 SOIL SUPPORT A. Contractor shall furnish and install excavation soil support devices or use soil strengthening techniques required to perform excavations in accordance with the current requirements of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Health & Safety Administration and all federal, state, and municipal laws and regulations. 1.07 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References are made to technical societies, organizations and groups using the following abbreviations. All work so referred shall conform to the current edition of the referenced standard. 306R Cold Weather Concreting AASHTO American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials ACI American Concrete Institute ACOE United States Army Corps of Engineers AGC Associated General Contractors of America ANSI American National Standards Institute AOAC Association of Official Agricultural Chemists ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWPA American Wood Preservers Association AWWA American Water Works Association NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEWWA New England Water Works Association OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration UL Underwriters Laboratory 1.08 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE A. Contractor shall maintain access to the site and through the work zones for personnel and vehicles of emergency services, utility agencies, inspection services, and others authorized to enter, move about and work on the site. B. When work is required on public roadways, Contractor shall furnish, install, maintain, and remove all signs, drums, barricades, steel plates, and other devices required by the federal or state government or municipality to maintain and protect pedestrians and vehicular traffic. C. Protective measures shall be installed at site access points to prevent mud and other debris from being deposited on the public roadways by construction traffic. The public roadways shall be swept as required to remove any deposits. 1.09 STATE AND LOCAL REFERENCE STANDARDS A. Building Code Massachusetts State Building Code DEP Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 018900 – Page 4 of 4 MassDOT MassDOT Highway Division MWRA Massachusetts Water Resources Authority 1.10 AS-BUILT SURVEY Upon completion of construction, the General Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring the Owner is provided with an As-Built Survey of the completed project. The General Contractor may delegate the performance of the survey to other appropriate contractors, provided all information for the site is compiled within a single plan. The GC shall insure that all utilities which cannot be located after construction completion (underground electric, gas, water, communication, etc) are located on progress prints as installed on a working set of drawings maintained on the premises, and that this information is provided to the firm performing the As-Built Survey for reflection on the final survey. The original design plans for the project cannot be marked-up and used as the as-built plans. The As-built survey shall be provided in hard copy format, signed and sealed by a Registered Land Surveyor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in electronic format in AutoCAD software. END OF SECTION 018900 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 1 of 11 SECTION 033055 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for concrete cast-in-place on the site. B. The work includes cast-in-place concrete pavement, walkways bases, foundations, structures, and thrust blocks. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 2. Section 321610 - CURBING 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References herein are made in accordance with the following abbreviations and all work under this Section shall conform to the latest editions as applicable. 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 301 Specifications for Structural Concrete 305R Hot Weather Concreting 306R Cold Weather Concreting 325.9R Guide for Construction of Concrete Pavements and Concrete Bases 2. ASTM International (ASTM): A82 Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for Concrete Reinforcement A1064 Standard Specification for Steel Wire and Welded Wire Reinforcement, Plain and Deformed, for Concrete A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement C31 Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete C143 Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement C171 Standard Specification for Sheet Materials for Curing Concrete C231 Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure Method C260 Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 2 of 11 C309 Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete C494 Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete C1116 Standard Specification for Fiber-Reinforced Concrete 3. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (CRSI): Manual Manual of Standard Practice. 4. United States Department of Justice - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): ADA ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities; 28 CFR Part 36. 5. State Regulations regarding Accessibility. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Work and materials for construction of the cement concrete walks shall conform to ACI 316R. Other cast-in-place concrete shall conform to ACI 301. B. Work, materials, and color of the wheelchair ramp paving shall conform to applicable sections of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and State Standards, whichever is more stringent. C. Dimensions, locations, and details of equipment pads, anchors, supports, and similar features shown on the Drawings are approximate. Manufacturer's approved shop Drawings of equipment to be supported, anchored, or contained thereby shall be consulted for exact location, size, and details. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit description of methods and sequence of placement for each type of specially- finished concrete, including description of methods and sequence of placement. B. Submit manufacturer's product data for the following: 1. Form release agent. 2. Concrete coloring additive. 3. Preformed joint filler. 4. Concrete reinforcement specification data from manufacturer. 5. Stamp and imprinting tools, manufacturer’s literature. 6. Manufacturer’s literature for protective coating for sidewalks. 7. Detectable Warning including manufacturer’s certification that product complies with ADA 1.06 TESTING A. The Owner may employ an independent testing laboratory to inspect and test concrete paving and other cast-in-place concrete work. B. When requested, Contractor shall prepare test specimens in accordance with ASTM C31, standard cylinder size 4-inch x 8 inch. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 3 of 11 C. Testing of materials and installed work may occur at any time during progress of the work. Rejected materials and installed work shall be removed and replaced. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Steel reinforcing bars shall conform to ASTM A615, Grade 60, deformed. 1. Bars employed as dowels shall be hot-rolled plain rounds. B. Steel Wire: ASTM A82, plain cold drawn steel. C. Welded Wire Reinforcement: Welded wire reinforcement shall conform to the applicable requirements of ASTM A1064. Fabric reinforcement shall be furnished in flat sheets. Fabric reinforcement in rolls will not be permitted. D. Supports for Reinforcement: Bolsters, chairs, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcing bars, and welded wire fabric in place shall be wire bar-type supports complying with CRSI Manual. 1. For slabs-on-grade, use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners where base material will not support chair legs. 2. For exposed-to-view concrete surfaces where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with legs that are protected by plastic (CRSI Class 1). 2.02 PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE A. Portland cement concrete shall conform to the following: 1. Maximum water-cement ratio shall be 0.45 conforming to ACI 316R. 2. Concrete shall be air-entrained type conforming to ASTM C94. Air content by volume shall be 6 percent + 1.5 percent, tested in accordance with ASTM C260. 3. Slump of concrete shall not be less than 3 inches nor greater than 4 inches, determined in accordance with ASTM C143. 4. Cement for concrete shall be a Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150, Type I or II. Only one color of cement, all by the same manufacturer, shall be used for the work. [Type III cement shall be used only with the prior approval of the Engineer.] 5. Fine and coarse aggregates for concrete shall conform to ASTM C33. 6. Concrete shall contain a water reducing agent to minimize cement and water content of the concrete mix at the specified slump. Water reducing agent shall conform to ASTM C494, Type A. 7. Concrete shall contain no calcium chloride or admixtures containing calcium chloride. No admixtures other than those specified shall be used in the concrete without the specific written permission of the Engineer. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 4 of 11 2.03 CONCRETE AGGREGATES A. Fine Aggregates: Fine aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33, part 6. B. Coarse Aggregates: Coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C33, Parts 9 through 11 and Tables 2 and 3, with the following Class designations: 1. Class 1S: For footings and foundations not exposed to the weather. 2. Class 4S: For pavements, driveways, curbs, walkways, sidewalks, and retaining walls that are exposed to the weather. 3. Class 1N: For pavements, driveways, curbs, walkways, sidewalks, and retaining walls that are not exposed to the weather. C. Exposed Aggregate: Exposed aggregate for ADA curb ramps shall be selected, hard, durable, washed rounded stones free of deleterious reactivity to cement with graded sizes between 1/2 to 3/4-inch diameter nominal sieves. 2.04 COLORED CONCRETE A. Color hardener and curing compound shall be manufactured and supplied by the Bomanite Corporation, 81 Encina Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94301; tel. 800-854-2094, or approved equivalent. 1. Color for concrete shall have visual contrast with surrounding paving. 2. Curing compound shall be liquid applied. 2.05 CURING MATERIALS FOR UNCOLORED CONCRETE A. Curing shall be accomplished by the following methods: 1. Moist curing with burlap covering. 2. Curing paper, non-staining, fiber reinforced laminated Kraft bituminous product conforming to ASTM C171. Four mil polyethylene sheeting may be substituted for curing paper. 3. Curing compound, a resin-base, white pigmented compound conforming to ASTM C309, Type 2. 2.06 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Expansion joint filler shall be preformed, non-bituminous type conforming to ASTM D1752, Type II, similar to Sealtight Cork Expansion Joint Filler, manufactured by W.R. Meadows, Inc., Elgin, IL 60120, or approved equivalent. 1. Pre-molded filler shall be one piece for the full depth and width of the joint. B. Smooth dowel shall be hot rolled plain steel dowel bonded at one end and operating in smooth close-fitting sleeve (of same material) at the other end. 2.07 CONTROL JOINTS A. Joint filler to be polyethylene foam with manufacturer’s recommended sealant. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 5 of 11 2.08 FORMS A. Cylindrical Forms: Sonotube Fibre Forms, wax-impregnated strippable forms manufactured by Sonoco Products Company, General Products Division, ABS or PVC plastic reusable forms, or approved equivalent. B. Forms for Exposed Finish: Plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood faced, or other acceptable panel materials. Plywood shall conform to U.S. Product Standard PS-1 and APA Graded B-B (Concrete Form) Class I Exterior Grade plywood or B-B or A-C Class I high density overlay concrete form plywood. Formwork materials shall produce smooth, continuous, straight and level surfaces. C. Forms for Unexposed Finish: Plywood, lumber, or metal, with lumber dressed on at least two edges and one side. D. Form Ties: Prefabricated, adjustable length galvanized steel snap-off ties, with brackets, cones, cornerlocks, and other accessories as necessary. E. Form Release Agent: Commercial formulation compounds that will not bond with, stain or adversely affect concrete. F. Imprinting Tools: Mats and tools used to stamp projecting texture and patterns onto plastic concrete surfaces and which shall be specifically designed with rigid back supports to enable a clean, sharp, stamping image. Stamps for curb ramps shall be designed to meet ADA detectable warning requirements. 2.09 FIBROUS REINFORCING A. Material shall meet ASTM C1116 and shall be as manufactured by NyCon Incorporated, or approved equal. B. Mix fibrous reinforcement in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions including product data and technical bulletins. 1. Add fibrous reinforcement to concrete mix at the concrete batch facility. 2. Adding and mixing fibrous reinforcement at the job site will not be allowed. C. Provide job mix design data to show concrete mix will attain specified strength requirements. 2.10 EXPOSED CONCRETE PROTECTIVE COATING A. Surface sealer shall be silane-siloxane non-yellowing type which breathes water vapor, Saltguard WB by ProSoCo or approved equivalent. 2.11 DETECTABLE WARNINGS A. Detectable warnings shall meet ADA and State Standards, whichever is more stringent, and shall be ADA Solutions Cast-in-Place Replaceable Tactile Warning Surface Tiles Federal Yellow (or approved equal). HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 6 of 11 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION OF SUBGRADE A. The subgrade of areas to be paved shall be graded and compacted as specified in Section 321100, BASE COURSES (PAVEMENTS). B. Excavation required in pavement subgrade shall be completed before fine grading and final compaction of subgrade are performed. Where excavation must be performed in completed subgrade, subbase, base, or pavement, subsequent backfill and compaction shall be performed as required by the Engineer and as specified in Section 310000, EARTHWORK. C. Materials shall not be stored or stockpiled on subgrade. D. Prepared subgrade will be inspected by the Engineer. Subgrade shall be approved for installation of the gravel base course. Disturbance to subgrade caused by inspection procedures shall be repaired. 3.02 BASE COURSE A. Base course for concrete paving shall be pavement subbase course or gravel base materials specified in Section 321100, BASE COURSES (PAVEMENTS) as shown on the Drawings. B. Width of base course shall extend beyond edge of the proposed pavement as shown on the Drawings. C. Material shall be placed in lifts no more than 6 inches thick, compacted measure. Each lift shall be separately compacted to specified density. 1. Material shall be placed adjacent to wall, manhole, catch basin, and other structures only after they have been set to required grade. 2. Rolling shall begin at sides and progress to center of crowned areas, and shall begin on low side and progress toward high side of sloped areas. Rolling shall continue until material does not creep or wave ahead of roller wheels. 3. Surface irregularities which exceed 1/2 inch as measured by means of a 10-foot-long straightedge shall be regraded and recompacted. D. Base course shall be compacted at optimum moisture content to not less than 95 percent of maximum density as determined by ASTM D1557. E. The base course shall be kept clean and uncontaminated. Less select materials shall not be permitted to become mixed with the base course material. 3.03 STEEL REINFORCEMENT A. Before being placed in position, reinforcing steel shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose mill and rust scale, dirt, ice, and other foreign material which may reduce the bond between the concrete and reinforcing. Where there is delay in placing concrete after reinforcement is in place, bars shall be re-inspected and cleaned when required. B. Any bar showing cracks after bending shall be discarded. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 7 of 11 C. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, reinforcing shall extend within 2 inches of formwork and expansion joints. Reinforcing shall continue through control joints. Adjacent sheets of fabric reinforcing shall lap 6 inches. D. After forms have been coated with form release agent, but before concrete is placed, reinforcing steel shall be securely wired in the required position and shall be maintained in that position until concrete is placed and compacted. Chair bars and supports shall be installed in a number and arrangement approved by the Engineer. 3.04 FORMS A. General: Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork to support vertical, lateral, static, and dynamic loads that might be applied until concrete structure can support such loads. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of correct size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position. Maintain formwork construction tolerances and surface irregularities complying with the following ACI 347 limits. 1. Provide Class A tolerances for concrete surfaces exposed to view. 2. Provide Class C tolerances for other concrete surfaces. B. Construct forms to provide for openings, offsets, sinkages, keyways, recesses, moldings, chamfers, blocking, screeds, bulkheads, anchorages, and inserts, and other features required for the work. Use selected materials to obtain required finishes. Solidly butt joints and provide back-up at joints to prevent cement paste from leaking. C. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and other features for easy removal. D. Chamfer exposed corners and edges, using wood, metal, PVC, or rubber chamfer strips fabricated to produce uniform smooth lines and tight edge joints. E. Thoroughly clean forms and adjacent surfaces to receive concrete. Remove chips, wood, sawdust, dirt, or other debris just before placing concrete. Re-tighten forms and bracing before placing concrete, as required, to prevent mortar leaks and maintain proper alignment. 3.05 INSTALLING EMBEDDED ITEMS A. General: Set and build into formwork the anchorage devices and other embedded items required for work that is attached to, or supported by, cast-in-place concrete. Use setting drawings, diagrams, instructions, and directions provided by suppliers of items to be attached. B. Forms for Slabs: Set edge forms, bulkheads, and intermediate screed strips for slabs to achieve required elevations and contours in finished surfaces. Provide and secure units to support screed strips using strike-off templates or compacting-type screeds. 3.06 PREPARING FORM SURFACES A. Coat contact surfaces of forms with an approved, nonresidual, low-VOC form-coating compound before placing reinforcement. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 8 of 11 3.07 CONCRETE PLACING A. Equipment, methods of mixing and placing, and precautions to be observed as to weather, and condition of base shall meet the requirements of ACI 316R. B. The Engineer shall be notified of scheduled concrete placement sufficiently in advance of start of operation to allow preliminary inspection of the work, including subgrade, forms, and reinforcing steel. C. Work shall not be performed during rainy weather or when temperature is less than 40°F. (4.4°C.). D. Adjacent work shall be protected from stain and damage. Damaged and stained areas shall be replaced or repaired to equal their original conditions. E. Existing concrete, earth, and other water-permeable material against which new concrete is to be placed shall be thoroughly damp when concrete is placed. There shall be no free water on surface. F. Concrete which has set or partially set, before placing shall not be used. Retempering of concrete will not be permitted. G. Concrete shall be thoroughly vibrated, or otherwise consolidated to secure a solid and homogeneous mass, thoroughly worked around reinforcement and into corners of forms. H. When joining fresh concrete to concrete which has attained full set, latter shall be cleaned of foreign matter, and mortar laitance shall be removed by chipping and washing. Clean, roughened base surface shall be saturated with water, but shall have no free water on surface. A coat of 1:1 cement-sand grout, approximately 1/8 inch thick, shall be well scrubbed into the thoroughly dampened concrete base. New concrete shall be placed immediately, before grout has dried or set. 3.08 FINISHING A. Concrete surfaces shall be screeded and finished true to line and grade, and free of hollows and bumps. Surface shall be dense and smooth. 1. Finished concrete surface for concrete subbases shall be wood floated to a slightly rough surface. Surface shall not deviate more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet. 2. Finished concrete surfaces shall be wood floated and steel troweled, or broom finished, to a uniform surface. Surface shall not deviate more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet. B. Horizontal surfaces of concrete surfaces which will be exposed shall be given a light broomed finish, with direction of grooves in concrete surface perpendicular to length of concrete band, slab, or pad. After concrete has set sufficiently to prevent coarse aggregate from being torn from surface, but before it has completely set, brooms shall be drawn across the surface to produce a pattern of small parallel grooves. Broomed surface shall be uniform, with no smooth, unduly rough or porous spots, or other irregularities. Coarse aggregate shall not be dislodged by brooming operation. C. Immediately following finishing operations, arises at edges and both sides of expansion joints shall be rounded to a 1/4- inch radius. Control joints to be tooled shall be scored into HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 9 of 11 slab surface with scoring tool. Adjacent edges of control joint shall at same time be finished to a 1/4-inch radius. D. Where finishing is performed before end of curing period, concrete shall not be permitted to dry out, and shall be kept continuously moist from time of placing until end of curing period, or until curing membrane is applied. E. Sidewalks, walkways, accessible routes, and ramps shall be constructed and finished in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and state and local requirements. Provide protective coating in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. F. Exposed Aggregate Finish: Expose coarse aggregate in pavement surfaces as follows: 1. Immediately after float finishing, spray-apply chemical surface retarder to pavement according to manufacturer’s written instructions. 2. Cover pavement surface with plastic sheeting, sealing laps with tape, and remove when ready to continue finishing operations. 3. Without dislodging aggregate, remove excess mortar by lightly brushing surface with a stiff, nylon-bristle broom. 4. Fine-spray surface with water and brush. Repeat water flushing and brushing cycle until cement film is removed from aggregate surfaces to depth required. 3.09 STAMPING A. Mat Stamping: While initially finished concrete is plastic accurately align and place stamp mats in sequence. Uniformly load mats and press into concrete to produce requirement imprint pattern and depth of imprint on concrete surface. Remove stamp mats immediately. Hand stamp edges and surfaces unable to be imprinted using stamp mats. B. Tool Stamping: While initially finished concrete is plastic, cover surface with polyethylene film, stretch taut to remove wrinkles, lap sides and ends 3 inches (75 mm), and secure to edge forms. Lightly broom surface to remove air bubbles. Accurately align and place stamp tools in sequence and tamp into concrete to produce required imprint pattern and depth of imprint on concrete surface. Remove stamp tools immediately. Hand stamp edges and surfaces unable to be imprinted by stamp tools. Unroll and remove polyethylene film immediately after tool stamping. 3.10 CURING A. Concrete shall be kept continuously damp from time of placement until end of specified curing period or cured by other methods. Water shall not be added to surface during floating and troweling operations, and not earlier than 24 hours after concrete placement. Between finishing operations, surface shall be protected from rapid drying by a covering of waterproofing paper. Surface shall be damp when the covering is placed over it, and shall be kept damp by means of a fog spray of water, applied as often as necessary to prevent drying, but not sooner than 24 hours after placing concrete. None of the water so applied shall be troweled or floated into surface. B. Concrete surfaces shall be cured by completely covering with curing paper or application of a curing compound. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 10 of 11 1. Concrete cured using waterproof paper shall be completely covered with paper with seams lapped and sealed with tape. Concrete surface shall not be allowed to become moistened between 24 and 36 hours after placing concrete. During curing period, concrete surface shall be checked frequently, and sprayed with water as often as necessary to prevent drying, but not earlier than 24 hours after placing concrete. 2. Concrete cured with a curing compound shall have the compound applied at a rate of 200 square feet per gallon, in two applications perpendicular to each other. 3. Curing period shall be seven (7) days minimum. C. Only if additional protection is absolutely required, the surface should remain uncovered after the seven (7) day period for at least four (4) days, after which time new and unwrinkled non-staining reinforced waterproof Kraft curing paper may be used. 3.11 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Expansion joints shall be 1/2-inch-wide and located to provide a maximum spacing of 30 feet between joints or where shown on the Drawings. Expansion joints shall be troweled in the concrete to required width with preformed joint filler in place. Joint filler shall extend the full depth of the slab and full length of the expansion joint. 1. For concrete walks, pavements, and pads, depth of joint filler shall be placed to form a 1-1/4 inch deep recess for sealant and backer rod below finished concrete surface. 2. Use of multiple pieces to make up required depth and width of joint will not be permitted. 3.12 CONSTRUCTION JOINTS A. Construction joints shall be placed whenever placing of concrete is suspended for more than 30 minutes. 1. Butt joint with dowels or use a thickened edge joint if construction joints occur at control joint locations. 2. Keyed joints with tie-bars shall be used if the joint occurs at any other location. 3.13 CONTROL JOINTS A. Control joints shall be tooled into the concrete slab, with 3-inch wide border and troweled edges, in pattern as shown on the Drawings. If no pattern is shown, then pattern shall result in square shape with a maximum area of 36 square feet. Joints shall be made after concrete is finished and when the surface is stiff enough to support the weight of workmen without damage to the slab, but before slab has achieved its final set. B. Scoring shall cut into slab surface at least 1 inch, but in no case not less than 25 percent of slab depth. 3.14 PROTECTIVE COATING A. Sealant shall be applied per manufacturer’s recommendations HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 033055 – Page 11 of 11 3.15 COLD WEATHER CONCRETING A. Materials for concrete shall be heated when concrete is mixed, placed, or cured when the mean daily temperature is below 40°F. or is expected to fall to below 40°F. within 72 hours. The concrete, after placing, shall be protected by covering, heat, or both. B. Details of handling and protecting of concrete during freezing weather shall be subject to the approval and direction of the Engineer. Procedures shall be in accordance with provisions of ACI 306R. 3.16 HOT WEATHER CONCRETING A. Concrete just placed shall be protected from the direct rays of the sun and the forms and reinforcement just prior to placing shall be sprinkled with cold water. Every effort shall be made to minimize delays which will result in excessive mixing of the concrete after its arrival on-site. B. During periods of excessively hot weather (95°F., or above), ingredients in the concrete shall be cooled with cold mixing water to maintain the temperature of the concrete at permissible levels in accordance with the provisions of ACI 305R. Any concrete with a temperature above 95°F., when ready for placement, will be rejected. C. Temperature records shall be maintained throughout the period of hot weather giving air temperature, general weather conditions (calm, windy, clear, cloudy, etc.) and relative humidity. Records shall include checks on temperature of concrete when delivered to Project site and after placing in forms. Data should be correlated with the progress of the work so that conditions surrounding the construction of any part of the structure can be ascertained. 3.17 PROTECTION OF CONCRETE SURFACES A. Concrete surfaces shall be protected from traffic or damage until surfaces have hardened sufficiently. 3.18 DETECTABLE WARNINGS A. Detectable warnings shall be installed at locations as shown on plans and per manufacturer’s recommendations. END OF SECTION 033055 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA TRAFFIC AND REGULATORY SIGNAGE Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 101455 – Page 1 of 4 SECTION 101455 TRAFFIC AND REGULATORY SIGNAGE (SITE) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for site traffic and regulatory signs and supports. B. The work includes: 1. The furnishing and installation of new signs and sign supports. 2. The removal of existing signs. 3. New signs and sign supports in public roadways under the jurisdiction of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division (MassDOT) or municipality. The signs and supports shall conform to the requirements of Sections 828 and 840 of the latest edition of the Massachusetts Highway Department Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges (MassDOT Standard Specifications). 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: 1. Shop Drawings of all signs and supports. Do not order material or begin fabrication until Engineer's approval has been obtained. 2. Show sizes and thicknesses of all members, types of materials, methods of construction and assembly, type of surface treatment, complete dimensions, hangers, brackets, anchorage, fasteners, relationship to surrounding work by other trades, shop finishes, sign designs, layouts, and lettering, and other pertinent details of fabrication and installation. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The manufacturer shall have experience in the type of work required and a reputation for producing satisfactory work on time. B. Deliver and store in a manner that prevents cracking, chipping, stress of the components, and damage. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA TRAFFIC AND REGULATORY SIGNAGE Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 101455 – Page 2 of 4 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 ALUMINUM SIGN PANELS A. Aluminum Sign Panel: Fabricated from flat aluminum sheeting, ASTM B209, Alloy 6061-T6 or Alloy 5052-H38, of the following thickness and mounting, unless otherwise specified: Area of Sign (square feet) Mounting Thickness (Inches) Less than or equal to 10 Single Post 0.080 Between 10 and 20 Two Posts 0.080 Between 6 and 25 Single Post (Top Mounted) 0.250 B. Sign supporting hardware shall be aluminum or stainless steel. 2.02 REFLECTIVE SHEETING A. Reflective sheeting shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 268. 1. Panel sheeting shall be Type II (Engineering Grade). 2. Legend sheeting shall be Type III (High Intensity). B. Reflective sheeting shall be applied to properly treated base panels with mechanical equipment in a manner specified for the manufacture of traffic control signs by the sheeting manufacturer. Heat activated adhesive coating sheeting shall be pre-perforated. 1. No splices shall be allowed on sign panels. C. When pressure sensitive adhesive coating reflective sheeting is used all sheeting splices and sign edges shall be sealed with materials recommended by and in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. 1. Dry heat activated adhesive coated reflective sheeting when applied to aluminum shall be edge sealed as specified by the sheeting manufacturer. D. Reflective sheeting shall be applied to properly treated base panels with mechanical equipment in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. E. The numerals shall be black, die-cut, pre-spaced, conforming to the detail on the Drawings. Numerals shall have a pre-coated, pressure-activated adhesive applied as recommended by the manufacturer of the reflective sheeting or be opaque black permanent inks applied on approved high intensity sheeting. F. Treatment of Aluminum Sign Panels Prior to Application of Reflective Sheeting. 1. Degreasing: a. Vapor degreasing: By total immersion of the panel in a saturated vapor or trichloroethylene. Trademark printing shall be removed with lacquer thinner or controlled alkaline cleaning system. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA TRAFFIC AND REGULATORY SIGNAGE Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 101455 – Page 3 of 4 b. Alkaline degreasing: By total immersion of the panel in a tank containing alkaline solutions, controlled and titrated to the solution manufacturer's specification. 2. Rinsing: After satisfactory degreasing, the panels shall be thoroughly washed with running water. 3. Drying: The panel shall be thoroughly dried by use of a forced hot air dryer. 4. Metal shall not be handled between cleaning and etching operation and the application of reflective sheeting, except with devices or clean canvas gloves. 5. Metal shall not come in contact with greases, oils, or other contaminants prior to the application of reflective sheeting. 2.03 LEGENDS A. Permanently Applied Legends: 1. Permanently applied legends shall be reflective or opaque sheeting applied directly to clean, dust-free background in a manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. 2. Heat activated adhesive-coated material shall be applied only by mechanical means. 3. Finishes shall be as recommended by and applied in the manner specified by the sheeting manufacturer. 4. Legends shall be neatly cut. B. Silk Screen Processed: 1. The legends shall be of the series and size specified in the AASHTO Manual for "Signing and Pavement Markings" (current edition), and the dimension and details of the letters in to each series shall be as specified in the U.S. Department of Transportation FHWA publication "Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs and Pavement Markings" (current edition), or as shown on the Drawings. 2.04 FASTENERS AND ANCHORS A. The sign fabricator shall design a complete system of fastenings and anchorage devices for the various signs, as required for attachment to the various supporting structures. These may include concealed clip systems, face screws and epoxy adhesives. Wherever reasonably possible, fastenings and anchorage devices shall be fully concealed and shall be vandal proof. The Contractor shall provide safe and secure installations in strict conformance to the governing laws and building code. 2.05 SIGN SUPPORTS A. Type A Sign support shall be 2-1/2” steel post; paint color shall be selected by Architect. B. Type B Sign supports shall be breakaway type. P-5 breakaway sign posts shall conform to Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division (MassDOT) details entitled "Standard Ground Mounted Supports Breakaway Design" and MassDOT Material Specifications. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA TRAFFIC AND REGULATORY SIGNAGE Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 101455 – Page 4 of 4 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION AND TEMPORARY COVERS A. Completed sign panels shall be protected and maintained in good condition, free from dirt, scratches, hand marks or other blemishes. The panels shall be transported in a manner that prevents damage. B. Subsequent to erection, if required by the Engineer, exterior signs shall be covered until the actual use is desired. Material used to temporarily cover any sign panel shall effectively conceal the message, be non-injurious to the panel, its finish, its structural integrity, and shall be of sufficient durability for the time period required. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. Erection of all signs shall be performed by experienced sign erectors. Signs shall be installed true, plumb, and level, located where shown on the Drawings or as required by the Engineer. No field cutting of any sign work will be allowed. Exercise extreme care in all handling and stacking of signs to avoid chipping. B. All work shall be rigidly anchored to the supporting construction in accordance with the approved shop drawings. 3.03 CLEAN-UP A. Surfaces of signs shall be cleaned as recommended by the sign manufacturer after installation. B. All defective work shall be removed and replaced with work conforming to the specified requirements. 3.04 ERECTION OF POSTS A. P-5 Breakaway posts shall be installed in conformance with details shown on the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division (MassDOT) "Standard Drawings for Signs and Supports", when located within public roadways. B. Posts specifically indicated on the drawings to be driven, shall be driven a minimum of four feet into firm ground. C. Steel Posts shall be supported in a concrete base as detailed in the drawings. D. The height of signs above ground surfaces shall meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. E. Edge of signs shall be located two feet inches (min) from face of curb or as required per Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). END OF SECTION 101455 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 1 of 24 SECTION 310000 EARTHWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Provide facilities, labor, materials, tools, equipment, appliances, transportation, supervision, and related work necessary to complete the work specified in this section, and as shown on the Drawings. B. Work performed under this Section of the Specifications shall be subject to the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 General Requirements [Division 1 - General Provisions] of the Contract Documents. C. The work of this section includes but is not necessarily limited to: 1. Excavation, fill, and backfill, as indicated or required, including compaction 2. Excavation, as required, to the lines and grades indicated on the Drawings 3. Excavation and offsite disposal of unsuitable or excess materials unless on-site locations are designated. Excavation shall include removal and satisfactory disposal of all unclassified material encountered throughout the site. 4. Rough grading, including placement, moisture conditioning, and compaction of fills and backfill 5. Placement of base and subbase course materials under structures, pavements, slabs, and footings, including compaction 6. Trench excavation, bedding, and backfill for structures, foundations, and utilities, including compaction 7. The removal, hauling and stockpiling of suitable excavated materials for subsequent use in the work. Stockpiling shall include protection to maintain materials in a workable condition 8. Rehandling, hauling, and placing of stockpiled materials for use in refilling, filling, backfilling, grading, and such other operations 9. Protection and preservation of all existing buildings, pavements, and utilities to remain 10. Furnishing and installing all sheeting, shoring, and bracing of structural and trench excavations and its satisfactory removal, unless otherwise directed to have it remain in place 11. Environmental controls 12. Providing products in sufficient quantities to meet the project requirements 13. Providing adequate pumping and drainage facilities to keep the work area sufficiently dry 14. Obtaining all required permits, licenses, and approvals from appropriate municipal and utility authorities, prior to commencement of the work of this Section, and paying costs incurred therefrom D. Provision of facilities, labor, materials, tools, equipment, appliances, and related work necessary to provide and maintain erosion control during construction operations. All erosion control measures shall be installed prior to earthwork operations and shall be maintained according to plans and other sections of the specifications. 1. Refer to Section 312500 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 2 of 24 E. Contractor shall be responsible for notifying all affected utility companies before starting work. Comply with the requirements of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts "Dig Safe" Utilities Underground Plant Damage Prevention System; telephone 1-888-344-7233. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Carefully examine the Contract Documents for requirements which affect the work in this Section. Other Specification Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Section 007355 - EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 2. Section 018900 – SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 3. Section 311000 – SITE CLEARING 4. Section 312500 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS 5. Section 321100 – BASE COURSES (PAVEMENTS) 6. Section 321216 – ASPHALT PAVING (MASSACHUSETTS) 7. Section 333900 – SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES 8. Section 334000 – STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References herein are made in accordance with the listed specific standards of the following organizations and work under this Section shall conform to the latest edition, unless modified by these Specifications. 1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): a. T11 – Standard Method of Test for Materials Finer Than 75-μm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates by Washing 2. ASTM International (ASTM): a. D422 (2007) Standard Test Method for Particle-Size Analysis of Soils b. D1557-12 Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Modified Effort c. D5268-10 Standard Specification for Topsoil Used for Landscaping Purposes 3. American Concrete Institute (ACI): a. 229R-13 Report on Controlled Low-Strength Materials 4. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Highway Department ‘Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges’, latest edition (MassDOT Specifications) 1.03 LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. Work shall be accomplished in accordance with regulations of local, county, state and federal agencies or utility company standards as they apply. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The Owner may retain and pay for the services of an independent testing and inspection firm and/or a Geotechnical Consultant to perform on-site observation and testing during HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 3 of 24 the various phases of the construction operations. The scope of services will be determined by the Owner and the independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant, and results will be provided to the Contractor. The Owner reserves the right to modify or waive the services of the independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant. The services of an independent testing firm and/or Geotechnical Consultant may include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: 1. Observation during excavation and dewatering of building areas and controlled fill areas. 2. Laboratory testing and analysis of fill materials as specified herein and proposed by the Contractor for incorporation into the Work. 3. Observation of construction and performance of water content, gradation and compaction tests at a frequency and locations that the independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant may require. The results of these tests will be submitted to the Owner, Engineer, and Contractor on a timely basis so that action can be taken to remedy indicated deficiencies. During the course of construction, the independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant will advise the Owner in writing, if at any time in their opinion, the Work hereunder is of unacceptable quality. Failure of independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant to give notice, shall not excuse the Contractor from latent defects discovered in his work. B. The Contractor shall make provisions for allowing observations and testing of Contractor’s work by the independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant. 1. The presence of the independent testing and inspection firm and/or the Geotechnical Consultant does not include supervision or direction of the actual work of the Contractor, and his employees or agents. Neither the presence of the independent testing and inspection firm and /or the Geotechnical Consultant, nor any observations and testing performed by them, nor failure to give notice of defects shall excuse the Contractor from defects discovered in his work. C. Costs related to retesting due to unacceptable qualities of work and failures discovered by testing shall be paid for by the Contractor at no additional expense to Owner, and the costs thereof will be deducted by the Owner from the Contract Sum. D. Whenever floodplain or wetland compensation areas are designated on the plans, grading elevations are to be considered critical to the volumetric calculations and shall be constructed by the Contractor in strict conformance with the indicated grades. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Submit, in an airtight container for the testing laboratory, a 50-pound sample of each type of off-site fill material that is to be used at the site. Submit samples a minimum of one week prior to use of proposed material at the site. Submit samples to the testing laboratory and/or the Geotechnical Consultant (copy of these transmittal forms shall be simultaneously sent to Engineer) or if no testing laboratory and/or Geotechnical Consultant is identified, then the Engineer shall be the recipient of the samples. Use of these proposed materials by the Contractor prior to testing and approval shall be at the Contractor's risk. B. The Engineer will determine the suitability of all materials. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 4 of 24 C. Submit the name of each material supplier and specific type and source of each material. Any change in source throughout the project will require approval of the Owner or Engineer. D. For use of geotextile fabrics or geogrids, submit manufacturer's product data including material properties for approval by the Engineer. 1.06 COORDINATION A. Prior to start of earthwork the Contractor shall arrange an on-site meeting with the Engineer, the Owner’s Representative, the independent testing firm, and/or the Geotechnical Consultant for the purpose of establishing the Contractor's schedule of operations and scheduling observation and testing procedures and requirements. B. As construction proceeds, the Contractor shall be responsible for notifying the Owner and Engineer prior to the start of earthwork operations requiring observation and/or testing. 1.07 SUBSURFACE SOIL DATA A. A geotechnical engineering report has been prepared by O’Reilly, Talbot & Okun dated October 21, 2019. This report is specifically not part of the Contract Documents but is available to bidders for informational purposes. B. Review available logs of borings, test pit logs, jar soil samples, records of explorations and other pertinent data for the site. After obtaining Owner's permission, take whatever additional subsurface explorations deemed necessary at no expense to the Owner. C. Test Pit logs are included in the Geotechnical Report. D. Subsurface soil data is provided for general information and is accurate only at the particular locations and times the subsurface explorations were made. It is the Contractor's responsibility to make interpretations and to draw conclusions based on the character of materials to be encountered and the impact on his work based on his expert knowledge of the area and of earthwork techniques. E. The Drawings in the geotechnical report showing existing ground elevations are only for whatever use the Contractor may make of them with no responsibility on the part of the engineers, surveyors, the Owner, the Engineer, and/or their representatives for the accuracy and/or the reliability of the information given. F. If a potential conflict exists between the Geotechnical Report and these technical Specifications, the Contractor shall, immediately upon its discovery, request clarification from the Owner’s Representative or the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SUBGRADE A. Subgrade is the material in excavation (cuts) and fills located below subbase, base course layer for slabs, sidewalks, pavement, and other improvements. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 5 of 24 2.02 COMMON FILL / ORDINARY BORROW A. Common Fill/Ordinary Borrow shall be friable soil containing no stone greater than two- thirds (2/3) the loose lift thickness with a maximum stone size of twelve (12) inches in diameter. The material shall be essentially free of trash, ice snow, tree stumps, roots, and organic materials. The soil shall contain no more than 15 percent passing the #200 sieve. 2.03 GRAVEL A. Gravel shall consist of inert material that is hard, durable stone and coarse sand, free from loam, clay, surface coatings and deleterious materials, and shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve (ASTM D422) Percent Passing by Weight * 100 1/2-inch 50 - 85 No. 4 40 - 75 No. 50 8-28 No. 200 0 - 10 * Three (3) inches when placed as subgrade within four (4) feet below pavements and slabs (MassDOT Specifications M1.03.0 Type b); one and one-half inches (1-1/2”) where placed as pavement base and pipe bedding and backfill up to 24 inches above pipe (MassDOT Specifications M1.03.0 Type d); and elsewhere two thirds (2/3) the loose lift thickness. 2.04 SAND A. Sand shall consist of clean, inert, hard, durable grains of quartz or other hard, durable rock, free from loam or clay, surface coatings and deleterious materials. 1. The allowable amount of material passing a No. 200 sieve as determined by AASHTO- T11 or ASTM D422 shall not exceed 10 percent by weight. The maximum particle size shall be 1/4-inch (i.e., 100 percent passing the No. 4 sieve). 2. In addition to the above criteria when sand is used for bedding concrete pavers and for utility bedding it shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve (ASTM D422) Percent Passing by Weight No. 4 100 No. 8 80 – 95 No. 16 55 – 85 No. 50 0 – 35 No. 200 0 – 5 B. OMITTED HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 6 of 24 2.05 CRUSHED STONE A. Crushed Stone shall be composed of durable crushed rock consisting of angular fragments, free from a detrimental quantity of thin, flat, elongated pieces or shall be durable crushed gravel stone obtained by artificial crushing of gravel boulders or fieldstone. 1. The crushed stone shall be free from clay, loam, or deleterious material. 2. Crushed stone shall conform to the following gradation: Percent Passing by Weight Sieve Size 3/8-inch Stone 1/2-inch Stone 3/4-inch Stone 1 inch - 100 3/4 inch - 90 - 100 5/8 inch 100 - 1/2 inch 100 85 - 100 10 - 50 3/8 inch 85-100 15 - 45 0 - 20 No. 4 10-30 0 - 15 0 - 5 No. 8 10 (max) 0 - 5 - Percent Passing by Weight Sieve Size 1-1/2-inch Stone 2-inch Stone 2 inch 100 90 - 100 1-1/2 inch 95 - 100 - 1-1/4 inch - 25 - 50 1 inch 35 - 70 - 3/4 inch 0 - 25 0 - 15 1/2 inch - 0 - 5 B. Dense-graded Crushed Stone for Subbase and Base shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 2-inch Stone 2 inch 100 1-1/2 inch 70 - 100 3/4 inch 50 - 85 No. 4 30 - 55 No. 50 8 - 24 No. 200 3 - 10 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 7 of 24 C. Washed Crushed Stone for Stormwater Recharge shall be composed of durable crushed rock consisting of angular fragments, free from a detrimental quantity of thin, flat, elongated pieces or shall be durable crushed gravel stone obtained by artificial crushing of gravel boulders or fieldstone. The crushed stone shall be free from clay, loam, or deleterious material. 1. Washed Crushed Stone for Stormwater Recharge shall conform to the following gradation: Percent Passing by Weight Sieve Size 2-inch Stone 1-1/2 inch Stone 2 inch 90 – 100 100 1-1/2 inch - 95 – 100 1-1/4 inch 25 - 50 45 – 80 1-inch - 35 – 70 3/4 inch 0 - 15 0 – 25 1/2 inch 0 - 5 0 – 5 No. 4 0 0 2. AASHTO Designations: Percent Passing by Weight Sieve Size No. 57 No. 3 No. 2 3 inch 100 2-1/2 inch 100 90-100 2 inch 90-100 35 - 70 1-1/2 inch 100 35-70 0 - 15 1 inch 95 - 100 0 - 15 0 - 5 ½ inch 25 - 60 0 - 5 No. 4 0 - 10 No. 8 0 - 5 D. OMITTED 2.06 STRUCTURAL FILL A. Structural Fill shall be free from ice and snow, roots, sod, rubbish and other deleterious or organic matter. Structural Fill shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight * 100 No. 4 30 - 95 No. 40 10 - 70 No. 200 0 – 15 * Two thirds (2/3) of the loose lift thickness. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 8 of 24 2.07 BLAST ROCK FILL A. Blast Rock Fill shall be well-graded blasted rock formed and processed when on-site rock is removed by blasting or chipping methods, with a maximum size hereinafter specified. Well- graded means that at least twenty-five percent (25%) is less than six inches (6") in size, and at least ten percent (10%) is less than three-quarters inch (3/4") in size. The Contractor shall vary drilling and blasting procedures as needed and/or select materials sources in order to meet these gradation requirements. B. Choke Stone shall be hard, durable, clean, rock with a maximum rock diameter of nine inches (9") and shall conform to the following gradation: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 9 inches 100 6 inches 75 - 100 2 inches 70 - 85 ¾ inches 45 - 60 No. 4 15 - 30 No. 40 5 - 15 No. 200 0 - 10 2.08 STONE FILL A. Stone Fill shall be hard, durable, clean, washed rock with a minimum diameter of 1-1/2 inches and a maximum diameter of 3 inches with void ratio of 30 to 40 percent. 2.09 OMITTED 2.10 OMITTED 2.11 OMITTED 2.12 OMITTED 2.13 FILTER FABRIC AND GEOTEXTILES A. Filter Fabric used with riprap, stone for pipe ends, slope paving, or channel paving (grouted or ungrouted) shall be as Mirafi 600X or approved equivalent. B. Filter Fabric used for prevention of soil intrusion into drains or to assist in stabilizing soil subgrades shall be Mirafi 140N or approved equivalent. C. Filter fabric in drainage recharge systems, underdrain systems between crushed stone and granular soils, leaching areas, or where indicated on the plans shall be Mirafi 140N or approved equivalent. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 9 of 24 2.14 OMITTED 2.15 CONTROLLED DENSITY FILL A. Controlled low strength material or controlled density fill shall be a cement concrete backfill material that flows like a liquid, supports like a solid when cured, and levels without tamping or vibrating to reach 100 percent compaction. The material shall be used primarily as a backfill in lieu of compacted fill. The material shall be proportioned to yield a 28-day minimum compressive strength of 200 pounds per square inch. The material shall be produced and installed in accordance with ACI 229R-13, with a mix formulation to be approved by the Engineer or Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement of the material in the project. 2.16 OMITTED 2.17 OMITTED 2.18 OMITTED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 USE OF MATERIALS A. Use of materials shall be as described below and as shown on the plans. Combinations or layering of materials may be necessary in certain instances such as for detention embankments, subsurface disposal areas, and riprap walls as examples. 1. Common/Ordinary Fill: Use common/ordinary fill for general grading as backfill, and as embankment fill in areas outside the building and pavement limits. Stones larger than twelve inches (12") shall be removed prior to compaction. 2. Gravel: Use for pipe bedding backfill and backfill below pavement and slab as base course layer. Use for material placed "in the wet". Use for backfill behind retaining walls and retaining structures. Use for pipe and utility bedding. 3. Sand: Use for conduit bedding and initial backfill, and gas line bedding and backfill. Use for bedding and backfill of direct burial cables and/or flexible piping. Use for bedding and filling joints for concrete unit pavers. 4. OMITTED 5. Crushed Stone: Use crushed stone as a filter material around perforated pipe and as bedding for piping under wet subgrade conditions. 6. Dense-Graded Crushed Stone: Use dense-graded crushed stone for subbase and base material. 7. Washed Crushed Stone: Use washed crushed stone in stormwater recharge system as the material around perforated pipe. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 10 of 24 8. Double Washed 1-1/2 Inch Crushed Stone: Use double washed 1-1/2 inch crushed stone in soil absorption facilities for wastewater disposal systems, recharge filters, and as a filter material around perforated pipe. 9. Double Washed 1/2 Inch Crushed Stone: Use double washed 1/2-inch crushed stone in soil absorption facilities for wastewater disposal systems, recharge filters, and as a filter material around perforated pipe. 10. Structural Fill: Use structural fill below subgrade elevation in building areas such as beneath floor slabs, foundations, and in other soil bearing situations. Structural fill shall also be used for backfill against building foundations and frost walls. Use structural fills below pavement gravel base course. 11. Blast Rock Fill and Choke Stone: Blast rock fill may be placed to within forty-two (42") of finish grade in pavement and building floor slab areas, and to within eighteen inches (18") of utility line inverts and bottom of foundations. The first lift over the top of rock fill shall be a choke stone layer eighteen inches (18") thick. Compaction shall be by minimum of four (4) passes of a self-propelled vibratory drum roller in each direction (i.e., north-south and east-west). The minimum weight of the drum shall be ten thousand pounds (10,000 lbs.). Blast Rock shall not be placed within a five foot (5') horizontal distance on either side of proposed utility lines. The intent is to leave a zone of Structural Fill that can later be excavated for installation of utilities. Also, large rock fragments shall be kept away from utility pipes. 12. Stone Fill: Use stone fill as additional storage medium for underground stormwater exfiltration trenches or pits. 13. Filter Fabric: Filter Fabric is to be used as a filter barrier between drainage recharge systems, underdrain systems, wastewater absorption systems, and between natural earth material and backfill or other materials to assist in stabilizing soil subgrades. 14. OMITTED 15. OMITTED 16. OMITTED 17. OMITTED 18. OMITTED 19. Filter Stone Layer: Use filter stone layer under riprap, stone for pipe ends, slope paving, channel paving and grouted channel paving, or where indicated. 20. Controlled Low Strength Material or Controlled Density Fill: Shall be used for trench backfill, anti-flotation bases, and/or lightweight backfill. 21. OMITTED 22. OMITTED 3.02 OMITTED 3.03 EXCAVATION - GENERAL A. General Definitions 1. Unclassified Materials Unclassified excavation includes the satisfactory removal and disposal of all materials (except contaminated materials defined below) encountered regardless of the nature of the materials and shall be understood to include, but not be limited to, blast rock, HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 11 of 24 bedrock, earth, hardpan, fill, foundations, pavements, curbs, piping, railroad track and ties, cobblestones, footings, bricks, concrete, abandoned drainage and utility structures, and debris. Drilling, blasting, excavation, and disposal of rock shall be considered unclassified excavation and shall be included as a part of the Contract Price, with no separate payment items for its excavation and handling. 2. Contaminated Materials a. The Contractor shall be familiar with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Hazardous Waste Regulations 310 CMR 30.00 and the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 310 CMR 40.00 when conducting earthwork operations. b. In general, a hazardous waste (contaminated with oil or hazardous materials) is a waste or combination of wastes which, because of its quantity, concentration, physical, chemical or infectious characteristics, may cause, or significantly contribute to, an increase in mortality or an increase in serious irreversible or incapacitating reversible illness or pose a substantial present or potential hazard to human health, safety, or welfare, or to the environment when improperly stored, treated, transported, or disposed of, or otherwise managed. (Additional criteria and characteristics to determine if a waste is hazardous are contained in 310 CMR 30.111, 30.112 and 30.120 through 30.125). c. The Contractor shall immediately halt soil movement activities and notify the Owner if visual, olfactory, or other evidence suggests that soils may be contaminated with oil or hazardous materials. Contractor shall provide reasonable assistance to Owner and to Owner’s Representative for access to potential contamination areas for proper assessment of hazardous conditions. d. The Owner will contact an environmental professional (such as a Licensed Site Professional) to test any earth materials suspected of containing hazardous waste. The results shall be evaluated by the environmental professional and compared with reporting thresholds found in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan (MCP) 310 CMR 40.0000. The Owner will inform the Contractor of the laboratory test results as soon as possible and discuss the possible soil management, disposal, and recycling options available. Contaminated soils shall be managed and handled in compliance with the referenced state & federal regulations, guidelines, and policies. Time and expenses associated with contaminated soils shall be negotiated between the Contractor and the Owner prior to the start of the soil management, soil disposal, and recycling work. Owner reserves the right to negotiate and contract with other entities for remedial work and, in that event, this Contractor shall make reasonable accommodations for other entities to perform this work. e. Although there is no evidence of oil or hazardous material, there is a possibility of the presence of such wastes on this site. Appropriate testing, as recommended by an environmental professional shall be accomplished to assess the potential presence of oil or hazardous material. Earth material shall not be removed from the site unless on-site reuse is not possible. f. Proper documentation of legal disposal of hazardous materials handled by this Contractor shall be provided by the Contractor to the Owner, Engineer, and review authorities. Additional guidance for possible disposal activities can be found in the HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 12 of 24 Department of Environmental Protection's Policy #COMM-97-001, Reuse and Disposal of Contaminated Soil at Massachusetts Landfills. g. Unless specifically identified as contaminated material under referenced statues and as defined above, as judged by the Engineer, excavated materials shall be considered unclassified as defined in Item 1., above. B. Site General Requirements 1. Control the grading so that ground is pitched to prevent water from running to excavated areas, damaging other structures, or adjacent properties. 2. Where soil has been softened or eroded by flooding, equipment, traffic, or placement during unfavorable weather, or other conditions, it shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor with suitable material, and at no cost to the Owner. 3. Exercise care to preserve the material below and beyond the lines of excavation. Where excavation is carried out below indicated grade or beyond the lines of excavation, Contractor shall backfill and compact the over excavation with structural fill to the indicated grade, at no additional cost to the Owner and at the direction of the Engineer. 4. Provide sheeting, shoring and bracing to complete and protect all excavated areas, as required for safety and compliance with OSHA. Costs for sheeting, shoring, and bracing shall be included as a part of the Contract Price for completing the work and Owner will make no separate payment for this work. 5. Excavated materials unsuitable for reuse, surplus excavated rock, and surplus excavated soil not used to fulfill requirements of the Contract, shall become the property of the Contractor and shall be removed from the site in accordance with the regulations and requirements of all municipalities or agencies having jurisdiction over the disposal sites and the route between the project and the disposal sites. 6. Limits of excavation shall be such that all unsuitable material shall be removed to firm natural ground in the manner specified below: a. In building areas, unsuitable materials shall be removed to a distance of five feet (5’) beyond the building lines or within the area defined by a one horizontal to one vertical (1h:1v) line sloping down from outside bottom edge of exterior footings to firm natural ground, whichever is greater. b. Limits of unsuitable material excavation also apply to areas below exterior column footings. c. All abandoned pipes within building areas shall be removed and the excavations shall be properly backfilled. 7. Unsuitable materials which are classified as organics such as peat, trash, fill, stumps, debris, material determined to be hazardous, and topsoil and subsoil when determined by Engineer to be unacceptable for incorporation into the work. 8. Under pavement areas, existing fill shall be densified in place and shall not be excavated. 9. When approved by Engineer, topsoil will not need to be excavated from pavement areas if located more than three feet (3’) below finish pavement grades. 10. Suitable material, as determined by the Engineer, may be reused on the site provided it meets the gradation requirements for the given materials as specified under 2.0 MATERIALS. 11. The Contractor shall not over-excavate below proposed design grades for the purpose of obtaining borrow for use off-site. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 13 of 24 C. Proof Rolling 1. Prior to placing compacted fills, the Contractor shall proof roll the natural grades to remain. Where materials of low density are indicated by rutting or weaving under the compactor, the Contractor may be required to make up to three (3) additional complete passes of the area with the compactor as determined by the Engineer. The cost of all proof rolling shall be included in the Contract Price. If materials of low density are encountered that cannot be compacted to the extent necessary to support the proposed embankment fills as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall remove those materials and replace them with compacted fill. 2. Alternately, an initial layer of fill may be allowed to form a working platform. The need, manner of construction, and thickness of such a layer shall be subject to approval of the Engineer and the layer will be permitted only where the lack of support is, as determined by the Engineer, not due to deficient ditching, grading or drainage practices, or where the embankment could be constructed in the approved manner by the use of different equipment or procedures. Thickness of up to eighteen inches (18") may be permitted for such a layer. 3.04 SHEETING SHORING AND BRACING A. General 1. Whenever sheeting, shoring, and bracing will be required, it shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor in accordance with State and Federal guidelines, regulations and the recommendations of the structural engineer and/or geotechnical engineer engaged by the Contractor. 2. When required, the Contractor shall engage licensed professional structural engineer and/or geotechnical engineer to design sheeting, shoring, and bracing. These engineers shall be licensed in the state where the work is occurring and they shall prepare designs for the sheeting and bracing. 3. Submit the sheeting and bracing designs to the Owner and the Engineer for the project record. The sheeting and bracing plans and calculations shall bear the professional seals and signatures of the Contractor’s engineers. These plans and calculations shall be submitted prior to the start of work. 4. The Contractor shall furnish and install the required sheeting, shoring and bracing in accord with the submitted designs. The Contractor shall include the costs for this work in his bid price for the project. No additional or separate compensation will be allowed. 3.05 TRENCH EXCAVATION A. Excavate as necessary for all drainage pipes, utilities, and related structures and appurtenances, and for any other trenching necessary to complete the work. B. Definitions: 1. Trench shall be defined as an excavation of any length where the width is less than twice the depth and where the shortest distance between payment lines does not exceed ten feet (10'). All other excavations shall be defined as open excavations. 2. The words "invert" or "invert elevation" as used herein shall be defined as the elevation at the inside bottom surface of the pipe or channel. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 14 of 24 3. The words "bottom of the pipe" as used herein shall be defined as the base of the pipe at its outer surface. C. In general, machine excavation of trenches will be permitted with the exception of preparation of pipe beds which will be hand work. Excavate by hand or machine methods to at least six inches (6") below the bottom of pipe or as shown on the Drawings. Excavation to final grade shall be made in such a manner as to maintain the undisturbed bearing character of the soils exposed at the excavation level. D. Utilities or piping shall not be laid directly on boulders, cobbles, or other hard material. This material shall be removed to a minimum of six inches (6") below the bottom of pipe at all points and backfilled or compacted as specified. E. Remove unsuitable material encountered at subgrade elevations, backfill with material specified herein and as otherwise indicated on the Drawings, specified, or directed. Compact as specified with approved compactors. F. In general, the width of trenches shall be kept to a minimum and in the case of piping shall not exceed the sum of the pipe's outside diameter plus 2'-0" to at least twelve inches (12") above the pipe. 3.06 ROCK EXCAVATION A. Definitions 1. Rock is defined for payment purposes as stone or hard shale in original ledge, boulders over two cubic yards (2 yd3) in volume in open areas, and one cubic yard (1 yd3) in volume in trenches, and masonry or concrete that cannot be broken or removed by normal job equipment (power shovels or track mounted excavator without the use of explosives or drills. 2. The definition does not include materials that can be removed by means other than drilling and blasting or drilling and wedging. B. General 1. When rock is encountered, such material shall be removed to the clearance limits set forth in these Specifications. 2. Payment for rock excavation shall be made in accordance with Item 3.03A.1. 3. Rock excavation shall be performed to eliminate water pockets in the excavated rock subgrade. Contractor shall provide dewatering as required to keep the excavated rock subgrade dry until earthwork operations are complete. C. Blasting 1. Prior to commencement of blasting operations, the Contractor shall perform a Pre-Blast Survey of adjacent properties. The Contractor shall submit the intended Pre-Blast Survey limits and methods to the Owner for approval prior to performing the survey. 2. Before doing any blasting work the Contractor shall present to the Owner’s Representative written certificate of insurance showing evidence that his insurance includes coverage for blasting operations. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 15 of 24 3. No blasting shall be done without giving 24-hour prior notice to the Engineer. Written permission and approval of methods must be obtained from appropriate governing authorities. 4. The driller and geotechnical engineer shall log the bottom elevation of all drill holes made for blasting within the building area. 5. Experienced powdermen or persons who are licensed or otherwise authorized to use explosives shall conduct the blasting. Accurate records shall be maintained, noting location of each blast, time of detonation, total explosive weight in each blast, maximum explosive weight per delay in each blast hole, and designation of delay cap used in each hole. 6. Explosives shall be stored, handled, and employed in accordance with federal, state and local regulations, or, in the absence of such, in accordance with the provisions of AGC Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction of The Associated General Contractors of America, Inc. and in accordance with applicable OSHA regulations. 7. The amount of vibration and air blast overpressure generated by blasting shall not exceed regulatory statutes or directives established by state, local or other governing authorities. IN MASSACHUSETTS THE REGULATIONS ARE CONTAINED IN 527 CMR 13.09. In no case shall the maximum Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) exceed the limits indicated on Figure B-1, Appendix B, of the United State Bureau of Mines Report of Investigations, RI8507, 1980. These limits shall apply at all existing and under construction structures and utilities, as well as at property and construction limits. 8. Contractor shall take great care to prevent damage to existing buildings, foundations, glass and glazing, and trees to remain. Damage caused by Contractor's blasting operations shall be repaired by Contractor at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Cross-Sectioning and Measurement 1. When rock is encountered, the rock shall be uncovered and exposed, and the Engineer shall be notified in writing by the Contractor before blasting work proceeds. Quantities shall be based on measurements of rock in their original position and to the limits of clearly defined vertical and horizontal construction lines required for the defined construction. 2. The rock shall then be measured, quantities established, and payment amounts determined. 3. Excavation of material in question before agreement by the Engineer as to the character of the material, or failure to notify the Engineer, or failure to take measurements will forfeit the Contractor's right to payment for rock excavation. 4. The quantity of rock to be removed shall be based on the limits established under the Clearance Limits specified below. 5. Measurements shall be made by a registered surveyor, paid for by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. 6. Cross-sectioning and measuring shall not be required when the payment for rock excavation is included as a part of the lump sum Contract Price. E. Clearance Limits 1. Foundations and Slabs: Within the limits of the concrete lines as defined by the working plans or as otherwise approved by the Engineer, plus twelve inches (12") outside the vertical concrete lines and twelve inches (12") below base. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 16 of 24 2. Utility Trenches: All parts of pipe, valves, and fittings to a depth of six inches (6") below the bottom of the bell and for a width equal to the outside diameter of the pipe, plus fifteen inches (15") beyond the outside diameter on each side, provided that overlapping computed volumes of any ledge or boulder excavation shall be paid for only once. 3. Paved Areas: To the underside of the subbase. 4. Site Structures: Twelve inches (12") outside of structure all around. 5. Lawn areas and shrub planting areas: To a depth of eighteen inches (18") below finished grade. 6. Planting areas for trees over two inches (2") in caliber size: To depth of thirty-six inches (36") below finished grade and for a radius of 3 feet (3’) around each tree, except volumes in radius areas shall not overlap. 7. Any foreseen rock or boulder encountered, as defined above, which must be removed for construction of the work defined on the plans or in modification thereto, shall be measured in its original position to the limits of clearly defined vertical construction lines and to the depth required for the defined construction. F. Reuse of Excavated Rock 1. Riprap a. Excavated rock may be used as riprap, for construction of stone masonry walls, and for sloped riprap for retaining walls, provided that the rock is judged to be adequate quality by the Owner’s Representative and the rock is sufficiently broken to meet gradation requirements established for the intended use. 2. Fills a. Reuse of excavated rock for fill materials shall require prior approval of the Owner’s Representative and shall require compliance with gradation requirements for the specific type of fill for which it is being used. G. Rock Subgrades under Building Footings and Paved Areas 1. Excavation of rock under footings and paved areas shall include the removal of all loose material to the top of sound bedrock that is acceptable to the Owner's Representative. Sound bedrock is defined as hard, intact rock that cannot be excavated with a track mounted excavator. 2. Rock surface for footings shall have a maximum slope of four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical. 3. Rock excavations for footings carried below design grades shall be backfilled by placement of concrete with same strength as footing at the Contractor’s cost. At the discretion of the Structural Engineer of Record (SER), footings could be dropped below design elevation onto competent rock. 3.07 PREPARATION OF EXCAVATION BOTTOMS A. General Rock Subgrade Areas 1. Rock surfaces to receive backfill shall have a maximum slope of four (4) horizontal to one (1) vertical. B. Building and Pavement Areas HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 17 of 24 1. Loose rock is covered with 6 inches (6") of crushed stone or choke stone; and 2. Prior to placing crushed or choked stone, the area is rolled with a heavy vibratory roller Or fully loaded ten wheel dump truck. 3. Proof-roll subgrade with a vibratory roller or a fully loaded ten-wheeled dump truck. Soft or hard areas and other objectionable material (stumps, wood, organics) shall be excavated and backfilled with compacted structural fill. 4. Prior to the placement of blast rock fill over a bedrock subgrade, voids in the rock surface shall be choked off with appropriately graded choke stone or crushed stone to prevent migration of fines into fractures, and as approved by the Owner’s Representative. C. Subgrades under Proposed Landscape Areas 1. Depth to rock under planting areas shall be a minimum of 48 inches (48") below subgrade elevations. Backfill up to subgrade shall be done with topsoil/loam materials. 2. In lawn areas, scarify subsoil a minimum depth of six inches (6"). Subsoil shall also be cleared of debris and stones larger than four inches (4") prior to topsoil spreading. 3. In planting areas, scarify subsoil a minimum depth of six inches (6") below the required root ball excavation prior to placement of plant backfill mixture. D. Trenches 1. Compaction equipment used in open areas where space permits shall consist of vibratory rollers, fully loaded ten-wheel dump trucks, pneumatic compactors, or other similar equipment. 2. Compaction equipment for fill against foundation walls and in other confined areas shall be accomplished by means of drum-type, power-driven, hand-guided vibratory compactors operating at 2,000 cycles per minute, or by hand-guided vibratory plate tampers. 3.08 BACKFILLING AND PLACEMENT OF FILL MATERIALS A. Site 1. Dewater subgrade areas prior to filling. 2. Compaction by puddling or jetting is prohibited. 3. Control groundwater and surface runoff to minimize disturbance of exposed natural ground surface, previously placed and compacted fill and material being placed. 4. Soil fill moisture shall be maintained at an acceptable working range to allow for proper compaction. 5. Do not place fill on frozen ground. 6. Do not place frozen fill. 7. Place fill in uniform horizontal layers and compact immediately after placement. Where the horizontal layer meets a rising slope, the layer shall be keyed into the slope by cutting a bench during spreading of preceding lift. 8. To the extent that is practical, each layer of fill shall be compacted to the specific density the same day it is placed. 9. Slope fill surfaces at the end of each day to provide for free surface drainage. 10. Protect structures and pipes from damage during backfilling operations. Repair damage at no cost to Owner. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 18 of 24 11. Placement of fill shall not begin prior to observation and approval of subgrade conditions by Engineer. 12. Protect foundations, footings, and waterproofing during backfilling. Repair damage at no cost to Owner. 13. Prior to backfilling between foundation wall and sheeting, remove unsuitable material, including rubbish, organic materials, or other debris. Do not commence filling operations until conditions have been observed by Engineer. 14. Backfill shall not be placed against walls until they are braced or have cured sufficiently to develop strength necessary to withstand, without damage, pressure from backfilling and compacting operations. 15. Provide shoring, sheeting, and bracing of excavations as required to assure complete safety against collapse of the earth at the site of excavations. Alternatively, lay back excavations to suitable slope. 16. Upon completion of the work, the final ground surface shall be left in a firm, unyielding, true, uniform condition free from ruts. Repair disturbed areas caused equipment traffic at no cost to Owner. B. Equipment 1. Compaction equipment used in open areas where space permits shall consist of vibratory rollers, fully loaded ten-wheel dump trucks, pneumatic compactors, or other similar equipment. 2. Compaction equipment for fill against foundation walls and in other confined areas shall be accomplished by means of drum-type, power-driven, hand-guided vibratory compactors operating at 2,000 cycles per minute, or by hand-guided vibratory plate tampers. C. Blast Rock Backfill – Structure and Foundation Backfilling and Compacting 1. Prior to the placement of blast rock fill over a bedrock subgrade, voids in the bedrock surface shall be choked off with appropriately graded crushed stone or choke stone to prevent migration of fines into fractures as approved by the Owner’s Representative. 2. Blast rock fill and crushed stone shall be placed and compacted as indicated below: a. Maximum lift thickness prior to compaction shall be 24 inches (24"). b. Material shall be dumped 25 feet behind the fill face and pushed forward to allow mixing and removal of oversized rock and backfilling voids. c. Should the maximum size of blast rock exceed 18 inches (18"), then use a rock rake with teeth spaced at 18 inches (18"), or other means to separate and remove oversized rock. d. Provide a minimum of 18-inch-thick transition zone of choke stone between blast rock fill and granular fill materials. All blast rock fill shall be choked with a transition zone of choke stone, where structural fill is to be placed above or adjacent to it. e. Compact each lift of blast rock fill with a vibratory drum roller or fully loaded ten- wheel dump truck. f. Crushed stone and choke stone placement shall not exceed a maximum lift thickness of 12 inches (12") prior to compaction. D. Placing Fill HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 19 of 24 1. Fill sections and embankments shall be constructed of earth, rock, or a mixture of earth and rock deposited in successive lifts. Except as hereinafter permitted, the loose thickness of each lift shall not be more than twelve inches (12”) before compaction. 2. Rock fill may be used in deep fill areas, placed to the levels and under the conditions described in Section 2.01K. 3. No rock in excess of six inches (6") in its largest dimension shall be incorporated in the top two foot (2’) layer of embankment immediately below the subgrade. 4. During fill and embankment construction operations, earth moving equipment shall be routed as evenly as possible over the entire width of the work. 5. At the close of each day’s work the working surface shall be crowned, shaped, and rolled with smooth steel or pneumatic tired rollers to ensure proper drainage. 6. Prior to placing compacted structural fill below the slab, the surface of natural ground, shall be proof-rolled with a heavy vibratory drum roller or a fully loaded ten-wheel dump truck. Hard and soft spots shall be excavated and replaced with structural fill or other material acceptable to the Owner’s Representative. 7. Where excavations for slab-on-grade extend to weathered fractured or blasted bedrock, the Owner’s Representative shall assess the rock surface for the presence of voids and may require placement of a 2 inch to 18-inch layer of choke stone or crushed stone prior to placement of structural fill. E. Fills under Parking Areas 1. Paved area subgrades shall be excavated to a minimum of 12 inches (12") beneath required subgrade elevation or existing grade, whichever is lower. 2. Proof-roll subgrade with a vibratory roller or a fully loaded ten-wheeled dump truck. Soft or hard areas and other objectionable material (stumps, wood, organics) shall be excavated and backfilled with compacted common fill. 3. Where excavations for pavements extend to weathered, fractured, or blasted bedrock, prepare surface as indicated in Section 3.05B. for building and pavement areas. 4. A minimum of 12 inches (12") of gravel base course shall be provided between subgrade and the bottom of the bituminous surface. F. Subgrades under Proposed Landscape Areas 1. Fills under tree and shrub planting areas shall be backfilled with topsoil/loam materials. G. Buildings 1. Prior to the placement of blast rock fill over a bedrock subgrade, voids in the rock surface shall be choked off with appropriately graded choke stone or crushed stone to prevent migration of fines into fractures, as approved by the Owner's Representative. a. Blast rock fill and crushed stone shall be placed and compacted as indicated below. 2. Blast Rock Fill Placement and Compaction: a. Maximum lift thickness prior to compaction shall be 24 inches (24"). b. Material shall be dumped 25 feet behind the fill face and pushed forward to allow mixing and removal of oversized rock and backfilling voids. c. Should the maximum size of blast rock exceed 18 in., (18") then use a rock rake with teeth spaced at 18 in. (18") or other means to separate and remove oversized rock. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 20 of 24 d. Provide a minimum of one-foot thick transition zone of crushed stone between blast rock fill and granular fill. All blast rock fill shall be choked with a transition zone of crushed stone, where granular fill is to be placed above it. e. Compact each lift of blast rock fill with a vibratory drum roller or a fully loaded ten-wheel dump truck. 3. Crushed Stone Placement and Compaction: a. Maximum lift thickness prior to compaction shall be 12 in. (12"). 4. Structural Fill: A minimum of 24 inches (24") of compacted structural fill shall be placed in maximum 12-inch (12") lifts immediately below the slabs. H. OMITTED 3.09 TRENCH BACKFILL A. General 1. Trenches shall be backfilled as soon as practicable with suitable approved materials. All trench backfilling shall be done with special care, in the following manner and as the Engineer may direct from time to time. 2. Backfill material for pipe bedding shall be deposited in the trench, uniformly on both sides of the pipe, for the entire width of the trench to the spring-line of the pipe. The backfill material shall be placed by hand shovels in layers not more than 6 inches (6") thick in loose depth and each layer shall be thoroughly and evenly compacted by tamping on each side of the pipe to provide uniform support around the pipe. 3. Trench backfilling shall be placed so as not to disturb the previously installed pipes, utilities, concrete, and other work within and near the trench. The moisture content of the backfill material shall be such that proper compaction will be obtained. Backfill of trenches within areas of pavement construction shall be made in controlled compacted lifts extending to grades required to establish the proper pavement base courses. 4. In backfilling trenches, each layer of backfill material shall be adequately compacted in such a manner as to provide the required bearing value, so that paving can proceed immediately after backfilling is completed. 5. Any trenches or excavations improperly backfilled, or where settlement occurs, shall be reopened to the depth required for proper compaction, then refilled and compacted with the surface restored to the required grade and condition, at no additional cost to the Owner. 6. During filling and backfilling operations, pipelines will be checked to determine whether any displacement of the pipe has occurred. If the inspection of the pipelines shows poor alignment, displacement of pipe, or any other defects, the condition shall be remedied by removal, realignment, and backfill of the pipe, in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Embedment 1. The type of materials to be used in bedding and backfilling shall conform to the details shown on the Drawings and the following:1. Embedment materials are those used for bedding, haunching and initial backfill. Perform in accordance with ASTM D2321. The following will describe the soils: HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 21 of 24 a. Class I - Angular crushed stone or rock, dense or open graded with little or no fines (3/4-inch stone size) (to be used in wet conditions or where shown on the Drawings). b. Class II - Clean, coarse grained gravel, with a maximum stone size of 1-1/2 inches. c. Embedment materials shall be free from lumps of frozen soil or ice when placed. Embedment materials shall be placed and compacted at optimum moisture content. 2. Foundation: A stable utility foundation of Class I or II material must be provided to insure proper line and grade is maintained. Unsuitable foundations such as organics, soft clay, and other soft materials must be removed and the material stabilized. Unsuitable or unstable foundation materials shall be undercut and replaced with a suitable bedding material of Class I or Class II (see 3.08B.5.), placed in 6-inch (6") lifts. The Engineer may approve other methods of stabilization, such as the use of geotextiles. 3. Bedding: Provide a stable and uniform bedding for the pipe and any protruding features of its joints and/or fittings. The bedding for the middle 1/3 of the pipe outside diameter should be loosely placed so that the pipe conforms to the trench. The remainder of the bedding at the base of the trench shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent modified proctor density as determined by ASTM D1557. Class I or Class II materials are suitable for use as bedding. 4. Haunching: Proper haunching provides a major portion of the pipe's strength and stability. Care must be exercised to insure placement and compaction of the embedment material in the haunches. For larger diameter pipes (greater than 30" in diameter), embedment materials should be worked under the haunches by hand. Haunching materials may be Class I or Class II materials and shall be placed and compacted in 6-inch (6") maximum lifts, compacted to 95 percent modified proctor density. 5. Initial Backfill: Initial backfill materials are required for a minimum of 3/4 of the pipe diameter. The initial backfill shall be from the pipe’s springline to 12 inches above the pipe to provide protection for the pipe from construction operations during placement of the final backfill and protect the pipe from stones or cobbles in the final backfill. a. Class I materials must be used in wet trenches and Class I bedding and haunching materials shall be used. b. Class II materials shall be used unless noted otherwise or wet conditions are encountered. The material shall be compacted in 6 inch (6") lifts to 95 percent modified proctor density (ASTM D1557). c. Flooding or jetting as a procedure for compaction are not allowed. 6. Controlled Low Strength Materials (CLSM) or Controlled Density Fill (flowable fills) are acceptable backfill materials. Several considerations should be accounted for when using CLSM/CDF backfill. Provisions to prevent flotation of the pipe during placement of the CLSM/CDF must be used. This can include anchoring the pipe by placing flowable fill at the each joint and allowing the fill to partially cure prior to placing the flowable fill along the entire length of the pipe. Also, mechanical anchors such as bent rebar driven into competent soil or precast weights may be used at each joint to prevent flotation. When using CLSM/CDF, the fill should always be placed to completely encase the pipe. 7. Backfill. Backfill from one foot (two feet for HDPE pipe) above the top of the pipe to subgrade elevations shall be structural fill material. Generally, the excavated trench material may be used as this backfill. This backfill shall be placed in 12-inch (12") HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 22 of 24 maximum lifts and compacted to a minimum of 92 percent modified proctor density to prevent excessive settlement at the surface. 8. Vehicular and Construction Loads: Pipe installation shall be suitable to carry H-25 live loads (40,000 lbs. axle - legal load) with 24 inches (24") of cover. 3.10 BACKFILL AGAINST STRUCTURES A. Backfilling against masonry or concrete shall only be done when approved. The Contractor shall not place backfill against or on structures until they have attained sufficient strength to support the loads (including construction loads) to which they will be subjected, without distortion, cracking or other damage. As soon as practicable after the structures are structurally adequate and other necessary work has been satisfactorily completed, any leakage tests or other testing of the structures shall be made by the Contractor, as required by the Engineer, at the Contractor's expense. 1. After the satisfactory completion of leakage tests and the satisfactory completion of any other required work in connection with the structures, the backfilling around the structures shall proceed using suitable and approved excavation material. The best of the backfill material shall be used for backfilling within 2 feet (2’) of the structure. Just prior to placing backfill, the areas shall be cleaned of all excess construction material and debris and the bottom of excavations shall be in a thoroughly compacted condition. B. Symmetrical backfill loading shall be maintained. Special care shall be taken to prevent any wedging action or eccentric loading upon or against the structures. 1. During backfilling operations, care shall be exercised that the equipment used will not overload the structures in passing over and compacting these fills. Except as otherwise specified or directed, backfill shall be placed in layers not more than 12 inches (12") in loose depth and each layer of backfill shall be compacted thoroughly and evenly using approved types of mechanical equipment. Each pass of the equipment shall cover the entire area of each layer of backfill. C. In compacting and other operations, the Contractor shall conduct his operations in a manner to prevent damage to structures due to passage of heavy equipment over and adjacent to structures. Repair damage made by the Contractor, at no additional cost to the Owner. D. After backfilling the Contractor shall maintain the surfaces of backfill areas in good condition so as to present a smooth surface at all times level with adjacent surfaces. The Contractor shall repair any subsequent settling over backfilled areas immediately, in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer, and such maintenance shall be provided by the Contractor for the life of this Contract, at no additional cost to the Owner. E. The finished subgrade of the filled excavations upon which pavements are to be constructed shall not be disturbed by traffic of other operations and shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition until the finished courses are placed. The storage or stockpiling of materials on finished subgrade will not be permitted. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 23 of 24 F. Uniformly smooth grade all areas to be graded, as indicated including excavated sections and all areas disturbed as a result of the Contractor's operations. The finished surfaces shall be reasonably smooth, compacted and free from surface irregularities. 3.11 COMPACTION A. Compaction Requirements 1. The degree of compaction is expressed as a percentage of the maximum dry density at optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D1557, Method C. The compaction requirements are as follows: Area of Compaction Minimum Degree Below footings 95% Below slabs 95% Detention basin berms 95% Pavement base course 95% Pavement subbase 95% General fill below pavement subbase 90% Trench backfill 92% Lawn areas 90% 2. Compaction percentages are based on the laboratory derived Maximum Density Values. B. Moisture Control 1. Fill that is too wet for proper compaction shall be harrowed or otherwise dried to a proper moisture content to allow compaction to the required density. If fill cannot be dried within 24 hours of placement, it shall be removed and replaced with drier fill. 2. Fill that is too dry for proper compaction shall receive water uniformly applied over the surface of the loose layer. Sufficient water shall be added to allow compaction to the required density. 3. In no case shall fill be placed over material that is frozen. No fill material shall be placed, spread, or rolled during unfavorable weather conditions. When work is interrupted by heavy rains, fill operations shall not be resumed until the moisture content and the density of the previously placed fill are as specified. C. Lift Thickness of Material 1. Structural Fill and Sand Borrow. Place in layers not to exceed 12 inches (12") in thickness when utilizing heavy compaction equipment, and 6 inches (6") when utilizing light hand-operated compaction equipment. 2. Common Fill. Place in layers not to exceed 12 inches (12") in thickness when utilizing heavy compaction equipment, and 8 inches (8") when utilizing light hand-operated compaction equipment. 3. Crushed Stone, Gravel, Dense, Graded Crushed Stone for Subbase. Place in layers not to exceed 9 inches (9") in thickness when utilizing heavy compaction equipment, and 6 inches (6") when utilizing light hand-operated compacted equipment. Compact with a minimum of four (4) coverages of acceptable compaction equipment. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EARTHWORK Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 310000 – Page 24 of 24 3.13 PROTECTION OF FILL A. Protection of compacted fill shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Newly graded areas shall be protected from the actions of the elements and traffic. Any settlement or washing that occurs prior to acceptance of the work shall be repaired and grades shall be established to the required elevations and slopes. Damage to any compacted lift (including those lifts previously tested and approved by the Engineer) occurring at any time during the course of construction, which is caused by equipment, moisture entering the embankment, or from any other cause, shall be fully repaired by the Contractor prior to placement of overlying materials, at no additional cost to Owner and to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. B. In the event of and prior to the commencement of heavy rains, the Contractor shall suspend fill operations immediately and shall take all necessary steps to keep the site as well drained as possible. Fill operations shall not be resumed until the moisture content of the fill is such as to permit compliance with the Specifications. C. All corrective work or operations necessary to maintain proper moisture control of the fill material shall be at the expense of the Contractor. 3.14 GRADING TOLERANCES A. Grading shall be completed to meet or exceed the following tolerances of uniformity*: Location Tolerance Top of Subgrade Beneath Structures 1/2 inch Top of Subgrade Beneath Paving 1/2 inch Top of Subgrade Beneath Landscape Areas 1 inches Top of Gravel and Gravel Bases 1/4 inch * Uniformity is defined as no variations in the surface materials at the grades and slopes indicated on the Drawings that exceed the listed tolerance over a length of ten feet (10’) horizontally in any direction. END OF SECTION 310000 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CLEARING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 311000 – Page 1 of 5 SECTION 311000 SITE CLEARING PART 1 – GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for site clearing including demolition of site structures. B. The work includes: 1. Protection of existing vegetation to remain 2. Clearing and grubbing 3. Selective clearing and thinning 4. Site demolition of structures, retaining walls, signage, light standards, foundations and appurtenances 5. Removal and abandonment of utilities 6. Filling or removal of underground tanks and piping 7. Disposal of material from clearing, grubbing, thinning and demolition in approved off- site disposal areas 8. Filling of voids and excavations resulting from the work 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Other Specification Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include but are not limited to: 1. Section 007355 – EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 2. Section 312500 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS 3. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 4. Section 323113 – CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES 1.03 SITE CONDITIONS A. Site conditions existing during the bidding period will be maintained by the Owner insofar as practical. B. Actual site condition variations that differ from those of the bidding period and which affect site clearing operations shall be brought to the attention of the Owner prior to the commencement of any site work. 1.04 Laws and Regulations A. OMITTED B. Compliance with the EPA NPDES Storm Water Regulations as described in Section 007355 – EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES is a responsibility of the Contractor. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CLEARING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 311000 – Page 2 of 5 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. The Contractor shall submit the following information to the Engineer for review before commencing work: 1. All permits and notices authorizing site clearing and demolition 2. Certificates of utility service severances 3. Permits for transport and disposal of debris 4. Demolition procedures and operational sequence 5. Calculations 6. DEP Form BWP AQ06 Notification Prior to Construction or Demolition PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 TREE PROTECTION FENCING A. Tree protection fencing shall be an orange plastic web fence, 4 feet high minimum. Wood stakes shall be six (6) foot long by 1 inch by 1 inch square driven a minimum of two (2) feet into the ground. Posts shall be spaced eight (8) feet on center, maximum. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PROTECTION A. The Contractor shall flag the limits of clearing shown on the drawings by accurate field survey with marked stakes or other means acceptable to the Engineer. Trees to remain and trees to be saved and transplanted shall be clearly identified during this staking process. The Engineer shall be notified a minimum of five (5) working days prior to scheduled commencement of clearing operations to review the flagged limits. Adjust the clearing limits as directed by the Engineer. B. Before clearing begins, protect designated trees to remain with tree protection fencing to the approximate diameter of foliage (dripline of the tree) to prevent damage to the trunk, foliage and root system by construction equipment and procedures. C. Place tree protection fencing as required to protect other plants, adjacent property areas to remain uncleared, monuments, and existing improvements from damage. D. The Contractor shall repair or replace immediately any damage to existing trees or root systems that are to remain and to trees that are to be transplanted. The Contractor shall employ an arborist licensed in the jurisdiction of the Project Commonwealth of Massachusetts to determine the repair and replacement needs and methods for approval by the Engineer. E. Replace damaged shrubs and other vegetation designated to remain with the same size and species. F. The tree protection fencing shall be maintained for the duration of construction operations. The work shall include immediate replacement of any damaged fence. Fencing shall be HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CLEARING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 311000 – Page 3 of 5 removed from the site at the completion of construction operations. The fencing disposal shall be in accordance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations for the disposal of the material. 3.02 UTILITIES A. Notify all corporations, companies, individuals, or local authorities owning or having jurisdiction over utilities running to, through, or across areas to be affected by site clearing operations. B. Locate and identify existing utilities that are to remain and protect them from damage. C. For utilities to be disconnected, have utility services disconnected in accordance with the requirements of the utility owner. 3.03 CLEARING AND GRUBBING A. Clearing shall include cutting, removal, and off-site disposal of trees, bushes, shrubs, stumps, fallen timber, brush, refuse, trash, fencing and other incidental materials not required for reuse on the site. B. The Contractor shall grub the area within the clearing limits to completely remove stumps and root systems, except for those to remain. C. Depressions, excavations and voids resulting from the removal of stumps or roots shall be filled with suitable material and compacted as specified under Section 310000 – EARTHWORK. 3.04 SELECTIVE CLEARING AND THINNING A. Selective clearing and thinning shall be completed as directed by the Landscape Architect. Approximate limits of selective clearing and thinning are shown on the Drawings. B. The work shall include the removal of dead and diseased tree limbs and plants, and pruning and removal of live vegetation that interferes with the growth of other trees and plants. Areas of dense growth shall be thinned to provide room for healthy growth. 3.05 DEMOLITION REQUIREMENTS A. Conduct demolition operations in a manner that will prevent damage to adjacent structures, utilities, pavements, and other facilities to remain. The Contract is alerted to specifically address Section 3310.1, 3310.2 and 3310.3 of the Massachusetts State Building Code. 1. 3310.1 Notice of Intent: The person intending to cause a demolition or an excavation shall deliver written notice of such intent to the owner of each potentially affected adjoining lot, building or structure at least one week prior to the commencement of work. The notice shall request license to enter the potentially affected lot, building or structure prior to the commencement of work and at reasonable intervals during the work to inspect and preserve the lot, building or structure from damage. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CLEARING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 311000 – Page 4 of 5 2. 3310.2 Protection of Adjoining Property: If afford the necessary license to enter the adjoining lot, building or structure, the person causing the demolition or excavation to be made shall at all times and at his or her own expense preserve and protect the lot, building or structure from damage or injury. If the necessary license is not afforded, it shall be the duty of the owner of the adjoining lot, building or structure to make safe his or her own property, for the prosecution of which said owner shall be granted the necessary license to enter the premises of the demolition or excavation. a. 3310.2.1 Removal of Debris: All waste materials shall be removed in a manner which prevents injury or damage to persons, adjoining properties and public rights-of-way. 3. 3310.3 Notice to the Code Official: If the person causing a demolition or excavation to be made is not afforded license to enter an adjoining structure, that person shall immediately notify in writing both the code official and the owner of the adjoining property that the responsibility of providing support to the adjoining lot building or structure has become the exclusive responsibility of the owner of the adjoining property. B. Cease operations immediately if any damage, settlement or other adverse effect on adjacent structures occurs. However, if an obvious unsafe condition is created that would potentially cause injury to persons or undue harm to properties, the Contractor shall take whatever measures are warranted to prevent such injury or harm. Immediately notify the Engineer and regulatory authorities. Do not resume operations until conditions are corrected, damage repaired and approval has been received from the appropriate authorities and the Owner’s Representative. C. Obtain written permission from adjacent property owners when demolition equipment will traverse, infringe upon, or affect access to their property. Copies of the permission documents shall be submitted to the Engineer. D. Provide hoses and water connections. Spray water on demolition debris to minimize dust. E. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by demolition operations. Return adjacent areas to condition which existed prior to start of work. F. All hazardous waste removal shall be performed by a hazardous waste contractor qualified and duly licensed in the jurisdiction of the Project Commonwealth of Massachusetts to remove, transport, and dispose of each type of hazardous substance. G. Comply with federal, state, and local regulations pertaining to the crushing, processing, and reuse of Asphalt Pavement, Brick and Concrete Rubble. Mass. 310 CMR 16.05(3)(e). 3.06 DEMOLITION A. Demolish buildings completely and remove from site, or remove intact, in accordance with the approved permits, procedures and operational sequence. B. Locate demolition equipment and remove materials in a manner that prevents excessive loading to supporting walls, floors, or framing. C. Remove all debris and other materials from basement areas. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SITE CLEARING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 311000 – Page 5 of 5 D. The Contractor may break up and leave in place concrete floor slabs that are 4 or more feet below finished grade. Remove all concrete foundations and floors within 4 feet of finished grade. 3.07 FILLING BASEMENT AND VOIDS A. Completely fill all voids including, but not limited to: basement areas, excavation areas, and voids resulting from demolition or removal of structures including underground fuel storage tanks, wells, and cisterns with suitable material as specified in Section 310000 – EARTHWORK. B. Areas to be filled shall be free of standing water, frost, frozen, and unsuitable material prior to fill placement. C. Place and compact fill materials in conformance with the requirements of Section 310000 – EARTHWORK. D. Grade surface of filled areas to match adjacent grades and slope to provide surface drainage. 3.08 REMOVAL AND ABANDONMENT OF UTILITIES A. All existing structures, utilities, and appurtenances of any kind shall be completely removed within the limits of excavation for the new buildings and for a distance of 10 feet beyond. Remove all utilities beneath exterior columns and for a distance of 10 feet beyond. B. Outside the limits of excavation for the new buildings, all abandoned utilities and utility structures greater than 8 inches in diameter located at least 4 feet below bottom of finished grade shall be sealed with concrete or brick masonry at the limit of excavation. All utilities shall be entirely removed within 4 feet of finished grade. C. Manholes and catch basins designated to be abandoned shall have all lines plugged with brick and mortar prior to filling with sand or gravel. The top 4 feet of these structures shall be removed and the bottom slab broken up to permit drainage prior to filling. D. The Contractor shall remove frames, covers, and grates from manholes, catch basins and gate valves and satisfactorily store and protect them until they are required for reuse in the work. Existing frames, covers, and grates determined by the Engineer to be unsuitable for reuse shall be removed from the site. 3.09 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. Remove from site all materials resulting from site clearing and demolition operations. B. No burning of any material will be allowed. END OF SECTION 311000 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 1 of 7 SECTION 312500 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control provisions as they relate to the construction process. B. The work includes: 1. Providing and maintaining all temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shown on the Drawings and required by the Engineer during the life of the Contract to control soil erosion and water pollution. 2. The installation and maintenance of additional silt fence, berms, ditches, sedimentation basins, construction exits, fiber mats, catch basin filters, straw, netting, gravel, trenches, mulches, grasses, slope drains, and other approved erosion control devices or methods, needed to protect any areas on or off site in accordance with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to be developed by the Contractor which is required by the EPA or its’ locally designated agency. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include but are not limited to: 1. Section 007355 – EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 2. Section 311000 – SITE CLEARING 3. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 1.03 DEFINITION AND COORDINATION OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PROVISIONS A. Permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures are defined as those elements that are to be incorporated into the final project product, including but not necessarily limited to such items as: finish paving and landscape, detention basin forebays, sedimentation control structures (Stormceptor, catch basins, etc.), swales and ditches, berms, and other such items. B. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures are defined as those elements that are required by permit approvals and necessary to be installed by the Contractor to meet federal, state and local regulations for the construction program, including, but not necessarily limited to, such items as: silt fences, berms, portable sedimentation basins, straw bales, check dams, and other such items, all of which shall be removed by the Contractor after installation of permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures, stabilization of the site, and prior to final completion of the project. C. The temporary control provisions shall be coordinated with the permanent erosion and sedimentation control features to the extent practical to ensure economical, effective, and continuous erosion and sedimentation controls throughout the construction and post- construction periods. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 2 of 7 1.04 LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. OMITTED B. Compliance with the EPA NPDES Storm Water Regulations as described in Section 007355 - EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES is a responsibility of the Contractor. 1.05 PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION A. Prior to the start of the construction, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following: schedules for the construction of required stormwater detention basins, temporary and permanent erosion and sediment control work, clearing and grubbing, grading, structures at watercourses, construction, and paving. No work shall be started until control schedules and methods of operations have been submitted to the Engineer. B. Proof of submittal and receipt of an acknowledgement of the Notice of Intent (NOI) for an NPDES General Permit for Construction Activities under EPA Regulations 40 CFR Parts 9, 122, 123, and 124 as further outlined under this Section, Section 312500 – EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS. 1.06 CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS A. When in the opinion of the Engineer it becomes necessary, the Engineer will inform the Contractor of construction procedures and operations that jeopardize erosion and sedimentation control provisions. If these construction procedures and operations are not corrected promptly, the Owner may suspend the performance of any or all construction until corrections have been made, and such suspension shall not be the basis of any claim by the Contractor for additional compensation from the Owner nor for an extension of time to complete the Work. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 3 of 7 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Temporary erosion control seed for quick growing grasses such as wheat, rye or oats shall be planted only when permanent grasses (Reference Landscape Architect Specifications for seeding and sodding) cannot be planted due to the growing season. All permanent grass areas planted with temporary erosion control seed shall be replaced with permanent seed. Apply seed mixture at a rate of 100 pounds per acre. Percent Germination Seed Percent by Weight Minimum Winter Rye 80 Minimum 85 Red Fescue(Creeping) 4 Minimum 80 Perennial Rye Grass 3 Minimum 90 Red Clover 3 Minimum 90 Other Crop Grass 0.5 Maximum Noxious Weed Seed 0.5 Maximum Inert Matter 1.0 Maximum B. Erosion Control Blanket/Fabric Netting 1. Curlex blankets, as manufactured by American Excelsior Company 2. Erosion Control Blankets SC150BN for embankments equal to or steeper than 2 to 1 or C125BN for drainage swales where stone is not used as manufactured by North American Green C. Straw bale sediment traps consisting of straw bales banded with wire or nylon tape (minimum two bands for bale) approximately two-feet, six-inches in length 1. Stakes for straw bales shall be 1-1/2 inch by 1-1/2 inch by 4 feet long, or approved equal D. Silt fence fabric shall be a woven fabric comprised of high tenacity polypropylene yarns. Silt fence shall be prefabricated with 1.25” (nominal) square hardwood posts. Silt fence shall meet the following criteria: Grab Tensile Strength 100 pounds Grab Tensile Elongation 15% Trapezoidal Tear Strength 50 pounds Mullen Burst Strength 300 pounds Puncture Strength 50 pounds Apparent Opening Size #30 US Sieve Permitivity 0.10 sec^-1 Flow rate 8 gal/min/sf UV Resistance at 500 Hours 70% Strength Retained HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 4 of 7 E. Filter fabric at construction entrance shall be a woven fabric comprised of high tenacity polypropylene yarns. Filter fabric shall meet the following criteria: Wide Width Tensile Strength 175 pounds/inch Grab Tensile Strength 315 pounds Grab Tensile Elongation 15% Trapezoidal Tear Strength 120 pounds Mullen Burst Strength 600 pounds Puncture Strength 120 pounds Apparent Opening Size #40 US Sieve Permitivity 0.05 sec^-1 Flow rate 4 gal/min/sf UV Resistance at 500 Hours 70% Strength Retained F. Silt Sacks and Sediment Control Devices 1. Silt sacks shall be a woven polypropylene geotextile fabric with strength per ASTM D4884 manufactured to fit the opening of the catch basin. Silt sacks shall be Siltsack® as manufactured by ACF Environmental, Inc., or approved equal. 2. Silt sacks shall be manufactured with a high flow bypass weir for large inflow events. Field modification, including cutting or puncturing of the fabric, will not be allowed. 3. Install at locations indicated on the Drawings. G. Compost-Filled Siltsocks 1. Siltsocks shall consist of 12-inch diameter biodegradable cotton mesh netting filled with compost filter media. 2. Siltsocks shall be Siltsoxx®, as manufactured by Filtrexx, or approved equal. H. Straw Wattles shall consist of tubular polypropylene netting filled with agricultural straw fibers. Wattles shall be 12-inch diameter minimum unless otherwise indicated by Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL - STRAW BALES A. Straw bales shall be installed at the locations, shown on the Drawings and in general as follows: 1. Toe of slope of embankment construction to filter all runoff flowing to off-site discharges 2. Toe of temporary earthwork stockpile slopes 3. Across construction ditches prior to entry into drainage system or waterway, and at 50-foot intervals along the remainder of the ditch 4. Surrounding completed drainage inlets. 5. Other locations shown on the Contract Drawings and required by laws, regulations, and permits. B. Straw bales shall be installed in line with each bale installed tight against the previous bale to form a continuous barrier. Secure bales in place with two (2) stakes per bale. The bales shall be set in a trench approximately 4 inches into the ground. Soil shall be placed on the upside slope of the bales. Deteriorated, destroyed, or rotted bales shall be replaced HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 5 of 7 immediately. Sediment shall be removed and disposed of periodically from behind the straw bales. The accumulated sediment shall not be allowed to rise above the mid-height of the bale. All sediment, straw bales, and appurtenances shall be removed and disposed of at the completion of the Contract. 3.02 TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MATS A. Erosion control mats shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. B. Areas to receive mats shall be smooth graded and compacted. Remove all rocks, dirt clods, vegetation, and other obstructions that may cause damage to the mats. C. Unroll mats parallel to the direction of water flow and lay flat against the ground. Overlap roll ends a minimum of 1 foot with upslope mat on the top to prevent uplift of mat end by water flow. Overlay adjacent edges of mat by six (6) inches. Extend mat a minimum of 2 feet above the crest of steep slopes and anchor by excavating a 6 inch deep trench, and secure end of mat in trench using staples or pins furnished by manufacturer of mat. After securing mat end in place, backfill and compact trench. 3.03 SILT FENCE A. Silt fence shall be installed at locations as shown on the Drawings. B. Supporting posts shall be spaced 4 feet on center, and driven at least 1 foot into the ground. Posts shall be 1-1/2 inch square or heavier wood posts or standard steel posts. C. Fabric shall be anchored in a 4-inch deep trench dug on the upslope side of the posts. The trench shall be at least 4 inches wide. The fabric shall be laid in the trench, backfilled, and compacted. D. Fabric rolls shall be spliced at posts. The fabric shall be overlapped 6 inches, folded over, and then securely fastened to posts. E. Silt fences shall be inspected immediately after each storm event and at least daily during prolonged rainfall. 3.04 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS - TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL A. The Contractor shall construct all permanent erosion and sedimentation control features at the earliest practical time as outlined in the accepted schedule. Temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be used to correct conditions that develop during construction which were unforeseen, but are needed prior to installation of permanent erosion and sedimentation control features, or that are needed temporarily to control erosion or sedimentation which develops during construction operations. B. Where erosion is likely to be a problem, clearing and grubbing operations shall be scheduled and performed so that grading operations and permanent erosion and sedimentation control features can follow immediately thereafter, if conditions permit; otherwise, temporary erosion and sedimentation control measures will be required between successive construction stages. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 6 of 7 C. Contractor shall be responsible for controlling erosion within the project area and retaining sediment on-site away from sensitive environmental resources. Any fines, construction delays, remedial actions, or incarceration resulting from the Contractor’s failure to comply with these provisions shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and not the Owner. D. Failure by the Contractor to control erosion, pollution, and siltation shall be cause for the Owner to employ outside assistance to provide the necessary corrective measures. The cost of such assistance, including engineering costs, will be charged to the Contractor and appropriate deductions made from the Contractor's monthly progress payment. E. The Contractor shall remove and properly dispose of sediment from control facilities as required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall modify and improve erosion and sedimentation control facilities and replace deteriorated straw bales and other devices as required by the Engineer. F. Minimum temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control measures are shown on the Drawings. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to the minimum provisions shown. Additionally, temporary measures shall be selected and constructed by the Contractor in consultation with the Engineer to accommodate changing field conditions that develop during construction. G. The temporary sedimentation basins shall be maintained from the start of construction until construction of the permanent detention basins and/or stormwater system is completed and perimeter areas are stabilized. A temporary outlet shall be constructed above the expected sediment levels. Construction of the basins shall be sequenced so that the temporary outlet is installed and basin embankment is constructed with the material available from the initial site excavations. H. Per NPDES Permit requirements, in disturbed areas where construction has permanently or temporarily ceased, the area must be stabilized within 14 days. If earth-disturbing activities will resume within 14 days, temporary stabilization is not required. I. All disturbed areas shall be re-vegetated by loaming and seeding unless otherwise noted on the approved plan. 3.05 MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES A. The Contractor shall check the condition of erosion and sedimentation control devices daily and maintain them in good operating condition. Straw bales shall be replaced when deteriorated. B. The Contractor shall inspect the condition of diversion dikes and ditches, filter berms, interceptor dikes, sediment basins, and other erosion and sedimentation control devices after each rainstorm and during major storm events. Repairs shall be made as necessary. C. During construction, temporary outlets of the drainage systems shall direct the flow to temporary or permanent sedimentation basins. D. Temporary soil erosion and sedimentation control devices shall be removed and adjacent areas outside the limits of grading restored upon completion of the work or when required by the Engineer. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 312500 – Page 7 of 7 END OF SECTION 312500 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA BASE COURSES PAVEMENT Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321100 – Page 1 of 2 SECTION 321100 BASE COURSES (PAVEMENT) PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for the preparation of the subgrade for, and placement of, granular subbase and base materials for pavement areas. B. The work includes: 1. Fine grading and compaction of pavement subgrade. 2. Furnishing, placing and compacting of subbase and base materials. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Other specification Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 2. Section 321216 – ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] 3. Section 321610 – CURBING 4. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GRAVEL A. Gravel shall conform to the requirements of Section 310000 - EARTHWORK, Gravel. 2.02 DENSE GRADED CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE AND BASE A. Dense graded crushed stone shall conform to the requirements of Section 310000 - EARTHWORK, Dense-graded Crushed Stone for Subbase and Base. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SUBGRADE PREPARATION A. All subsurface utility construction shall be completed before fine grading is begun. B. The pavement and curb subgrade shall be fine graded to the location, elevations and cross slope indicated on the Drawings, using gravel for final adjustments. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA BASE COURSES PAVEMENT Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321100 – Page 2 of 2 C. Subgrades in in-situ soils in both excavation areas and embankment areas shall be compacted during fine grading to 90 percent of maximum dry density in conformance with Section 310000 - EARTHWORK. 3.02 SUBBASE MATERIAL PLACEMENT A. Subbase material shall not be placed until the Engineer has approved the fine grading, compaction and, condition of the subgrade. B. Subbase material shall be placed and spread on the approved subgrade in layers not exceeding eight inches (8") in thickness by approved self-spreading equipment. Any displacement of the compacted subgrade material by the equipment shall be restored to the required grade and recompacted before placement of the subbase material. C. Subbase material shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum dry density in conformance with Section 310000 - EARTHWORK. D. The surface of the subbase material shall be fine graded to the location, elevations, and cross slope indicated on the Drawings during final compaction operations. 3.03 BASE MATERIAL PLACEMENT A. Base material shall not be placed until the Engineer has approved the fine grading, compaction, and condition of the subbase material. B. Base material shall be spread on the approved subbase in layers not exceeding four inches (4") in thickness by approved self-spreading equipment. Any displacement of the subbase material by equipment shall be restored to the required grade and recompacted before placement of the base material. C. Base material shall be compacted to 95 percent of dry density in conformance with Section 310000 - EARTHWORK. D. The surface of the base material shall be fine graded to the proposed location, elevations, and cross slope shown on the Drawings during final layer compaction operations. END OF SECTION 321100 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 1 of 24 SECTION 321216 ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. General: Work under this Section consists of providing asphalt paving complete, as indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein including: 1. Furnishing hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement (note - on the Drawings, this is also referred to as ‘bituminous concrete pavement’) composed of mineral aggregate, reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP), asphalt binder material and an anti-strip additive (if required), that are mixed in a central mixing plant and then placing the mix on a prepared course in accordance with these specifications and conformance to the lines, grades, thicknesses and typical cross sections as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Owner. B. The work includes: 1. Preparation for HMA paving and furnishing and installing HMA. 2. HMA overlays over existing pavement, including surface preparation, and leveling courses, tack coating and all other associated operations required. 3. Sawcutting existing pavements. C. Acceptance: The acceptance of plant produced material for gradation, asphalt content, and air voids shall be determined by the owner in accordance with the requirements of the section on ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA, herein specified. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the Work of this Section include: 1. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 2. Section 321100 – BASE COURSES (PAVEMENTS) 3. Section 321610 – CURBING 4. Section 321723 – PAVEMENT MARKINGS 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References herein are made in accordance with the listed specific standards of the following organizations and work under this Section shall conform to the latest edition, unless modified by these Specifications. 1. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) 2. ASTM International (ASTM) 3. Asphalt Institute (AI) 4. U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 5. Commonwealth of Massachusetts Highway Department ‘Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges’, latest edition (MassDOT Specifications) HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 2 of 24 6. NorthEast Transportation Training and Certification Program (NETTCP) 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Job Mix Formula (JMF): No HMA shall be produced until a JMF has been submitted by the Contractor and reviewed by the Owner’s representative. The HMA shall be designed in accordance with the volumetric mixture design specifications contained in AASHTO M 323 and procedures contained in AASHTO R 35, as modified herein, and shall meet the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4. B. JMF Submittal: The job mix formula shall be submitted in writing by the Contractor at least 30 days prior to the start of paving operations and shall include as a minimum: 1. Percent passing each sieve size. 2. Gradation and percent of each individual aggregate or mineral filler, including source, location, and bulk specific gravity. 3. Percent of asphalt binder. 4. Performance graded asphalt binder certified test results and Material Certificate certifying the PG grade, including source and location. 5. Number of gyrations for the estimated design ESAL loading. 6. Mixing temperature. 7. Compaction temperature. 8. Temperature of mix when discharged from the mixer. 9. Plot of the combined gradation on the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 0.45 power gradation curve. 10. Percent natural sand. 11. Percent fractured faces. 12. Percent flat or elongated particles. 13. Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) 14. Anti-strip agent (anti-stripping additive) – type, quantity, supplier and location. 15. Sand equivalent value. 16. Sulfate soundness loss. 17. Individual and combined aggregate specific gravity. 18. Dust to effective asphalt ratio. 19. Graphical plot of air voids, voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), and voids filled with asphalt (VFA) versus asphalt content. The Superpave mixes shall also show density at Ninitial, density at Ndesign, and density at Nmaximum versus asphalt content. C. Performance Graded Asphalt Binder Material: The certification(s) shall show the appropriate AASHTO and/or ASTM test(s) for each material, the test results, and a statement that the material meets the specification requirement. Reference AASHTO MP-1 and AASHTO PP6. 1. Flash point. 2. Rotational viscosity at 135°C. and 165°C. 3. Specific gravity at 25°C. 4. Original G*/sinδ and phase angle at test temperature. 5. RTFO percent mass loss (rolling thin film oven). HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 3 of 24 6. RTFO - G*/sinδ and phase angle at test temperature. 7. PAV Residue - G*(sinδ) and phase angle at test temperature. 8. Creep stiffness and m-value at test temperature. 9. Direct tension results (when equipment available). 10. Strain sweep in accordance with AASHTO T315 (optional). 11. Physical hardening after 24 hours in accordance with AASHTO T313 (optional). 12. Mixing and Compaction viscosity-temperature chart. D. Asphalt Anti-Stripping Additive: This specification provides for an additive to asphalt to assist in the coating of wet aggregate and to increase the resistance of the asphalt binder coating to stripping in the presence of water. The additive shall be chemically inert to asphalt (heat stable) and when blended with asphalt shall withstand storage at a temperature of 400°F. for extended periods without loss of effectiveness. Composition: Anti stripping compound shall be an organic chemical compound, free from inorganic mineral salts or inorganic mineral soaps. It shall contain no ingredient harmful to the binder material or to the operator, and shall not appreciably alter the specified characteristics of the binder material. Anti stripping additive shall be incorporated and thoroughly dispersed in the asphalt binder material in an amount equal to the percent by weight established by the job mix formula. This percent is based on the efficiency of the additive as determined by laboratory tests. The treated composite mixture shall have a minimum tensile strength ratio (TSR) of not less than 80, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T283 with the freeze/thaw cycle. The specimens for the AASHTO procedure shall be 4” (100mm) in diameter, compacted the Superpave gyratory compactor to the desired air void level of 7.0 + 1.0%. If the TSR ratio is less than 80, the aggregates shall be treated with an approved antistrip in sufficient quantity to produce acceptable results. The hot mix asphalt materials and asphalt binder material that require antistrip additives (either liquid or mineral) shall continue to meet all requirements specified herein for binder and HMA. The anti-strip agent shall be included in the bid price. E. Testing Laboratory: The laboratory used to develop the JMF shall meet the requirements of ASTM D3666. A certification signed by the manager of the laboratory stating that it meets these requirements shall be submitted with the JMF. F. Certified Test Reports: Submit certified test report(s)signed by the material producer and Contractor certifying that materials comply with, or exceed, the requirements herein. Owner reserves the right to employ an independent testing laboratory for testing materials included in the JMF, and Contractor shall, upon request of Owner, supply suitable quantities of these materials for such testing. 1.05 WEATHER LIMITATIONS A. The HMA shall not be placed when weather conditions of fog or rain prevail or when the pavement surface or base shows signs of free moisture (film of water) or when surface temperature is less than 40°F measured in the shade. When the surface temperature of the HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 4 of 24 underlying course is less than 50°F, the estimated time available for compaction shall be provided by the Contractor to the Engineer. The Engineer and the Contractor shall determine if there is an adequate amount of time available to compact the mixture. The Contractor assumes responsibility for constructing the pavement to meet compaction and specification requirements. The estimated time available for compaction can be calculated with computer programs, e.g., Pave Cool Tool. This program is available at the following web location: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/app/pavecool/ The Engineer will not permit work to continue when overtaken by sudden storms until the pavement surface shows no signs of free moisture. The material in transit at the time of shutdown will not be placed until the pavement surface shows no signs of free moisture, provided the mixture is within temperature limits as specified. B. When air temperature falls below 50°F, extra precautions shall be taken in drying the aggregates, controlling the temperature of the materials, and in placing and compacting the mixtures. Refer to section 3.03(B) of this specification. 1.06 COORDINATION A. The Contractor shall coordinate paving with all other work, especially underground utility construction, to prevent covering up unfinished or uninspected work and loss of time or labor by improper scheduling. Any repaving required shall be done at no cost to Owner. 1.07 PAVEMENT WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY A. The construction of all pavements within public rights-of-way shall be in accordance with the rules, regulations and requirements of the public agency having control and ownership of such rights-of-way. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 5 of 24 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Aggregate: Aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, with or without sand or other inert finely divided mineral aggregate. The portion of the materials retained on the #4 sieve (4.75 mm) shall be known as coarse aggregate, the portion passing the #4 sieve (4.75 mm) and being retained by the #200 sieve (0.075 mm) as fine aggregate, and the portion passing the #200 sieve (0.075 mm) as mineral filler. 1. Coarse Aggregate a. Coarse aggregate shall consist of sound, tough, durable particles, free from adherent coatings of clay, organic matter, and other deleterious substances. It shall show no more wear than thirty (30) percent loss when tested in accordance with AASHTO - T96, nor shall the sodium sulfate or magnesium sulfate soundness loss exceed ten (10) percent, after five cycles, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T104. b. The coarse aggregate shall not contain more than ten (10) percent, by weight, of flat or elongated pieces, when tested in accordance with ASTM D4791 at a ratio stated within the standard specifications, or in lieu of, 3:1. A flat particle is one having a ratio of width to thickness greater than the stated ratio; an elongated particle one having a ratio of length to width greater than the stated ratio. An aggregate particle whose maximum length is the stated ratio times its maximum thickness is considered flat and elongated. c. For design ESALs less than 3 million, the coarse aggregate shall contain a minimum of 75% by weight having at least one or more fractured faces, when tested in accordance with ASTM D5821. For design ESALs greater than or equal to 3 million, the coarse aggregate shall contain a minimum of 90% by weight having at least two or more fractured faces and 95% by weight having at least on fractured face, when tested in accordance with ASTM D5821. When two fractured faces are continuous, the angle between the planes of fracture shall be as least 30 degrees to count as two fractured faces 2. Fine Aggregate a. Fine aggregate shall consist of clean, sound, durable, angular particles produced by crushing natural stone, or gravel that meets the requirements for wear and soundness specified for the coarse aggregate. The aggregate particles shall be free from coatings of clay, silt, or other objectionable matter and shall contain no clay balls. The combined materials that passed the No. 100 mesh sieve shall not have sufficient plasticity to permit the performing of the plastic limit test using AASHTO T90. b. Fine aggregates shall have sand equivalent values of 45 or greater when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 176. The sand equivalent value shall be determined for the combined mix aggregates, including coarse and fine aggregates and mineral filler portions. c. In the fine aggregate sieve analysis passing #4 (4.75mm), the amount between two successive sieves #16, #30, #50, and #100 shall not exceed 33% of the fine aggregate total. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 6 of 24 d. The aggregate shall have a fine aggregate angularity value of 40% or greater when tested in accordance with AASHTO T304, Method A. The uncompacted void content shall be evaluated for the combined mix aggregates including both coarse and fine aggregate portions. e. The fine aggregate, as delivered to the mixer, shall meet the following gradation requirement: TABLE 2 Percent Passing Sieve Minimum Maximum 3/8 inch 95 100 No. 8 70 95 No. 50 20 40 No. 200 2 16 3. Mineral Filler: If filler, in addition to that naturally present in the aggregate, is necessary, it shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 17. B. Recycled Asphalt Pavement (RAP): The use of a maximum of 15% recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) will be allowed in the HMA surface courses. All other HMA mixtures may contain a maximum of 40% RAP by mass of the entire mixture. 1. The RAP, incorporated into the HMA mixtures, shall be maintained as a separate captive stockpile and shall not be added to without prior approval. RAP shall consist of asphalt pavement recovered by cold milling or other removal techniques. The RAP shall be crushed so that 100 percent passes the 3/4 inch sieve, or a smaller size depending on the mixture being produced. The Contractor shall assure that the RAP is free from contaminating substances such as joint seal compound. 2. The coarse aggregate in the RAP shall be crushed stone and the top-size shall not exceed the maximum aggregate size established by the JMF. The final HMA mixture containing RAP shall conform to all the specification requirements contained herein. 3. For mixtures containing 25% or less RAP, the asphalt binder shall be a PG 64-28. For mixtures containing greater than 25% and up to 40% RAP, the asphalt binder grade shall be a determined per AASHTO M323. The Contractor shall not use any RAP stockpile that has not been tested in this manner. All proposed RAP stockpile changes shall be submitted to the Engineer in writing and shall be retested for gradation and binder aging. The mixture shall then have the binder grade determined again per AASHTO M323. 4. For design purposes, the specific gravity of the combined aggregate blend with RAP used in a HMA mixture shall be determined in accordance with the attached test method for BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AGGREGATE BLENDS WITH RAP. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 7 of 24 C. Asphalt Binder Material: The types, grades, controlling specifications, and maximum mixing temperatures for the asphalt binder materials shall conform to the following: 1. The PGAB Grade selected for this Contract is PG 64-28. If traffic speed and/or level warrant, the PGAB may be adjusted by the Owner for the Design Traffic conditions in accordance with Table below: SUPERPAVE PGAB Adjustment for Design Traffic Conditions Traffic Loading Adjustment to PGAB Grade Standing (<20 km/h) Increase high temperature grade by 2 grades (12° C.). Use low temperature grade as determined by LTTP BIND software. Slow Transient (20 to 70 km/h) Increase high temperature grade by 1 grade (6° C.). Use low temperature grade as determined by LTTP BIND software. Traffic Level (ESALs) Adjustment to PGAB Grade 1 x 107 to 3 x 107 Consideration should be given to increasing high temperature grade by 1 grade (6° C.). Use low temperature grade as determined by LTPP BIND software >3 x 107 Switch binder grade to 64E-28 per AASHTO M332. 2. The blending at the HMA plants of PG binder from different suppliers is strictly prohibited. Contractors may switch to another approved source of PG binder, upon written notification to the Owner, and by certifying that the tank to be utilized has been drained to an un-pumpable condition. The tank shall not retain more than 0.5% in volume capacity of previous residue source. Contractors who blend PG binders will be reclassified as a supplier and required to certify the binder in accordance with AASHTO MP1 and AASHTO PP-26. Also if any modifications, blending, or addition of additives occurs, the Contractor shall re-certify the material in accordance with AASHTO MP1 and AASHTO PP-26. D. Tack Coat: Emulsified asphalt; AASHTO M 140/ASTM D997 or AASHTO M 208/ASTM D2397, RS-1h or CRS-1. E. Mineral Filler: Rock or slag dust, Portland cement, or other inert material complying with AASHTO M 17/ASTM D242. HMA mixtures that pass beneath the Primary Control Sieve (PCS) control point established by AASHTO M323 may contain a dusat to effective asphalt ratio by mass between 0.8 and 1.6. All other mixtures must contain at dust to effective asphalt ratio by mass of between 0.6 to 1.2. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 8 of 24 F. Anti-stripping Additive: Shall be incorporated and thoroughly dispersed in the asphalt binder material in an amount equal to the percent by weight established by the job mix formula. This percent is based on the efficiency of the additive as determined by laboratory tests. The treated composite mixture shall have a minimum tensile strength ratio (TSR) of not less than 75, when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 283 with the freeze/thaw cycle. The specimens for the AASHTO procedure shall be 4 inch (100mm) in diameter, compacted with the Superpave gyratory compactor to the desired air void level of 7.0 + 1.0%. If the TSR ratio is less than 75, the aggregates shall be treated with an approved anti-stripping additive in sufficient quantity to produce acceptable results. The hot mix asphalt materials and asphalt binder material that require anti-stripping additives (either liquid or mineral) shall continue to meet all requirements specified herein for binder and HMA. The anti- stripping additive shall be included in the bid price. G. Hot Mix Asphalt: Plant mix may be composed of a homogeneous mixture of aggregate, filler if required, asphalt binder, and/or additives, combined to meet the composition limits by weight and other characteristics as specified. The several aggregate fractions shall be sized, uniformly graded and combined in such proportions that the resulting mixture meets the grading requirements of the following specifications: TABLE 3 – SUPERPAVE AGGREGATE GRADATION CONTROL POINTS NOMINAL MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE (% PASSING BY WEIGHT) Sieve 3/8” (9.5 mm) 1/2" (12.5 mm) 3/4" (19.0 mm) 2 inch 1 inch 100 3/4 inch 100 90 – 100 5/8 inch 1/2 inch 100 90 – 100 ≤90 3/8 inch 90 – 100 ≤90 No. 4 ≤90 No. 8 32 – 67 28 – 58 23 – 49 No. 16 No. 30 No. 50 No. 100 No. 200 2 – 10 2 – 10 2 – 8 Temp. Mix (°F.) 265 - 325 265 — 325 265 — 325 1. The mineral aggregate shall be of such size that the percentage composition by weight, as determined by laboratory sieves, will conform to the gradation or gradations specified in Table 3 when tested in accordance with AASHTO T 27 and T 11. 2. The gradations in Table 3 represent the limits, which shall determine the suitability of aggregate for use from the sources of supply. The aggregate, as selected (and used in the JMF) and blended, shall have a gradation within the limits designated in Table 3 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 9 of 24 and shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the high limit on the adjacent sieve, or vice versa, but shall be well graded from coarse to fine. 3. Deviations from the final approved mix design for gradation of aggregates shall be within the tolerances for individual measurements as specified in these requirements. The job mix formula tolerances will apply if they fall outside the grading band in Table 3. All mixture furnished for the work shall conform to the job mix formula within the tolerance ranges as specified. 4. The maximum size aggregate used shall not be more than one-half of the thickness of the compacted course being constructed on a prepared surface or that which can be placed to achieve specification requirements. The maximum size is defined as one sieve size larger than the nominal maximum size. The nominal maximum size is defined as one sieve size larger than the first sieve to cumulatively retain more than 10 percent. H. Additional Criteria 1. In addition to the above requirements, the mixtures shall also conform to the following: TABLE 4 - MINIMUM PERCENT VOIDS IN MINERAL AGGREGATE U.S.A. Standard Sieve Designation (inches) Nominal Maximum Particle Size Minimum Voids in Mineral Aggregate (Percent) (inches) (mm.) 3/8 0.375 9.0 15 1/2 0.500 12.5 14 3/4 0.750 19.0 13 1 1.000 25.0 12 2. Voids in mineral aggregate (VMA), for each plant sample, shall be computed in accordance with AASHTO T 312. 3. Each mixture shall be evaluated for stripping by performing indirect tensile tests on compacted mixtures. If the Tensile Strength Ratio (TSR) of the composite mixture, as determined by AASHTO T 283 with freeze/thaw cycle, is less than 75, the aggregates shall be rejected or the asphalt treated with an approved anti-stripping agent. The amount of anti-stripping agent added to the asphalt shall be sufficient to produce a TSR of not less than 75. If an anti-stripping agent is required, it will be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. The Contractor shall install all pavements in the location and to the grades shown on the Drawings, or approved by the Owner. The type and thickness of pavement courses shall be as shown on the Drawings. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 10 of 24 B. Equipment: Maintain equipment in satisfactory operating condition and correct breakdowns in a manner that will not delay or be detrimental to progress of paving operations. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Proof roll prepared base material surface to identify areas requiring removal and re-compaction, and to provide a uniform degree of compaction over the entire pavement area. B. Do not begin paving work until deficient base material areas have been corrected and are ready to receive paving. Paving shall not be applied until the Owner inspects and approves the finished base. C. Check all frames, covers, grates, water valve boxes and other miscellaneous castings that are located in the proposed pavement areas to ensure that all have been correctly positioned and set to the proper slope and elevation. All covers and grates shall be set flush with the required finished surface. No depressions or mounds will be permitted in the pavement to accommodate inaccuracies in the setting of castings. D. All vertical surfaces of structures and existing concrete surfaces in contact with new hot mix asphalt pavement shall be painted with a uniform coating of an approved tack coat material. Extreme care shall be exercised in the application of this material to prevent splattering or staining of surfaces that will be exposed after the paving is completed. Surfaces that are stained as a result of the Contractor's operation shall be repaired or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. E. All existing paved and milled surfaces to be overlaid shall be thoroughly cleaned by a self- propelled sweeper. Areas inaccessible by power sweeper shall be broom swept until the pavement surface is clean. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Tack Coat 1. Apply to contact surfaces of all cement concrete and other surfaces abutting or projecting into pavement. Intermediate (binder) course pavement that was placed less than 24 hours prior to surface course placement and has not been exposed to traffic or otherwise contaminated may be directly paved with no tack application at the discretion of the Engineer. 2. Apply tack coat to existing pavement surfaces to receive HMA overlay at a rate of 0.06 to 0.08 gallons per square yard of residual asphalt on the surface. For typical RS-1h and CRS-1 asphalt emulsions, this equates to an emulsion application rate of between 0.06 and 0.08 gallons per square yard. For milled surfaces, application rate of typical emulsions shall be not less than 0.07 gallons per square yard. 3. Tack coat shall be applied evenly by spray. Hand sprinkling shall not be used. 4. Allow to dry until at proper condition to receive paving. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 11 of 24 B. Weather Limitations: The hot mix asphalt shall not be placed when weather conditions of fog or rain prevail or when the pavement surface or base shows signs of free moisture (film of water). When the surface temperature of the underlying course is less than 50°F. (10°C.) the Contractor shall determine the time available for compaction. The time available for compaction shall be calculated based on the time, date, air temperature, average wind speed, sky conditions, latitude, mix type, PG grade, lift thickness, mix delivery temperature, existing surface type, existing moisture content of surface, existing state of moisture in surface, and surface temperature. 1. The estimated time available for compaction can be calculated with the computer program called Pave Cool Tool. This program is available at the following web location: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/app/pavecool/ 2. The information regarding the air temperature, average wind speed, sky conditions, mix delivery temperature, and existing moisture conditions shall be evaluated by the Owner and a Contractor’s representative located at the paving operation. The estimated time available for compaction shall be provided by the Contractor to the Owner. The Owner and the Contractor shall determine if there is an adequate amount of time available to compact the mixture. Options can be explored to extend the time available for compaction. If there is an adequate amount of time available to compact the mixture, the temperature requirements may be waived by the Owner; however all other requirements including compaction shall be met. The Contractor assumes responsibility for constructing the pavement to meet compaction and specification requirements. 3. The Owner will not permit work to continue when overtaken by sudden storms until the pavement surface shows no signs of free moisture. The material in transit at the time of shutdown will not be placed until the pavement surface shows no signs of free moisture, provided the mixture is within temperature limits as specified 3.04 HOT MIX ASPHALT PAVEMENT PRODUCTION AND PLACEMENT A. Asphalt Binder Material: The Contractor shall set aside one (1) 1-qt samples of the asphalt binder material obtained from each truckload, shipment, or equivalent of asphalt binder material shipped to the production facility. Each sample shall be labeled with the PG grade, source and batch number, quantity, project name, plant, date, and the sampling inspector. The Contractor shall maintain documentation in the form of a Materials Certificate of each shipment, with a copy attached to each quart sample. 1. After receiving the quart samples, obtained by the Contractor, the Owner may test the samples for verification of the performance grade. Material shall conform to the specification requirements for the applicable performance grade as specified herein. Material not conforming to specification requirements shall be subject to corrective action, production suspension, rejection, removal, or reduced payment as determined by the Owner. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 12 of 24 B. Job Mix Formula (JMF): No HMA shall be produced until a JMF has been submitted by the Contractor and approved by the Owner. The HMA shall meet the requirements of Table 3 and Table 4 in this specification. 1. All tests for initial aggregate submittals necessary to determine compliance with requirements specified herein shall be made by the Contractor. 2. A separate job mix formula shall be submitted for each mixture and each approved RAP stockpile (the stockpile shall be of a uniform quality throughout). C. Sampling: The Contractor shall submit representative samples from actual sources of supply for all aggregates to be used for the production of HMA. ASTM D75 shall be used in sampling coarse aggregate and fine aggregate, and ASTM C183 shall be used in sampling mineral filler. Sampling may be observed and supervised by the Owner or his representative. No aggregate shall be used in the production mixtures without prior approval. 1. The approved JMF for each mixture shall be in effect until modified in writing by the Contractor. Should a change in sources of materials be made, a new JMF must be developed and approved before the new material is used. All mixture furnished for the work shall conform to the job mix formula within the tolerance ranges as specified. D. JMF Tolerances: The job mix formula with the allowable tolerances shall govern the production limits for the aggregate gradation, binder content, and air voids for each mixture. TABLE 5 - JOB MIX FORMULA TOLERANCES (BASED ON A SINGLE TEST) Material Tolerance Plus or Minus Aggregate passing No. 4 sieve or larger 6 percent Aggregate passing No. 8 sieve 5 percent Aggregate passing No. 16 – No. 50 sieves 3 percent Aggregate passing No. 100 sieve 2 percent Aggregate passing No. 200 sieve 1 percent Asphalt Binder 0.3 percent Design Air Voids (4.0%) 1 percent Temperature of Mix 20 degrees F. (-7 C.) E. Hot Mix Asphalt Mixing Plants, Haul Vehicles, Pavers and Compactors: Shall conform to MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges, Section 450, latest edition, unless modified herein. F. Sampling Platform: A safe and adequate platform or catwalk with stairway and railing shall be provided to accommodate the inspector while checking temperatures and obtaining samples of the mixture from haul vehicles. The height of the platforms and raised platforms shall be adequate to accommodate safe acquisition of mix samples from the type of hauling unit(s) being utilized on the project. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 13 of 24 G. Testing Laboratory: The Contractor or producer shall provide a fully equipped asphalt testing laboratory for control and acceptance testing functions during periods of mix production, sampling, and testing, and whenever materials subject to the provisions of these specifications are being supplied or tested. The laboratory shall provide adequate equipment, space, and utilities as required for the performance of the specified tests. The laboratory and all testing equipment shall be located at the production facility. The Owner shall have priority in the use of the equipment necessary for acceptance testing. The equipment shall conform to the applicable ASTM and AASHTO Specification requirements for the specific testing being performed. 1. Laboratory shall be in compliance with ASTM D3666 latest edition. 2. The laboratory shall contain all of the equipment necessary to perform testing in accordance with ASTM and AASHTO Standards referenced herein and with MassDOT Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges, latest edition, in addition to, those requirements listed below: a. Electronic Balance: 20,000 gm capacity minimum, sensitivity 0.1 gm. b. Bulk Specific Gravity determination equipment (AASHTO T-166). In addition, all ancillary and miscellaneous equipment needed to perform the testing in accordance with these specifications shall be provided. H. Temporary Storage of Hot Mix Asphalt: Use of surge bins or storage bins for temporary storage of hot mix asphalt mixtures will be permitted: 1. For hot mix asphalt containing more than 10% RAP, the storage period shall be established from the Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) residue at 140°F. (60°C.), tested in accordance with AASHTO T 240. Prior to production the Contractor shall recover, by AASHTO T 170, a sufficient quantity of the RAP binder. The RAP binder shall be blended with the virgin binder at the JMF percentages. The laboratory RAP-virgin binder blend shall be subjected to the RTFO at 140°F. (60°C.) and the viscosity of the residue shall establish the maximum viscosity allowed for the binder after silo storage. The viscosity of the residue shall be determined in accordance with AASHTO T 202 or AASHTO TP48. 2. If the Owner determines that there is an excessive amount of heat loss, segregation and/or oxidation of the mixture due to temporary storage, use of surge bins or storage bins will be discontinued. I. Hand Work: Whenever possible, all pavement shall be spread by a self-propelled finishing machine. At inaccessible or irregular areas, pavement may be placed by hand methods. If hand methods are used, the hot mixture shall be spread uniformly to the required depth with hot shovels and lutes. After spreading, the hot mixture shall be carefully smoothed to remove all segregated coarse aggregate and lute marks. Lutes used for hand spreading shall be of the type designed for this use. Material loads shall not be dumped faster than they can be properly spread. Workers shall not stand on the loose mixture while spreading. J. Paving Machine Placement: Upon arrival, the mixture shall be placed to the full width by a hot mix asphalt paver. The mixture shall be struck off in a uniform layer of such depth that, when the work is completed, it shall have the required thickness and conform to the grade and contour indicated. The speed of the paver shall be regulated to eliminate pulling or tearing of the hot mix asphalt mat. Unless otherwise permitted, placement of the mixture HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 14 of 24 shall begin along the centerline of a crowned section or on the low side of areas with a one-way slope. The top course in larger parking fields shall be placed in the direction of surface-water flow. The mixture shall be placed in consecutive adjacent strips having a minimum width of 10 feet except where edge lanes require less width to complete the area. 1. The longitudinal joint in one course shall offset the longitudinal joint in the course immediately below by at least 1 foot. Transverse joints in one course shall be offset by at least 10 feet from transverse joints in the previous course. 2. The placement of the material along the longitudinal joint may be performed by setting the screed to overlay the first mat. The elevation of the screed above the surface of the first mat should be equal to the amount of roll-down expected during compaction of the new mat. The overlapped material shall be bumped by the lutes, if necessary, to optimize the density along the longitudinal joint. Under no circumstances should the overlapped material be broadcast across the mat. Excess material should be removed by hand and returned to the screed. 3. Trafficking over freshly placed surface course material shall not be permitted until the material has been compacted, and allowed to cool to a temperature of 140 degrees F. minimum. K. Joints: Make joints between old and new pavements, and between successive days' work, to ensure continuous bond between adjoining work. Construction joints shall have the same texture, density, and smoothness as other sections of paving. Clean contact surfaces and apply tack coat. 3.05 ROLLING AND COMPACTION A. The mixture, after being spread, shall be thoroughly compacted by rollers having a minimum weight of 240 pounds per inch of drum width as soon as it will bear the weight of the rollers without undue displacement. The number, weight, and types of rollers and sequences of rolling operations shall be such that the required compaction and surface texture are consistently attained while the mixture is in a workable condition. Rolling shall continue until the surface is of uniform texture, true to grade and cross section, and the required field compaction is obtained. The number of rollers and passes required shall be governed by the compaction results; however, at least two rollers shall be provided for each paver employed on the paving operation. Each roller shall be operated by a competent, experienced roller operator and shall be kept in as nearly continuous operation as practicable while work is underway. A plate shall be attached to each roller showing the ballasted and unballasted weight per length-width of tread. The contractor is encouraged to deploy pneumatic and or oscillating steel drum rollers when possible. B. Compact mixture with hot hand tampers, hand rollers, or vibratory plate compactors in areas inaccessible by self-propelled rollers. C. Accomplish breakdown or initial rolling immediately following rolling of joints and outside edge. Check surface after breakdown rolling, and repair displaced areas by loosening and filling, if required, with hot material. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 15 of 24 D. Follow breakdown rolling as soon as possible, while mixture is hot. Continue rolling until mixture has been thoroughly compacted. E. Perform finish rolling while mixture is still warm enough for removal of roller marks. Continue rolling until roller marks are eliminated and course has attained specified density. F. Remove and replace paving areas mixed with foreign materials and defective areas and fill with fresh, hot top or intermediate course material. Compact by rolling to specified surface density and smoothness. This work shall be done at Contractor’s expense. G. After final rolling, do not permit vehicular traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. Erect barricades to protect paving from traffic. 3.06 HMA SIDEWALKS A. Forms: Where walls, curbing or other suitable permanent supports are not present, satisfactory forms shall be installed to assist in securing alignment and adequate compaction of the courses. All forms shall be removed after paving has been completed and the area backfilled and compacted. B. Placing HMA: The HMA walkway surface shall be laid in two courses to a depth after compaction of 2-1/2 inches. The bottom course shall be 1-1/4 inch in thickness after compaction, and its surface after rolling shall be parallel to the proposed grade of the finished surface. The top course shall be 1-1/4 inch in thickness after compaction. C. Unless otherwise directed, the walkway shall have a 1.50% slope to provide for proper drainage and shall conform to handicap accessibility requirements. 1. Spreading Mixture: The mixture shall be dumped, as needed, into a self-propelled sidewalk paver, or into wheel barrows or an approved steel dump sheets outside the areas on which it is to be placed. It shall then be immediately distributed into place by means of shovels and lutes into a uniformly loose layer to the full width required and of such depth that, when the work is completed, it shall conform to the grade and surface contour required. 2. Rolling: The surface shall be rolled with a self-propelled tandem roller weighing not less than 1-1/2 tons and not more than 5 tons. In places not accessible to a power roller, compaction shall be obtained by means of mechanical rammers or by hand tampers weighing not less than 50 pounds and having a tamping face not exceeding 100 square inches. 3. Testing Surface: When tested with a 10-foot straightedge placed parallel to the centerline of the courses, there shall be no deviation from a true surface in excess of 1/4 of an inch. 3.07 FIELD QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Independent Testing Laboratory, selected and paid for by the Owner, may be retained to perform construction testing of in-place HMA courses for compliance with requirements for HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 16 of 24 density, thickness and surface smoothness. Top and base courses will be randomly cored by the testing laboratory technicians at a minimum rate of three cores for every course and construction phase or 40,000 square feet of paving, however, no less than three cores in light duty areas and three cores in heavy duty areas will be obtained. 1. Samples of all material including compacted specimens and certified copies of all reports and print-outs shall be made available to the Owner or his representative as often as requested including: a. Performance Graded Binders. b. Recycling agents. c. Virgin aggregates. d. Reclaimed pavement materials. e. Loose and compacted mixture specimens. f. Combined aggregate samples. B. Grade Control: Establish and maintain required lines and elevations. C. Thickness: In-place compacted thickness shall not be less than the thickness indicated on the Drawings. Areas of deficient paving thickness shall receive a tack coat and a minimum 1-inch compacted thickness overlay; or shall be removed and replaced to the proper thickness, at the discretion of the Owner, until specified thickness of the course is met or exceeded, at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Surface Smoothness: Testing shall be performed on the finished surface of each course for smoothness, using a 10-foot straightedge applied parallel with, and at right angles to centerline of paved area. The results of these tests shall be made available to the Owner upon request. Surfaces will not be acceptable if they exceed the following tolerances for smoothness: 1. Intermediate (binder) course: 3/8 inch. 2. Top course: 1/4 inch. E. Check surface areas at intervals necessary to eliminate ponding areas. Remove and replace unacceptable paving as directed by Owner. F. Compaction: The in-place compaction of each course shall be compacted to a density of at least ninety-two (92.0) percent (ninety (90.0) percent at longitudinal joint locations) and no more than ninety-seven (97.0) percent of the theoretical density. Density shall be calculated in accordance with one of the following standards: 1. Bulk Specific Gravity and Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixture Using Paraffin- Coated Specimens: ASTM D1188. 2. Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures Using Saturated Surface Dry Specimens: ASTM D2726. 3. The theoretical maximum specific gravity for the mixture shall be measured for each sample in accordance with AASHTO T 209, Type C, D, or E container. 4. Areas of insufficient compaction shall be delineated, removed, and replaced in compliance with the specifications at no additional cost to the Owner. G. Control Strip: If it is determined, during the performance of the contract, that the material does not conform to the material acceptance requirements, the Owner may order the HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 17 of 24 Contractor to cease all operations and construct a CONTROL STRIP consisting of a sufficient quantity of HMA according to the JMF. The Contractor shall construct a test section 300 feet (90 m) long by, 20 to 30 feet (6 to 9 m) wide placed in two lanes, with a longitudinal cold joint, and shall be of the same depth specified for the construction of the course which it represents. The underlying grade or pavement structure upon which the control strip is to be constructed shall be the same as the remainder of the course represented by the control strip. The equipment used in construction of the control strip shall be the same type and weight to be used on the remainder of the course represented by the control strip. A control strip may be required if a change is made in the JMF, sources of supply, or paving and rolling equipment. 1. The mixture shall be prepared, placed, and compacted in accordance with this specification. When the control strip pavement has cooled sufficiently, a total of six, Six-inch (6 inch) diameter core samples of the finished pavement including three (3) core samples that span the longitudinal joint shall be taken and tested for conformance to compaction requirements. The material will also be evaluated for conformance to the requirements of plant produced material. 2. If the tests by the Owner indicate that pavement does not conform to specification requirements, necessary adjustment to JMF, plant operation, placing procedures, and/or rolling procedures shall be made. A second control strip shall then be placed. If the second control strip also does not meet specification requirements, both sections shall be removed at the Contractor’s expense. Additional control strips, as required shall be constructed and evaluated for conformance to the specifications. Any additional sections that are not acceptable shall be removed at the Contractor’s expense. No payment will be made for material and labor employed, either in placement or removal of the non-conforming strip. 3. In no case shall the test result of any one mat core density fall below 90% of theoretical and 88% of theoretical for joint compaction. 3.08 MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE A. Acceptance Sampling and Testing: All acceptance sampling and testing necessary to determine conformance with the requirements specified in this section may be performed by the Owner or his representative. 1. Plant Produced Material: Plant produced material may be tested for gradation, asphalt content, and air voids on a random basis, in accordance with ASTM D3665. Sampling shall be from material deposited into trucks at the plant or from trucks at the job site. Where more than one plant is simultaneously producing material for the job, the random sample will be obtained from one facility and considered representative of the day’s production. a. Sampling: Each sample, obtained by the Owner or his representative and selected on a random basis, will consist of sufficient material for preparation of test specimens. One set of laboratory compacted specimens will be prepared for each sample in accordance with AASHTO T 245, at the number of blows required by Table 3. Each set of laboratory compacted specimens will consist of two test portions prepared from the same field sample. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 18 of 24 b. The sample of HMA may be reheated in a covered metal tin and placed in an oven to obtain the compaction temperature. The compaction temperature of the specimens will be as specified in the job mix formula. c. Testing: Sample specimens shall be tested for bulk specific gravity in accordance with AASHTO T 166 or AASHTO T 275; whichever is applicable, for use in computing air voids. d. The theoretical maximum specific gravity for the mixture shall be measured for each sample in accordance with AASHTO T 209, Type C, D, or E container. Samples shall be taken on a random basis, in accordance with ASTM D3665. The value used in the field placed void computations shall be the average of all maximum specific gravity measurements for each course and construction phase e. Asphalt Binder Content: Extraction tests may be performed once per sample in accordance with AASHTO T 164 or AASHTO T 308 for determination of asphalt content. The weight of ash portion of the extraction test, as described in AASHTO T 164, shall be determined as part of the first extraction test performed at the beginning of plant production; and as part of every tenth extraction test performed thereafter, for the duration of plant production. The last weight of ash value obtained shall be used in the calculation of the asphalt content for the mixture. If utilizing AASHTO T 308 for asphalt content determination, the calibration process and calibration factor, as described in AASHTO T 308, shall be determined as stated, prior to acceptance testing. A verification shall be performed as part of every twentieth test performed thereafter or when changes in the mix are apparent. 1). The use of the nuclear method for determining asphalt content in accordance with AASHTO T 287 is permitted, provided that it is calibrated for the specific mix being used. f. Gradation: Aggregate gradations shall be determined once for each sample from mechanical analysis of extracted aggregate in accordance with AASHTO T 30 and AASHTO T 27 (Dry Sieve). When asphalt content is determined by the nuclear method, aggregate gradation shall be determined from hot bin samples on batch plants, or from the cold feed on drum mix or continuous mix plants, and tested in accordance with AASHTO T 27 (dry sieve) using actual batch weights to determine the combined aggregate gradation of the mixture. 2. Field Placed Material: Material placed in the field may be tested for mat and joint density, and compacted thickness on a random basis, in accordance with ASTM D3665. No surface course material shall be placed until an evaluation of the intermediate course for specification conformance is completed. The Owner, prior to placement of the surface course, may determine the quality and acceptance for the intermediate course. a. Mat Compaction: The lot size shall be the total quantity of each course placed per construction phase or per 200,000 square feet maximum of construction. Three, 6 inch diameter cores of finished, compacted material shall be taken by the Owner or the Owner’s representative from each course and each lot, or partial lot. Core locations will be determined by the Owner on a random basis. Cores shall not be taken closer than 1 foot (0.3 meters) from a longitudinal joint and 10 feet (3.0 meters) from a transverse joint. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 19 of 24 b. Joint Compaction: The lot size shall be the total length of longitudinal joints constructed by a material course placed per lot of construction. Three (3) cores of finished, compacted materials shall be taken by the Owner or the Owner’s Representative from each course and each lot, or partial lot. Core locations will be determined by the Owner on a random basis and be located directly over the joint, not adjacent to the joint. c. Sampling: Samples shall be neatly cut with a core drill. The cutting edge of the core drill bit shall be of hardened steel or other suitable material with diamond chips embedded in the metal cutting edge. The minimum diameter of the sample shall be 6 inches (152.4 mm). Samples that are clearly defective, as a result of sampling, shall be discarded and another sample taken. The Owner or the Owner’s Representative shall furnish all tools, labor, and materials for cutting samples and filling the cored pavement. Cored holes shall be filled in a manner acceptable to the Owner and within one day after sampling. d. Testing: The bulk specific gravity of each cored sample will be measured by the laboratory technician in accordance with AASHTO T 166 or AASHTO T 275, whichever is applicable. The theoretical maximum specific gravity shall be measured once for each plant sample in accordance with the plant-produced material section. The theoretical value used for the percent density of the core samples shall be the average of the maximum specific gravity measurements for the material course and construction lot. The percent density of each sample will be determined in accordance with AASHTO T 269, using the bulk specific gravity of each sample and the average theoretical maximum specific gravity for the material course and construction lot. 3.09 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA A. General: Acceptance will be based on the following characteristics of the hot mix asphalt and completed pavement on a material course and construction phase basis: 1. Hot Mix Asphalt Production Plant air voids Gradation Asphalt binder content Mixture temperature 2. Hot Mix Asphalt Placement Mat density Joint density Thickness Inferior material Smoothness Grade 3. Hot Mix Asphalt Production a. Plant Air Voids - The average plant bulk specific gravity shall be determined per set of laboratory compacted specimens. The theoretical maximum specific gravity, HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 20 of 24 for the sample, shall then be used to determine the air voids in accordance with AASTHO T 269. Material shall conform to the specification requirements for air voids listed in Table 3. Material not conforming to specification requirements shall be subject to corrective action, production suspension, rejection, removal, or reduced payment. 1). Corrective action shall be taken by the Contractor when the calculated plant produced air voids per set of laboratory compacted specimens, fall outside the specification range by up to and including 1.5%, either on the high side or the low side. The Contractor shall be required to suspend production when the calculated air voids fall outside the specification range by more than 1.5%, either on the high side or the low side. If two consecutive calculations fall outside the specification range by up to 1.5%, either on the high side or the low side, the Contractor shall be required to suspend production. If production is suspended, the Contractor shall be required to produce material on a trial basis for testing purposes without shipment to the project. The Owner or his representative shall pay for acceptance sampling and testing for the first set of trials, necessary to determine conformance with the specification requirements. If the first set of trials does not conform to specification requirements, the Contractor shall pay for any additional trial sampling and testing for acceptance. When trials have been approved, the plant will return to its normal operation. b. Gradation and Asphalt Binder Content: The Contractor shall take corrective action and/or suspension of production when the individual results for asphalt content and/or gradation fall outside the following control limits: TABLE 6 - CONTROL LIMITS FOR INDIVIDUAL MEASUREMENTS Limits Sieve Size Action Suspension 25.4 mm 0% 0% 19.0 mm ±6% ±9% 12.5 mm ±6% ±9% 9.5 mm ±6% ±9% 4.75 mm ±6% ±9% 2.36 mm ±5% ±7.5% 1.18 mm ±5% ±7.5% 0.600 mm ±4% ±5.5 0.300 mm ±3% ±4.5 0.150 mm ±3% ±4.5 0.075 mm ±2% ±3% Asphalt Binder Content ±0.4% ±0.70% 1). These limits shall be applied to the target values established in the JMF. Corrective action shall be taken by the Contractor when the calculated individual result for gradation or asphalt content falls outside the target JMF HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 21 of 24 value beyond the action limit listed in Table 6. The Contractor shall take the appropriate action when results indicate the material is out of tolerance. The Contractor shall be required to suspend production when the calculated individual result for gradation falls outside the target JMF value beyond the suspension limit listed in Table 6, or when the asphalt binder content is below the minimum values stated in Table 3. The Contractor shall be required to suspend production if two points in a row fall outside the Action Limits for individual measurements. If production is suspended, the Contractor shall be required to produce material on a trial basis for testing purposes without shipment to the project. The Owner or his representative shall pay for acceptance sampling and testing for the first set of trials, necessary to determine conformance with the specification requirements. If the first set of trials does not conform to specification requirements, the Contractor shall pay for any additional trial sampling and testing for acceptance. When trials have been approved, the plant will return to its normal operation. c. Mixture Temperature: The temperature of the mixture shall be in accordance with the Performance Graded Asphalt Binder (PGAB) allowable mixing and compaction temperature range. d. Failure to stop production and make adjustments when required due to an individual test not meeting the specified requirements shall subject all mix from the stop point to the point when the next individual test is back on or within the action limits, or to the point when production is actually stopped, whichever occurs first, to be considered unacceptable. This material shall be removed and replaced with materials that comply with the specifications at the Contractor’s expense. 4. Hot Mix Asphalt Placement a. Mat Density and Joint Density: Mat and Joint Density will be evaluated based on the test results obtained by the Owner. Sampling and testing shall be performed in accordance with ‘Field Quality Assurance’. The bulk specific gravity shall be determined for each compacted core specimen. The theoretical maximum specific gravity shall then be used to determine the density of the compacted specimen in accordance with AASHTO T269, using the bulk specific gravity of each sample and the average theoretical maximum specific gravity for the material course and construction lot. Density = (Gmb /Gmm) x 100 Where Gmb = bulk specific gravity of compacted specimen Gmm = theoretical maximum specific gravity HMA material shall conform to the specification requirements for density listed below. Material not conforming to specification requirements shall be subject to corrective action, production suspension, rejection, removal, or reduced payment as determined by the Owner. 1). Mat Density. The in-place density of each course shall be compacted to a density of at least ninety-two (92.0) percent and no more than ninety-seven (97.0) percent of the theoretical density as determined from field or plant samples. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 22 of 24 2). Joint Density. The in-place density of each course shall be compacted to a density of at least ninety (90.0) percent and no more than ninety-seven (97.0) percent of the theoretical density as determined from field or plant samples. 3). Acceptance of field placed material for mat density and joint density will be based on the test results obtained by the Owner. b. Thickness Determinations: The compacted thickness shall be evaluated based on the test results obtained by the Owner. Sampling and testing shall be performed in accordance with Section 3.07 Field Quality Assurance. The thickness requirements shall apply only when each pavement layer is specified to be a uniform compacted thickness of 1 inch (25mm) or greater. The compacted thickness of each layer of the hot mix asphalt or mixes will be measured to determine compliance with the acceptance tolerances in Table 7. Thickness shall be evaluated for compliance by the Owner to the requirements shown on the plans. The thickness shall be determined for each compacted core specimen in accordance with ASTM D3549. TABLE 7 - THICKNESS ACCEPTANCE TOLERANCES Specified Thickness Allowable Tolerances (T) 1 inch to 2 inches ±1/4 inch Over 2 inches to 5 inches ±3/8 inch Over 5 inches ±1/2 inch 1). Material shall conform to the specification requirements for thickness listed above. Material not conforming to specification requirements shall be subject to corrective action, production suspension, rejection, removal, or reduced payment as determined by the Owner. c. Inferior Material: The Owner may at any time, not withstanding previous acceptance, notify the Contractor of inferior material and recommend the rejection of any batch of HMA which is rendered unfit for use due to contamination, segregation, incomplete coating of aggregate, or improper mix temperature. Such recommendation may be based on only visual inspection or temperature measurements. In the event of such notification, the Contractor should evaluate and dispose of any inferior material. If inferior material is not rejected by the Contractor, the Owner will take a representative sample of the rejected material in the presence of the Contractor, and if it can be demonstrated in the laboratory, that such material was erroneously incorporated into the work, payment will not be made for that material and the Contractor will remove and replace the defective material identified by the Owner. d. Smoothness: The finished surfaces of the pavement shall be uniform in appearance, free from irregularities in contour and texture and shall present a smooth-riding surface. Smoothness evaluation applies to all hot mix asphalt concrete roadways receiving 1.5 inch (38 mm) or more in plan (compacted) thickness HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 23 of 24 1.) The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary more than 1/4 inch (6.2 mm) for the surface course and 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) for the intermediate course. Each area shall be evaluated with a 10-foot (3.0 m) straightedge. 2.) Measurements will be made perpendicular and parallel to the paver passes at distances not to exceed 50 feet (15.2m). 3.) When profile corrections are required, the Contractor shall use one or more of the following corrective methods: (a.) Removing and replacing the entire pavement thickness; (b.) Diamond grinding or micro milling; (c.) Overlaying (not patching) with the specified surface course; (d.) Removing the surface by milling and applying a lift(s) of the specified course(s); (e.) Use of other methods that will provide the desired results; e. Grade: The finished surface of the pavement shall not vary from the gradeline elevations and cross sections shown on the plans by more than 1/2 inch (12.70 mm). The Contractor shall remove deficient areas and replace with new material. Sufficient material shall be removed to allow at least 1.5 inches (37.5 mm) of hot mix asphalt to be placed. Skin patching for correcting low areas shall not be permitted. High points may be ground off. The Contractor shall make tests for conformity with the specified crown and grade immediately after initial compaction. Any variation shall be corrected by the removal or addition of materials and by continuous rolling. f. Shaping Edges: While the surface is being compacted and finished, the Contractor shall carefully trim the unsupported outside edges of the pavement not receiving curbing. Edges so formed shall be beveled while still hot with the back of a lute or smoothing iron and thoroughly compacted by tampers or by other satisfactory methods. g. The corrective method(s) chosen by the Contractor shall be performed at the Contractor’s expense, including all necessary equipment and traffic control. 1.) Areas of removal and replacement shall be removed the full width of the paver pass. The removal areas shall be reconstructed with a transverse butt joint, using a transverse saw cut perpendicular to the paver pass. 2.) Replacement materials shall be placed in sufficient quantity so the finished surface will conform to grade and smoothness requirements. The corrective area shall conform to all material and compaction specification requirements. 3.) When the corrective work consists of an overlay, the overlay shall cover those paver passes sufficient to correct the defects. The area overlaid shall be placed with a transverse butt joint using a transverse saw cut and asphalt removal. 4.) All materials shall meet contract requirements. The overlay shall be placed so the finished surface will conform to grade and smoothness requirements. The overlay area shall be compacted to the specified density. 5.) The Owner shall retest any sections where corrections were made to verify that the corrections produced a surface that conforms to the grade and smoothness requirements. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216 – Page 24 of 24 3.10 MEETING EXISTING PAVEMENTS A. Where new pavements will abut existing pavements, the Contractor shall sawcut the existing pavements to produce a uniform, smooth joint surface. Sawcutting of existing pavements shall be neat, straight and even lines, and done in a manner that prevents damage to the pavement to remain. B. Full-Depth Pavement: Sawcut by approved method to the full depth of the pavement prior to placement of any new pavement. The sawcut surface shall be a neat true line with straight vertical edges free from irregularities. The sawcut surface shall be tack coated immediately prior to the installation of the new abutting HMA material to provide a bond between the old and new pavement. The new compacted pavement surface shall be finished flush with the abutting pavement. C. HMA Overlays: The existing hot mix asphalt pavement shall be sawcut to a neat true line with straight vertical edges free of irregularities for a minimum depth of one and one half inches (1-1/2 in.). Prior to completing overlays, existing pavements shall be tapered by grinding. The taper, along the entire length of the joint, shall be one and one-half inches (1-1/2 in.) deep at the sawcut face and shall taper to zero inches (0 in.) deep toward the overlay at a distance of two feet (2 ft.) from the sawcut face in driveways and at a distance of six feet (6 ft.) in roadways and parking areas. The taper shall be cleaned and shall receive an asphalt emulsion tack coat immediately prior to placement of the overlay. The new compacted surface at the joint shall be flush with the abutting existing pavement. D. Immediately prior to the placement of the HMA overlay, the sawcut edges of the existing pavement shall be tack coated to bond the new pavement to the old pavement. The new pavement surface shall be finished flush with the abutting pavement. The surface seam of the pavement joint shall be sealed with tack coat and back sanded. END OF SECTION 321216 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT March 9, 2020 Northampton, MA METHOD OF TEST FOR BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AGGREGATE BLENDS WITH RAP Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216A – Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX A TO SECTION 321216 METHOD OF TEST FOR BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AGGREGATE BLENDS WITH RAP 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 This test method covers the procedure to determine the bulk specific gravity (Gsb) of a combined aggregate blend with RAP used in a HMA mixture. 1.2 This test method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and equipment. This test method does not purport to address all of the safety problems associated with the test method’s use. The test method user's responsibility is to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 2.0 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 AASHTO Standards T 2 Sampling Aggregates T 84 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Fine Aggregates T 85 Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate T 100 Specific Gravity of Soils T 164 Quantitative Extraction of Bitumen from Bituminous Paving Mixtures T 170 Recovery of Asphalt From Solution by Abson Method T 209 Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Paving Mixtures T 228 Specific Gravity of Semi-Solid Bituminous Materials (Pycnometer Method) 2.2 Asphalt Institute MS-2 Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete by the Asphalt Institute 3.0 TERMINOLOGY 3.1 Terms and Abbreviations. Definitions for terms and abbreviations shall be in accordance with the Standard Specifications. 4.0 SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 4.1 This test method is used to determine the bulk specific gravity of a combined aggregate blend with RAP used in HMA mixture. 4.2 The bulk specific gravity (Gsb) of a combined aggregate blend is calculated using an estimate of the bulk specific gravity of the aggregate in the RAP and the actual bulk specific gravity of the other aggregates. 4.3 The bulk specific gravity of an aggregate blend is used to perform a volumetric analysis on compacted HMA in accordance with the Mix Design Methods for Asphalt Concrete by the Asphalt Institute. 5.0 APPARATUS 5.1 Apparatus shall be as stated in the referenced test methods. 6.0 SAMPLING 6.1 Sampling shall be as stated in the referenced test methods. 7.0 PROCEDURE 7.1 Identify the coarse aggregate(s), fine aggregate(s), and RAP selected for use in the mix designs. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT March 9, 2020 Northampton, MA METHOD OF TEST FOR BULK SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF AGGREGATE BLENDS WITH RAP Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321216A – Page 2 of 2 7.2 Identify and record the actual percentages for each of the aggregate components used in the combined aggregate blend of the mix design. 7.3 Obtain a representative sample of the coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, mineral filler, and RAP in accordance with the AASHTO procedures. 7.4 Determine and record the bulk specific gravity of each of the coarse aggregate(s) in accordance with AASHTO T 85. 7.5 Determine and record the bulk specific gravity of each of the fine aggregate(s) in accordance with AASHTO T 84. 7.6 Determine and record the maximum specific gravity of the RAP in accordance with AASHTO T 209, Type C, D, or E container. 7.7 Determine and record the asphalt content of the RAP using AASHTO T 164. 7.8 Calculate and record the effective specific gravity of the RAP aggregate in accordance with the following: Gse = 100 - Pbrap)/((100/Gmmrap) - (Pbrap/Gbrap)) Where: Gse = Effective specific gravity of the RAP aggregate Pbrap = Percent binder of the RAP Gmmrap = Maximum specific gravity of the RAP Gbrap = Specific gravity of asphalt in the RAP (AASHTO T228) 7.9 Calculate and record the effective specific gravity of the combined aggregate blend as follows. GsbBlend = %CA1 + %CA2 + %FA1 + %FA2 + %BHF + %RAP CA1 + %CA2 + %FA1 + %FA2 + %BHF + %RAP Gsb Gsb Gsb Gsb Gsb Gse Where: GsbBlend = Bulk specific gravity of the combined aggregate blend. Gsb = Bulk specific gravity of each respective aggregate. Gse = Effective specific gravity of the RAP. %CA1 = Percent of aggregate blend that is coarse aggregate #1. %CA2 = Percent of aggregate blend that is coarse aggregate #2. %FA1 = Percent of aggregate blend that is fine aggregate #1. %FA2 = Percent of aggregate blend that is fine aggregate #2. %BHF = Percent of aggregate blend that is bag house fines. %RAP = Percent of aggregate blend that is RAP. 8.0 REPORT 8.1 Report the Gsb of the combined aggregate blend to the nearest 0.001. END OF APPENDIX A TO SECTION 321216 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 1 of 7 SECTION 321610 CURBING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for furnishing and installing all types of curbing including the following: granite curb, concrete and bituminous concrete curbs, granite edging and bituminous concrete berms. B. The work includes: 1. Furnishing and installing granite curb, granite edging, curb inlets, and curb corners, precast concrete curb, cast-in-place concrete curb, and bituminous concrete curb and berms. 2. All associated items and operations required to complete the installations, including surface preparation, concrete support, jointing, and finishing. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) 2. Section 311000 – SITE CLEARING 3. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 4. Section 321100 - BASE COURSES (PAVEMENT) 5. Section 321216 – ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References herein are made in accordance with the following abbreviations and all work under this Section shall conform to the latest editions as applicable. B. ACI 304 - Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete C. ANSI/ASTM D1751 – Standard Specification for Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types) D. ANSI/ASTM D1752 – Standard Specification for Preformed Sponge Rubber, Cork, and Recycled PVC Expansion Joint Fillers for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction E. ASTM C33 – Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates F. ASTM C94 – Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 2 of 7 G. ASTM C150 – Standard Specification for Portland Cement H. ASTM C260 – Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete I. ASTM C309 – Standard Specification for Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete J. ASTM C494 – Standard Specification for Chemical Admixtures for Concrete 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings and manufacturer's literature for granite and precast curb, edging, corners and inlets indicating size, shape and dimensions, finish, and setting method for Engineer's approval. B. Submit copies of tests on representative samples of the concrete used in the manufacture of precast units showing a compressive strength of 5,000 psi to the Engineer prior to shipping any units. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Granite and precast curb units shall be adequately protected from damage during transit to the site. B. Curbing shall be protected against staining, chipping, and other damage. Cracked, badly chipped, or stained units will be rejected and shall not be employed in the work. 1.06 SAMPLES A. The Contractor shall supply to the site three (3) samples of all curb types for approval prior to ordering materials. Approved sample material may be used in the work upon approval by the Engineer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GRANITE CURB A. Granite curb shall be light gray in color, free from seams and other structural imperfections or flaws which would impair its structural integrity, and of a smooth splitting appearance. Natural color variation characteristic of the deposit from which the curb is obtained will be permitted. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 3 of 7 B. Whenever curbing is sawed, all surfaces that are to be exposed shall be thoroughly cleaned and any iron rust or iron particles removed by sandblasting or other methods approved by the Engineer and any saw mark in excess of 1/8 inch shall be removed. C. Dimensions 1. The stones for the several types of granite curb shall be cut to the dimensions and curvature hereinafter needed: Type Minimum Length Width at Top Depth Minimum Width at Bottom VA-4 6 feet 6 inches 17 to 19 inches 4 inches (for 2/3 length) 2. Stones to be set on a radius of 100 feet or less shall be cut to the required curvature, unless otherwise approved and, except for making closures, shall be of the following minimum lengths: Radius Minimum Length 50 feet to 100 feet 6 feet 25 feet to less than 50 feet 4 feet-6 inches 10 feet to less than 25 feet 3 feet D. Finish 1. Granite curb shall have a top surface free from wind, and shall be peen hammered or sawed to an approximately true plane, and shall have no projections or depressions greater than 1/8 inch. The front and back arris lines shall be pitched straight and true and there shall be no projection on the back surface for 3 inches down from the top which would exceed a batter of 4 inches to 1 foot. a. The front face shall be at right angles to the planes of the top and ends of the curb unit and shall be smooth quarry split, free from drill holes and with no projection of more than 1 inch and no depression of more than 1/2 inch measured from the vertical plane of the face through the arris or pitch line for a distance down from the top of 8 inches. For the remaining distance, there shall be no projection or depression greater than 1 inch measured in the same manner. b. The ends of all stones shall be square with the planes of the top and face of the curb so that when the stones are placed end to end as closely as possible, no space shall show in the joint at the top and face of more than 1/2 inch for the full width of the top and for 8 inches down on the face; after which the end may break back not over 8 inches from the plane of the joint. The arris formed by the intersection of the plane of the joint with the planes of the top and exposed faces shall have no variation from the plane of the top and exposed faces greater than 1/8 inch. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 4 of 7 2.02 GRANITE EDGING A. Granite shall conform to ASTM C615. Stone shall be hard and durable granite of a uniformly light grayish white color free from seams that would impair the structural integrity. B. The stones for the granite edging shall be cut to the following dimensions: Top Width Nominal Depth Minimum Length 4 inches 12 inches 3 feet C. The exposed face shall be smooth quarry split to an approximate true plane and still have no projections of more than 1-1/2 inches and no depression greater than 1 inch. The top shall be sawed and shall have no projection or depression greater than 1/4 inch. Any projection not meeting the above shall be dressed off. D. The top and bottom lines of the face shall be pitched off to a straight line and shall not show over 1 inch between stone and straight edge when a straightedge is placed along the top and bottom lines. E. The ends shall be square to the plane of the face so when placed end to end no space more than 1-1/2 inches shall show except on a radius of 10 feet or less where the finish joint shall be no more than 3/4 inch. F. Drill holes not more than 3-1/2 inches or 1/2 inch in depth shall be permitted. G. The sides shall not be under the square more than 4 inches or over the square at the back more than 1 inch. H. The arris formed by the intersection of the plane of the face with the plane of the end joint shall not vary from the plane of the face more than 1/4 inch. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 5 of 7 2.03 OMITTED 2.04 OMITTED 2.05 OMITTED 2.06 OMITTED 2.07 CEMENT MORTAR A. Cement mortar shall be composed of one part Portland cement and two parts of sand by volume with sufficient water to form a workable mix. Cement shall be Portland cement ASTM C150, Type II. 2.08 TRANSITION SECTIONS A. Horizontal transition sections shall be provided at all locations where curb sections change (i.e., vertical to sloped). Vertical transition sections shall also be provided for precast curb sections at wheelchair ramps. Vertical transition sections for granite curb shall be made as shown on the Drawings. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Trenching, excavation, backfilling, and compaction shall be completed in accordance with Section 310000 – EARTHWORK, except as modified within this Section. B. Cement mortar bedding, if required, shall be placed as shown on the Drawings and in accordance with Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE). 3.02 GRANITE CURB AND EDGING INSTALLATION A. Excavation shall extend six (6) inches below and behind curb, as shown on the Drawings. 1. The gravel base shall be placed in the excavated area, graded and compacted to above the proposed curb subgrade. B. Curbing and curb corners shall be set on additional gravel spread upon the foundation. All spaces under the curb and curb corners shall be filled with gravel thoroughly compacted so that the curb and curb corners will be completely supported throughout their length. The curb shall be set at the line and grade required as shown on the plans unless otherwise directed. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 6 of 7 C. Edging shall be set on a thoroughly compacted base so that the edging will be completely supported throughout their length. Concrete shall be placed to support the edging base as shown on the plans. D. Curb, curb corners or edging shall be fitted together as closely as possible. E. Immediately after the curb, curb corners, curb inlets, and edging is set, the space between it and the wall of the trench shall be filled with gravel thoroughly tamped to a depth of 6 inches, care being taken not to affect the line or grade of the curb, curb corners, curb inlets and edging. The trench shall continue to be filled with gravel and compacted in 6-inch lifts until grade is achieved. If the curb materials and trench are part of reconstruction work and existing bituminous concrete surface is to remain, then the use of concrete backfill is acceptable, to an elevation suitable to support the pavement patch or section. F. The joints between curbstones (both front and back) or edging shall be carefully filled with cement mortar and neatly pointed on the top and front exposed portions. After pointing, the curbstones or edging shall be satisfactorily cleaned of all excess mortar that may have been forced out of the joints. G. Transitions from normal curb settings to wheelchair ramps shall be accomplished with transition curb as shown on the drawings. Transitions shall be of the same type curb and similar to that abutting the transition piece and, if on a curve, of the same radius. H. The ends of the stone curb at driveways and intersections shall be cut at a bevel or rounded, as shown on the Drawings. I. If curb, curb corners, curb inlets, or edging of different quarries is used on the same project, curbing of each particular quarry shall be segregated and set to give uniform appearance. J. Procedures for removal and resetting of existing granite curb, and new granite curb, in existing pavements shall include the following: 1. Prior to excavation for existing granite curb removal, the pavement surface shall be saw cut a minimum of one foot from the face of curb. 2. Existing curb shall be carefully excavated, and removed in a manner that protects the curb and existing pavement to remain from damage. 3. Existing granite curb shall be cleaned by sandblasting as required to remove bituminous material, paint and concrete from exposed surfaces prior to resetting in the proposed work. 4. New granite curb shall be set to match the top of existing granite curb remaining in place at abutting sections and, if required, transitioned to the typical section shown on Drawings within the first section of curb. Cement concrete shall be placed along the front face of the curb as shown on the Drawings. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CURBING Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321610 – Page 7 of 7 3.03 OMITTED 3.04 OMITTED 3.05 OMITTED 3.06 OMITTED END OF SECTION 321610 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA PAVEMENT MARKINGS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321723 – Page 1 of 3 SECTION 321723 PAVEMENT MARKINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for removal of existing pavement markings and construction of new pavement markings. B. The work includes: 1. Removal of existing markings by approved methods. 2. Pavement surface preparation. 3. Furnishing and installing new pavement markings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 2. Section 321100 – BASE COURSES (PAVEMENT) 3. Section 321216 - ASPHALT PAVING [MASSACHUSETTS] 4. Section 321610 - CURBING 1.03 SITE CONDITIONS A. The Contractor shall cordon off areas where markings are being applied, but maintain access for vehicular and pedestrian traffic as required for other construction activities. Flagmen, barricades, drums, warning signs, warning lights, and similar devices shall be used as required. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit material certificate to the Engineer, signed by the material producer and Contractor, certifying that materials comply with these specifications and have been approved for use by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation Highway Division (MassDOT). PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Pavement markings shall conform to Section 860 of the current MassDOT Standard Specifications for Highways and Bridges and Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, current editions. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA PAVEMENT MARKINGS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321723 – Page 2 of 3 B. Traffic markings shall be yellow or white Traffic Marking Paint as manufactured by Sherwin- Williams (S-W) equal to Sherwin-Williams Paints ‘SetFast Acrylic Latex Traffic Marking Paint Yellow’ (S-W TM2161) or Sherwin-Williams Paints ‘SetFast Acrylic Latex Traffic Marking Paint White’ (S-W TM2160), or approved equal. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. The Contractor shall clean the pavement of dust, dirt, old pavement markings, concrete curing compounds, and other foreign material which may be detrimental to the adhesion of the pavement marking materials. 3.02 REMOVAL OF EXISTING PAVEMENT MARKINGS A. Existing pavement markings that conflict with the proposed markings and those shown on the Drawings shall be removed. 1. Pavement markings shall be removed before any change is made in the traffic pattern. 2. Any excessive damage to the pavement caused by pavement marking removal shall be repaired by the Contractor by methods acceptable to the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Approved methods of pavement markings removal include: 1. Sandblasting using air or water 2. High pressure water 3. Steam or superheated water 4. Mechanical devices such as grinders, sanders, scrapers, scarifiers and wire brushers C. Painting over a pavement marking line with asphaltic liquids or paints will not be allowed unless approved by the Engineer. D. Material deposited on the pavement from removal operations shall be removed as the work progresses. Accumulations of sand or other material which might interfere with drainage or could constitute a hazard to traffic will not be permitted. E. Where sandblasting is used for the removal of pavement markings and the removal operation is being performed within 10 feet of a lane occupied by traffic, the residue, including dust, shall be removed immediately as the marking removal progresses by a vacuum attachment operating concurrently with the blast cleaning operation, or by other methods approved by the Engineer. 3.03 PAVEMENT MARKING APPLICATION A. The material shall be applied to the pavement by equipment designed and manufactured specifically for the application of pavement markings. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA PAVEMENT MARKINGS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 321723 – Page 3 of 3 B. The Contractor shall employ the services of a registered land surveyor to provide control for layout of pavement markings. C. Paint markings shall be applied at a minimum thickness of 15+ 1 mil. Thermoplastic markings shall be applied at 125 to 188 mils thickness. D. Pavement markings shall be applied in accordance with the layout shown on the Drawings. No paint shall be applied to new bituminous pavement until the top course has cured at least one week, and allow two weeks curing for newly installed bituminous concrete curbing. E. All parking stalls shall be single stripe, and shall be spaced equally. The line indicated on the Drawings is on the center line of the stall marking. F. Where entire areas are to be cross-hatched, the striping shall conform to the cross-hatching shown on the Drawings. G. All parking stall markings shall be straight with sharp corners and clean edges. Directional arrows, cross-hatching, lane divider stripes, stop lines, and lettering shall be painted white to the size, length, and spacing shown on the Drawings. H. All markings shall be applied in one coat with brush, spray, or marking machine over clean dry pavement surfaces, when the atmospheric temperature is at or above 40°F., and when the weather is otherwise favorable in the opinion of the Engineer. I. Use only skilled workmen who are experienced and normally employed in the work of installing pavement markings. Supply all the necessary equipment and materials required for the work. J. The Contractor shall protect the buildings, walks, pavement, curbing, trees, shrubs, mulch, and other site fixtures from over-spray of paint and damage from pavement marking operations. K. Traffic shall not be permitted on the pavement until the paint is thoroughly dry. END OF SECTION 321723 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 1 of 12 SECTION 323113 CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for furnishing and installing chain link fence and gates. B. The work includes: 1. Galvanized steel chain link fabric 2. Aluminum-coated, steel chain link fabric 3. Zn-5-Al-MM alloy-coated, steel chain link fabric 4. PVC-coated, steel chain link fabric 5. Aluminum chain link fabric 6. Galvanized steel framework 7. Polymer-coated steel framework 8. Aluminum framework 9. Privacy slats 10. Barbed wire 11. Barbed tape 12. Gate operator 13. Grounding and bonding 1.02. RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) 2. Section 310000 - EARTHWORK 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References herein are made in accordance with the following abbreviations and all work shall conform to the latest editions, as applicable. B. ASTM International (ASTM): A53 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black, and Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless A116 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated, Steel Woven Wire Fabric A121 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated Steel Barbed Wire A123 Standard Specification for Zinc (Hot Dip Galvanized) Coatings on Iron and Steel Products A153 Standard Specification for Zinc Coating (Hot-Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 2 of 12 A392 Standard Specification for Zinc-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric A428 Standard Test Method for Weight [Mass] of Coating on Aluminum-Coated Iron or Steel Articles A491 Standard Specification for Aluminum-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric A653 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the Hot-Dip Process A817 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated Steel Wire for Chain-Link Fence Fabric and Marcelled Tension Wire A824 Standard Specification for Metallic-Coated Steel Marcelled Tension Wire for Use With Chain-Link Fence A1011 Standard Specification for Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled, Carbon, Structural, High-Strength Low-Alloy, High-Strength Low-Alloy with Improved Formability, and Ultra-High Strength B211 Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum–Alloy Bar, Rod, and Wire B221 Standard Specification for Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Extruded Bars, Rods, Wire, Profiles, and Tubes B429 Standard Specification for Aluminum–Alloy Extruded Structural Pipe and Tube C94 Standard Specification for Ready-Mixed Concrete C1107 Standard Specification for Packaged Dry, Hydraulic-Cement Grout (Nonshrink) F567 Standard Practice Installation of Chain-Link Fence F626 Standard Specification for Fence Fittings F668 Standard Specification for Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) and Other Organic Polymer- Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric F900 Standard Specification for Industrial and Commercial Swing Gates F934 Standard Specification for Standard Colors for Polymer-Coated Chain Link Fence Materials F969 Standard Practice for Construction of Chain-Link Tennis Court Fence F1043 Standard Specification for Strength sand Protective Coatings on Steel Industrial Chain Link Fence Framework F1083 Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded, for Fence Structures F1183 Standard Specification for Aluminum Alloy Chain Link Fence Fabric F1184 Standard Specification for Industrial and Commercial Horizontal Slide Gates F1345 Standard Specification for Zinc-5% Aluminum-Mischmetal Alloy-Coated Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric C. Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute (CLFMI): HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 3 of 12 Product Manual Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute Product Manual D. IEEE (formerly Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.): 81 IEEE Guide for Measuring Earth Resistivity, Ground Impedance, and Earth Surface Potentials of a Ground System Part 1: Normal Measurements C2 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) E. InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) F. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA): 70 National Electrical Code 780 Standard for the Installation of Lighting Protection Systems G. Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) H. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL): 325 UL Standard for Safety Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, Window Operations and Systems 467 UL Standard for Safety Grounding and Bonding Equipment 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data including material descriptions, construction details, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for the following: 1. Fence and gate posts, rails, and fittings 2. Chain-link fabric, reinforcements, and attachments 3. Gates and hardware 4. Privacy slats 5. Barbed wire 6. Barbed tape 7. Gate operators, including operating instructions 8. Motors showing nameplate data, ratings, characteristics, and mounting arrangements B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings showing locations of fence, each gate, posts, rails, and tension wires and details of extended posts, extension arms, gate swing, or other operation, hardware, and accessories. Indicate materials, dimensions, sizes, weights, and finishes of components. Include plans, elevations, sections, gate swing and other required installation and operational clearances, and details of post anchorage and attachment and bracing. C. Samples for Initial Selection: Submit manufacturer's color charts or 6-inch (150-mm) lengths of actual units showing the full range of colors available for components with factory- applied color finishes. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 4 of 12 D. Samples for Verification: Submit samples for verification for the following products, in sizes indicated, showing the full range of color, texture, and pattern variations expected. Prepare samples from the same material to be used for the Work. 1. PVC-coated steel wire fabric in 6-inch lengths 2. Polymer coating in 6-inch lengths on shapes for posts, rails, gate framing, and wires E. Product Certificates: Submit manufacturer’s product certificates signed by manufacturers of chain-link fences and gates certifying that products furnished comply with requirements. F. Qualification Data: Submit qualification data for firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. Include lists of completed projects with project names and addresses, names and addresses of owners, and other information specified. G. Field Test Reports: Submit field test reports which indicate and interpret test results for compliance of chain-link fence and gate grounding and bonding with performance requirements. H. Maintenance Data: Submit maintenance data for the following to include in maintenance manuals specified in Division 01 – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: 1. Polymer finishes 2. Gate operator 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has completed chain-link fence and gate installations similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in a successful record of in-service performance for these installations. B. Testing Agency Qualifications: Testing agency as defined by OSHA in 29 CFR 1910.7 or a member company of the InterNational Electrical Testing Association (NETA) and that is acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. Testing Agency's Field Supervisor: Person currently certified by the International Electrical Testing Association (NETA) or the National Institute for Certification in Engineering Technologies (NICET), to supervise on-site testing specified in Part 3. C. Source Limitations for Chain-Link Fences and Gates: Obtain each color, grade, finish, type, and variety of component for chain-link fences and gates from one source with resources to provide chain-link fences and gates of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties. D. Electrical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100, by a testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, and marked for intended use. E. UL Standard: Provide gate operators that comply with UL 325. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 5 of 12 F. Emergency Access Requirements: Comply with requirements of authorities having jurisdiction for automatic gate operators serving as a required means of access. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Utilities: Do not interrupt utilities serving facilities occupied by the Owner or others. B. Field Measurements: Verify layout information for chain-link fences and gates shown on Drawings in relation to property survey and existing structures. Verify dimensions by field measurements. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Merchants Metals, Statesville, North Carolina 2. Master-HALCO, Dallas, Texas 3. Gregory Industries, Canton, Ohio 2.02 CHAIN-LINK FENCE FABRIC A. Steel Chain-Link Fence Fabric: Height indicated on Drawings. Provide fabric fabricated in one-piece widths for fencing in height of 12 feet and less. Comply with CLFMI "Product Manual" and with requirements indicated below: 1. Mesh and Wire Size: 2-inch mesh, 0.148-inch diameter (9 gauge) 2. PVC-Coated Fabric: ASTM F668, Class 2b over zinc-coated steel wire with a minimum PVC thickness of .007 inches. Color: as indicated on the plans or, as selected by Owner from manufacturer’s full range complying with ASTM F934. 3. Coat selvage ends of fabric that is metallic coated during the weaving process with manufacturer’s standard clear protective coating. B. Selvage: Knuckled at both selvages 2.03 INDUSTRIAL FENCE FRAMING A. Round Steel Pipe: Standard weight, Schedule 40, galvanized steel pipe complying with ASTM F1083. Comply with ASTM F1043, Material Design Group IA, external and internal coating Type A, consisting of not less than 1.8 oz./sq. ft. zinc. Exterior of pipe to have ASTM F1043 PVC thermally fused color coating, , minimum thickness 10 mils. Color shall be black HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 6 of 12 or other color as selected by OWNER/ARCHITECT from manufacturer’s standard color range. B. The frame shall comply with the following strength and stiffness requirements: 1. Line, End, Corner, and Pull Posts and Top Rail: Per CLFMI requirements for Standard Industrial Fence. C. Post Brace Rails: Match top rail for coating and strength and stiffness requirements. Provide brace rail with truss rod assembly for each gate, end, and pull post. Provide two brace rails extending in opposing directions, each with truss rod assembly, for each corner post and for pull posts. Provide rail ends and clamps for attaching rails to posts. D. Top Rails: Fabricate top rail from lengths 21 feet (6.4 m) or longer, with swedged-end or fabricated for expansion type coupling, forming a continuous rail along top of chain-link fabric. E. Intermediate and Bottom Rails: Match top rail for coating and strength and stiffness requirements. F. Extended Members: Extend end, corner and pull posts above top of chain-link fabric as required to attach barbed wire assemblies. 2.04 OMITTED 2.05 OMITTED 2.06 FITTINGS A. General: Provide fittings for a complete fence installation, including special fittings for corners. . All fittings shall be thermally fused color coated having a minimum thickness of 0.006” per ASTM F626. PVC color to match fabric and framework. Moveable parts, nuts and bolts to be field coated with PVC liquid touch up after installation. B. Post and Line Caps: Provide weathertight closure cap for each post. Material shall match post material. 1. Provide line post caps with loop to receive top rail C. Rail and Brace Ends: Provide rail ends or other means for attaching rails securely to each gate, corner, pull, and end post. Material shall match rails. D. Rail Fittings: Provide the following: 1. Rail Sleeves: Not less than 6 inches (153 mm) long. Material shall match rails. 2. Rail Clamps: Provide line and corner boulevard clamps for connecting rails in the fence line to line posts. Materials shall match rails. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 7 of 12 E. Tension Bars: Length not less than 2 inches shorter than full height of chain-link fabric. Provide one bar for each gate and end post, and two bars for each corner and pull post. Material shall match fence fabric. F. Truss Rod Assemblies: Rod and turnbuckle or other means of adjustment. Material shall match rails. G. Barbed Wire Arms: Hot-dip galvanized pressed steel. Provide the Type I, single slanted arm according to ASTM F626, with clips, slots, or other means for attaching strands of barbed wire. Type I, single slanted arm. Use only where specifically indicated on the drawings. H. Tie Wires, Clips, and Fasteners: Provide the following types according to ASTM F626: 1. Standard Round Wire Ties: For attaching chain-link fabric to posts, rails, and frames, complying with the following: a. Hot-Dip Galvanized Steel: 0.148-inch diameter wire, galvanized coating thickness matching coating thickness of chain-link fence fabric b. Aluminum: ASTM B211; alloy 1350-H19; 0.148-inch diameter, mill-finished wire 2. Power-driven fasteners 3. Round Wire Clips: Hot-dip galvanized steel or aluminum for attaching chain-link fabric to H-beam posts 4. Round Wire Hog Rings: Hot-dip galvanized steel or aluminum for attaching chain-link fabric to horizontal tension wires I. Pipe Sleeves: For posts set into concrete, provide preset hot-dip galvanized steel pipe sleeves complying with ASTM A53, not less than 6 inches long with inside dimensions not less than 1/2 inch more than outside dimension of post, and flat steel plate forming bottom closure. 2.07 TENSION WIRE A. General: Provide horizontal tension wire at the following locations: 1. Location: Extended along bottom of fence fabric, when bottom rail is not shown on the Drawings. B. Metallic-Coated Steel Wire: 0.177-inch diameter, marcelled tension wire complying with ASTM A824 and the following: 1. Coating: ASTM F668, Class 2b over zinc-coated steel wire with a minimum PVC thickness of .007 inches. Color: as indicated on the plans or, as selected by Owner from manufacturer’s full range complying with ASTM F934. 2. Coating: Type I, aluminum coated (aluminized) 3. Coating: Type II, zinc coated (galvanized) by the hot-dip process, with the following minimum coating weight: Class 2: Not less than 1.2 oz./sq. ft. (366 g/sq.m) of uncoated wire surface. 4. Coating: Type III, Zn-5-Al-MM alloy with the following minimum coating weight: Class 2: Not less than 1 oz./sq. ft. of uncoated wire surface. C. Aluminum Wire: 0.192-inch diameter tension wire, mill finished, complying with ASTM B211, alloy 6061-T94 with 50,000-psi minimum tensile strength. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 8 of 12 2.08 OMITTED 2.09 OMITTED 2.10 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE A. General: Comply with ACI 301 for cast-in-place concrete and Section 033000, CAST-IN- PLACE CONCRETE or Section 033055, CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) of these Specifications. 2.11 GROUT AND ANCHORING CEMENT A. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: Premixed, factory-packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C1107. Provide grout recommended in writing by the manufacturer for exterior applications. B. Erosion-Resistant Anchoring Cement: Factory-packaged, nonshrink, nonstaining, hydraulic- controlled expansion cement formulation for mixing with potable water at Project site to create pourable anchoring, patching, and grouting compound. Provide formulation that is resistant to erosion from water exposure without needing protection by a sealer or waterproof coating and that is recommended in writing by manufacturer for exterior applications. 2.12 FENCE GROUNDING A. Conductors: Bare, solid wire for No. 6 AWG and smaller; stranded wire for No. 4 AWG and larger 1. Material Above and Below Finished Grade: Copper 2. Bonding Jumpers: Braided copper tape, 1 inch wide, woven of No. 30 AWG bare copper wire, terminated with copper ferrules B. Connectors and Ground Rods: Listed in UL 467 1. Connectors for Below-Grade Use: Exothermic welded type 2. Ground Rods: Copper-clad steel. Size: 5/8 inch by 96 inches PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for site clearing, earthwork, pavement work, and other conditions affecting performance. 1. Do not begin installation before final grading is completed, unless otherwise permitted by Owner’s Representative. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 9 of 12 B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Stake locations of fence lines, gates, and terminal posts. Do not exceed intervals of 500 feet (152.5 m) or line of sight between stakes. Indicate locations of utilities, lawn sprinkler (irrigation) system, underground structures, benchmarks, property monuments, and other features which may affect the Work. 3.03 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. General: Install chain-link fencing to comply with ASTM F567 and more stringent requirements specified. B. Post Excavation: Drill or hand-excavate holes for posts to diameters and spacings indicated, in firm, undisturbed, or compacted soil. C. Post Setting: Hand-excavate holes for post foundations in firm, undisturbed or compacted soil. Set posts in concrete footing. Protect portion of posts aboveground from concrete splatter. Place concrete around posts and vibrate or tamp for consolidation. Verify that posts are set plumb, aligned, and are at the correct height and spacing, and hold in position during placement and finishing operations until concrete has sufficiently cured. 1. Dimensions and Profile: As indicated on Drawings 2. Exposed Concrete Footings: Extend concrete 1 inches (25 mm) above grade, smooth, and shape to shed water 3. Concealed Concrete Footings: Stop footings below grade as indicated on Drawings to allow covering with surface material 4. Posts Set into Concrete in Sleeves: Use steel pipe sleeves preset and anchored into concrete for installing posts. After posts have been inserted into sleeves, fill annular space between post and sleeve with nonshrink, nonmetallic grout, mixed and placed to comply with anchoring material manufacturer's written instructions, and finished sloped to drain water away from post. 5. Posts Set into Concrete in Voids: Form or core drill holes not less than 5 inches (125 mm) deep and 3/4 inch (20 mm) larger than outside diameter (OD) of post. Clean holes of loose material, insert posts, and fill annular space between post and concrete with nonshrink, nonmetallic grout, mixed and placed to comply with anchoring material manufacturer's written instructions, and finished sloped to drain water away from post. 3.04 CHAIN-LINK FENCE INSTALLATION A. Terminal Posts: Locate terminal end, corner, and gate posts per ASTM F567 and terminal pull posts at changes in horizontal or vertical alignment of 15 degrees or more as indicated on Drawings. B. Line Posts: Space line posts uniformly at 8 feet o.c. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 10 of 12 C. Post Bracing Assemblies: Install according to ASTM F567, maintaining plumb position and alignment of fencing. Install braces at end and gate posts and at both sides of corner and pull posts. Locate horizontal braces at midheight of fabric on fences with top rail and at two-thirds fabric height on fences without top rail. Install so posts are plumb when diagonal rod is under proper tension. D. Tension Wire: Install according to ASTM F567, maintaining plumb position and alignment of fencing. Pull wire taut, without sags. Fasten fabric to tension wire with 0.120-inch diameter hog rings of same material and finish as fabric wire, spaced a maximum of 24 inches o.c. Install tension wire in locations indicated before stretching fabric. 1. Bottom Tension Wire: Install tension wire within 6 inches of bottom of fabric and tie to each post with not less than same gage and type of wire E. Top Rail: Install according to ASTM F567, maintaining plumb position and alignment of fencing. Run rail continuously through line post caps, bending to radius for curved runs and terminating into rail end attached to posts or post caps fabricated to receive rail at terminal posts. Provide expansion couplings as recommended by fencing manufacturer. F. Intermediate Rails: Install in one piece at post-height center span as indicated on Drawings, spanning between posts, using fittings, special offset fittings, and accessories. G. Bottom Rails: Install spanning between posts using fittings and accessories. H. Chain-Link Fabric: Apply fabric to outside of enclosing framework. Leave 2 inches between finish grade or surface and bottom selvage, unless otherwise indicated. Pull fabric taut and tie to posts, rails, and tension wires. Anchor to framework so fabric remains under tension after pulling force is released. I. Tension or Stretcher Bars: Thread through fabric and secure to end, corner, pull, and gate posts with tension bands spaced not more than 15 inches o.c. J. Tie Wires: Use wire of proper length to firmly secure fabric to line posts and rails. Attach wire at one end to chain-link fabric, wrap wire around post a minimum of 180 degrees, and attach other end to chain-link fabric per ASTM F626. Bend ends of wire to minimize hazard to individuals and clothing. 1. Maximum Spacing: Tie fabric to line posts 12 inches o.c. and to braces 24 inches o.c. K. Fasteners: Install nuts for tension bands and carriage bolts on the side of the fence opposite the fabric side. L. OMITTED M. OMITTED N. OMITTED HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 11 of 12 3.05 OMITTED 3.06 GROUNDING AND BONDING A. Fence Grounding: Install at maximum intervals of 1,500 feet except as follows: 1. Fences within 100 Feet (30 m) of Buildings, Structures, Walkways, and Roadways: Ground at maximum intervals of 750 feet. 2. Gates and Other Fence Openings: Ground fence on each side of opening. a. Bond metal gates to gate posts. b. Bond across openings, with and without gates, except openings indicated as ‘intentional fence discontinuities.’ Use No. 2 AWG wire and bury it at least 18 inches (460 mm) below finished grade. B. Protection at Crossings of Overhead Electrical Power Lines: Ground fence at location of crossing and at a maximum distance of 150 feet on each side of crossing. C. Fences Enclosing Electrical Power Distribution Equipment: Ground as required by IEEE C2, unless otherwise indicated. D. Grounding Method: At each grounding location, drive a ground rod vertically until the top is 6 inches (150 mm) below finished grade. Connect rod to fence with No. 6 AWG conductor. Connect conductor to each fence component at the grounding location, including the following: 1. Each Barbed Wire Strand. Make grounding connections to barbed wire with wire-to- wire connectors designed for this purpose. 2. Each Barbed Tape Coil: Make grounding connections to barbed tape with connectors designed for this purpose. E. Bonding Method for Gates: Connect bonding jumper between gate post and gate frame. F. Connections: Make connections so possibility of galvanic action or electrolysis is minimized. Select connectors, connection hardware, conductors, and connection methods so metals in direct contact will be galvanically compatible. 1. Use electroplated or hot-tin-coated materials to ensure high conductivity and to make contact points closer in order of galvanic series. 2. Make connections with clean, bare metal at points of contact. 3. Make aluminum-to-steel connections with stainless-steel separators and mechanical clamps. 4. Make aluminum-to-galvanized-steel connections with tin-plated copper jumpers and mechanical clamps. 5. Coat and seal connections having dissimilar metals with inert material to prevent future penetration of moisture to contact surfaces. G. Bonding to Lightning Protection System: If fence terminates at lightning-protected building or structure, ground the fence and bond the fence grounding conductor to lightning protection down conductor or lightning protection grounding conductor complying with NFPA 780. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA CHAIN LINK FENCES AND GATES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323113 – Page 12 of 12 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Ground-Resistance Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform field quality control testing. B. Ground-Resistance Tests: Subject completed grounding system to a megger test at each grounding location. Measure ground resistance not less than two full days after last trace of precipitation, without soil having been moistened by any means other than natural drainage or seepage and without chemical treatment or other artificial means of reducing natural ground resistance. Perform tests by two-point method according to IEEE 81. C. Desired Maximum Grounding Resistance Value: 25 ohms. D. Excessive Ground Resistance: If resistance to ground exceeds desired value, notify Owner’s Representative promptly. Include recommendations to reduce ground resistance and proposal to accomplish recommended work. E. Report: Prepare test reports, certified by testing agency, of ground resistance at each test location. Include observations of weather and other phenomena that may affect test results. 3.09 ADJUSTING A. Gate: Adjust gate to operate smoothly, easily, and quietly, free from binding, warp, excessive deflection, distortion, nonalignment, misplacement, disruption, or malfunction, throughout entire operational range. Confirm that latches and locks engage accurately and securely without forcing or binding. B. Lubricate hardware and other moving parts. 3.10 DEMONSTRATION A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to train Owner's personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain gates. Allow one day within Contract amount. 1. Test and adjust hardware, and other operable components. Replace damaged or malfunctioning operable components. 2. Train Owner's personnel on procedures and schedules for starting and stopping, troubleshooting, servicing, and maintaining equipment and schedules. 3. Review data in maintenance manuals. 4. Schedule training with Owner with at least seven (7) days advance notice. END OF SECTION 323113 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 1 of 7 SECTION 323223 SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.00 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Provide a segmental retaining wall system, as indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. Segmental retaining wall system shall include the following: 1. Design and engineering of the system for the locations as indicated in the Contract Documents. 2. Furnishing and installing the segmental gravity retaining walls with soil reinforcement as indicated in the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 312500 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLS 2. Section 310000 - EARTHWORK 3. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) 1.03 LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws and regulations applicable to furnishing and performance of the Work. B. If the Contractor performs any work that is contrary to laws or regulations, the Contractor shall bear all claims, costs, losses and damages caused by, arising out of or resulting therefrom. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer’s Design: Submit manufacturer’s design of retaining wall complete with plans, calculations, and material specifications. Calculations shall be stamped and sealed by a registered professional engineer licensed in the jurisdiction of the Project. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 2 of 7 B. Manufacturer’s Product Data: Submit manufacturer’s product data for system including segmental blocks, reinforcing, anchorage devices, capstone units, and adhesives, and all other pertinent products used as part of the retaining wall system. C. Samples: Submit duplicate samples of block units demonstrating full range of color and texture of block units. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. System Design: Design of retaining wall system shall be performed by a licensed professional engineer with a structural specialty and a licensed professional geotechnical engineer, both of whom shall be licensed in the state where the project is located. Design of system shall be provided by the manufacturer as part of the scope of this Contract. System design shall conform to applicable local codes and standards and shall be fully supported by test data, calculations, drawings and details. B. Installer Qualifications: Engage an experienced installer who has completed segmental retaining wall installations similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project. Installer shall be acceptable to the manufacturer and shall provide as part of their qualifications a successful record of in-service performance for comparable retaining wall installations. C. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent testing agency with the experience and capability to conduct the testing indicated without delaying the Work, as documented according to ASTM E548. D. Mockups: Before installing segmental retaining walls, construct sample wall panels to verify selections made under submittals and to demonstrate the aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and workmanship. Build mockups to comply with the following requirements, using materials indicated for completed Work. 1. Locate mockups in the locations indicated on Contract Documents or, if not indicated, as directed by the Owner’s Representative. 2. Build mockups for each type of segmental retaining wall in sizes approximately 72 inches (1800 mm) long by 36 inches (900 mm) high above finished grade at front of wall. a. Include typical base and cap or finished top construction b. Include backfill to typical finished grades at both sides of wall c. Include typical end construction at one end of mockup d. Include 36-inch (900-mm) return at one end of mockup with typical corner construction 4. Notify Owner’s Representative at least seven (7) days in advance of the dates and times when mockups will be constructed. 5. Maintain mockups during construction in an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the completed Work. a. Approval of mockups does not constitute approval of deviations from Contract Documents contained in mockups, unless such deviations are specifically approved in writing. b. When directed, demolish and remove mockups from Project site. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 3 of 7 c. Where approved by the Engineer, approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at the time of Substantial Completion may become part of the completed Work. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project Site in an undamaged condition. B. Store and handle retaining wall units and related materials to prevent deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, corrosion, breaking, chipping, or other causes. C. Store accessories, including metal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. D. Store and handle geotextiles according to ASTM D 4873. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide products by one of the following, or approved equal: 1. Retaining Wall Units: a. Licensees of Keystone Retaining Wall Systems, Inc b. Licensees of Redi-Rock c. Licensees of Reinforced Earth Co. (The) 2. Geotextile Fabrics: a. Mirafi, or approved equal 2.02 RETAINING WALL UNITS A. Concrete Units: High-strength, regular-weight concrete units, designed for use in segmental retaining walls, complying with ASTM C90, except with net-area compressive strength of 3,000 psi (20.7 MPa) for average of three units and 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa) for individual units, and with maximum water absorption of 8 percent, and variation in height limited to 1/16 inch (1.6 mm). 1. Provide units with lugs, projections, or holes and pins that locate successive courses in relation to the course below and which maintains that alignment as backfill is placed, and that interlock with units above and below. 2. Provide units with lugs, projections, holes and pins, or hollow cores for filling with drainage fill to interlock with units above and below. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 4 of 7 B. Colors: Provide units that result in colors of exposed wall surfaces complying with the following requirements: 1. Match submittal samples. 2. Match colors indicated by referencing manufacturer's standard designations for colors. 3. Provide selections from manufacturer's full range of colors for materials and products of type indicated. Color will be selected by the Owner or Engineer. C. Surface Texture: Provide units with machine-split faces and smooth, as-cast beds. D. Shapes: Provide units matching basic shapes and dimensions indicated by referencing manufacturer's pattern designation. E. Special Units: Provide corner units, end units, cap units, and other special shapes as necessary to produce retaining walls of dimensions and profiles indicated and to provide indicated textures on exposed surfaces. 2.03 INSTALLATION MATERIALS A. Pins: Product supplied by retaining wall unit manufacturer for use with units provided, made from non-degrading polymer reinforced with glass fibers. B. Cap Adhesive: Product supplied or recommended by retaining wall unit manufacturer for adhering cap units to wall units below. C. Drainage Fill: Washed gravel or washed crushed stone complying with ASTM D448 for Size No. 57. D. Filter Fabric: Nonwoven pervious geotextile fabric equal to Mirafi 140N, manufactured by Mirafi, or approved equal. E. Drainage Pipe: Polyethylene drainage tubing and fittings complying with AASHTO M 252, Type S, corrugated, with smooth waterway. Provide with corrugated, band-type couplings matching tubing and fittings. F. Geotextile Fabric: A woven or non-woven geotextile fabric used for soil reinforcement per manufacturer’s and design engineer’s requirements. G. Geogrid Reinforcement: Manufacturer’s recommended polymer grid reinforcement per manufacturer’s and design engineer’s requirements. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 5 of 7 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas to receive segmental retaining walls and conditions under which walls will be installed, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for excavation tolerances, condition of subgrades, and other conditions affecting performance of retaining wall system. 1. Do not proceed with installation until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.02 RETAINING WALL INSTALLATION A. General: Place units according to manufacturer's written instructions. Lay units in running bond, overlapping half units of course below. 1. Form corners and ends by using special units. B. Leveling Course: Place unreinforced, lean concrete over base course to thickness indicated; compact and screed to a smooth, level surface. C. First Course: Place first course of retaining wall units on leveling base course for full length of wall. Place units in firm contact with each other, properly aligned and level. 1. Tamp units into leveling base as necessary to bring tops of units into a level plane. 2. Place and compact fill, either drainage fill or soil fill as indicated, to top of first course. Place fill on both sides of wall at same time without disturbing alignment of units. Fill voids between and within units with drainage fill. D. Subsequent Courses: Sweep excess fill from tops of course below. Place units in firm contact, properly aligned, and directly on course below. 1. For units with lugs designed to fit into holes in units of adjacent course, lay units so lugs are accurately aligned with holes and bedding surfaces are firmly seated on beds of units below. 2. For units with lips at front of units, slide units as far forward as possible for firm contact with lips of units below. 3. For units with pins, carefully align holes in units above with holes below and insert pins according to manufacturer's written instructions. 4. Place and compact fill as each course is laid. Place fills on both sides of wall at same time, where both sides are indicated to be filled. 5. Fill voids between and within units with drainage fill. E. Cap Units: Place cap units and secure cap units with recommended adhesive, according to manufacturer's written instructions. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 6 of 7 3.03 FILL PLACEMENT A. General: Comply with requirements of Section 310000, EARTHWORK and retaining wall unit manufacturer's written instructions. B. Place, spread, and compact fill in uniform lifts for full width and length of embankment as wall is being laid. Begin at back of wall and place and spread fill toward embankment. 1. Use only hand-operated compaction equipment within 36 inches (900 mm) of wall. 2. Compact drainage fill to not less than 95 percent maximum dry density according to ASTM D698. 3. Compact unreinforced soil fill to not less than 90 percent maximum dry density according to ASTM D698. C. Place filter fabric against back of wall and place a layer of drainage fill at least 12 inches (300 mm) deep behind the filter fabric to within 12 inches (300 mm) of finished grade. Place another layer of filter fabric between drainage fill and soil fill. 1. Wrap drainage pipe with filter fabric and place in drainage fill as indicated, sloped 1/4 inch per foot (1:50) to drain. 2. Place impervious fill over top of drainage fill layer to depths indicated on the Drawings. 3.04 CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCES A. Variation from Level: For bed-joint lines along walls, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m) or 1 inch in 40 feet (24 mm in 12 m), or more. B. Variation from Indicated Batter: For slope of face of wall, do not vary from indicated slope by more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m). C. Variation in Plan Position: For ends and faces of walls in relation to property lines, buildings, and other objects, do not vary from plan dimensions by more than 1 inch (25 mm) or from depicted plan relationship (scaled dimensions) by more than 3 inches (75 mm). D. Variation in Linear Wall Line: For walls indicated as straight, do not exceed 1/4 inch in 10 feet (6 mm in 3 m) or 1 inch in 40 feet (24 mm in 12 m), or more from a straight line. 3.05 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Comply with requirements of Section 310000, EARTHWORK for in-place soil density testing. 1. In each compacted backfill layer, perform at least one field in-place density test for each 100 feet (30 m) or less of retaining wall length, but no fewer than two tests along a wall face. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SEGMENTAL RETAINING WALLS Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 323223 – Page 7 of 7 3.06 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace segmental retaining walls of the following description: 1. Broken, chipped, stained, or otherwise damaged units 2. Segmental retaining walls not matching approved samples and mockups 3. Segmental retaining walls not complying with other requirements indicated B. Replace in a manner which results in segmental retaining wall matching approved samples and mockups, complying with other requirements, and showing no evidence of replacement END OF SECTION 323223 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 1 of 15 SECTION 331000 WATER UTILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for the proposed water utilities including water system piping, fittings, appurtenances, and services. B. The work includes: 1. Furnishing and installation of water distribution pipe, valves and valve boxes, hydrants, pipe fittings, anchors, thrust restraints, and required accessories and connections to existing water systems. 2. Resetting existing hydrants and valve boxes to grade. 3. Relocation of existing hydrants, valves, and other appurtenances as required. 4. Furnishing and installing meter pit, backflow prevention assembly, pressure-reducing valves, and other related appurtenances. 5. Disinfecting and testing of the water system. C. Work within 10 feet of the building and other dedicated systems on the site shall comply with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Code. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 2. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) 1.03 STANDARDS A. AWWA – American Water Works Association B. NFPA – National Fire Protection Association 1.04 COORDINATION WITH THE MUNICIPALITY A. The municipal water department shall be notified prior to starting construction of any portion of the municipal water system. B. The closing of valves necessary for making connections with existing municipal system will be done by the local Water Department employees, assisted by the Contractor. Sufficient notice shall be given the Water Department of planned connection. No allowance will be made for any delay in closing of valves. A 48-hour notice shall be given to residents or HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 2 of 15 businesses affected by the shut-down, and shall be done by the Contractor under the direction of the Engineer. The Water Department may require the work to be done at night during the low-water use time period. C. Contractor shall be responsible for furnishing and installing water pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants and other necessary equipment in accordance with the requirements of the municipal water and fire departments. Prior to ordering materials, the Contractor to obtain the latest copy of the municipal water department’s standards and specifications and shall notify the Engineer immediately if any discrepancies are found between those requirements and the Contract Documents. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings 1. Submit Shop Drawings or descriptive literature, or both, showing dimensions, joints, and other details of all materials to be furnished. Shop Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to ordering materials. B. As-Built Drawings 1. Submit As-Built Drawings upon completion and acceptance of work. 2. As-Built Drawings shall be complete and shall indicate the true measurements and locations, horizontal and vertical of all new construction. As-Built Drawings shall include a minimum of three (3) ties to each gate valve box from fixed permanent objects. As- Built Drawings shall also contain any additional information required by the municipality, and shall be stamped with the seal of a licensed land surveyor and licensed professional engineer. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Storage of pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants and other water line appurtenances on the site shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, subject to the approval of the Engineer. B. Care shall be taken in loading, transporting, and unloading of the water utilities materials to prevent injury to the pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and other water line appurtenances. Pipe, valves, or fittings shall not be dropped. All pipe or fittings shall be examined before laying and no piece shall be installed which is found to be defective. Any damage to pipe and fitting coatings shall be repaired as directed by the Engineer. C. Pipe, fittings, valves, hydrants, and other water system appurtenances which are defective from any cause, including damage caused by handling, and determined by the Engineer as unrepairable, shall not be used and shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. D. Pipe and all water system appurtenances that are damaged or disturbed through any cause prior to acceptance of the work shall be repaired, realigned, or replaced as required by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 3 of 15 1.07 LICENSED FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM CONTRACTORS A. Fire protection and fire control systems, including both overhead and underground water mains, fire hydrants, and hydrant mains, shall be installed by contractors and personnel appropriately licensed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts per 528 CMR 12.00. Shop drawings required for submittals and reviews by the Engineer, or other legally recognized professional (M.G.L. c.112, Par. 81R) by 780 CMR 903.1.2 or by applicable NFPA Standards shall note the name(s), license number(s) and license expiration date(s) of the contractors(s) installing the fire protection system. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. The Drawings are diagrammatic only and are intended to indicate the extent, but not all details, of the system which shall be constructed. All materials are not shown; but the Contractor shall furnish and install all materials required for the complete system. 2.02 DUCTILE IRON PIPE A. Ductile iron pipe shall be designed in accordance with ANSI A21.50/AWWA C150 and manufactured in accordance with ANSI A21.51/AWWA C151. B. Ductile iron pipe shall be Pressure Class 350 furnished in 18-foot or 20-foot nominal lengths. C. Pipes shall be cement-mortar lined in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, except that the cement lining shall be double thickness. The interior of all pipes shall have a seal coat of asphaltic material applied over the cement lining in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. One seal coat is Standard. D. The exterior of all pipe shall be factory coated with a double coat of asphaltic material conforming to ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. E. Where called for on the drawings, and in accordance with part 3.07 of this section, restrained joint pipe shall be one of the following, or an approved equal: 1. American Ductile Iron Pipe FLEX-RING Restrained Joint Pipe [4 inches – 54 inches], manufactured of ductile iron, all in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, pressure rating 350 PSI for sizes 4 inches through 24 inches and pressure rating 250 PSI for sizes 30 inches through 48 inches. 2. U.S. Pipe TR FLEX restrained push-on joint pipe [4 inches – 36 inches], manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51, pressure rating 350 PSI for sizes 4 inches through 24 inches and pressure rating 250 PSI for sizes 30 inches through 36 inches. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 4 of 15 3. U.S. Pipe FIELD LOK Gasket Instant Joint Restraint [4 inches – 24 inches], manufactured in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51 for working pressure of 350 PSI. 2.03 OMITTED 2.04 DUCTILE IRON PIPE FITTINGS A. All ductile iron pipe fittings shall conform to ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 gray and ductile iron standard fittings or ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53-84 ductile iron compact fittings 3 inch through 16 inch. The ductile iron compact fittings shall be marked in accordance with Sec. 53-11, which states that the fittings shall have distinctly cast on them the identity of this standard, C153; the pressure rating, 350 psi; nominal diameter of openings; manufacturer's identification; the country where cast; the letters "DI" or word "Ductile"; and the number of degrees or fraction of the circle on all bends. B. The type of fittings for pipe and valve connections shall be determined by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements shown on the Drawings prior to ordering the fittings. C. All fittings shall be cement-mortar lined and coated as specified for pipe. 2.05 DUCTILE IRON PIPE COUPLINGS A. Couplings and accessories shall be pressure rated at least equal to that of the pipe. Couplings shall be Dresser Style 253, Smith Blair 441 Style, or approved equivalent. The couplings shall be provided with corrosion resistant nuts and bolts. B. Transition couplings for joining pipe of different diameters shall be Dresser Style 162, or approved equivalent. Coupling shall be provided with corrosion resistant nuts and bolts. C. After assembly, all exterior surfaces including the bolts and nuts shall be completely coated with two coats of a heavy-duty protective asphaltic coating. The interior of the coupling shall be epoxy-coated. Epoxy coating shall conform to AWWA C550. 2.06 DUCTILE IRON PIPE JOINTS A. Joints shall be either push-on or mechanical joints conforming to ANSI A21.11/AWWA C111. Push-on and mechanical joints shall be provided with required gaskets, lubricants and accessories conforming to ANSI A21.11/AWWA C111. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 5 of 15 2.07 OMITTED 2.08 GATE VALVES A. Gate valves shall be resilient seated conforming to the requirements of AWWA C509 or AWWA C515, parallel type valves conforming to the requirements of AWWA C500, of the type used by the municipal water department. B. Gate valves shall be cast iron body, bronze mounted, resilient wedge, non-rising stem with O-ring type stuffing box for valves 3 inches to 16 inches in size. C. Gate valves shall open per the local water department requirements. D. Bolts, studs, and nuts shall be made from a corrosion-resistant material such as low-zinc bronze, nickel copper alloy, or stainless steel. E. Operating nut shall be 2 inches square at the base, tapering to 1-15/16 inches square at the top. F. Post indicator valves, when indicated on the drawings, are used to actuate and indicate the opened or closed status of the installed value and indicator posts. Post indicator valves shall be listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories, Inc. (UL) and approved by Factory Mutual Research (FM) and shall be of a manufacturer approved by the local utility company. 2.09 OMITTED 2.10 VALVE BOXES A. Each gate valve shall be provided with a valve box and cover. B. Valve boxes shall be of the adjustable, telescoping, heavy-pattern type designed and constructed to prevent the direct transmission of traffic loads to the pipe or valve. C. Valve boxes shall be cast iron, asphalt coated with cast iron covers. The smallest inside diameter of the shaft shall not be less than 5-1/4 inches. The lower section of the box shall be designed to enclose the operating nut and stuffing box of the valve. Provisions shall be made for adjustment through at least 6-inches vertically while retaining a lap of at least 4 inches between sections. D. Covers shall be close fitting and substantially dirt-tight. The top of the cover shall be flush with the top of the box rim. The word WATER shall be cast in the top surface of the cover. 2.11 HYDRANTS A. Hydrants shall include: HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 6 of 15 Make and Model: Per local water department requirements Type of Thread: National Standard Number of Outlets: 2 – 2-1/2 inch hose connection 1 – 4-1/2 inch steamer connection Diameter of Opening: 4-1/2 inch Size and Type of Inlet Connection: 6 inch mechanical joint Direction of Opening: Per local water department requirements Depth of Cover: Same as required for pipe Size and Shape of Operating Nut: Pentagonal B. Hydrant shall conform the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C502, latest issue. C. Bolts and nuts shall be made from a corrosion-resistant material D. Hydrants shall be given two coats of primer paint before shipment. Contractor shall field paint hydrants the color required by the municipality, after installation. 2.12 TAPPING SLEEVE AND VALVE A. Tapping sleeve and valve shall meet the requirements of AWWA and shall be of the bolted- sleeve type with a mechanical joint connection to the existing water pipe and flanged end outlets for connecting the tapping valves. The tapping sleeves shall be suitable for a working water pressure of 200 psi and outlet flanges shall conform to the 125-pound American Standard with Cor-Ten or cadmium plated cast iron nuts and bolts. The tapping sleeve and valve shall be as manufactured by Mueller Company, or approved equivalent. 2.13 THRUST RESTRAINTS A. Thrust restraints (cement concrete thrust blocks, clamps and tie rods, and restrained joints) shall be installed in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings and per manufacturer’s recommendations. B. The Contractor shall discuss with the Engineer the method[s] to be used to restrain thrust prior to installing fittings and hydrants. Test pits may be required in areas of existing utilities to determine the exact location and dimensions of thrust restraints required. C. Restrained joint assemblies for mechanical fittings shall be EBAA Iron Sales MEGALUG Series 1100, or approved equivalent, and shall be rated for 350 PSI [3 inches – 16 inches] or 250 PSI [18 inches – 48 inches]. D. Concrete for thrust blocks shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. E. The use of boulders in lieu of concrete thrust blocks or mechanical restraints is not allowed. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 7 of 15 2.14 CORPORATION STOPS AND CURB STOPS A. Corporation stops shall be Mueller 300 ball type corporation valves or equivalent with a compression-type fitting, on the outlet end. The inlet end should be threaded per local water department requirements. B. Curb stops shall be Mueller 300 ball valve curb stop or approved equivalent, with compression-type fittings, on both ends. C. Stops shall be sized to receive the service tubing without the use of enlargement/reduction fittings. 2.15 SERVICE BOXES A. Service boxes shall be cast iron improved extension type with arch pattern base. Covers shall be held in place with bronze bolts and the word WATER shall be cast into the top surface of the cover. Service box shafts shall have a minimum inside diameter of 2-1/2 inches. Service boxes shall be as manufactured by Mueller Co., or approved equivalent. 2.16 WATER SERVICE A. Services two inches or smaller shall be ASTM B88 copper water tubing, Type K, for underground water service and shall be in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C800. B. Water service fittings including couplings and adapters, check valves and service saddles shall be in conformance with ANSI/AWWA C800, Underground Service Line Valves and Fittings. Joints in copper tubing shall be made with three part compression couplings or an approved equal. C. Services 3 inches and greater shall be ductile iron pipe in accordance with Section 2.02 above. D. Services less than 3 inches that are installed with plastic pipe where the utility allows, shall be polyethylene plastic tubing, SDR 9, PE3408 rated for 200 psi at 73.4°F in accordance with ASTM D2737. The outside diameter shall be the same as copper tubing (CTS). Stainless steel inserts shall be used at all connections. 2.17 UNDERGROUND PIPE INSULATION A. Whenever called for on the Drawings, or required for close clearance on structures, provide factory pre-insulated piping systems. B. Casing pipe shall be PVC, ASTM D1784. C. Insulation shall be polyurethane closed-cell foam completely encapsulated on each pipe segment by a heat resistant compressed rubber seal. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 8 of 15 D. Manufacturer shall be Thermal Pipe Systems, ‘Duc-Tite’ for use with ductile iron water pipe. 2.18 OMITTED 2.19 OMITTED 2.20 OMITTED 2.21 OMITTED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. All water pipes, fittings, valves, hydrants, and other appurtenances shall be installed at the locations as shown on the Drawings. 1. The proposed location and vertical alignment may be altered to avoid conflicts with existing and proposed utilities, as approved by the Engineer. B. Contractor shall verify the location, size, invert and type of existing pipes at all points of connection prior to ordering new utility materials. 3.02 LAYING DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Ductile iron pipe and fittings shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C600. B. Each length of pipe shall be laid with firm, full and even bearing throughout its entire length, in a trench prepared and maintained in accordance with Section 310000 – EARTHWORK. The type of materials to be used in bedding and backfilling and method of placement shall conform to the requirements of Section 310000 – EARTHWORK. C. All pipe shall be clean before laying. When laying is stopped for any reason, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by watertight plugs or other approved means. If water is in the trench when work is resumed, the plug shall not be removed until the trench has been dewatered and all danger of water entering the pipe has been eliminated. D. Fittings, in addition to those shown on the Drawings, shall be provided if required to avoid utility conflicts. E. When cutting of pipe is required, the cutting shall be done by machine, leaving a smooth cut at right angles to the axis of the pipe. Cut ends of pipe to be used with a push-on bell HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 9 of 15 shall be beveled to conform to the manufactured spigot end. Cement lining shall be undamaged. F. Maximum allowable deflection for pipe laid without fittings shall not exceed the allowable amount established by the pipe manufacturer and shall not exceed those shown in AWWA C600. G. The pipe shall be laid with a minimum cover of per municipality requirements, with a minimum cover of 5-1/2 feet below finished grade. H. All piping shall be laid in the dry with the spigot ends pointing in the direction of flow. Installation shall proceed from the downstream to upstream in all cases. 3.03 JOINTING DUCTILE IRON PIPE [PUSH-ON TYPE] A. Push-on joints shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. A rubber gasket shall be inserted in the groove of the bell end of the pipe and the joint surface cleaned and lubricated using the pipe manufacturer's suggested methods and materials. The plain end of the pipe to be laid shall be inserted in alignment with the bell of the pipe to which it is to be jointed and pushed home with a jack or by other means. After joining the pipe, a metal feeler gauge shall be used to make certain that the rubber gasket is correctly located and has not been twisted or otherwise displaced. 3.04 JOINTING MECHANICAL JOINT PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Mechanical joints shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Mechanical joints shall be made by first cleaning the surfaces against which the gaskets will come in contact with a wire brush. The gasket, bell, and spigot shall be lubricated by washing with soapy water just prior to assembling the joint. After the nuts have been made up finger tight, the bottom nut, then top and then diametrically opposite nuts shall be progressively tightened. Bolts shall be tightened to the torques listed: Bolt Size (Inches) Range of Torque (Feet-Pounds) 5/8 inch 45 - 60 3/4 inch 75 - 90 1 inch 85 – 100 1. Under no conditions shall extension wrenches or a pipe over the handle of an ordinary ratchet wrench be used to secure greater leverage. After installation, a heavy bitumastic coating shall be applied to all bolts and nuts. 2. Restraining device shall be ductile iron and shall have dimensions such that it can be used with the standardized mechanical joint bell and tee-head bolts conforming to ANSI/AWWA A21.11 and ANSI/AWWA C153, latest revision. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 10 of 15 3.05 LAYING OF PVC WATER PIPE A. Installation of PVC Plastic Water Main Pipe and Associated Fittings: Unless otherwise specified, install pipe and fittings in accordance with Section 3.01 entitled "General"; and with the recommendations for pipe joint assembly and appurtenance installation in AWWA M23, Chapter 7, "Installation." B. Jointing: Make push-on joints with the elastomeric gaskets specified for this type joint, using either elastomeric-gasket bell-end pipe or elastomeric-gasket couplings. For pipe-to- pipe push-on joint connections, use only pipe with push-on joint ends having factory-made bevel; for push-on joint connections to metal fittings, valves, and other accessories, cut spigot end of pipe off square and re-bevel pipe end to a bevel approximately the same as that on ductile iron pipe used for the same type of joint. Use an approved lubricant recommended by the pipe manufacturer for push-on joints. Assemble push-on joints for pipe-to-pipe joint connections in accordance with the recommendations in AWWA M23, Chapter 7, "Installation," for pipe joint assembly. Assemble push-on joints for connection to fittings, valves, and other accessories in accordance with the applicable requirements of AWWA C600 for joint assembly. Make compression-type joints/mechanical joints with the gaskets, glands, bolts, nuts, and internal stiffeners previously specified for this type joint; assemble in accordance with the applicable requirements of AWWA C600 for joint assembly, and with the recommendations of Appendix A of AWWA C111/A21.11. Cut off spigot end of pipe for compression-type joint/mechanical-joint connections and do not re- bevel. Assemble joints made with sleeve-type mechanical couplings in accordance with the recommendations of the coupling manufacturer using internal stiffeners as previously specified for compression-type joints. C. Pipe Anchorage: Provide concrete thrust blocks for pipe anchorage, except where metal harness in indicated. Use concrete, ASTM C94, having a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. 3.06 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS A. Where pipes change horizontal and vertical direction, at hydrants, tees, and other fittings, and wherever abnormal thrust forces may developed, the Contractor shall construct thrust and anchor blocks as detailed on the Drawings. They shall be concrete, of minimum dimensions as detailed on the Drawings, or of adequate additional size to suit actual conditions to withstand pressures anticipated, and shall be founded in undisturbed soil. B. Concrete for thrust blocks shall have a minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. C. Fittings which do not use thrust blocks resting against natural occurring material with passive resistance pressure of 1,500 psf shall be installed with a restrained joint system as specified in Article 3.07. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 11 of 15 3.07 RESTRAINED JOINTS A. Pipe with restrained joints shall be installed in all areas where the pipe is within fill materials and also at locations shown on the Drawings. Restrained joints shall be installed at bends, reducers, tees, valves, dead ends, and hydrants. The minimum length of pipe to be restrained on either side of the joint shall be as shown on the table below. The fittings of the new piping shall be for restrained joints, as marked on the Drawings. Number of Joints to Restrain on either Side of Fitting Fitting Number of Joints to Restrain on Either Side of Fitting (Based on 18-Foot Pipe Length) 90 degree bend 3 45 degree bend 2 22-1/2 degree bend 2 Tee: Branch 3 Run 2 B. No restraining is required in the direction of the existing pipe if only a short length of it is exposed in the trench for making a connection. C. Restrained joint assemblies for push-on pipe and fittings shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommended installation procedures. 3.08 WATER/SEWER SEPARATION A. When a sewer pipe crosses above or below a water pipe, the Contractor shall comply with these following procedures: 1. Relation to Water Mains a. Horizontal Separation: Whenever possible sewers shall be laid at a minimum at least 10 feet, horizontally, from any existing or proposed water main. Should local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, a sewer may be laid closer than 10 feet to a water main if: 1). It is laid in a separate trench, or if; 2). It is laid in the same trench with the water mains located at one side on a bench of undisturbed earth, and if; 3). In either case, the elevations of the top (crown) of the sewer is at least 18 inches below the bottom (invert) of the water main. b. Vertical Separation: Whenever sewers must cross under water mains, the sewer shall be laid at such an elevation that the top of the sewer is at least 18 inches below the bottom of the water main. When the elevation of the sewer cannot be varied to meet the above requirements, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separation or reconstructed with mechanical-joint pipe for a distance HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 12 of 15 of 10 feet on each side of the sewer. One full length of water main should be centered over the sewer so that both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. c. When it is impossible to obtain horizontal and/or vertical separation as stipulated above, both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of mechanical-joint cement lined ductile iron pipe or other equivalent based on watertightness and structural soundness. Both pipes shall be pressure tested by an approved method to assure watertightness or both pipes shall be encased in concrete. 3.09 GATE VALVES AND BOXES A. Valves shall be set in firmly compacted and shaped soil. Where the soil in the trench subgrade is found to be soft, loose, freshly filled earth, unstable, or otherwise unsuitable as a base, the unsuitable material shall be excavated to such additional depth and width as required. The excavated area shall be backfilled with gravel or crushed stone, compacted, and shaped. B. Valve boxes shall be set centered and plumb over the operating nuts of all valves. The top of each valve box shall be set to finished grade with at least 10 inches of overlap remaining between the upper sections for vertical adjustment. Minimum overlap for lower extension pieces shall be 4 inches. C. Boxes shall be adequately supported during backfilling to maintain vertical alignment. 3.10 TAPPING SLEEVES AND GATE VALVES A. Installation shall be made under pressure and the flow of water through the existing pipe shall be maintained at all times. The diameter of the tap shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch less than the inside diameter of the branch line. B. The entire operation shall be conducted by workmen thoroughly experienced in the installation of tapping sleeves and valves, and under supervision of qualified personnel furnished by the manufacturer. The tapping machine shall be furnished by the Contractor. C. The Contractor shall determine the location of the existing pipe to be tapped to confirm that interference will not be encountered from existing utilities or a joint or a fitting. No tap shall be made closer than 3 feet from a pipe joint. D. Pipe upon which tapping sleeve is to be installed shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign matter with scraping tools and wire brushes to a minimum of six inches beyond each side of the sleeve. The cleaned area shall be washed with a hypochlorite solution. The interior of tapping valve shall also be washed with hypochlorite solution. E. Tapping sleeves and valves with boxes shall be set vertically and squarely centered on the pipe to be tapped. Adequate support shall be provided under the sleeve and valve during the tapping operation. Thrust blocks shall be provided behind all tapping sleeves. the HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 13 of 15 supporting earth around and under the valve and sleeve shall be compacted. After completing the tap, the valve shall be flushed to ensure that the valve set is clean. F. Before backfilling, all exposed portions of any bolts used to hold the two halves of the sleeve together shall be heavily coated with two coats of bituminous paint equivalent to Bitumastic No. 50, by Koppers Company, Inc. 3.11 HYDRANTS A. Hydrants shall be installed at the locations and in conformance with the details shown on the Drawings. B. Each hydrant shall be set vertically and be properly braced. Hydrants shall be installed with thrust blocks or restrained joints as specified in Articles 3.05 and 3.06. Care shall be taken to ensure that thrust block concrete does not plug the hydrant’s drain ports. 3.12 WATER SERVICES A. Service Pipe: Care shall be exercised in placing and laying of services to prevent kinks or sharp bends and to prevent contact with sharp stones or ledge which would damage to the pipe. At least 6 inches of sand shall be placed adjacent to, under, and above the pipe, and no stone larger than 2 inches shall be placed over the pipe until the depth of backfill above the pipe is in excess of 1 foot. B. Corporation Stop: Taps to the pipe shall be threaded and shall be made at the horizontal diameter of the main. The tap shall be made by means of a tapping machine manufactured for this purpose and supplied by the Contractor. The tap and drill shall be kept sharp and shall have threads matching those of the stop. Corporation stop threads shall be coated with sealing compound and the stop screwed firmly into the water with the key upward and the inlet end projecting at least 1/8 inch beyond the inside face of the pipe. Corporation stop shall be left in the on open position after installation of the service pipe. C. Curb Stop and Curb Boxes: Curb stop and curb boxes shall be of a size equal to the size of the service pipe and shall be installed in the locations shown on the Drawings or as ordered by the Engineer. The boxes shall be set in a vertical position and flush with the proposed finish grade. D. Ductile Iron Service Pipe: Ductile iron service pipe connections to the water pipe shall be made with tee fittings or tapping sleeves. 3.13 SEPARATION FROM STRUCTURES A. Whenever possible, water pipes shall maintain a minimum distance of three (3) feet from underground adjacent unheated structures, such as manholes, catch basins, retaining walls, bridge abutments, parking garages, etc. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 14 of 15 B. When spacing under 3.13A. above is not possible, Contractor shall provide insulated water pipe for a minimum of three (3) feet beyond the limits of the adjacent structure. 3.14 OMITTED 3.15 PRESSURE TESTING A. Hydrostatic and leakage test shall be conducted in accordance with AWWA Standard C600, and NFPA 24, Standards, except it shall meet the leakage rates stated in 3.15D. below as directed by the Engineer. Testing shall be conducted by a certified independent water testing company. B. Conduct pipe tests after concrete thrust blocks have cured to the required minimum 28 day compressive strength of 3,000 psi. Fill pipe 24 hours prior to testing, and apply test pressure to stabilize system. Use only potable water. C. Prior to pressure testing, the entire pipe section shall be flushed to remove any rocks or debris which may have inadvertently entered the pipe during construction. D. Once the pipe section has been filled at normal pressure and all entrapped air removed, the Contractor shall raise the pressure to 200 psi or two times the operating pressure (whichever is greater) by a special pressure pump, taking water from a small tank of proper dimensions for satisfactorily measuring the rate of water pumped into the pipe. This pressure shall be maintained for a minimum of two hours, during which time the line shall be checked for leaks. Measured rate of water leakage shall not exceed the allowable leakage as follows: 1. Domestic water service pipes only, without attached fire service supply: Meet latest edition of AWWA C600 series leakage requirements for the type of pipe being installed. 2. Fire protection piping and domestic water service pipe with attached fire service piping: Meet latest edition of NFPA 24 leakage requirements or latest edition of AWWA C600 series leakage requirements for the type of pipe being installed, whichever criteria is more stringent. 3. Interior piping in vaults, buildings, etc. shall have zero leakage. 4. Should leakage exceed the above rates, the Contractor shall immediately locate the leak or leaks and repair them. Pipe will be accepted only when leakage is zero, or less than the allowable amount. Approval does not absolve the Contractor from responsibility if leaks develop later within the period of warranty. 3.16 DISINFECTION A. Before being placed in service, all new water pipe shall be chlorinated in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C651 Standard for Disinfecting Water Mains. B. The location of the chlorination and sampling points will be determined by the Engineer in the field. Taps for chlorination and sampling shall be installed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall uncover and backfill the taps as required. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WATER UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 331000 – Page 15 of 15 C. The pipe section being disinfected shall be flushed to remove discolored water and sediment from the pipe. A 25 mg/l chlorine solution in approved dosages shall be inserted through a tap at one end while water is being withdrawn at the other end of the pipe section. The chlorine concentration in the water in the pipe shall be maintained at a minimum 25 mg/l available chlorine during filling. To assure that this concentration is maintained, the chlorine residual shall be measured at regular intervals in accordance with procedures described in Standard Methods and AWWA M12, Simplified Procedure for Water Examination, Section K. D. During the application of the chlorine, valves shall be manipulated to prevent the treatment dosage from flowing back into the pipe supplying the water. Chlorine application shall not cease until the entire pipe section is filled with chlorine solution. The chlorinated water shall be retained in the pipe for at least a twenty-four hour period. The treated water shall contain a chlorine residual throughout the length of the pipe section as indicated in AWWA C651. E. Following the chlorination period, all treated water shall be flushed from the pipe section and replaced with water from the distribution system. Prior to disposal of treated water, the Contractor shall check with local authorities to determine if the discharge will cause damage to the receiving body or sewer and, if required, the Contractor shall neutralize the chlorinated water in accordance with Appendix B, AWWA C650. Bacteriological sampling and analysis of the replacement water shall then be made by the Contractor in full accordance with AWWA Specification C651. A minimum of three samples shall be taken by the Contractor at locations directed by the Engineer along the length of water pipe being chlorinated and sent to a state-approved private laboratory for analyses. The Contractor shall re-chlorine if the samples show presence of coliform, and the pipe section shall not be placed in service until all of the repeat samples show no presence of coliform. F. Furnish Certificate of Disinfection Report to the Engineer. G. The Contractor shall pay all costs for all testing, flushing, chlorinating; laboratory analyses, sampling, water supply, and municipal charges. END OF SECTION 331000 BASE DATE: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 1 of 11 SECTION 333900 SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for sanitary utility sewerage structures for a gravity flow sewerage system. B. The work includes furnishing and installing all pipe, fittings manholes, structures and appurtenances required for the proposed system to convey sewage by gravity flow conditions. C. Work and materials shall be performed in accordance with the State Plumbing Code. Work within 10 feet of the building or those dedicated systems within the site shall conform to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Plumbing Code. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Sections which directly relate to the work of this Section include: 1. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) 2. Section 310000 – EARTHWORK 3. Section 334000 - STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Materials List and Shop Drawings 1. Materials list of materials proposed. 2. Shop drawings for all material and structures prior to ordering materials. B. As-Built Drawings 1. Submit As-Built Drawings upon completion and acceptance of work. 2. As-Built Drawings shall be complete and shall indicate the true measurement and location, horizontal and vertical, of all new construction. As-Built Drawings shall include a minimum of three (3) ties to each manhole from fixed permanent objects. As-Built Drawings shall also contain any additional information required by the municipality and shall be stamped with the seal of a licensed land surveyor and licensed professional engineer. 1.04 INSPECTION A. The manufacturer/supplier is responsible for the provisions and all test requirements specified in ASTM D3034 for SDR 35 gravity pipe and ASTM D2241 for PVC pressure rated HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 2 of 11 sewer pipe. In addition, all PVC pipe may be inspected at the plant for compliance with these specifications by an independent testing laboratory selected and paid by the Owner. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer's cooperation in these inspections. B. Inspection of the pipe may also be made after delivery. The pipe shall be subject to rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the specification requirements, even though pipe samples may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Pipe rejected after delivery shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the site at once. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All materials shall be adequately protected from damage during transit. Pipes shall not be dropped. B. All pipe and other appurtenances shall be inspected before placement in the work and any found to be defective from any cause, including damage caused by handling, and determined by the Engineer to be unrepairable, shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. C. Storage and handling of pipes, manholes and other sewer system appurtenances shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, subject to the approval of the Engineer. PART 2 – PRODUCTS 2.01 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE (PVC) A. Pipe and Fittings: Polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings (4 inches to 15 inches) shall be Type PSM polyvinyl chloride (PVC) SDR 35, with full diameter dimensions conforming to the specifications for Type PSM Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings, ASTM D3034. B. Joints: PVC pipe shall have an integral wall bell and spigot push-on joint with elastomeric gaskets secured in place in the bell of the pipe. The bell shall consist of an integral wall section with a solid cross section elastomeric gasket, factory assembled, securely locked in place to prevent displacement during assembly. Elastomeric gaskets shall conform to ASTM D3212. C. Spigot pipe ends shall be supplied with bevels from the manufacturer to ensure proper insertion. Each spigot end shall have an “assembly stripe” imprinted thereon to which the bell end of the mated pipe will extend upon proper joining of the two pipes. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 3 of 11 2.02 OMITTED 2.03 OMITTED 2.04 MANHOLES A. Precast Concrete Units: 1. Structure: 4 foot minimum inside diameter precast concrete units (4,000 psi minimum compressive strength) with eccentric cone section tapering to 30-inch diameter, or flat top, and one pour monolithic base section conforming to ASTM C478. All units to be designed for HS-20 loading. 2. Precast Unit Joint: Preformed butyl rubber section joint conforming to ASTM C990. 3. The date of manufacture and the name or trademark of the manufacturer shall be clearly marked on the inside of each precast section. B. Masonry Units: 1. Brick shall conform to ASTM C32, Grade SM for construction of inverts and adjusting manholes to grade. 2. Concrete block shall be solid block and conforming to ASTM C139. 3. Mortar shall be in conformance with ASTM C270, Type M. The mortar shall be composed of Portland cement hydrated lime, and sand, in the proportions of 1 part cement to 1/4 part hydrated lime, to 3-1/2 parts sand, by volume. 4. Cement shall be Type I or II Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150. Where masonry is exposed to salt water, Type II shall be used. 5. Hydrated lime shall be Type S conforming to ASTM C207. 6. Sand for masonry mortar shall conform to the gradation requirements of ASTM C144. C. Manhole Frame and Cover: Grey iron casting conforming to ASTM A48, heavy duty, with the word SEWER embossed on cover. Letter size shall be three inches. Frame and cover shall be East Jordan Iron Works 2008Z/2006A or approved equivalent, with a minimum clear opening of 30 inches. D. Pipe Connections: Flexible sleeve or rubber gaskets shall be as manufactured by Press-Seal, Trelleborg, A-Lok or approved equivalent. E. Steps: Steps for steel reinforced copolymer polypropylene step with at least a 14-inch wide stepping surface conforming to ASTM C478. 2.05 OMITTED 2.06 BITUMASTIC COATINGS A. The entire exterior surface of all masonry and concrete (whether precast or cast-in-place) structures associated with sewerage systems, such as manholes, grease traps, holding tanks, HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 4 of 11 tight tanks, septic tanks, aeration tanks, pump stations, valve pits, etc., shall receive two coats of waterproofing such as Carboline Bitumastic 300M as manufactured by Carboline Company, MasterSeal HLM 5000 as manufactured by BASF, Aqua-Safe Concrete Sealer as manufactured by Bay Oil Company, or approved equal. Total thickness of waterproofing shall be a thickness of 14 mils (dry)and shall be applied per manufacturer’s recommendations. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING A. The type of materials to be used in bedding and backfilling and the method of placement shall conform to the requirements of Section 310000, EARTHWORK and the details shown on the Drawings. 3.02 PIPE INSTALLATION A. All sewer pipe shall be laid accurately to the lines and grades shown in the Drawings and in conformance with pipe manufacturer's recommended procedures. B. Notch under pipe bells and joints, where applicable, to provide for uniform bearing under entire length of pipe. C. Laying Pipe: Each length of pipe shall be laid with firm, full and even bearing throughout its entire length, in a prepared trench. Pipe shall be laid with bells upgrade unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Do not permanently support pipes on bells. 1. Every length of pipe shall be inspected and cleaned of all dirt and debris before being laid. The interior of the pipe and the jointing seal shall be free from sand, dirt and trash. Extreme care shall be taken to keep the bells of the pipe free from dirt and rocks so that joints may be properly lubricated and assembled. No pipe shall be trimmed or chipped to fit. 2. No length of pipe shall be laid until the proceeding lengths of pipe have been thoroughly embedded in place, to prevent movement or disturbance of the pipe alignment. 3. All piping shall be laid in the dry with the spigot ends pointing in the direction of flow. Installation shall proceed from the downstream to upstream in all cases. D. Pipe Extension: Where an existing pipe is to be extended, the same type of pipe shall be used, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. E. Full Lengths of Pipe: Only full lengths of pipe shall be used in the installation except that partial lengths of pipe may be used at the entrance to structures, and to accommodate the required locations of service connection fittings. F. Pipe Entrances to Structures: All pipe entering structures shall be cut flush with the inside face of the structure, and the cut ends of the pipe surface within the structure shall be HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 5 of 11 properly rounded and finished so that there will be no protrusion, ragged edges, or imperfections that will impede or affect the hydraulic characteristics of the sewage flow. The method of cutting and finishing shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. G. Protection During Construction: The Contractor shall protect the installation at all times during construction, and movement of construction equipment, vehicles and loads over and adjacent to any pipe shall be performed at the Contractor's risk. 1. At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, all open ends of pipes shall be closed by approved temporary water-tight plugs. If water is in the trench when work is resumed, the plug shall not be removed until the trench has been dewatered and all danger of water entering the pipe has been eliminated. H. Water Pipe - Sewer Pipe Separation: When a sewer pipe crosses above or below a water pipe, the Contractor shall comply with the following procedures: 1. Relation to Water Mains a. Horizontal Separation: Whenever possible sewers shall be laid at a minimum at least 10 feet, horizontally, from any existing or proposed water main. Should local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 10 feet, a sewer may be laid closer than 10 feet to a water main if: 1.) it is laid in a separate trench, or if 2.) it is laid in the same trench with the water mains located at one side on a bench of undistributed earth, and if 3.) in either case the elevation of the top (crown) of the sewer is at least 18 inches below the bottom (invert) of the water main. b. Vertical Separation: Whenever sewers must cross under water mains, the sewer shall be laid at such an elevation that the top of the sewer is at least 18 inches below the bottom of the water main. When the elevation of the sewer cannot be varied to meet the above requirements, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separation or reconstructed with mechanical-joint pipe for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the sewer. One full length of water main should be centered over the sewer so that both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. c. When it is impossible to obtain horizontal and/or vertical separation as stipulated above, both the water main and sewer shall be constructed of mechanical-joint cement lined ductile iron pipe or other equivalent based on watertightness and structural soundness. Both pipes shall be pressure tested by an approved method to assure watertightness or both pipes shall be encased in concrete. I. Sewer Pipes-Laser Installation: Sewer pipes shall be laid to required grades by use of a laser and target system, unless otherwise specifically approved in writing by Engineer. 3.03 PIPE JOINTS A. All joints shall be made water-tight. B. Pipe shall be jointed in strict accordance with the pipe manufacturer's instruction. Jointing of all pipe shall be done entirely in the trench. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 6 of 11 1. Lubricant for jointing of PVC pipe shall be applied as specified by the pipe manufacturer. Use only lubricant supplied by the pipe manufacturer. 2. PVC pipe shall be pushed home by hand or with the use of bar and block. The use of power equipment, such as a backhoe bucket, shall only be used at the direction of the manufacturer. 3. Field-cut pipe ends shall be cut square and the pipe surface beveled to the size and shape of a factory-finished beveled end. All sharp edges shall be rounded off. C. Jointing of ductile iron and cast iron pipe shall be in accordance with Section 331000, WATER UTILITIES. D. Jointing of concrete pipe and reinforced concrete pipe shall be in accordance with Section 334000, STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES. 3.04 MANHOLES A. General Requirements: All manholes shall be built in accordance with the Details and in the locations shown on the Drawings. 1. Structures shall be constructed of brick masonry, precast solid concrete block, cast-in- place concrete, or precast concrete. 2. All masonry shall be installed by personnel experienced and skilled in this work, and any person not deemed to be such by the Engineer shall be removed and replaced by a person so qualified. 3. Manholes shall be constructed as soon as the pipe laying reaches the location of the manhole. Should the Contractor continue pipe laying without making provision for completion of the manhole, the Engineer shall have the authority to stop the pipe laying operations until the manhole is completed. 4. The Contractor shall accurately locate each manhole and set accurate templates to conform to the required line and grade. Any manhole which is mislocated or oriented improperly shall be removed and rebuilt in its proper location, alignment, and orientation at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Foundations: All manholes shall be constructed on a 12-inch layer of compacted bedding material. The excavation shall be dewatered to provide a dry condition while placing bedding material and setting the base. C. Masonry: All brick or concrete block shall be thoroughly wetted before laying. 1. The first course of masonry shall be embedded in the concrete foundation immediately after the foundation has been poured. 2. All masonry shall be laid in the flat position in a full bed of mortar, and all vertical and horizontal joints shall be filled solid with mortar. Vertical joints on each succeeding course shall be staggered. Joints shall be not less than 3/8 inch wide or more than 1/2 inch wide. Joints on the inside of the structure shall be neatly struck and pointed. 3. The exterior and interior surface of the walls shall be plastered with a one-half inch (1/2 in.) coat of 1:2 cement mortar. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 7 of 11 D. Invert: Brick invert channels shall be constructed in all manholes to provide a smooth channel for sewage flow through the structure, and shall correspond in shape to the lower half of the pipe. At changes in directions, the inverts shall be laid out in curves of the longest possible radii tangent to the centerline of the sewer pipes at the manhole side. Shelves shall be constructed to the elevation of the highest pipe crown and sloped to drain toward the flow channel. 1. Special care shall be taken in laying brick inverts. Joints shall not exceed three-sixteenth inch (3/16 in.) in thickness and each brick shall be carefully laid in full cement mortar joints on bottom, side and end in one operation. No grouting or working in of mortar after laying of the brick will be permitted. Bricks forming the shaped inverts in manholes shall be laid on edge. 2. Invert channels shall be built for future extensions where shown on the Drawings and where directed by the Engineer. E. Steps: Steps shall be installed in all manholes, spaced twelve inches (12 in.) on center vertically and set securely in place during the construction of the masonry wall. Precast sections shall be arranged such that internal steps are in alignment. F. Precast Manholes: Precast manholes shall be installed only after shop drawings have been approved. 1. The top grade of the precast concrete cone section shall be set sufficiently below finished grade to permit a maximum of five and a minimum of two courses (laid in the flat position) of eight inch (8 in.) brick to be used as risers to adjust the grade of the manhole frame. Manhole frames shall be set on a grout pad to make a water-tight fit. 2. Grout fill lifting holes on all manhole sections. 3.05 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES A. General Requirements: The Contractor shall make all required connections of the proposed sewer into existing sewer system, where and as shown on the Drawings and as required by the Engineer. B. Contractor shall verify the location, size, invert and type of existing pipes at all points of connection prior to ordering new utility materials. C. Compliance with Requirements of Owner of Facility: Connections into existing sewer facilities shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the owner of the facility. The Contractor shall comply with all such requirements, including securing of all required permits, and paying the costs thereof. The costs of making the connections in accordance with the requirements of the owner of the existing facility shall be included in the Contract Sum. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 8 of 11 3.06 MANHOLE CONNECTIONS A. Manhole pipe connections for precast manhole bases shall be flexible boot cast into the manhole wall. The stainless-steel clamp shall be protected from corrosion with a bitumastic coating. B. Sewer manholes shall be constructed with drop connections when the proposed invert of the connection is at least 2 feet (2 ft.) above the manhole invert. Drop connections for differences of less than 2 feet (2 ft.) shall also be provided if required by the governing authority. 3.07 SERVICE CONNECTIONS A. General Requirements: The Contractor shall make all required connections of the building sewer service pipes into the sewer system. Work shall include making the service pipe connections into the sewer system pipes or into the manholes located ten feet (10 ft.) outside of the proposed building lines. If stubs are constructed for later connection to the building pipes, the ends shall be sealed with watertight plugs. B. Coordination with Building Contractor: The Contractor shall coordinate the work with the work of the building contractor to determine the exact location and elevation of the point of entry into the building. C. Connection into Sewer System: Sewer service pipe connections to the pipe of the sewer system shall be made with fittings supplied by the pipe manufacturer. 1. The Contractor shall install 45 degree wye branch or 90 degree tee fittings in the sewer pipes at all locations where building sewer service pipe connections are shown on the Drawings. Connections of the sewer service pipes shall be made into the wye branches or tees by means of 45 degree bends. The connections shall be made thoroughly watertight and concrete shall be placed under each connection to bear on undisturbed earth and firmly support the connection. Sewer chimneys shall be encased in concrete unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. 3.08 OMITTED 3.09 LEAKAGE TESTS A. General Requirements: The Contractor shall test the completed sewer system, including manholes and service connections, for leakage by infiltration, exfiltration, or low-pressure air exfiltration tests. Manhole structures may be tested by a low-pressure air vacuum test. The tests shall be conducted as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment, materials and labor for performing the tests. 1. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours prior to the start of testing. Testing shall only be performed in the presence of the Engineer. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 9 of 11 2. Sections of pipe tested for infiltration and exfiltration prior to completion of the Contract shall be subject to additional leakage tests, if warranted, in the opinion of the Engineer, prior to acceptance of the Work. B. Infiltration and Exfiltration Testing: The test length intervals for either type of leakage test shall be approved by the Engineer, but in no event shall they exceed one thousand feet (1,000 ft.). Where sewer pipe is laid on steep grades, the length to be tested by exfiltration at any one time shall be limited by the maximum allowable internal pressure on the pipe and joints at the lower end of the line. The maximum internal pressure at the lowest end shall not exceed 25 feet of water or 10.8 psi. 1. The test period, wherein the measurements are taken, shall not be less than four (4) hours in either type of test. 2. Depending on field conditions, the following tests for leakage shall be employed: a. Infiltration Test: The test may be used only when ground water levels are at least five feet (5 ft.) above the top of the pipe for the entire length of the section to be tested during the entire period of the test. Ground water levels may be measured in an open trench or in standpipes previously placed in backfilled trenches during the backfilling operations. When standpipes are installed in the backfill for ground water measurement, the lower ends shall be satisfactorily embedded in a mass of crushed stone or gravel to maintain free percolation and drainage. Infiltration through joints shall be measured by using a watertight weir or any other approved device for volumetric measurement installed at the lower end of the section under test. b. Exfiltration Test: This test consists of filling the pipe with water to provide a head of at least five feet (5 ft.) above the top of the pipe or five feet (5 ft.) above ground water, whichever is higher, at the highest point of the pipe section under test, and then measuring the loss of water from the line by the amount which must be added to maintain the original level. In this test, the pipe must remain filled with water for at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the taking of measurements. Exfiltration shall be measured by the drop of water level in a closed-end standpipe or in one of the sewer manholes available for convenient measuring. When a standpipe and plug arrangement is used in the upper manhole of a section under test, a positive method of releasing entrapped air in the sewer shall be installed prior to taking measurements. c. Leakage Requirements: The total leakage of any section tested shall not exceed the rate of 50 gallons per day per mile per inch of nominal pipe diameter. For purposes of determining the maximum allowable leakage, manholes shall be considered as sections of 48-inch diameter pipe, five feet (5 ft.) long, and the equivalent leakage allowance shall be 2.25 gallons per manhole per 24 hours. C. Low-Pressure Air Exfiltration Testing 1. The sewer pipes and service pipes shall be tested for leakage by the use of low- pressure air as approved by the Engineer. The test length shall not exceed one length of pipe between two manholes. Air test procedures may be dangerous and the Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent blowouts. a. Pneumatic plugs shall have a sealing length equal to or greater than the diameter of the pipe to be tested. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 10 of 11 b. Pneumatic plugs shall resist internal test pressures without requiring external bracing or blocking. c. All air used shall pass through a single control panel. d. Three individual hoses shall be used for the following connections: 1.) from control panel to pneumatic plugs for inflation; 2.) from control panel to sealed line for introducing the low pressure air; 3.) from sealed line to control panel for continually monitoring the air pressure rise in the sealed line. 2. The following testing procedures shall be explicitly followed: a. All pneumatic plugs shall be seal tested before being used in the actual test installation. One length of pipe shall be laid on the ground and sealed at both ends with the pneumatic plugs to be checked. Air shall be introduced into the plugs to 25 psig. The sealed pipe shall be pressurized to 5 psig. The plugs shall hold against this pressure without bracing and without movement of the plugs out of the pipe. 3. After the pipe has been backfilled and cleaned, pneumatic plugs shall be placed in the line at each manhole and inflated to 25 psi. Low-pressure air shall be introduced into this sealed line until the internal air pressure reaches 4 psi greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may be over the pipe. At least two (2) minutes shall be allowed for the air pressure to stabilize. a. After the stabilization period (3.5 psi minimum pressure in the pipe), the portion of pipe tested shall be acceptable if the time required in minutes for the pressure to decrease from 3.5 to 3.0 psi (greater than the average back pressure of any ground water that may be over the pipe) is not less than the time indicated in the following table: Pipe Size (in.) Time (sec.) 4 0.190L 6 0.427L 8 0.760L 10 1.187L 12 1.709L 15 2.671L Where L = length of pipe being tested D. Vacuum Testing of Manholes: New sewer manholes shall be vacuum tested in accordance with procedure and standards in ASTM C1244. E. Correction of Defective Work: If leakage exceeds the specified amount, the Contractor shall make the necessary repairs or replacements required to permanently reduce the leakage to within the specified limit, and the tests shall be repeated until the leakage requirement is met. F. Compliance with Agency Requirements: In the event of conflict between the leakage test requirements specified herein with the leakage test requirements of agencies having jurisdiction over all or any portion of the sewer system installed under this Contract, the more restrictive requirements shall govern. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 333900 – Page 11 of 11 3.10 PIPE DEFLECTION MEASUREMENT A. In accordance with ASTM D3034, no less than 30 days after completion of the PVC sewer pipe installation, the Contractor shall test the pipeline for deflection using a ‘go/no-go’ deflection mandrel having a minimum of nine evenly spaced arms or prongs. The ‘go/no- go’ gauge shall be hand pulled through all sections of the pipeline by the Contractor. The Contractor shall submit drawings of the ‘go/no-go’ gauge to the Engineer for approval prior to testing. Complete dimensions of the gauge for each diameter of pipe to be tested shall be in accordance with ASTM D3034. B. Any section of pipe found to exceed 7.5 percent (7.5%) deflection shall be deemed a failed pipe and shall be excavated and replaced by the Contractor at his own expense. 3.11 CLEANING AND REPAIR A. The Contractor shall clean the entire sewer system of all debris and obstructions. This shall include removal of all formwork from structures, concrete and mortar droppings, construction debris and dirt. The system shall be thoroughly flushed clean and the Contractor shall furnish all necessary hose, pumps, pipe and other equipment that may be required for this purpose. No debris shall be flushed into existing sewers, storm drains, and or streams. B. All work of cleaning and repair shall be performed at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.12 FINAL INSPECTION A. Upon completion of the work, and before final acceptance by the Engineer, the entire sewer system shall be subjected to a final inspection in the presence of the Engineer. The work shall not be considered as complete until all requirements for line, grade, cleanliness, leakage tests and other requirements have been met. END OF SECTION 333900 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 1 of 15 SECTION 334000 STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. This Section specifies requirements for furnishing and installing the site storm drainage utilities system, as indicated on the Drawings and as specified herein. B. The work shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Construction of the site storm drainage system, including underdrains, headwalls, flared end sections, underground stormwater detention facilities, and all appurtenances necessary to make a complete functioning system. 2. Connection of building drains from a point ten feet (10 ft.) outside building or structure foundations. 3. Construction of ‘Dedicated Drainage Systems’ on the site shall conform to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Plumbing Code. C. Work performed under this Section shall be subject to the General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 01 General Requirements Division 1 - General Provisions of the Contract Documents. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Carefully examine all Contract Documents for requirements which affect the Work in this Section. Other specification sections which directly relate to the Work of this section include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Section 007355 – EPA NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES 2. Section 018900 - SITE CONSTRUCTION PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS 3. Section 033055 – CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE (SITE) 4. Section 312500 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL 5. Section 310000 - EARTHWORK 6. Section 331000 – WATER UTILITIES 7. Section 333900 – SANITARY UTILITY SEWERAGE STRUCTURES 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. References herein are made to the following Standards: 1. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): A48 Standard Specification for Gray Iron Castings A615 Standard Specification for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 2 of 15 C32 Standard Specification for Sewer and Manhole Brick C39 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens C62 Standard Specification for Building Brick C76 Standard Specification for Reinforced Concrete Culvert, Storm Drain, and Sewer Pipe C139 Standard Specification for Concrete Masonry Units for Construction of Catch Basins and Manholes C144 Standard Specification for Aggregate for Masonry Mortar C150 Standard Specification for Portland Cement C207 Standard Specification for Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes C270 Standard Specification for Mortar for Unit Masonry C443 Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe and Manholes, Using Rubber Gaskets C478 Standard Specification for Circular Precast Reinforced Concrete Manhole Sections C990 Standard Specification for Joints for Concrete Pipe, Manholes, and Precast Box Sections Using Preformed Flexible Joint Sealants D2665 Standard Specification for Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Plastic Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Fittings D3034 Standard Specification for Type PSM Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC) Sewer Pipe and Fittings D3350 Standard Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and Fittings Materials D4884 Standard Test Method for Strength of Sewn or Bonded Seams of Geotextiles F477 Standard Specification for Elastomeric Seals (Gaskets) for Joining Plastic Pipe F667 Standard Specification for 3 through 24 in. Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe and Fittings F2418 Standard Specification for Polypropylene (PP) Corrugated Wall Stormwater Collection Chambers 2. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO): M 274-87 Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Aluminum Coated (Type 2), for Corrugated Steel Pipe M 36 Standard Specification for Corrugated Steel Pipe, Metallic-Coated, for Sewers and Drains M 252-09 Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Drainage Pipe HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 3 of 15 M 294-17 Standard Specification for Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe, 300- to 1500-mm (12- to 60-in) 3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): A21.50 Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe A21.51 Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast 4. American Water Works Association (AWWA): C150 Thickness Design of Ductile Iron Pipe C151 Ductile-Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings or descriptive literature, or both, showing dimensions, joint and other details of all materials proposed for the work. Shop drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to ordering material. B. As-Built Drawings 1. The Contractor shall take measurements during construction of: a. Horizontal location of all drainage structures. Horizontal location shall be by survey location using the same coordinate system as the Project, or three (3) (minimum) ties to nearby permanent structures. b. Elevations of all inverts using Project Benchmarks. 2. As-Built Drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer upon completion of the work. 3. As-Built Drawings shall be complete and shall indicate the true measurement and location, horizontal and vertical, of all new drainage system construction. As-Built drawings shall include a minimum of three (3) ties showing the distance to each catch basin and manhole from fixed permanent objects. As-Built Drawings shall also contain any additional information required by the municipality and shall be stamped with the seal of a licensed Land Surveyor or licensed Professional Engineer. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MASSACHUSETTS PLUMBING CODE. 1.06 COORDINATION AND VERIFICATION A. Coordinate the work with the termination of storm drain connections at buildings and connections to municipal systems, and trenching operations. B. Prior to ordering materials, the Contractor shall field verify the location, elevations and size of all, existing pipe utility lines to remain, and proposed utility connections to existing utility systems.; any conflicts shall be reported to the Engineer for resolution. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 4 of 15 1.07 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All materials shall be adequately protected from damage during transit. Pipes shall not be dropped. 1. All pipe and other appurtenances shall be inspected prior to installation and any found to be defective from any cause, including damage caused by handling, and determined by the Engineer to be unrepairable, shall be replaced at no cost to the Owner. 2. Storage and handling of pipes, manholes, catch basins, oil-grit separators, treatment units and other system appurtenances shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 1.08 INSPECTION A. The manufacturer/supplier is responsible for the provision of all test requirements specified for each type of pipe. In addition, any pipe may be inspected at the plant for compliance with these specifications by an independent testing laboratory selected and paid by the Owner. The Contractor shall require the manufacturer’s cooperation in these inspections. B. Inspection of the pipe may also be made after delivery. The pipe shall be subject to rejection at any time on account of failure to meet any of the specification requirements, even though pipe samples may have been accepted as satisfactory at the place of manufacture. Pipe rejected after delivery shall be marked for identification and shall be removed from the site at once by the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. All materials for storm drainage utilities system shall be new and unused. 2.02 REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE (RCP) A. RCP shall comply with the requirements of ASTM C76. All pipe 18 inches and smaller shall be Class V. All other pipe shall be Class III unless indicated otherwise on the Drawings. 1. Joints for the RCP shall be the tongue and groove or bell and spigot type with rubber gasket conforming to ASTM C443. 2. Flared end pipe sections shall be constructed in conformance with ASTM C76, Class V requirements, and shall be supplied by the same manufacturer as the pipe. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 5 of 15 2.03 OMITTED 2.04 OMITTED 2.05 SLOTTED CORRUGATED PLASTIC PIPE A. Slotted Corrugated Plastic Pipe materials, dimensions, physical properties and fabrication of pipe or tubing, couplings and fittings shall conform to AASHTO M 252. B. Piping and fittings 3 inches to 24 inches in diameter shall conform to ASTM F667. 2.06 FILTER FABRIC A. Filter Fabric for Underdrains shall be Mirafi 140N, Cevex25, or Typar 3351 or approved equivalent. B. Filter Fabric for Flared End Sections and Headwalls with Stone Protection shall be Mirafi 600X, or approved equivalent. 2.07 HIGH DENSITY CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE (HDPE) PIPE A. HDPE pipe and fittings shall be smooth interior, and meet the requirements of ASTM D3350. Four-inch through 10-inch diameter HDPE pipe shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 252. Twelve-inch through 60-inch diameter HDPE pipe shall meet the requirements of AASHTO M 294, Types S. B. Standard Fitting connections shall be fabricated to sizes shown on the Drawings. C. Pipe joints and fittings shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M 252 or AASHTO M 294. Pipe joints shall be Bell and Spigot soil tight joints and gaskets shall meet the requirements of ASTM F477. Fittings shall also be soil tight and gasketed. D. Where indicated on the Drawings, HDPE pipe shall be slotted or perforated by the manufacturer prior to delivery to the job site. Coupling bands shall conform to the manufacturer's specifications. Couplers shall cover not less than one corrugation on each section of pipe. 2.08 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE A. PVC pipe and fittings shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D3034, rated SDR 35; and ASTM D2665 for Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 pipe and fittings. Pipe shall be continually marked with manufacturer's name, pipe size, cell classification, SDR rating, and ASTM D3034 classification. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 6 of 15 2.09 OMITTED 2.10 DRAIN MANHOLES A. Precast Concrete 1. Manholes shall be 48-inch minimum inside diameter, precast concrete units, 4,000 psi minimum compressive strength, with eccentric cone section tapering to 24-inch diameter and monolithic base section meeting the requirements of ASTM C478. All structures shall be designed for HS-20 loading and shall be sufficient diameter to accept the pipe penetrations indicated on the Drawings. 2. Precast unit joint seals shall be preformed butyl rubber O-ring type seals meeting the requirements of ASTM C990. 3. Openings for pipe and materials to be embedded in the walls of the manholes sections for joint seals shall be cast in the sections at the required locations during manufacture. Sections with incorrectly cast and patched pipe openings will be rejected. 4. Openings shall be cast into the manhole sections to receive entering pipes during manufacture. The openings shall be sized to provide a uniform 2-inch maximum annular space between the outside of the pipe wall and the opening in the riser for RCP. The openings shall be sized to accommodate flexible boot connections for all other pipe materials. 5. Manhole pipe openings shall be solidly filled with non-shrink mortar for RCP. 6. Manhole pipe connections for all other pipe materials shall be flexible boots as manufactured by Press-Seal, Trelleborg, A-Lok or approved equivalent. B. Unit Masonry Construction: 1. Brick shall be sewer brick conforming to ASTM C32, Grade MS or approved equivalent. 2. Concrete block shall be solid block conforming to ASTM C139. 3. Mortar shall conform to ASTM C270, Type M. Mortar shall be composed of Portland cement, hydrated lime, and sand in the proportions of 1 part cement to 1/4 part hydrated lime to 3-1/2 parts sand by volume. 4. Cement shall be Type I or II Portland cement conforming to ASTM C150. Where masonry is exposed to salt water, Type II shall be used. 5. Hydrated lime shall be Type S conforming to ASTM C207. 6. Sand for masonry mortar shall conform to the gradation requirements of ASTM C144. C. Steps for manholes shall be steel reinforced copolymer polypropylene plastic steps with at least a 14-inch wide stepping surface conforming to ASTM C478 and ASTM A615. 2.11 DRAIN MANHOLE FRAMES AND COVERS A. Manhole frame and cover shall be grey iron casting conforming to ASTM A48, heavy duty, with the word "DRAIN" embossed on the cover. Letter size shall be three inches (3 in.). Frame and cover shall have a minimum clear opening of 24 inches and have a minimum weight of 475 pounds. Frame and cover shall be EJ 2114Z / 2110A , or approved equivalent. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 7 of 15 2.12 OMITTED 2.13 CATCH BASIN FRAMES AND GRATES A. Catch basin frame and grates shall be cast iron, conforming to ASTM A48, Class 30. Where located in accessible ways, grate openings shall meet the requirements of federal, state, and local regulations adopted under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). B. Single catch basin frame and grate shall be EJ 5546Z / 5520M5 or approved equivalent with four flanges, or with three flanges for use with gutter inlet or abutting vertical curb. Frame and grate for catch basin with shallow cover shall be EJ 5525Z / 5520M5 or approved equivalent. C. Double catch basin frame and grate shall be EJ 5448Z / 5520M5 or approved equivalent, with four flanges, or with three flanges for use with gutter inlet or abutting vertical curb. 2.14 OMITTED 2.15 AREA DRAINS A. Area drains shall be ‘NYLOPLAST’ drain basin with cast ductile iron grate manufactured by ADS. 2.16 OMITTED 2.17 WATER QUALITY UNIT (WQU) (SUSPENDED SOLIDS SEPARATOR) A. The WQU unit shall be a manufactured stormwater treatment unit suitable for installation in a precast concrete structure. The WQU shall be precast concrete and shall be of the capacity and dimensions indicated on the Drawings. WQU shall be as manufactured by Stormceptor or approved equivalent. B. Precast sections shall be cured by an approved ASTM method and shall not be shipped nor subject to loading until the concrete compressive strength has attained 5,000 psi. Portland cement shall be Type II, ASTM C150. 1. Precast sections shall be designed for the following loads and possible combinations thereof: a. H-20 loading, manhole riser with frame and cones, plus the weight of soil above and the soil loading due to the depth of the structure below finished grade. b. Weight of precast concrete structure. c. Initial handling and erection loadings. 2. Precast Unit Joints shall be of Butyl rubber conforming to ASTM C990. C. Frames and covers shall be as specified for Drain Manhole Frames and Covers. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 8 of 15 2.18 OMITTED 2.19 OMITTED 2.20 SILT SACKS AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES A. Silt Sacks and Sediment Control Devices shall be as manufactured by ACF Environmental, Inc.; or approved equivalent. C. Material shall be a polypropylene geotextile fabric with strength per ASTM D4884. 2.21 OMITTED PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Contractor shall verify the location, size invert and type of existing pipes at all points of connection prior to ordering new utility materials. B. All pipe shall be laid accurately to the lines and grades indicated on the Drawings and in conformance with the pipe manufacturer’s recommendations. C. As soon as the trench is excavated to the normal grade of the bottom of the trench, the Contractor shall immediately place the bedding material in the trench. The pipe shall be firmly bedded in the compacted bedding material accurately to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings. D. Laying Pipe 1. Each length of pipe shall be laid with firm, full and even bearing throughout its entire length, in a prepared trench. Pipe shall be laid with bells upgrade unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. 2. Every length of pipe shall be inspected and cleaned of all dirt and debris before being laid. The interior of the pipe and the jointing seal shall be free from sand, dirt and trash. Extreme care shall be taken to keep the bells of the pipe free from dirt and rocks so that joints may be properly lubricated and assembled. No pipe shall be trimmed or chipped to fit. 3. No length of pipe shall be laid until the proceeding lengths of pipe have been thoroughly embedded in place, to prevent movement or disturbance of the pipe alignment. 4. Bedding shall be notched under pipe bells and joints where required to provide for uniform bearing under entire length of pipe. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 9 of 15 E. Optimum moisture content of bedding material shall be maintained to allow required compaction density. F. Where an existing pipe is to be extended, the same type of pipe shall be used, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. G. Only full lengths of pipe shall be used in the installation except that partial lengths of pipe may be used at the entrance to structures, and to accommodate the required locations of service connection fittings. H. All pipes entering drainage structures shall be cut flush with the inside face of the structure, and the cut ends of the pipe surface within the structure shall be properly rounded and finished so that there will be no protrusion, ragged edges or imperfections that would impede the hydraulic characteristics of the stormwater flow. The method of cutting and finishing shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. I. The Contractor shall protect the installation at all times during construction. Movement of construction equipment, vehicles, and loads over and adjacent to any pipe shall be performed at the Contractor’s risk. J. At all times when pipe laying is not in progress, all open ends of pipes shall be closed by approved temporary watertight plugs. If water is in the trench when work is resumed, the plug shall not be removed until the trench has been dewatered and all danger of water entering the pipe eliminated. 3.02 RELATIONSHIP TO WATER MAINS A. When a drain pipe crosses above or below a water pipe, the following procedures shall be utilized: 1. Horizontal Separation: Whenever possible drains shall be laid at a minimum of 5 feet horizontally from any existing or proposed water main. Should local conditions prevent a lateral separation of 5 feet, a drain may be laid closer than 5 feet to a water main if: a. It is laid in a separate trench, or if b. It is laid in the same trench with the water mains located at one side on a bench of undistributed earth, and if c. In either case the elevation of the top (crown) of the drain is at least 12 inches below the bottom (invert) of the water main. 2. Vertical Separation: Whenever drains must cross under water mains, the drain shall be laid at such an elevation that the top of the pipe is at least 12 inches below the bottom of the water main. When the elevation of the drain cannot be varied to meet the above requirements, the water main shall be relocated to provide this separation or reconstructed with mechanical-joint pipe for a distance of 10 feet on each side of the drain. One full length of water main should be centered over the drain so that both joints will be as far from the sewer as possible. 3. When it is impossible to obtain the horizontal and vertical separation stipulated above, both the water main and drain shall be constructed of mechanical-joint cement lined HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 10 of 15 ductile iron pipe or other equivalent based on water tightness and structural soundness. Both pipes shall be pressure tested by an approved method to assure water tightness. 3.03 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILLING FOR PIPES A. The type of materials to be used in bedding and backfilling and the method of placement shall conform to the requirements of Section 310000 - EARTHWORK, the details shown on the Drawings and the following. B. Embedment materials are those used for bedding, haunching and initial backfill around pipes as illustrated on the Drawings. 1. All embedment materials should be free from lumps of frozen soil or ice when placed. Embedment materials should be placed and compacted at optimum moisture content C. Trench Bedding: Material must be provided to insure proper line and grade is maintained. Unsuitable or unstable materials shall be undercut and replaced with a suitable bedding material, placed in 6 inch lifts. Other methods of stabilization, such as geotextiles may be appropriate and their use must be approved by the Engineer or Owner’s Representative. 1. Provide a stable and uniform bedding for the pipe and any protruding features of its joints and/or fittings. The middle of the bedding equal to 1/3 of the pipe outside diameter should be loosely placed, with the remainder compacted to a minimum of 95 percent Modified Proctor Density. D. Haunching: Proper haunching provides a major portion of the pipe’s strength and stability. Exercise care to insure placement and compaction of the embedment material in the haunches. For larger diameter pipes (pipes greater than 30 inch diameter), embedment materials should be worked under the haunches by hand. Haunching materials shall be placed and compacted in 6 inch maximum lifts, compacted to 95 percent Modified Proctor Density. E. Initial Backfill: The initial backfill shall be from the springline to 24 inches above the pipe to provide protection for the pipe from construction operations during placement of the final backfill and protect the pipe from stones or cobbles in the final backfill. Compact initial backfill per Section 310000 - EARTHWORK. 1. Flooding or jetting as a procedure for compaction are not allowed. F. Final Backfill: The final backfill should be the same material as the proposed embankment or surface finishes. Generally, the excavated material may be used as final backfill. Placement should be as specified for the embankment. In lieu of a specification, the final backfill should be placed in 12 inch maximum lifts and compacted to a minimum 95 percent modified proctor density to prevent excessive settlement at the surface. Compaction should be performed at optimum moisture content. G. Vehicular and Construction Loads: During construction, avoid heavy equipment loads (greater than 40,000 lbs. per axle) over the pipe. Additional temporary cover should be placed over the pipe for heavy construction load crossings. Hydrohammers or hoe-pak HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 11 of 15 compactors may not be used over the pipe until at least 48 inches of cover have been provided. 3.04 PRECAST DRAIN MANHOLES A. Drain Manholes shall be constructed at the locations and to the lines, grades, dimensions and design shown on Drawings or as required by the Engineer. B. Precast Concrete Units shall be installed in a manner that ensures watertight construction. All leaks in precast concrete structures shall be sealed. If required, precast concrete structures shall be repaired or replaced to obtain watertight construction. C. Stubs shall be short pieces of pipe cut from the bell ends of the pipe. Stubs shall be plugged with brick masonry unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. D. Drain Manhole inverts shall conform accurately to the size of the adjoining pipes. 1. Drain Manhole inverts shall be constructed of 3,500 psi concrete as shown the Drawings. 2. Inverts shall be laid out in smooth diameter curves of the longest possible radius to provide uniform flow channels. 3. Invert shelves shall be graded with a 1 inch drop per one foot length sloped from the manhole walls. E. Drain Manhole steps shall be accurately positioned and embedded in the concrete when the section is cast. Precast reinforced concrete manhole sections shall be set vertical, with sections and steps in true alignment. F. All holes in sections used for their handling shall be thoroughly plugged with rubber plugs made specifically for this purpose, or with mortar. The mortar shall be one part cement to 1-1/2 parts sand, mixed slightly damp to the touch, hammered into the holes until it is dense and an excess of paste appears on the surface, and finished smooth and flush with the adjoining surfaces. G. Precast sections shall be level and plumb with approved joint seals. Water shall not be permitted to rise over newly made joints until after inspection and acceptance. All joints shall be watertight. H. Openings which have to be cut in the sections in the field shall be carefully made to prevent damage to the riser. Damaged risers will be rejected and shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 12 of 15 3.05 CHANGE IN TYPE STRUCTURES A. Where indicated on the Drawings, existing subsurface drain structures shall be converted to the new structure types in the following manner: 1. Catch Basins to Manholes a. Fill basin sump with 3,000 psi concrete and create new inverts at the elevations and sizes indicated and in accordance with specifications and details for new drain manholes. b. Provide and adjust to grade new drain manhole frame and cover. c. Stockpile existing frame and grade per Owner’s directions. 2. Manholes to Catch Basins or Drain Inlets a. Where a sump is indicated on the Drawings, replace existing manhole structure with new precast concrete catch basin structure. b. Where a sump is not indicated on the Drawings, replace existing frame and cover with new frame and grate and adjust to grade per these specifications and details for new catch basins. c. Stockpile existing manhole frame and cover per Owner’s directions. 3.06 BRICK MASONRY A. Brick masonry structures shall be watertight. all leaks in brick masonry structures shall be sealed. all brick masonry shall be laid by skilled workmen. B. All beds on which masonry is to be laid shall be cleaned and wetted properly. Brick shall be wetted as required to be damp, but free of any surface water when placed in the work. Bed joints shall be formed of a thick layer of mortar which shall be smoothed or furrowed slightly. Head joints shall be formed by applying a full coat of mortar on the entire brick end, or on the entire side, and then by shoving the mortar covered end or side of the brick tightly against the bricks laid previously. The practice of buttering at the corners of the brick and then throwing the mortar or crappings in the empty joints will not be permitted. Dry or butt joints will not be permitted. Joints shall be uniform in thickness and approximately 1/4 inch thick. C. Brickwork shall be constructed accurately to the required structure dimensions and tapered at the top to the dimensions of the flanges of the cast-iron frames, as shown on the Drawings. D. Joints on the inside face of walls shall be tooled slightly concave with an approved jointer when the mortar is thumbprint hard. The mortar shall be compressed with complete contact along the edges to seal the surface of the joints. E. All castings to be embedded in the brickwork shall be accurately set and built-in as the work progresses. F. Water shall not be allowed to flow against brickwork or to rise on the masonry for 60 hours after it has been laid, and any brick masonry damaged in this manner shall be replaced as directed at no additional cost to the Owner. Adequate precautions shall be taken in freezing weather to protect the masonry from damage by frost. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 13 of 15 3.07 CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS A. Concrete masonry units shall be soaked in water before laying. As circular concrete block walls are laid-up, the horizontal joints and keyways shall be flushed full with mortar. As rectangular blocks are laid-up, all horizontal and vertical joints shall be flushed full with mortar. Plastering of the outside of block structures will not be required. No structure shall be backfilled until all mortar has completely set. 3.08 MANHOLE STEPS A. Steps shall be installed into the precast walls during manufacture. B. Steps in brick masonry and concrete units shall be installed as the masonry courses are laid. 3.09 CASTINGS A. Cast-iron frames for grates and covers shall be well bedded in cement mortar and accurately set to the proposed grades. B. All voids between the bottom flange and the structure shall be completely filled to make a watertight fit. A ring of mortar, at least one-inch (1 in.) thick and pitched to shed water away from the frame shall be placed over and around the outside of the bottom flange. The mortar shall extend to the outer edge of the masonry all around its circumference and shall be finished smooth. No visible leakage will be permitted. C. Structures within the limits of bituminous concrete pavement shall be temporarily set at the elevation of the bottom of the binder course. After the binder course has been compacted, the structures shall be set at their final grade. Backfill necessary around such structures after the binder course has been completed shall be made with 3,500 psi concrete. 3.10 CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING FACILITIES A. The Contractor shall make all required connections of the proposed drainage system into existing drainage system, as indicated on the Drawings. B. Connections into existing drainage system facilities shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Owner of the facility. The Contractor shall comply with all such requirements, including securing of all required permits, and paying the costs thereof. 3.11 MANHOLE CONNECTIONS A. Manhole pipe connections for precast manhole bases shall be a tapered hole filled with non-shrink waterproof grout for RCP. Manhole connections shall be flexible boot cast into the manhole wall for HDPE, PVC, and DIP. The stainless-steel clamp shall be protected from corrosion with a bitumastic coating. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 14 of 15 3.12 ROOF DRAIN OR SIMILAR CONNECTIONS A. The Contractor shall make all required connections of the building drainage pipes into the site drainage system at locations and at distances from the buildings as indicated on the Drawings. If stubs are constructed for later connection to the building pipes, the ends shall be sealed with watertight plugs and marked with 2 x 4 risers for later location. B. The Contractor shall coordinate the sitework with the building work to determine the exact location and elevation of the points of entry into buildings. C. Roof drain connections to the site drainage system shall be made with fittings supplied by the pipe manufacturer. 3.13 SLOTTED DRAINS A. Slotted drain installation methods shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the details indicated on the Drawings. B. The Contractor shall submit the manufacturer's written instructions for installation prior to installation, as required hereinbefore. 3.14 OMITTED 3.15 INFILTRATION SYSTEMS CONSTRUCTION A. Infiltration systems shall consist of any of the following and combinations thereof: 1. Chambers, plastic or concrete pipes, etc. 2. Ponds constructed for this purpose. 3. Precast concrete leaching structures. B. For the long-term function of the infiltration system, the Contractor shall: 1. Prevent the infiltration basin from being used as a construction sediment basin without prior approval of the Engineer. 2. Direct stormwater runoff from exposed surfaces away from the infiltration basin. 3. Ensure that construction equipment, vehicular traffic, parking of vehicles, and stockpiling of construction materials shall be outside of the infiltration system area. 4. Ensure that the soil at the bottom of the infiltration system excavation is not compacted or smeared. 5. Ensure that the perimeter of the infiltration system is staked and flagged to prevent the use of the area for activities that might damage the infiltration ability of the system. 3.16 CLEANING A. The Contractor shall clean the entire drainage system of all debris and obstructions. Cleaning shall include removal of all formwork from structures, concrete and mortar HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA STORM DRAINAGE UTILITIES Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334000 – Page 15 of 15 droppings, construction debris, and dirt. The system shall be thoroughly flushed clean, and the Contractor shall furnish all necessary hose, pumps, pipe and other equipment that may be required for this purpose. No debris shall be flushed into existing drains, storm recharge chambers, storm drains and/or streams. 3.17 TESTING A. Testing shall be done with a mandrel with a minimum length that is greater than the pipe diameter, and a minimum diameter of 90 percent of the pipe diameter. If the mandrel cannot be pulled through the pipe after seven (7) days of completed trench backfill, the pipe line shall be deemed unacceptable and the pipe lines shall be removed and replaced. B. The Contractor shall make all necessary repairs or replacements required to permanently provide an open and structurally sound drainage system capable of supporting the anticipated loading from all sources throughout the year. 3.18 FINAL INSPECTION A. Upon completion of the work, and before final acceptance by the Engineer, the entire drainage system shall be subjected to a final inspection in the presence of the Engineer. The work shall not be considered as complete until all requirements for line, grade, cleanliness, mandrel tests, and other requirements have been met. END OF SECTION 334000 Base Date: 08/01/2019 HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WARNING AND TRACER TAPE Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334020 – Page 1 of 2 SECTION 334020 WARNING AND TRACER TAPE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. This Section covers the furnishing, handling, and installation of warning and tracer tape, as called for on the Drawings. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with requirements of General Specifications, submit the following: 1. One set of manufacturer’s literature on the materials, colors and printing specified herein, shall be submitted to the Engineer for review. 1.03 LAWS AND REGULATIONS A. Work shall be accomplished in accordance with regulations of local, county, state and federal agencies or utility company standards as they apply. PART 2 - PRODUCT 2.01 ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Tape shall be manufactured by: Terra-Tape and Terra-Tape D by Reef Industries, Houston, TX; or approved equal. 2.02 TAPE A. Warning and tracer tape shall be at least 6 inches wide. B. Tracer tape for non-ferrous pipe or conduit shall be constructed of a metallic core bonded to plastic layers. The metallic tracer tape shall be a minimum 5-mil thick and shall be located at a depth as indicated on the drawings. C. Warning tape for ferrous pipe or conduit shall consist of multiple bonded plastic layers. The non-metallic tracer tape shall elongate at least 500% before breaking. D. The tape shall bear the wording (or approved equivalent): ‘BURIED DRAIN LINE BELOW’ (with ‘DRAIN’ replaced by ‘WATER’, ‘SEWER’, ‘ELECTRICAL’, ‘GAS’, ‘TELEPHONE’, or ‘CHEMICAL’ as appropriate), continuously repeated every 30 inches to identify the pipe. HAWLEY STREET RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT April 1, 2020 Northampton, MA WARNING AND TRACER TAPE Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 334020 – Page 2 of 2 E. Tape colors shall be as follows as recommended by the American Public Works Association (APWA): Electric Red Gas and Oil Yellow Communications Orange Water Blue Sewer and Drain Green Chemical Red (not APWA) PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Warning and tracer tape shall be installed above the pipe or conduit it is to identify at depths as indicated on the Drawings. B. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for installation. END OF SECTION 334020 Base Date: 08/01/2019