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Forest Cutting Plan 20-012, 592 Sylvester RoadForest Cutting Plan and Notice of Intent under M.G.L: Chapter 132 — The Forest Cutting Practices Act, 304 CMR 11.00 (Effective Date: 1/1/04) For DCR Use Only: SC -1 File Number • Case No. Date Rec'd- Nat: Hert. Earliest Start Nat. I lent. Imp. River Basin Pub. Dr. Wat. Gen. obj. ACEC Location Town Florence Road 592 Sylvester Road Acres 59 +/— Proposed Start Date Feb. 20 10 Vol. MBF 11 OM Vol. Cds. Vol. Tons Plan Preoarer Name Christopher K. Powell Address Old Post Road P.O. Box #357 Town, State, Zip Worthington,. MA.. 01098 Phone (413) 238 -5970 Type of Preparer "OT ..* Mass. Forester . License_ #- - - *Required f6f land'tinder'C1i6.1, Cl16 .IA or Forest Stewardshili Landowner Name Laurence A. Godard Jr. Mailing Address 592 Sylvester Road Town, State, Zip Florence, MA. 01062 Phone ( 413) 586 -2575 Ch6l ❑ Ch6l A ❑ Stew ❑ *Case ## Est. Stumpage Value Licensed Timber Harvester" Name Lashway Logging • Inc . Address P . 0 . Box 231 Town, State; Zip Williamsburg, MA. 01096 Plione ... (413) 268 - 3600 Mass. Lic. Harvester # * * This information may be supplied-after the plan is approved but before work begins. Stream Crossings Indicate location on map SC -1 SC -2 SC -3 SC -4 Type of Crossing PO Note: _ Mass. Lic. For. Existing Structure Yes SE Seed FR Frozen Type of Bottom ST TH Lic. Tim. Har BR Bank Height (ft) 1 ' Mulch DR Dry ST Stony Stabilization CO Timber Buyer FO Ford Wetland Crossings Indicate location on map .. WC -1 WC -2 WC -3 WC -4 Length of Crossing 50' Note: LF Mass. Lic. For. Mitigation D/F SE Seed FR Frozen Stabilization CO TH Lic. Tim. Har BR Filter Strips Indicate location on map FS -1 FS -2 FS -3 FS -4 Widtl (50',' 100'; or VA) J 1 X50.'. 1 ` 166 ' Harvesting in Wetlands Indicate locat o map IIW -1 IIW -2 IIW -3 IIW -4 Forest Type (see pg 2) NA Note: LF Mass. Lic. For. Acres to be Harvested Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen Resid. Basal Area (>50 %7 Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lic. Tim. Har BR Service Forester Comments Tvoe of Preoarec Tvoe of Crossing Stabilization Mitigation Tvoe of Bottom Note: LF Mass. Lic. For. CU Culvert SE Seed FR Frozen LE Ledge Applicant must provide DCR with all relevant information TH Lic. Tim. Har BR Bridge MU Mulch DR Dry ST Stony before plan may be approved and cutting may begin. TB Timber Buyer FO Ford CO Corduroy OT Other MU Mud Some forestry activities, such as prescribed burning and LO Landowner PO Poled ST Slone GR Gravel pesticide or fertilizer application may require additional permits. OT_ Other OT Other 14B Hay_Bales OT Other Consult MA Forestry BMP Manual for further information. _ OT Other _ _ ._. . _ If Other (OT) is used in any category an explanation must be given oil an attached narrative page Products to be Harvested* Species Mbf /Cds ST -2 • M bIX& White Pine 50M Red Maple 2M Red Pine WP Sugar Maple 40 Pilch Pine OM Reel Oak Landowner Objective liemlock 10M Black Oak 3M Spruce OT White Oak 2M Other Sftwd. Type of Cut Other I -1dwd. ST White Ash CT Commercial Thin Total Mbf 110M Beech BC Cordwood (Cds) BE White Birch SB Stand Boundary SW Pulp (Tons) Clear Cut B & Y Birch 2M hIW Pulp ('Pons) WP /Oak Black Cherry r j Chips ('Pons) Spruce /Fir *Note: VOInIl1CS a11d valllCS 111diCatCd in 1.110 Plan areas reported by the plan preparer and have not been independently verified by the service forester upon approval. MIA= thousand hoard feet. Cutting Standards Indicate location on m ap ST -1 ST -2 • ST -3 ST -4 Forest'Type 'WO Source of Regeneration WP Acres 40 Hemlock OM Mixed Oak Landowner Objective ST Shelterwood Intermediate Harvests: AD Advanced Designation of Trees OT HH Hem/Hdwd RM Type of Cut OT ST Seed Tree CT Commercial Thin Source of Regeneration AD WP /Hdwd BC Blck Cherry Landowner Signature The most important information on a cutting plan is the Landowner's objective, as this will determine which trees will be harvested and which will remain; this decision will also determine the future condition of the forest for decades to come. After having read the Massachusetts Forest Cutting Plan Information Sheet on page one, indicate your objective by checking the appropriate box below. ❑ LT — Long -term Forest Management ® ST - Short -term Harvest Planned management of the forest to achieve one or more of the Harvest of trees with the main intention of producing following objectives: produce immediate and maximize long -term short -term income with minimal consideration given to income, enhance wildlife habitat, improve recreational opportunities, improving the future forest condition, which often results protect soil and water quality, or produce forest specialty products. ill a forest dominated by poor quality and low value specie I (we) have read the Massachusetts Cutting Plan Information Sheet, and am aware of my (our) management options. I (we) hereby certify that I (we) have the legal authority to carry out the operation described above. I (we) certify that I (we) have notified the Conservation Commission in the town in which the operation is to take place and the abutters of record within two hundred feet of the area to be harvested. I (we) understand that the volumes and values (Ch61 only) in this plan have not been independently verified by the service forester upon approval and will report final values and volumes to the Director or his /leer agent if the final figures differ from those reported. 0 Signature oflandowner(s) Laurence A. Godard Jr. Date Det ermination and Status Approved Disapproved Expires Cutting Plan ❑ ❑ Signature of Service Forester /Director's Agent Date Final Report and Comments I hereby certify that the afore described Forest Cutting Plan and all relevant statutes have been substantially complied with. Signature of Service Forester /Director's Agent Date Expires Ser. For. Ints. Extension I ❑ 2❑ App I Dis 1 App 2 Dis 2 Amendment ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ / Forest Tvaes Designation of Trees Tyne of Cut Source of Regeneration WP White Pine HK Hemlock OM Mixed Oak CT Cut Tree SH Shelterwood Intermediate Harvests: AD Advanced WK WP /Hem HH Hem/Hdwd RM Red Maple LT Leave Tree ST Seed Tree CT Commercial Thin SE Natural Seed WH WP /Hdwd BC Blck Cherry BE Beech SB Stand Boundary CC Clear Cut NT Non Com Thin PL Plant WO WP /Oak BB Bee /Bir /Map SF Spruce /Fir OT Other SE Selection Non- Standard Systems:* CO Coppice RP Red Pine OH Oak/Hdwd SM Sugar Maple Landowner Objective SA Salvage FIG Highgrade* DS Direct Seed SR Red Spruce OR N Red Oak PP Pitch Pine Long- term Mgt., __SN ._Sanitation_ _ _ . DL_ _Diameter1imit* ..._ _OT Other _... ST Short -term Flar. 0'1' Other* *If Other (OT) or a non - standard system is used an explanation must be given on attached narrative page I Forest.Cutting Plan Narrative Page (Effective Date: 1/1/04.) Use this page to provide further explanation or if Other (OT) was .used in any category on pages 3 or 4 Landowner GODARD, L.A. JR . Town FLORENCE File Number Use this Section to provide further explanation or if Other (OT) was used in any category in the Best Management Practices Section on Page 3. NOTE: The Westerly portion of this parcel will be. removed through the Clapp and Sarafin properties that abutt this parcel, both having been harvested within the past 10 years. Existing roads will be used as will the existing crossing that will have to be re- poled. By u sing this method, the crossing of the.extensive wetland exists on the property will be avoided. Use this Section to describe the types of trees to be harvested and /or retained if Other (OT) was used for "Designation of "Trees" in the Stand Treatment Section on page 4. Stand No. Species to be Cut Size of Trees to be Cut Quality of'rrees to be Cut '%o BA /Acre Removed (1) All ' 14" DBH. & Larg All 30/ Use this Section to describe how Chapter 132 requirements will be met ifa non standard system (I -IG, DL, or OT) .was used for the "Type of Cut" in the Cutting Standards Section on page 4. Stand No. Source of tiow will Regeneration be obtained /protected? Regeneration If using AD -Describe the species present and how the regeneration will be protected (ex. AD, SE) If using SE - Describe the source of the seed and the number of seed trees /acre (1) AD This arcel'was harvested approximately 20 years ago to some degree. At present a mix of White Pine and Oak exis due to removal of larger stems but the stand should also be more Red Oak, White Oak and Black Oak being represented along ith.Hemlock 'in some l t ocations. All size classes are Dint, over -story should be in the process of establishing itself. represented, although representation in smaller classes should be more evident following harvest in that the openings created should lead to increased regeneration from seeding provided by residual trees. Stand No. Desired Future Condition Deccrihe what the omid is esnerterl to lnnlr lil-P fi., x—re f,­­ the har. f ;.,,.L..t;. rho ­A;+;­ , -r+1,e (1) This parcel should look much the same, in that species composition should be unchanged. Over -all average diameter should be smaller due to removal of larger stems but the stand should also be more vigorous, exhibiting thick seedling growth of all species. At this Dint, over -story should be in the process of establishing itself. a o KEY 4ij = Lan 1 t 1 = Fil - -se- -= Wi r T.r = Iro oc000 = Sto uL = Wet • = Cut - --- = Acc ■ = Bui S t r r AI V ZAwA Ard!,1S Viewer ram:, r 59 +/— ACRES http: / /maps.massgis. state. /MassGISTopos /MapFrame.htm 1/29/2010 LOCUS MAP PROPERTY OF: LAURENCE A. GODARD JR. 592 SYLVESTER ROAD FLORENCE, MASS.