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E. Housing Navigator Application - PDF1.Email * 2. 3. 4. Mark only one oval. Yes No Not Sure Housing Navigator Application This is a series of additional questions for agencies applying for funding for a Housing Navigator position. Your agency must also �ll out the "CDBG Application '24-'25 " in addition in order to be considered for funding. HN1: Name of Agency * HN2: Person Filling Out Application * HN3: Does your organization currently have someone conducting housing search or getting people "housing ready"? * 5. Mark only one oval. Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 + Years 6. Mark only one oval. Other: Hiring Not Sure Shifting with the Organization We have a current employee conducting housing search 7. Mark only one oval. Other: Full-time Part-time Not Sure HN4: If yes to question above, how long has your organization done housing search work. Put 10 if 10 or more years. * HN5: Will you be hiring someone for this position or shifting them from within the organization? * HN6: Will this person be part-time or full-time?* 8. 9. HN7: How does your organization help people look for housing or get placed on wait lists? * HN8: How does your agency help people get "Housing Ready"? What strategies do you have for people who need housing stability? Please address the following barriers to being "housing ready: evictions or no rental history, bad credit, low-income, criminal history, mental illness, drug use, and/or poor financial skills. * 10. 11. HN9: Is your organization connected to or working with any of the following programs, agencies, or data systems: *Local homeless agencies, services providers, and advocates *Other Agencies conducting housing search *Division of Community Care (DCC) in Northampton *HMIS *Coordinated Entry *Continuum of Care *Other tangential collaborator not enumerated here Please expound on your answer. * HN10: How would your organization coordinate among different agencies? This question is relevant to other agencies not only doing housing search, but other collaborators such as mental health and substance abuse counselors, healthcare providers, and other social services. * 12. 13. HN11: The Housing Navigator will be required to maintain detailed records of each individual’s housing search progress, including notes on interactions, follow-ups, and outcomes. They will also need to ensure security of all Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Explain the systems that will be implemented to ensure proper documentation and security of PII. * HN12: The Housing Navigator will required to have some weekly set hours at the Division of Community Care (DCC) office at 1 Roundhouse Plaza. Their office is open from 8:30 AM - 4:30 P.M. Monday - Friday. The Housing Navigator will not be required to be on site at the DCC 100% of the time and the final office hours will be negotiated with the DCC after CDBG award. Explain how you envision the hours and days of the week COULD look like to best intake clients, help search for housing, and conduct other administrative tasks not directly associated with clients. Explain how your own or other agency's office could fit into regular office hours. For instance, a schedule may look like: office hours at the DCC for 3 days a week, office hours 1 day a week at another agency, and then 1 day admin only (no office hours) at the your office. * 14. This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. HN13: The aim of funding the Housing Navigator and placing them at the current DCC location, is to ultimately place the Housing Navigator at the Community Resilience Hub, which will have multiple agencies working towards homelessness and other chronic and acute stresses facing Northampton residents. The building that will become the Community Resilience Hub is an old church purchased by the City in 2023 at 298 Main St. and with renovations, the opening of the building is not slated for several years. How has your organization collaborated with other agencies in the past regarding case management? What are those organizations? * Forms