F. Budget 2024-2025Appendix B Budget Subrecipient Project Title Program Year Budget Line Item Description Total from Each Source Total Program Funding (CDBG + Other Sources) INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Fill in your organization on the Subrecipient line - cell C6 2. Fill in your project title in cell C7 3. Add each line item of that you are requesting CDBG funding for - to include Budget Line Item Description (Column B) and the funding amounts in Column C and D. 4. A project that is requested to be 100% funded through CDBG will likely not be funded 5. Excel will automatically calculate totals from Columns C and D 6. Ensure math is correct 7. Upload to Google Form with your application Any indirect costs charged must be consistent with the 10% de minimis rate or a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement on file with the City. If the subrecipient does not currently use the 10% de minimis rate or have an approved negotiated indirect cost rate agreement from the Department of Health and Human services, then no indirect costs may be charged. Additionally, the Grantee may require a more detailed budget breakdown than the one contained herein, and the Subrecipient shall provide such supplementary budget information in a timely fashion in the form and content prescribed by the Grantee. Any amendments to the budget must be approved in writing by both the Grantee and the Subrecipient. 2024-2025 $ CDBG Funding 0 0 $ Other Sources of Funding 0