PB Decision 196 CookeCITY OF NORTHAMPTON PERMIT DECISION pg. 1 DATES PROJECT INFORMATION Submitted 8/4/2023 Owner Name/Address City of Northampton MA 01060 Hearing 8/24/2023 Applicant Name/ Address (if different) Office of Planning & Sustainability MA 01060 Extension Applicant Contact Keith Benoit 413-587-1288 Kbenoit@northamptonma.gov Hearing Closed 8/24/2023 Site Address 196 Cooke Ave Northampton MA 01060 Decision 8/24/2023 Site Assessor Map ID 18-22 Book 24, Page 3; Doc. No: 21410; Certificate No: 2601; Lot A , Sub. Div. Plan No. 20769B Zoning District RR Smart Growth Overlay Filed with Clerk 9/5/2023 Permit Type Planning Board Site Plan Appeal Deadline 9/25/2023 Project Description Create 2 parcels. One 20 space parking lot for conservation area and one for 4 affordable housing units An appeal of this decision by the Planning Board may be made by any person within 20 days after the date of the filing of this decision with the City Clerk, as shown. Appeals by any aggrieved party must be pursuant to MGL Chapter 40A, Section 17 as amended and may be made to the Hampshire Superior Court with a certified copy of the appeal sent to the City Clerk of the City of Northampton. Plan Sheets/Supporting Documents by Map ID: 196 Cooke Ave Permit Set Stormwater Letter Traffic Evaluation BOARD MEMBER PRESENT FAVOR OPPOSED ABSTAIN/NO COUNT VOTE TALLY (Favor-Opposed) George Kohout, Chair ☐ ☐ Janna White, Vice Chair  ☐ ☐ Chris Tait ☐ ☐ David Whitehill ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Sam Taylor   ☐ ☐ Melissa Fowler   ☐ ☐ Stacey Dakai, Assoc. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ , Assoc ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 5-0 CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PERMIT DECISION pg. 2 APPLICABLE ZONING APPROVAL CRITERIA /BOARD FINDINGS 350. 11.6 The Planning Board approved the addition of the parking lot to serve the conservation area along with the 4 unit affordable housing parcel based upon plans submitted and discussion during the public hearing. The Board determined that the following criteria in 11.6 had been met. A. The requested use protects adjoining premises against seriously detrimental uses. Residential uses are allowed in the RR district. The parking area already exists to serve the conservation area. This project formalizes and organizes the parking. B. The requested use will not alter the safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement. The project will not decrease the level of service (LOS) of City and state roads or intersections affected by the project below the existing conditions when the project is proposed. The arrangement of vehicular and bicycle parking creates a safer layout than currently exists. C. The site will function harmoniously in relation to other structures and open spaces to the natural landscape, existing buildings and other community assets in the area as it relates to landscaping, drainage, sight lines, building orientation, massing, egress, and setbacks. The residential units replace a membership club structure and will be placed near the back of the previously disturbed area. D. The requested use will not overload, the City's resources, including the effect on the City's water supply and distribution system, sanitary and storm water collection and treatment systems, fire protection, streets and schools. E. The requested use meets any special regulations set forth in this chapter- The Board evaluated the affordable housing standards and with conditions determined these would be met. F. Compliance with the following technical performance standards: (1) There is one curb cut. (2) Pedestrian, bicycle and vehicular traffic movement is separated, to the extent possible. 6.12 CONDITIONS Prior to Issuance of a Building Permit 1. The applicant shall submit revised plans showing corrections to utility connections to comply with DPW standards for utility connections. 2. DPW for review and approval at least 15 days prior o the issuance of any City building or construction permits. 3. The proposed stormwater management system operation & maintenance plan for Post-Construction (Residential Development Property) must be revised to add inspection and maintenance of the proposed underdrain in the water quality swale and should be recorded at the Registry of Deeds with the decision. 4. The property owner(s) of the residential lot must inspect and maintain the proposed stormwater management system to ensure that the system continues to function according to design and in good working condition. CITY OF NORTHAMPTON PERMIT DECISION pg. 3 General Conditions 5. Conduit to support 2 vehicle charging ports shall be installed in the parking lot. 6. 7. Requirements in 350-6-11  At least 50% of the residential units being created shall be "affordable units."  All permanent energy sources (thermal loads, hot water, and electric loads) shall be from grid- supplied electricity or otherwise not use fossil fuels (natural gas, propane, oil). This shall not apply to emergency generators, outdoor grilling, or mobile energy uses.  Prior to obtaining a building permit, the applicant shall obtain a) DHCD approval as Local Initiative Program (LIP) units, so that all affordable units created under this section can be listed by DHCD on their Subsidized Housing Inventory; or b) show evidence of commonwealth funding that requires units to be counted on the DHCD SHI. Minutes Available at WWW.NorthamptonMa.Gov I, Carolyn Misch, as agent to the Planning Board certify that this is an accurate and true decision made by the Planning Board and certify that a copy of this and all plans have been filed with the Board and the City Clerk and that a copy of this decision has been mailed to the Owner, Applicant.