Comments from four objecting abutters to 211 Main St9/20/23, 12:42 PM City of Northampton Mail - Objection to ZBA Sign special permit https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1777518708398991395&simpl=msg-f:17775187083989913…1/4 Nathan Chung <nchung@northamptonma.gov> Objection to ZBA Sign special permit 2 messages Jordi Herold <jordi@iwfinch.com>Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 9:38 PM To: nchung@northamptonma.gov To the ZBA, We object to the proposed oversized sign re 31 D 136 002 / Qian Chu Li. We are notified abutters at 213-215 Main Street , 241 Main Street, 190- 194 Main Street, and 196-200 Main Street. Therefore please enter this letter into the record FOUR times as responding for each of this notified properties The sign dwarfs all other signs on the block which are 30% -50% the size . It is out of proportion to the neighborhood. And, while this may not be a statutory reason for objection, we also feel strongly that aesthetically that kind of glowing sign is not in keeping with Main Street’s 19th century buildings. In general Main Street is less “garish" appearance. There are some very few examples of back- lit awning signs on Main Street— and even fewer both oversized and done in "safety yellow” . I would expect to see the proposed sign on Riverdale Road in Springfield or a midtown Manhattan convenience store, or on the concessions concourse at an arena… I realize this is subjective, but I have been involved in the look of Main Street for almost fifty years. I would call the applicants attention to the signage for LIme Red Tea House or Gombo. These signs are not in any way staid or old fashioned. They are vibrant and playful. But, in my mind, they are interesting aesthetic additions to the street. Thank you, Jordi Herold Streetscape Applicant Lime Red Gombo 5 attachments 9/20/23, 12:42 PM City of Northampton Mail - Objection to ZBA Sign special permit https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1777518708398991395&simpl=msg-f:17775187083989913…2/4 JH Sig.png 15K Screen Shot 2023-09-19 at 7.55.28 PM.png 4337K Screen Shot 2023-09-19 at 8.20.04 PM.png 1066K 37186547712_02ebeeef97_b.jpeg 107K a76975_bcec9af7a6bf44f7912950568bdfbed7~mv2.webp 61K Jordi Herold <jordi@iwfinch.com>Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 10:35 PM To: nchung@northamptonma.gov also I think we may have been notified as a FIFTH property at 177-181 Main St, it is hard to exactly say because the “postcards” do not name our properties per se just the ownership entities. All FIVE are equally proximal to 211 main. Thank you. Begin forwarded message: 9/20/23, 12:42 PM City of Northampton Mail - Objection to ZBA Sign special permit https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1777518708398991395&simpl=msg-f:17775187083989913…3/4 [Quoted text hidden] Jordi Herold Streetscape Applicant Lime Red Gombo 5 attachments JH Sig.png 15K Screen Shot 2023-09-19 at 7.55.28 PM.png 4337K 9/20/23, 12:42 PM City of Northampton Mail - Objection to ZBA Sign special permit https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=46b15cdcbd&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1777518708398991395&simpl=msg-f:17775187083989913…4/4 Screen Shot 2023-09-19 at 8.20.04 PM.png 1066K 37186547712_02ebeeef97_b.jpeg 107K a76975_bcec9af7a6bf44f7912950568bdfbed7~mv2.webp 61K