Additional Hearing Notice Postcards for ApplicantsCity of Northampton210 Main Street, Second FloorNorthampton, MA 01060-3198PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITYOWN1OWN2CAREOFADDR1ADDR2CITYNAME STATECODE ZIP1City of Northampton210 Main Street, Second FloorNorthampton, MA 01060-3198PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITYLIVEWELL HOME IMPROVEMENTP.O. BOX 144WHATELY MA 01093City of Northampton210 Main Street, Second FloorNorthampton, MA 01060-3198PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITYMARIA DEANPERI'S HOME IMPROVEMENT137 MAIN STP.O. BOX 312HAYDENVILL MA 01039City of Northampton210 Main Street, Second FloorNorthampton, MA 01060-3198PLANNING & SUSTAINABILITYSOVEREIGN BUILDERC/O TODD CELLURA710 SOUTHAMPTON RDWESTFIELD MA 01085 All permit files related to this project can be viewed atwww.northamptonma.gov/pending(navigate to the folder that corresponds to Map ID).Questions: nchung@northamptonma.gov or 413-587-1262.Public comment may be emailed to nchung@northamptonma.gov up to 2 hoursprior to the hearing or in the hearing via ZOOM teleconferencing. Go towww.zoom.us Meeting ID: 935 1207 1084 Passcode: 444429 or call301-715-8592 to access the Zoom teleconference at the scheduled hearing timeand enter the Meeting ID followed by #, then press # key when asked for aparticipant ID. To let the Chair know you have a comment, callers may press *9.Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public HearingVia Remote/Zoom TeleconferenceSeptember 28, 2023All permit files related to this project can be viewed atwww.northamptonma.gov/pending(navigate to the folder that corresponds to Map ID).Questions: nchung@northamptonma.gov or 413-587-1262.Public comment may be emailed to nchung@northamptonma.gov up to 2 hoursprior to the hearing or in the hearing via ZOOM teleconferencing. Go towww.zoom.us Meeting ID: 935 1207 1084 Passcode: 444429 or call301-715-8592 to access the Zoom teleconference at the scheduled hearing timeand enter the Meeting ID followed by #, then press # key when asked for aparticipant ID. To let the Chair know you have a comment, callers may press *9.Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public HearingVia Remote/Zoom Teleconference5:45 PM ZBA Finding Application to change the garage to aprivate studio while retaining the nonconforming 0' left-sidesetback by Livewell Home Improvement at 181 Crescent St,Map ID 24C-177.All permit files related to this project can be viewed atwww.northamptonma.gov/pending(navigate to the folder that corresponds to Map ID).Questions: nchung@northamptonma.gov or 413-587-1262.Public comment may be emailed to nchung@northamptonma.gov up to 2 hoursprior to the hearing or in the hearing via ZOOM teleconferencing. Go towww.zoom.us Meeting ID: 935 1207 1084 Passcode: 444429 or call301-715-8592 to access the Zoom teleconference at the scheduled hearing timeand enter the Meeting ID followed by #, then press # key when asked for aparticipant ID. To let the Chair know you have a comment, callers may press *9.Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public HearingVia Remote/Zoom TeleconferenceSeptember 28, 20235:30 PM ZBA Finding Application to install a deck that extends the4' nonconforming left-side setback by another 8'. Applicant ZackKundel at 193 Prospect St, Map ID 24D-040.All permit files related to this project can be viewed atwww.northamptonma.gov/pending(navigate to the folder that corresponds to Map ID).Questions: nchung@northamptonma.gov or 413-587-1262.Public comment may be emailed to nchung@northamptonma.gov up to 2 hoursprior to the hearing or in the hearing via ZOOM teleconferencing. Go towww.zoom.us Meeting ID: 935 1207 1084 Passcode: 444429 or call301-715-8592 to access the Zoom teleconference at the scheduled hearing timeand enter the Meeting ID followed by #, then press # key when asked for aparticipant ID. To let the Chair know you have a comment, callers may press *9.Northampton Zoning Board of Appeals Public HearingVia Remote/Zoom TeleconferenceSeptember 28, 20237:20 PM Amend the previous Special Permit/Major Site PlanReview to remove 19 trees by Sovereign Builder c/o Todd Celluraat 66 Ridge View Rd, Map ID 48-027.