196 Cooke Wetland Abutter Notification.pdfAFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act And the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance (To be submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and the Conservation Commission when filing a Notice of Intent) I, Carolyn Misch__________________________________________________, Name of person making affidavit hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that on August 3, 2023 date I gave notification to abutters in compliance with the second paragraph of Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 131, Section 40, and the DEP Guide to Abutter Notification dated April 8, 1994, in connection with the following matter: A Notice of Intent was filed under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act by The Northampton Office Office of Planning & Sustainability with the Name of Applicant Northampton Conservation Commission on August 3, 2023 for property date located at 196 Cooke Avenue___________________________________________ Address of land where work is proposed The form of the notification and a list of the abutters to whom it was given and their addresses, are attached to this Affidavit of Service. ___________________________________________________August 4, 2023 Applicant Signature Date Notification to Abutters Under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, and the Northampton Wetlands Ordinance This is a notification required by law. You are receiving this notification because you have been identified as the owner of land abutting another parcel of land for which certain activities are proposed. Those activities require a permit under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (M.G.L. c. 131, § 40). In accordance with the second paragraph of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act, and 310 CMR 10.05(4)(a) of the Wetlands Regulations, you are hereby notified that: A. A Notice of Intent was filed with the Northampton Conservation Commission on August 2, 2023 seeking permission to remove, fill, dredge, or alter an area subject to protection under M.G.L. c. 131 §40. ) and the Northampton Wetlands Protection Ordinance (Chapter 337). The work proposed is: B. The name of the applicant is: Northampton Office of Planning & Sustainability C. The address of the land where the activity is proposed is: 196 Cooke Avenue, parcel ID 18-022 D. Copies of the Notice of Intent may be examined at the Office of Planning and Sustainability, 210 Main Street, Room 11, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday, and online at www.northamptonma.gov/pending, permit files are sorted by Map and Lot. E. Information regarding the date, time, and place of the public hearing may be obtained from the Office of Planning and Sustainability by calling the Conservation Agent at (413) 587- 1263. Conservation Commission agendas are also posted at http://northamptonma.gov/AgendaCenter/Conservation-Commission-7 Notification provided pursuant to the above requirement does not automatically confer standing to the recipient to request Departmental Action for the underlying matter. See 310 CMR 10.05(7)(a)4. Create a paved parking lot for Broad Brook Greenway access, construct four affordable homes at the former ‘Moose Lodge’ site, and related stormwater improvements. All work limited to existing degraded buffer zone, no work is proposed within resource areas. 1 OWN1 OWN2 CAREOF ADDR1 CITYNAME STATECODE ZIP1 ANDERSEN RENE P O BOX 454 NORTHAMPTON MA 01061 ANDREWS ADRIANNE R 84 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 BAKER, ROBERTA J. & GERALD N. 26 SOUTH BOLTON AVE INDIANAPOLIS IN 46219 BERNHARD MICHELE TURNER & GEOFFREY T FRIEDMAN 164 COOKE AVE NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 BERRYMAN, ALISON C.75 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 BOWEN, JO-ANN L. & WILSON, CAROL J. TRUSTEES 90 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 CAMERON ADAM R & JUDITH BOUCHER-CAMERON TRUSTEE 86 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 CARSON-EISENMAN, REBECCA & TYLER 82 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 CASSIDY ERIN E 72 PINES EDGE DR UNIT 5 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 CLARK CHRISTINE A 14 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 CORBETT DARLEEN B 89 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 EMILY LN HOMEOWNERS ASSOC INC C/O MICHAEL KESTEN60 EMILY LN NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 GILBURG AMY E 93 PINES EDGE DR UNIT 2 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 IRIZARRY ROBERTO ANIBAL & KIMBERLY GEROULD 66 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 KEEFE, PHYLLIS N 64 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 91969 KIERAN SLATTERY M.99 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 KNOWLTON CYNTHIA A 81 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 LAMBERT KIMBERLY 97 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 LATHROP COMMUNITY INC 100 BASSETT BROOK DR EASTHAMPTON MA 01027 LATSHANG DETCHEN D & EILEEN W 24 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 LENKOWSKI, PAUL 70 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MAYNARD PATRICIA & CHERYL MAYNARD POWERS & LYNNE MICHELE MAYNARD 18 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MELVIN DORIS L TRUSTEE 92 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MESSIER KATHRYN G 105 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MILLER JANET S 83 PINES EDGE DR UNIT 5 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MORRIS JESSICA 87 PINES EDGE DR #7 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MURCH EDWARD E 12 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 MURPHY MARY E 94 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 O'REILLY PATRICIA 103 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 PEDRUCZNY, LEON A III 88 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 REZNIKIEWICZ BARBARA ET AL 80 PINES EDGE DR #4-1 NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 ROTTI ELIZABETH & SUSAN FLASH 22 PINES EDGE DR UNIT 6NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 RUDERMAN DAVID B 64 GREENWICH RD AMHERST MA 01002 SHAFII AMANDA 85 PINES EDGE DR UNIT 85NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 SHANE ALBERT L 68 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 STONE JANICE & IAN A 1523 LAIRD ST KEY WEST FL 33040 SZLOSEK ALICE E & RICHARD W 61 EMILY LN NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 TAKAHASHI ATSUKO 95 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 TROPP JESSICA 77 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 WESTORT MARK A 49 EMILY LN NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 WURZI ADRIANNE& TARA FORMISANO 79 PINES EDGE DR UNIT 3NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 ZEITZ MELISSA BETH 101 PINES EDGE DR NORTHAMPTON MA 01060 ZUBER ALISON C 687 GROVE LN SANTA BARBARACA 93105 18__022_100ft_20230725.xls