196 Cooke Ave. Project Summary for Planning BoardProject Summary for 196 Cook Ave.
(former Moose Lodge)
The City owns the current parcel (formerly home to the Moose Lodge)that has parking to the
Broad Brook Greenway.For consistency,we are using Broad Brook Greenway,not Fitzgerald
Lake Conservation Area.The City will sell a portion of the western side of the parcel to Pioneer
Valley Habitat for Humanity to create four single-family homes to four first-time homebuyers in
Northampton.The current parking lot will be reconfigured and paved to be on the eastern side
of the parcel,with 21 dedicated spaces,two of which will be handicap accessible.There will
also be a rack for bicycle parking.The four single-family homes will have their own separate
parking area and the houses will be screened from the conservation area parking through
understory trees and split rail fencing.
The project will move forward in two phases.The first will be the reconstruction of the parking lot
and installation of electrical conduits by a contractor hired by the City.The next phase will be the
construction of the homes by Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity.The City's current plan is to
publish a Request for Proposals (RFP)in September 2023,so that the contract can be awarded
and contractors can make plans for early construction in the spring 2024 or get a head start
before trench permits end (Nov.15th)and the asphalt plants close.During construction,the
kiosk to the conservation area will be removed,but will be replaced afterwards.After the
completion of the parking lot,Habitat can begin the construction of their homes,which will be
dictated by their capacity,not the City.During the home construction,the Broad Brook
Greenway parking lot should not experience any major disruptions.
This is a challenging site,with an active conservation area,ledge,and wetlands.But we are
very happy with the solution provided by Berkshire Design.The benefits provided to the
community with this plan are:
●Adds bike parking
●Protects the wetlands
●Adds stormwater management
●Adds two accessible parking spaces
●Creates four affordable homes to first-time homebuyers
●Increases the amount of shade trees and other vegetation on site
●Decreases the amount of impervious surface on the site,helping with stormwater runoff
●Creates a clean paved parking area with 21 defined spaces to our beloved Broad Brook
Additionally,this project meets all of the requirements under §350-6.12 for affordable housing
1.All projects approved under this section must meet the following criteria:
a.At least 50%of the residential units being created shall be "affordable units."
i.100%of units will be affordable
b.All permanent energy sources shall be from grid-supplied electricity or otherwise
not use fossil fuels.
i.All permanent energy sources will be from grid-supplied electricity or
locally generated without using fossil fuels
c.Prior to obtaining a building permit,the applicant shall obtain a)DHCD approval
as Local Initiative Program (LIP)units,so that all affordable units created under
this section can be listed by DHCD on their Subsidized Housing Inventory;or b)
show evidence of commonwealth funding that requires units to be counted on the
i.Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity will obtain the necessary Executive
Office of Housing and Livable Communities (formerly DHCD)approvals
d.Prior to obtaining a building permit,the applicant shall obtain site plan approval.
i.Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity will obtain the site plan approval.
2.The Planning Board may approve affordable housing projects as part of a site plan
approval when:
a.The allowable dwelling units per acre (density)of the entire project is 250%of
that otherwise allowed by this zoning ordinance in the zoning district in which the
property is located.There are no other minimum lot size requirements for any lots
created under this section.
i.The Urban Residential Sustainable Growth Overlay district allows density
of 20 or more units per acre.The site will have four units on 2.1 acres.
b.The minimum frontage,lot depth,and lot width is at least 40%of that otherwise
required by this zoning ordinance in the zoning district in which the property is
i.There are no frontage,lot depth,or lot width requirements for the Urban
Residential Sustainable Growth Overlay district.The parking space
minimum is 1 space /1,000 sf,and the proposed project is at least 2
space /1,000 sf.
c.When significant trees on the property are cut,they shall be replaced on site with
new trees to the extent feasible without blocking solar photovoltaic or hot water
systems,but no payment in lieu is required when such planting is not feasible.
Full mitigation is required for cutting public shade trees.
i.No significant trees will be cut down for this project,but there shall be
shade and understory trees planted.
d.All other zoning applies and is complied with.
i.All other applicable zoning requirements will be compiled with.