31B-230 (22) `.. ,0 ,0,0 City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS 0/0 + $ � -'4,)► jig� 1 . Footings and Walls +�����1 + 2 . Structural Components in � � _�'� BUILDING DEPARTMENT Place l Build i `'v 3 . Complete g u d No. 569 Office of the Building Inspector Date October 9, 1991 19 IP i - BUILDING PERMIT 'J\ _, ,,e THIS MAY CERTIFY THAT Gothic Street Partnership c/o Arch itec s neon Site — Foundations ' -., '9 has permission to Foundation Only & Footings Insp. of Plumbing — Rough situated on 64 Gothic Street Insp. of Plumbing — Finish provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every re- Insp. of Wiring — Rough spect conform to the terms of the application on file in this office, and to the provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating Insp. of Wiring — Finish to the Construction, Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in Insp. of Health (Septic Tanks) the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation of this permit. Expires six Building Insp. — Rough months from date of issuance, if not started. Building Insp. — Finish Note: A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return of this card signed by the Plumbing, Wiring and Building Smoke Detectors (Fire Dept.) Inspectors. Gas Inspection THIS CARD MUST BE DISPLAYED IN A CONS C yUS PLACE ON THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupancy P dY 6i /`° fj J.,Building Inspector / 75gle --L4-f 49 eyes `t } POP P r - 'Date Filed October 4 1991 File No._ __ • ,V ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10 . 2) �-_ 1 . Name , of Applicant: Gothic Street Partnership c/o Architects Inc. Address : 78 Main St., Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (4]3) 584-7224. 2 , Owner of Property: Gothic Street Partnership c/o Architects Inc. _ • Address : 78 Main St, Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: (413) 584-7224 3 . Status of Applicant: x Owner Contract Purchaser ' Lessee Other (explain ) 4 , Parcel Identification: Zoning Map Sheet# 31B Parcel) 230 , • Zoning District (s) (include overlays) URC Street Address 64 Gothic Street ai:cluired 5 . Existing Proposed Ihy Zoning Use of Structure/Property Vacant Lot Residential/Prof.Off. f (if project is only interior work, skip to #6) Building height None 35' - 9" %Bldg . Coverage (Footprint) N/A 17.6% __ 1 • Setbacks - front N/A 20'- side side✓ N/A 15' and 42' - rear N/A ap • Lot size 1.114 Acres 1.114 Acres Frontage 266.4 ' 266.4 ' Floor. Area Ratio N/A .458 1___ ___ • %Open Space (Lot area minus .building and parking) 100% 40% Parking Spaces None 61 Loading None None Signs. None• To Be Determined _ __ • FiFill (volume & location) Topsoils Stock- Regrading of Existing_�_ Piles (approx 200 Cu.Yd) Site 6 , Narrative Description of Proposed Work/Project: (Use additional sheets if necessary) Construction of a mixed use building i.e., residential/ __._ professional offices, as allowed in the Zoning Ordinance with a_ Soecial Permit,. The special permit has been received from the Z.$�A. Also, a special permit-for ' the park and a variance for the driveway curb cut has aLso been received frc n._the Z.B.A. The construction of the building will also involve the :associated site work. 7 . Attached Plans : Sketch Plan x Site Plan 8 . Certification: .I hereby certify that the information contained herein • • is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. .Date: October 4, 1991 Applicant ' s Signature: . edward L. Jendry-Agent-for-Ner THIS SECTION FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY: -. - - -- /Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented • ;;eea n f nial: igna u e of Bu ng Inspector Date I NOTE: issuance of a zoning pormit dons not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with till zoning requirements and obtain all 0_4.1uircd pormits from tho Board,of I-Ioalth, Conservation Commission, Popartmont of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authoritle3. j /7 � 4L.'• 41- , NOTE:IN ORDER THAT THIS APPLICATION MAY BE ACCEPTED,THE DATA CALLED FOR BELOW MUST BE SO SET FORTH THAT WE CAN DETERMINE FROM THE APPLICATION AND THE ACCOMPANYING PLANS WHAT THE EXISTING CONDITIONS ARE AND WHAT THE FUTURE CONDITIONS WILL BE. Plans,in duplicate,mustbe filed with this application before a permit will be granted,one of which,upon issuance of the permit shall be kept at the site during the progress of the work. New IV Addition ❑ No. -D, Zone VC, , Type , Map '77 I' , Parcel )'9,Q Alterations ....❑ Repair ❑ =ti CITY OF NORTHAMPTON Demolition ❑ e ^I„. 'At �- MASSACHUSETTS Application for other than a Dwelling Permit (To be filled out in ink OR on a typewriter) To the Building Inspector: Date �� q I 19 4.1.1. Application for a permit is hereby made according to the following:- 1. Location, Street and No. GA: tPt ir. 1 2. Nearest cross street 1(U t^'►I91. 't`ll aAct Lot No.. '.O 3. Owner's name i14''C- * ^-A Q Address 115MAMA "..,4 14N-111/ ,MA- 4. Architect's name.PYG.M+ef✓! Address ..MA.A.vl<..S' :../... . . . . . M. 5. Builder's name ....P44.‘ tVitt Address . C}e- 1 4. lJ ..I.. A- n 6. Use of building, Present , / I �.4t.Q� 5,.i - ( fi 1(D..:f<.04n!4t'�.'..4D�'Proposed ....�1.?:�c.r..U� ...�!4�R.�r� ... . 7. Building fronts on how many Streets? r 8. Is building in fire district? NO 11,z�u t I q 9. Size of building,Width in ft. °Length in ft. i..�, ''I$ , Height in ft. 35 -q 10. Distance of building from Street Line 00 , left lot line WV , right lot line I ' , rear lot line!o a t 11. Type of construction(check one): 1-A 1-B 1-C II III IV V ...X... Stories B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Roof Story heights in ft. to L C2 lb'- a L of s 44/tom NA/Ar N/P+- N/A- 'Z'p Thickn's of walls in ins. CO .n G u.'' GNI." IVA Material of walls /co c• W. GO N/A W� Material of floor/roof • 1r. LA11.TION (Abl•Off" i ►'� ' Sln-i Design live load 1 D-0 Cob 4 b 3c Design dead load 50 l C I S (N Occupancy or Use Fcv? f34 ngt Q,L•J_. u_o ^VA No.of persons/families `��'�4 �41-o���{ ?'/ ,M+•'l /Os. No.of stairs a' Q. `Qr N1/44 12. Soil under footing is S.U+ / ram. (1^t?‹ I"^ 1-' 1 i.) 13. Depth of footingbelow grade 41-6" 1iM ft. Will piles be used? �P P 14. Area of entire building(Present plus new) .4. .`2 -•' 0..p..X• sq.ft. 15. Type of roof-flat.114elay.dleteApitched Material of f covering 16. No.of elevators..1!y:Dv.1... Method of heating....Ai.y... System c am. Fuel 17. Are live loads noted on drawings? ...... ..t... Are all other structural conditions noted on drawings?... 18. Building(will be)(is)equipped with sprinklers? No With sprinkler alarm? ►I 19. Is building t�o/be�used as a factory,worksh p or mercantile or other establishment employing 10 or more persons? 1 , -- csi . . C 20. Is building to be used as an office building,dormitory,hotel,family hotel,apartment or boarding house,lodging house or tenement house having 8 or more rooms above the second story? N0 -)21. How many exits(per floor)to street? SIP.'Y.1a4....W..1:t!1....Z,Y/.L►..uv.1nf S'rr -S 22. Is building a"Place of assembly"as defined by thee General Laws? NA y-' 23. Will building conform to the General Laws? le-`a Building and Zoning Ordinances? e"S 24. If a garage,distance from nearest building? Njp. 25. If an addition,alteration or demolition,when was building erected? 14/IN 26. Estimated costs:- $( Cam. The undersigned certifies that the above statements are true to the best General$ i � 1ofh.. rknowl-+ge .ns;� : 'ef. Plumbing /� r � � Gas Piping - S tw ge .•oL e ,arc i_LaM�`F'�or engineer 1_'1/' Sprinklers WICIITEIN DIIISSC' I• ON • 7.0•l1TO BE DONE Heating (Use blank half of reverse side, !!necessary) Electric Inn.o J4,t t... .. ," •(„„4iM-. ! . Y - Other .5. .W.4 -.....P C ti ?h^ .... . i°'^ min • Total$ $&#..0170 .Qr... "t.t, Iw1.A, . . (N..:.I.I..1a-e- a • .3a- t_(1 et l�t S . eAeit e. VI,i; LL1 b� Si-as Po rIMw+ W ' , 5 Location - 4 c t Permit No. -t I. Application for other than a Dwelling l • erol Permit Granted 19 i 1 • I 1 To'F4 ii,' 446 F-'A 11 (--- i-44 _ , L I v 1 t , . _ c.q irli ;A 1 4- p S JUL 2 1991 ,J 1 1 i ' VH DECISION OF NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS IL :i C 73nll I II At a meeting held on June 19 , 1991, the Zoning B.:)ard of '' Appeals of the City of Northampton voted unanimously to GRANT the requests of Gothic Street Development Partnership for a Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 5. 2 for a mixed ; residential/professional office- use in the URC District, a : Special Permit under the Provisions of Section 6 . 3 (3) for dedication of a portion of the parcel to public use, a Variance from the Provisions of Section 8 . 10 (1) (e) to allow a driveway closer than fifly feet from an existing driveway in a Business i; District, and Site Plan Approval under the Provisions. of Section 10. 11, all of which relate to a proposed project at 64 H; Gothic Street. Present and voting were Chairman Robert C. .-3!' Buscher, Pr. Peter Laband, and M. Sanford Weil, Jr. ,..., AS TO THE SPECIAL PERMIT UNDER SECTION 5.2, the Findings are as a- , follows: d 1. The requested use is listed in the Table of Use regulations fl as requiring a Special Permit in the District for which (%4 application is made. M1 � ; 2 . The requested use bears a positive relationship to the public convenience, in that Northampton is a growing community � : with an ongoing need for more housing and office space. , 1 J 3 . The requested use will not create undue traffic congestion, -k—" . according to evidence supplied in a traffic study which is part Z,i of the application. Pedestrian safety will not be impaired, 11 and in fact will be enhanced by the addition of sidewalks on the site where people now walk on dirt paths. • d4 . The requested use has not been shown to be likely to overload any municipal systems. 5 .The requested use will not unduly impair the integrity or character of the district. There is much evidence in the • record that Gothic Street is transitional between the Central . . 1 Business District and the URC District. This site is bordered 11 on its southerly boundary by the Central Business District, and is the first parcel on the street in the URC District. The architecture of the structure is in keeping with the neighborhood. It is a wooden frame building that looks residential in character. (1 NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION .1 GOTHIC STREET DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP APPLICATIONS ,i PAGE TWO ii '! AS TO THE SPECIAL PERMIT UNDER SECTION 6.3 (3) , the Findings are ' i!I as follows: 1. Applicant wishes to donate, with no financial or other consic.2ration, an approximately 6, 000 square foot portion of the subject parcel to the City of Northampton Recreation '• Department for use as a public park. Applicant will construct a fountain, gravel path, and wheelchair-accessible, all-weather walk from Gothic Street to the park as shown on the site plan. II Applicant will maintain and repair the fountain, maintain I! landscaping, provide and maintain electricity and water for the ! fountain, and place conduit necessary to the future connection j by the city of park lights to the city street light grid. l Applicant will provide supporting documents necessary to the j transfer, survey, recordable plan, easements and deed. 11 H 2 . This Special Permit is subject to obtaining the approval, j; within nine months of the expiration of the appeal period of ;! the Special Permit, of a Conservation Restriction/Public Right- of-way Easement by the City Council and the Secretary of the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs that will remain in effect in perpetuity for that property being transferred, or transfer the land to the City Recreation Commission. 3 . The Board voted unanimously to allow the dedication of the parcel to public use. (7,- ;) AS TO THE VARIANCE FROM THE PROVISIONS OF 58 . 10 (1) (E) , the ':73, Findings are as follows: 1. There are circumstances relating to the shape and +c; topography of this parcel, especially affecting this parcel but tEl not affecting generally the zoning district in which it is N located. The parcel has an "hourglass" shape, which forces the = location of the structure at the front of the parcel. There is a seven foot increase in elevation from the front of the parcel %--- to the rear of the parcel . To locate the driveway at the right 1r I . end of the structure, rather than the left, where it is less than fifty feet from the next driveway on Gothic Street, would h disrupt and make less safe the pedestrian access to the park at il ;; the rear of the parcel, and would involve almost impossible grading techniques to make the driveway and adjacent handicapped access route possible. Literal enforcement of the Ordinance, would therefore, involve substantial financial hardship to the Applicant. 2 . Granting this request will not be a substantial detriment ' to the public good, nor will it nullify or substantially a • r rie°2T. NORTHAMPTON ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DECISION GOTHIC STREET DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP APPLICATIONS PAGE THREE diminish the intent and purpose of the ordinance, because the intent of the ordinance is to protect the safety of the citizens, and to construct a driveway in such a fashion as to meet the requirements of the ordinance, the driveway would connect to Gothic Street at a substantial angle, which would create an unsafe situation, particularly for motorists making a right turn. In addition, the Department of Public Works, in the interest of safety, recommends that the driveway be located as shown on the plan, less than fifty feet from the next adjacent driveway. The Variance is granted. AS TO SITE PLAN REVIEW, the Findings are as follows: 1. The Board finds that all of the requirements of §10. 11 (4) have been met or properly waived. The Site Plan has been prepared and stamped by Edward L. Jendry, Registered Architect. 2 . The plan being approved is a ten-sheet plan, including cover sheet, entitled, "64 GOTHIC STREET, NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS. " The Plan was prepared by Architects, Inc. and is dated April 23 , 1991. JUL 2 Robert C. Buscher, Chairman a k) Dr. Peter Laband • • • M. Sanford Weil, Jr. CERTIFICATE OF CITY CLERK , 1991 I, Christine Skorupski, City Clerk of the Cityly of2Northampton hereby certify that the above Decision of the Northampton . Zoning Board of Appeals was filed in the Office of the City Clerk on July 2, 1991, that twenty days have elapsed since such filing and that no appeals have been filed in t s matter. Attest • / {- � i Chris n ko ,ps i City Clerk • City of Northampton