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Riverside Drive Sewer NOI.pdf NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS MAY 2023 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 LOCUST STREET NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report_final.docx Page 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 2 Proposed Project ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 2.1 Wetland Impacts ............................................................................................................................................... 5 3 Alternatives Analysis ................................................................................................................................................. 7 APPENDICES A. USGS Map & Plan B. Site Photos C. Abutters List D. MESA Review Checklist NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report_final.docx Page 3 WPA FORM 3 – NOTICE OF INTENT wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 1 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. Note: Before completing this form consult your local Conservation Commission regarding any municipal bylaw or ordinance. A. General Information 1.Project Location (Note: electronic filers will click on button to locate project site): a. Street Address b. City/Town c. Zip Code Latitude and Longitude: d. Latitude e. Longitude f.Assessors Map/Plat Number g. Parcel /Lot Number 2.Applicant: a. First Name b. Last Name c. Organization d. Street Address e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j.Email Address 3.Property owner (required if different from applicant):Check if more than one owner a. First Name b. Last Name c. Organization d. Street Address e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email address 4.Representative (if any): a. First Name b. Last Name c. Company d. Street Address e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j.Email address 5.Total WPA Fee Paid (from NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form): a. Total Fee Paid b. State Fee Paid c. City/Town Fee Paid Northampton 620, 634, 638, 0 Riverside Drive Northampton 01060 23C 090,035,034,033,032 Department of Public Works City of Northampton 125 Locust Street Northampton MA 01060 413-587-1570 413-587-1576 City of Northampton (easement holder) $0 (exempt)$0 (exempt)$0 (exempt) 42.32903 -72.67232 wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 2 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town A. General Information (continued) 6. General Project Description: 7a. Project Type Checklist: (Limited Project Types see Section A. 7b.) 1. Single Family Home 2. Residential Subdivision 3. Commercial/Industrial 4. Dock/Pier 5. Utilities 6. Coastal engineering Structure 7. Agriculture (e.g., cranberries, forestry) 8. Transportation 9. Other 7b. Is any portion of the proposed activity eligible to be treated as a limited project (including Ecological Restoration Limited Project) subject to 310 CMR 10.24 (coastal) or 310 CMR 10.53 (inland)? 1. Yes No If yes, describe which limited project applies to this project. (See 310 CMR 10.24 and 10.53 for a complete list and description of limited project types) 2. Limited Project Type If the proposed activity is eligible to be treated as an Ecological Restoration Limited Project (310 CMR10.24(8), 310 CMR 10.53(4)), complete and attach Appendix A: Ecological Restoration Limited Project Checklist and Signed Certification. 8. Property recorded at the Registry of Deeds for: a. County b. Certificate # (if registered land) c. Book d. Page Number B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) 1. Buffer Zone Only – Check if the project is located only in the Buffer Zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland, Inland Bank, or Coastal Resource Area. 2. Inland Resource Areas (see 310 CMR 10.54-10.58; if not applicable, go to Section B.3, Coastal Resource Areas). Check all that apply below. Attach narrative and any supporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each of the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location. Northampton This project proposes to realign a section of sewerline that lies in an eroding bank of the Mill River. x x 10.53(3)(d) - construction and reconstruction of underground public utility (sewer) Hampshire 714 490 (sewer easement) x wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 3 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) (cont’d) For all projects affecting other Resource Areas, please attach a narrative explaining how the resource area was delineated. Resource Area Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Replacement (if any) a. Bank 1. linear feet 2. linear feet b. Bordering Vegetated Wetland 1. square feet 2. square feet c. Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways 1. square feet 2. square feet 3. cubic yards dredged Resource Area Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Replacement (if any) d. Bordering Land Subject to Flooding 1. square feet 2. square feet 3. cubic feet of flood storage lost 4. cubic feet replaced e. Isolated Land Subject to Flooding 1. square feet 2. cubic feet of flood storage lost 3. cubic feet replaced f. Riverfront Area 1. Name of Waterway (if available) - specify coastal or inland 2. Width of Riverfront Area (check one): 25 ft. - Designated Densely Developed Areas only 100 ft. - New agricultural projects only 200 ft. - All other projects 3. Total area of Riverfront Area on the site of the proposed project: square feet 4. Proposed alteration of the Riverfront Area: a. total square feet b. square feet within 100 ft. c. square feet between 100 ft. and 200 ft. 5. Has an alternatives analysis been done and is it attached to this NOI? Yes No 6. Was the lot where the activity is proposed created prior to August 1, 1996? Yes No 3. Coastal Resource Areas: (See 310 CMR 10.25-10.35) Note: for coastal riverfront areas, please complete Section B.2.f. above. Northampton X X Mill River X 11,144 11,144 11,144 x X 11, 144 11,144 0 3,510 (work is exempt) wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 4 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town B. Buffer Zone & Resource Area Impacts (temporary & permanent) (cont’d) Check all that apply below. Attach narrative and supporting documentation describing how the project will meet all performance standards for each of the resource areas altered, including standards requiring consideration of alternative project design or location. Online Users: Include your document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) with all supplementary information you submit to the Department. Resource Area Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Replacement (if any) a. Designated Port Areas Indicate size under Land Under the Ocean, below b. Land Under the Ocean 1. square feet 2. cubic yards dredged c. Barrier Beach Indicate size under Coastal Beaches and/or Coastal Dunes below d. Coastal Beaches 1. square feet 2. cubic yards beach nourishment e. Coastal Dunes 1. square feet 2. cubic yards dune nourishment Size of Proposed Alteration Proposed Replacement (if any) f. Coastal Banks 1. linear feet g. Rocky Intertidal Shores 1. square feet h. Salt Marshes 1. square feet 2. sq ft restoration, rehab., creation i. Land Under Salt Ponds 1. square feet 2. cubic yards dredged j. Land Containing Shellfish 1. square feet k. Fish Runs Indicate size under Coastal Banks, inland Bank, Land Under the Ocean, and/or inland Land Under Waterbodies and Waterways, above 1. cubic yards dredged l. Land Subject to Coastal Storm Flowage 1. square feet 4. Restoration/Enhancement If the project is for the purpose of restoring or enhancing a wetland resource area in addition to the square footage that has been entered in Section B.2.b or B.3.h above, please enter the additional amount here. a. square feet of BVW b. square feet of Salt Marsh 5. Project Involves Stream Crossings a. number of new stream crossings b. number of replacement stream crossings Northampton wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 5 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements This is a proposal for an Ecological Restoration Limited Project. Skip Section C and complete Appendix A: Ecological Restoration Limited Project Checklists – Required Actions (310 CMR 10.11). Streamlined Massachusetts Endangered Species Act/Wetlands Protection Act Review 1. Is any portion of the proposed project located in Estimated Habitat of Rare Wildlife as indicated on the most recent Estimated Habitat Map of State-Listed Rare Wetland Wildlife published by the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP)? To view habitat maps, see the Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas or go to a. Yes No If yes, include proof of mailing or hand delivery of NOI to: Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Division of Fisheries and Wildlife 1 Rabbit Hill Road Westborough, MA 01581 Phone: (508) 389-6360 b. Date of map If yes, the project is also subject to Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) review (321 CMR 10.18). To qualify for a streamlined, 30-day, MESA/Wetlands Protection Act review, please complete Section C.1.c, and include requested materials with this Notice of Intent (NOI); OR complete Section C.2.f, if applicable. If MESA supplemental information is not included with the NOI, by completing Section 1 of this form, the NHESP will require a separate MESA filing which may take up to 90 days to review (unless noted exceptions in Section 2 apply, see below). c. Submit Supplemental Information for Endangered Species Review 1. Percentage/acreage of property to be altered: (a) within wetland Resource Area percentage/acreage (b) outside Resource Area percentage/acreage 2. Assessor’s Map or right-of-way plan of site 2. Project plans for entire project site, including wetland resource areas and areas outside of wetlands jurisdiction, showing existing and proposed conditions, existing and proposed tree/vegetation clearing line, and clearly demarcated limits of work  (a) Project description (including description of impacts outside of wetland resource area & buffer zone) (b) Photographs representative of the site  Some projects not in Estimated Habitat may be located in Priority Habitat, and require NHESP review (see endangered-species-act-mesa-regulatory-review). Priority Habitat includes habitat for state-listed plants and strictly upland species not protected by the Wetlands Protection Act.  MESA projects may not be segmented (321 CMR 10.16). The applicant must disclose full development plans even if such plans are not required as part of the Notice of Intent process. Northampton August 2021 X X 100%/ 0.26 ac (temp) X X X X wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 6 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements (cont’d) (c) MESA filing fee (fee information available at Make check payable to “Commonwealth of Massachusetts - NHESP” and mail to NHESP at above address Projects altering 10 or more acres of land, also submit: (d) Vegetation cover type map of site (e) Project plans showing Priority & Estimated Habitat boundaries (f) OR Check One of the Following 1. Project is exempt from MESA review. Attach applicant letter indicating which MESA exemption applies. (See 321 CMR 10.14,; the NOI must still be sent to NHESP if the project is within estimated habitat pursuant to 310 CMR 10.37 and 10.59.) 2. Separate MESA review ongoing. a. NHESP Tracking # b. Date submitted to NHESP 3. Separate MESA review completed. Include copy of NHESP “no Take” determination or valid Conservation & Management Permit with approved plan. 3. For coastal projects only, is any portion of the proposed project located below the mean high water line or in a fish run? a. Not applicable – project is in inland resource area only b. Yes No If yes, include proof of mailing, hand delivery, or electronic delivery of NOI to either: South Shore - Cohasset to Rhode Island border, and the Cape & Islands: Division of Marine Fisheries - Southeast Marine Fisheries Station Attn: Environmental Reviewer 836 South Rodney French Blvd. New Bedford, MA 02744 Email: North Shore - Hull to New Hampshire border: Division of Marine Fisheries - North Shore Office Attn: Environmental Reviewer 30 Emerson Avenue Gloucester, MA 01930 Email: Also if yes, the project may require a Chapter 91 license. For coastal towns in the Northeast Region, please contact MassDEP’s Boston Office. For coastal towns in the Southeast Region, please contact MassDEP’s Southeast Regional Office. c. Is this an aquaculture project? d. Yes No If yes, include a copy of the Division of Marine Fisheries Certification Letter (M.G.L. c. 130, § 57). Northampton x X wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 7 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town C. Other Applicable Standards and Requirements (cont’d) Online Users: Include your document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) with all supplementary information you submit to the Department. 4. Is any portion of the proposed project within an Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC)? a. Yes No If yes, provide name of ACEC (see instructions to WPA Form 3 or MassDEP Website for ACEC locations). Note: electronic filers click on Website. b. ACEC 5. Is any portion of the proposed project within an area designated as an Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) as designated in the Massachusetts Surface Water Quality Standards, 314 CMR 4.00? a. Yes No 6. Is any portion of the site subject to a Wetlands Restriction Order under the Inland Wetlands Restriction Act (M.G.L. c. 131, § 40A) or the Coastal Wetlands Restriction Act (M.G.L. c. 130, § 105)? a. Yes No 7. Is this project subject to provisions of the MassDEP Stormwater Management Standards? a. Yes. Attach a copy of the Stormwater Report as required by the Stormwater Management Standards per 310 CMR 10.05(6)(k)-(q) and check if: 1. Applying for Low Impact Development (LID) site design credits (as described in Stormwater Management Handbook Vol. 2, Chapter 3) 2. A portion of the site constitutes redevelopment 3. Proprietary BMPs are included in the Stormwater Management System. b. No. Check why the project is exempt: 1. Single-family house 2. Emergency road repair 3. Small Residential Subdivision (less than or equal to 4 single-family houses or less than or equal to 4 units in multi-family housing project) with no discharge to Critical Areas. D. Additional Information This is a proposal for an Ecological Restoration Limited Project. Skip Section D and complete Appendix A: Ecological Restoration Notice of Intent – Minimum Required Documents (310 CMR 10.12). Applicants must include the following with this Notice of Intent (NOI). See instructions for details. Online Users: Attach the document transaction number (provided on your receipt page) for any of the following information you submit to the Department. 1. USGS or other map of the area (along with a narrative description, if necessary) containing sufficient information for the Conservation Commission and the Department to locate the site. (Electronic filers may omit this item.) 2. Plans identifying the location of proposed activities (including activities proposed to serve as a Bordering Vegetated Wetland [BVW] replication area or other mitigating measure) relative to the boundaries of each affected resource area. Northampton X X X X X X wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 8 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town D. Additional Information (cont’d) 3.Identify the method for BVW and other resource area boundary delineations (MassDEP BVWField Data Form(s), Determination of Applicability, Order of Resource Area Delineation, etc.), and attach documentation of the methodology. 4.List the titles and dates for all plans and other materials submitted with this NOI. a. Plan Title b. Prepared By c.Signed and Stamped by d. Final Revision Date e. Scale f. Additional Plan or Document Title g. Date 5.If there is more than one property owner, please attach a list of these property owners notlisted on this form. 6.Attach proof of mailing for Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, if needed. 7.Attach proof of mailing for Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, if needed. 8.Attach NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form 9.Attach Stormwater Report, if needed. E. Fees 1.Fee Exempt: No filing fee shall be assessed for projects of any city, town, county, or districtof the Commonwealth, federally recognized Indian tribe housing authority, municipal housing authority, or the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority. Applicants must submit the following information (in addition to pages 1 and 2 of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form) to confirm fee payment: 2. Municipal Check Number 3. Check date 4. State Check Number 5. Check date 6. Payor name on check: First Name 7. Payor name on check: Last Name Northampton x N/A N/A N/A X X Riverside Drive Sewer Repair Maggie Chan David Veleta, P.E. 5/30/2023 1":20' X X wpaform3.doc • rev. 6/18/2020 Page 9 of 9 4 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands WPA Form 3 – Notice of Intent Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Provided by MassDEP: MassDEP File Number Document Transaction Number City/Town F. Signatures and Submittal Requirements I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the foregoing Notice of Intent and accompanying plans, documents, and supporting data are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that the Conservation Commission will place notification of this Notice in a local newspaper at the expense of the applicant in accordance with the wetlands regulations, 310 CMR 10.05(5)(a). I further certify under penalties of perjury that all abutters were notified of this application, pursuant to the requirements of M.G.L. c. 131, § 40. Notice must be made by Certificate of Mailing or in writing by hand delivery or certified mail (return receipt requested) to all abutters within 100 feet of the property line of the project location. 1. Signature of Applicant 2. Date 3. Signature of Property Owner (if different) 4. Date 5. Signature of Representative (if any) 6. Date For Conservation Commission: Two copies of the completed Notice of Intent (Form 3), including supporting plans and documents, two copies of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and the city/town fee payment, to the Conservation Commission by certified mail or hand delivery. For MassDEP: One copy of the completed Notice of Intent (Form 3), including supporting plans and documents, one copy of the NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form, and a copy of the state fee payment to the MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions) by certified mail or hand delivery. Other: If the applicant has checked the “yes” box in any part of Section C, Item 3, above, refer to that section and the Instructions for additional submittal requirements. The original and copies must be sent simultaneously. Failure by the applicant to send copies in a timely manner may result in dismissal of the Notice of Intent. Northampton noifeetf.doc • Wetland Fee Transmittal Form • rev. 10/11 Page 1 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 Important: When filling out forms on the computer, use only the tab key to move your cursor - do not use the return key. A. Applicant Information 1. Location of Project: a. Street Address b. City/Town c. Check number d. Fee amount 2. Applicant Mailing Address: a. First Name b. Last Name c. Organization d. Mailing Address e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email Address 3. Property Owner (if different): a. First Name b. Last Name c. Organization d. Mailing Address e. City/Town f. State g. Zip Code h. Phone Number i. Fax Number j. Email Address To calculate filing fees, refer to the category fee list and examples in the instructions for filling out WPA Form 3 (Notice of Intent). B. Fees Fee should be calculated using the following process & worksheet. Please see Instructions before filling out worksheet. Step 1/Type of Activity: Describe each type of activity that will occur in wetland resource area and buffer zone. Step 2/Number of Activities: Identify the number of each type of activity. Step 3/Individual Activity Fee: Identify each activity fee from the six project categories listed in the instructions. Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee: Multiply the number of activities (identified in Step 2) times the fee per category (identified in Step 3) to reach a subtotal fee amount. Note: If any of these activities are in a Riverfront Area in addition to another Resource Area or the Buffer Zone, the fee per activity should be multiplied by 1.5 and then added to the subtotal amount. Step 5/Total Project Fee: Determine the total project fee by adding the subtotal amounts from Step 4. Step 6/Fee Payments: To calculate the state share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and subtract $12.50. To calculate the city/town share of the fee, divide the total fee in half and add $12.50. 620, 634, 638, 0 Riverside Drive Northampton N/A $0 (exempt) Department of Public Works City of Northampton 125 Locust Street Northampton MA 01060 413-587-1570 413-587-1576 Type text here noifeetf.doc • Wetland Fee Transmittal Form • rev. 10/11 Page 2 of 2 Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Bureau of Resource Protection - Wetlands NOI Wetland Fee Transmittal Form Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act M.G.L. c. 131, §40 B. Fees (continued) Step 1/Type of Activity Step 2/Number of Activities Step 3/Individual Activity Fee Step 4/Subtotal Activity Fee Step 5/Total Project Fee: Step 6/Fee Payments: Total Project Fee: a. Total Fee from Step 5 State share of filing Fee: b. 1/2 Total Fee less $12.50 City/Town share of filling Fee: c. 1/2 Total Fee plus $12.50 C. Submittal Requirements a.) Complete pages 1 and 2 and send with a check or money order for the state share of the fee, payable to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Department of Environmental Protection Box 4062 Boston, MA 02211 b.) To the Conservation Commission: Send the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and the city/town fee payment. To MassDEP Regional Office (see Instructions): Send a copy of the Notice of Intent or Abbreviated Notice of Intent; a copy of this form; and a copy of the state fee payment. (E-filers of Notices of Intent may submit these electronically.) $0 (exempt) $0 (exempt) $0 (exempt) NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report_final.docx Page 4 1 INTRODUCTION An active 10-inch vitreous clay sanitary sewer line runs along the north bank of the Mill River, beginning at an industrial site on Nonotuck Street and continuing east across Maines Field to Riverside Drive. Significant erosion events along the river have recently exposed the sewer line in the vicinity of #634 and #638 Riverside Drive and left the pipe vulnerable to failure. The City of Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) proposes to realign an approximately 266-foot section of the sewer line inland to avoid damage or failure of the pipe from future erosion events. Due to the pipe’s proximity to the Mill River, the project site lies within Bordering Land Subject to Flooding, the 200-foot Riverfront Area, and the 100-foot buffer area of Inland Bank. The site also falls within Estimated Habitat for Endangered Species (EH 1319) and a MESA Review application has been submitted concurrent with this Notice of Intent. 2 PROPOSED PROJECT The City of Northampton Department of Public Works (DPW) owns and maintains an active sanitary sewer line that begins on the property of 296 Nonotuck Street and runs easterly along the north bank of the Mill River and across Maines Field to eventually connect to a sewer main in Riverside Drive. The cut bank of the Mill River is steep at the river bend behind #638 and #634 Riverside Drive and recent storm events have eroded the bank such that a portion of the sewer line is exposed and is vulnerable to damage from flood events and floating debris. The DPW proposes to re-align an approximately 266-foot section of this sewer line beginning at the southeast corner of Parcel 23C-090-001 (which is under the care and custody of the Conservation Commission) and ending at an existing manhole on Parcel 23C-032-001. The proposed realignment of this section of pipe involves disconnecting the pipe from the existing manhole on the conservation property and connecting the new pipe to a new manhole approximately 50 feet to the west. From this new manhole, the proposed pipe alignment would shift approximately 25 feet inland to a second new manhole to be located on Parcel 23C-035-001. The next section of pipe would run to and tie into an existing manhole on the property of 620 Riverside Drive. The existing clay pipe was installed over 100 years ago and DPW holds an easement for this pipe (Hampshire District Registry Deed Book 714, Page 490). This pipe will be abandoned in place to limit disturbance of the Inland Bank resource area. The area in the vicinity of the pipe is covered by residential lawn and a mix of mature trees and shrubs. Several trees are located at the top of the riverbank and the new pipe alignment has been designed to minimize tree removal. The new pipe alignment will require the removal of an area of fill located on Parcels 23C-034-001 and 23C-033-001 in order to keep the new section of pipe away from the eroding riverbank. Three trees growing on this filled area are proposed to be removed. This area of fill is located within the 100-year floodplain and so a small increase in flood storage volume will result. The proposed work to “maintain, repair or replace” a public utility structure is exempt from the requirement to file a Notice of Intent under 314 CMR 10.02(2)(a)(2); however the City of Northampton Wetland Ordinance requires a Notice of Intent application for any change to an existing structure, per §337-4(B). The DPW’s General Order of Conditions for Routine Maintenance and Repair Activities covers the “Construction, expansion, repair, restoration, alteration, replacement, operation and maintenance of public…wastewater treatment plants and their related structures…including utility lines” as a Category II activity in Riverfront Area. While the proposed work is exempt in the RFA, the project falls also within Bordering Land Subject to Flooding and the 100-foot buffer area of Inland Bank, and so a Notice of Intent is required. This project qualifies as a Limited Project under §310 CMR 10.53(3)(d) for the “reconstruction, operation and maintenance of underground and overhead public utilities, such as…sewer, water and natural gas lines”, provided adverse resource area impacts are minimized during construction, surface vegetation is restored and sewer lines are “constructed to minimize inflow and leakage.” NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report_final.docx Page 5 The proposed sewer realignment seeks to improve the resilience of the system to future storm events and to prevent failure of the line which could have significant negative consequences for wetland resources and aquatic ecosystems downstream of the project area. The project impacts have been minimized to the extent feasible and should yield an overall improvement to the jurisdictional resource areas. 2.1 WETLAND IMPACTS The project area is located on the north bank of the Mill River near a bend in the river. The proposed work includes installing two new manholes (one on Parcel 23C-090-001 approximately 50 feet west of the existing manhole and another on Parcel 23C-034-001 (634 Nonotuck Street)), excavating a trench for the new pipe and re-grading an area of fill located on the property of 634 Nonotuck Street. Three trees are proposed for removal – two are located on the area to be re-graded and one is located near the base of this area. Table 1. Trees to be Removed Scientific name Common name dbh Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 20” Acer rubrum Red maple 10” Platanus occidentalis Sycamore 8” Wetland resource areas at the project site were identified through field visits by DPW Senior Environmental Planner Johanna Stacy and mapping completed by FEMA and available MassGIS datalayers. The project area crosses a combination of wooded area and maintained residential lawn. Species present in the project area include black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), red maple (Acer rubrum), elm (Ulmus sp.), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis), honeysuckle (Lonicera sp.), Oriential bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), garlic mustard (Allaria petiolata) and various grasses. No Bordering Vegetated Wetlands were identified during field visits to the site. The following wetland resource areas are located on the project site: Bordering Land Subject to Flooding (BLSF) Bordering Land Subject to Flooding was identified using the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM; Panel 250167-0001A, effective April 3, 1978). This stretch of the river has base flood elevation of between 210 and 214 feet (NAVD27) which translates to 209.475 and 213.56 feet respectively using the current vertical datum (NAVD88). This conversion was calculated using the online NGS Coordinate Conversion and Transformation Tool (NCAT). A copy of the FIRMette is provided in Attachment A. Since the pipe will be installed underground, the surface will be re-graded and most of the existing contours will be restored. A 70-foot section of the new pipe is proposed to run beneath a small hill in the southern portion of 634 Riverside Drive, which will require re-grading the area and removing about 130 cubic yards (cy) of material. This re-grading is necessary to keep the pipe a safe distance from the riverbank and to allow a wide enough access route for future maintenance. Work to re-grade the hill will result in a modest increase in flood storage. Work to excavate a trench for the new pipe and install two manholes will result in 11,144 square feet (sf) of temporary construction impacts and about 25 sf of permanent impacts. The proposed work meets the performance standards for BLSF in the following ways: 1) Compensatory storage shall be provided for all flood storage volume lost – This project does not propose to eliminate any flood storage volume. In fact, it proposes to add a small amount of volume. 2) Work in BLSF shall not restrict flows to cause an increase in flood stage or velocity – No work is proposed that would restrict flows or increase flood stage or velocity; NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report_final.docx Page 6 3) Work in portions of BLSF that are found to be significant to wildlife habitat shall not impair its capacity to provide important wildlife habitat functions - The proposed work is not expected to impair wildlife habitat given the existing residential uses present at the site and the limited alterations proposed. Inland Bank (100’ buffer) No work is proposed to affect the Bank of the Mill River, but the entire project area falls within the 100-foot buffer of Inland Bank. Work to install two new manholes will result in approximately 25 square feet of alteration in this resource area. Performance standards for buffer areas are similar to those of the resource area itself. This project meets the performance standards for Inland Bank as follows: 1) Work shall not impair the stability of the Bank – This project seeks to move infrastructure further from the Bank and limits construction activity that would contribute to further instability; 2) Work shall not impair the carrying capacity of the channel – This project does not propose any work within the channel and should not affect the carrying capacity of the channel; 3) Work shall not impair water quality – The project seeks to relocate a sewer line further inland to reduce the potential for river contamination from a pipe failure. Erosion and sedimentation controls will be installed prior to construction. The project area will be re-vegetated after the pipe is installed; 4) Work shall not impair the ability of the Bank to provide fish habitat – This project does not propose to alter the existing habitat functions of the Bank. Activities in the buffer area of the Bank are far enough from the Bank that they are not expected to affect fish habitat; 5) Work in or on a Bank is permitted when required to prevent flood damage to facilities…constructed prior to the effective date of 310 CMR 10.51 through 10.60 – The proposed work will take place in the buffer area and work is not anticipated to affect Inland Bank areas. Riverfront Area As a perennial stream, the Mill River has a 200-foot Riverfront Area (RFA) which covers the entire proposed project area. Since the proposed work is exempt in RFA under the DPW’s GOOC, a full analysis of the performance standards is not included in this application. The construction area of the new sewer line will be restored to existing contours (with the exception of the hillside re-grading) and disturbed areas will be re- vegetated post-construction. Area RFA impacts are provided in the table below. Table 2. Summary of Wetland Impacts Resource Alteration Replication Bordering Land Subject of Flooding 11,144 sf (temp) (130 cy removed) 11,144 sf Riverfront Area 11,119 sf (temp) 25 sf (perm) 11,119 sf (In-Situ Replication) Inland Bank (buffer) 11,119 sf (temp) 25 sf (perm) N/A Rare Species The Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) Atlas (15th edition, August 2021) indicates that this stretch of the Mill River contains Estimated Habitat (EH 1319) for Rare Species. NHESP responded to an information request submitted by DPW and stated that habitat for Ocellated darner (Boyeria grafiana), a species of special concern, is present in this stretch of the Mill River. This semi-aquatic dragonfly spends time flying along shorelines and resting in nearby upland woodlands, according to the MA Division of Fish and Wildlife fact sheet (2015). The proposed work is not proposed to alter the bank of the Mill River and minimal vegetation removal is proposed. NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report_final.docx Page 7 3 ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS The proposed project aims to stabilize the sewer line and reduce the likelihood of failure in the future. The following analysis describes design alternatives that DPW considered and why the proposed plan was chosen. 1) Stabilize the Bank – One way to protect the exposed sewer line is to install riprap along the bank at the location of the pipe and along adjacent areas upstream and downstream. This additional fill and riprap would replace the soil that has been eroded and prevent future storm events from washing away additional soil. A significant amount of riprap would need to be placed both in the river and on the Bank in order to provide sufficient protection from large flow events. While this alternative would reduce the construction impacts associated with a new pipe alignment, it would require far greater adverse impacts to wetland resource areas, including alteration of Inland Bank, adding fill to BLSF and altering Land under Water. This option is also more likely to affect the wildlife functions of these resource areas and has the potential for greater impacts to rare species habitat. Given the ongoing erosion present at the project location and the frequency of high flows in the Mill River, the resource impacts appeared to outweigh the potential benefits, and the long-term effectiveness of this alternative is at risk. 2) Abandon the sewer line and divert the flow to a sewer line in either Nonotuck Street or Riverside Drive – The sewer lines in Nonotuck Street and Riverside Drive are 8-inch and 10-inch vitreous clay pipes and already serve numerous residential and commercial properties; they do not have the capacity to accept additional flow. If the existing sewer lines were replaced with larger pipes, approximately 2,000 lf of sewer line would need to be upsized to accommodate the additional flow. The cost of such a project is several times the cost of the proposed project and is therefore considered unreasonable. In addition, a pump would be needed to move flow uphill from the industrial site to the sewer line in the street which would add to the cost. 3) Reduce the extent of the pipe realignment – Another alternative DPW explored is to reduce the length of sewer pipe that is realigned. In this design, the pipe alignment would begin at the existing manhole on Parcel 23C-090-001 and be re-directed to a new manhole on Parcel 23C-035-001, then continue to the existing manhole on Parcel 23C-033-001. In this alternative, at least three additional trees would need to be removed. The pipe would also remain closer to the riverbank and thus more susceptible to damage by future erosion events. Furthermore, a drain outfall to the river crosses over the sewer line near the existing manhole. By keeping a sewer connection to the manhole, there is ongoing potential for the lines to conflict with each other and for an outfall failure to affect the sewer line (as it did in 2015). This alternative slightly reduces the total area of wetland resources affected and is similar in cost to the chosen alternative, but the additional tree removal and potential for future sewer line exposure along the bank renders this option less ideal. 4) (Proposed) Install a new manhole on Parcel 23C-090-001 and install new pipe from this manhole to a new manhole on Parcel 23C-035-001 and on to an existing manhole on Parcel 23C-033-001. This alignment requires excavation and re-grading of an area of fill situated within BLSF on Parcel 23C- 034-001. This design also requires removal of three mature trees that are located within the pipe alignment. This pipe alignment was designed to limit tree removal to the greatest extent feasible and to move the new pipe far enough from the bank to limit the potential for future failure. This design is the most feasible given existing legal and logistical constraints and offers the greatest improvement to overall site conditions with the least adverse impacts, and was therefore chosen as the preferred alternative. NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx APPENDIX A USGS MAP & PROJECT PLANS Bliss StWil low St Riv e r sid e D r N o n o t u c k S t Maple StMainesField Cross St 238 8 44 38 244 82 3 68326428162462 73 56 54 62072 67 63 82 48 42 63435 76 2 68 638296251 7 48 239 660 1 4 42552 61932 11236 21153139648 202 61521611USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line data; USFS Road Data; Natural Earth Data; U.S. Department of State Humanitarian Information Unit; and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, U.S. Coastal Relief Model. Data refreshed October 2018. I City of Northampton Public Works 1:2,000 Absolute Scale RIVERSIDE DRIVE NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS INDEX OF SHEETS THE HONORABLE GINA-LOUISE SCIARRA MAYOR NO. DESCRIPTION COVER SHEET G-1 CONSTRUCTION NOTES AND LEGEND C-1 620 - 648 RIVERSIDE DRIVE D-1 DETAILS PERMIT SET MAY 30, 2023 CONTRACTS 2023 RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DONNA LASCALEIA, DIRECTOR DAVID VELETA, P.E., CITY ENGINEER DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 LOCUST STREET NORTHAMPTON, MA 01060 413-587-1570 FAX 413-587-1576 GENERAL NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A COMPLETE NOTICE OF INTENT TO THE EPA FOR COVERAGE UNDER THE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT AT LEAST 7 DAYS PRIOR TO STARTING THE WORK. IN ADDITION, A COPY OF THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE NORTHAMPTON DPW FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO THE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING AND THE NOTICE TO PROCEED. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION ARE PROVIDED IN THE PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS (INCLUDING A WETLANDS ORDER OF CONDITIONS, IF ANY) AND WITHIN THESE PLANS; SEE "EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL" ON THIS SHEET. 2. GEODETIC COORDINATES: MASSACHUSETTS MAINLAND ZONE, US SURVEY FEET, NAD83-NAVD88. GPS CONTROL POINTS WILL BE PROVIDED BY DPW PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING ALL CONTROL POINTS AND BENCH MARKS NECESSARY FOR THE WORK. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF A LICENSED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER FOR THE PROJECT LAYOUT. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING EXISTING MONUMENTATION, INCLUDING PROPERTY BOUNDARY PINS, AND REPLACING THEM IN KIND AND ACCURACY IF DISTURBED. 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PROPERTY LINES AND OWNERSHIP INFORMATION ARE FROM THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON ASSESSOR'S OFFICE AND ARE APPROXIMATE. 5. TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOURS DERIVED FROM MASSGIS LIDAR TERRAIN DATA PROJECT, 2015. PLANIMETRICS BASEMAPPING DATA FROM THE SANBORN MAP COMPANY, INC, UTILIZING STEREOIMAGERY ACQUIRED UNDER THE MASSORTHO CONSORTIUM AND USGS QL1 LIDAR, 2015. 6. THE CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO CONTACT DIGSAFE (888-344-7233) AT LEAST 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION WORK, AND OBTAIN A TRENCH PERMIT FROM THE NORTHAMPTON DPW. 7. UTILITY EMERGENCY: CALL 911 8. UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS WERE COMPILED FROM DPW FIELD SURVEY, RECORD DRAWINGS AND AVAILABLE UTILITY COMPANY RECORD PLANS. ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS SHALL BE FIELD VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. IF FIELD CONDITIONS ARE OBSERVED THAT VARY SIGNIFICANTLY FROM THOSE SHOWN ON THE PLANS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE ENGINEER IN WRITING FOR RESOLUTION OF THE CONFLICTING INFORMATION. 9. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SITE SECURITY AND SAFETY. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND EXCAVATION SHALL COMPLY WITH CURRENT OSHA STANDARDS, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE PROVISION FOR A COMPETENT PERSON ON SITE, TRENCH SAFETY PLANS AND ANY OTHER REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MATCH ALL NEW PAVEMENT AND OTHER SURFACE GRADES TO EXISTING GRADES, PROVIDING A SMOOTH, FLUSH TRANSITION. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS: 1.CONSTRUCTION STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP). SEE GENERAL NOTE 1, ABOVE. IN ADDITION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION IRRESPECTIVE OF ANY APPROVALS RECEIVED FROM THE EPA, THE CITY, OR OTHER SOURCE. THE SWPPP SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS AND SHALL ALSO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: 2.SITE PERIMETER SEDIMENT CONTROLS SHALL INCLUDE SEDIMENT CAPTURE DEVICES INSTALLED DOWN-GRADIENT OF THE SITE WORK. SEDIMENT CAPTURE DEVICES SHALL INCLUDE, AS APPLICABLE, THE FOLLOWING: 2.1.FILTER SOCKS - SEE DETAILS, FOR USE AS PERIMETER CONTROL, TEMPORARY CHECK DAM IN SWALE, OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 2.2.STRAW WATTLES - SEE DETAILS, FOR USE AS PERIMETER CONTROL, WITHIN ROADSIDE DRAINAGE CHANNEL, OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 2.3.SILT FENCE WITH STRAW BALES - SEE DETAILS, FOR USE AS PERIMETER SEDIMENT CAPTURE IN UNPAVED AREAS, DOWN-GRADIENT OF SOIL STOCK PILES, AND AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. AS A MINIMUM, THE TYPE OF SITE PERIMETER CONTROL USED SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON PLAN SHEETS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. DIRECTION GIVEN BY CITY REPRESENTATIVE SHALL NOT RELIEVE THE CONTRACTOR FROM RESPONSIBILITY TO IMPLEMENT ADDITIONAL SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IF NEEDED TO CONTROL SEDIMENT MOVEMENT. 3.VEHICULAR SOIL TRACKING SHALL BE MINIMIZED AS NECESSARY THROUGH THE USE OF CRUSHED STONE AT THE ENTRANCES TO DRIVEWAYS OR ROADWAYS, DAILY SWEEPING ON HIGHER TRAFFIC AREAS, AND DAILY EVALUATION OF THE SITE TO DETERMINE ADDITIONAL SOIL MIGRATION PREVENTION AND DUST CONTROL MEASURES. 4.SOIL STOCKPILES THAT ARE NOT USED THE SAME DAY SHALL HAVE SEDIMENT CONTROLS/BARRIERS (SILT FENCE AND STRAW BALES) INSTALLED DOWN-GRADIENT OF THE STOCKPILE. STOCK PILES THAT REMAIN INACTIVE FOR MORE THAN 7 DAYS SHALL BE COVERED WITH IMPERVIOUS TARPAULIN. 5.CONTROL OF SEDIMENT MOVEMENT INTO CATCH BASINS AND AREA DRAINS. FILTER FABRICS DESIGNED FOR INSERTION BELOW STANDARD ROADWAY CATCH BASIN INLETS ARE PREFERRED SEDIMENT CONTROL FOR CATCH BASIN INLETS DRAINING LESS THAN 3000-SF IMPERVIOUS (ROADWAY) AT SLOPES LESS THAN 5%; SEE DETAIL SHEETS FOR "FILTER SOCK CURB INLET" OR "INLET PROTECTION". STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIERS OR SILT FENCE SEDIMENT BARRIERS MAY BE REQUIRED FOR LARGER DRAINAGE AREAS OR HIGHER SLOPES, TO BE DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 6.SLOPE PROTECTION: EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHALL BE USED TO STABILIZE DISTURBED AND REGRADED SLOPES STEEPER THAN 4H:1V OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. 7.INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE: THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL AND MAINTAIN A RAIN GAUGE AT THE SITE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSPECT THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT AND PROMPTLY MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT STORM (1-INCH IN 24 HOURS) TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN EVENT. THE REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED IN AN AREA THAT CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED AND WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF SITE. IF THE GRAVEL FILTER BECOMES CLOGGED WITH SEDIMENT, THE CLOGGED FILTER STONE AND SEDIMENTS MUST BE CAREFULLY REMOVED TO PREVENT MOVEMENT OF SEDIMENT INTO DRAINAGE STRUCTURES OR TOWARDS OTHER PROTECTED AREAS AND A NEW WASHED STONE FILTER SHALL BE INSTALLED TO CONTROL MOVEMENT OF SEDIMENTS. SIGN AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS: 1. ALL EXISTING TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK SHALL BE MAINTAINED, PROTECTED, AND/OR REMOVED AND RESET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON THE PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. ALL SIGN PANELS REMOVED FOR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF-SITE OR DELIVERED TO THE DPW YARD AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. EXACT LAYOUT AND PLACEMENT OF ALL SIGNS AND THERMOPLASTIC PAINT TO MEET INTENT OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE "MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES" (MUTCD) GUIDELINES, & BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER. HIGH INTENSITY RETROREFLECTIVE SHEETING SHALL BE USED FOR ALL SIGNS. TREE PROTECTION: 1. TREES IN THE VICINITY OF WORK SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION. PRIOR TO STARTING WORK, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONSULT WITH DPW ARBORIST TO DETERMINE TYPE OF PROTECTION REQUIRED FOR EACH TREE. SEE TREE PROTECTION DETAILS. 2. AIR SPADING MAY BE REQUIRED IF ROOTS ARE ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION EXCAVATION, PER DIRECTION OF THE TREE WARDEN AND/ OR ENGINEER. UTILITY NOTES: 1. EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN BASED ON AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR, IN ALL OPERATIONS, SHALL ANTICIPATE THE EXISTENCE OF UTILITIES THAT ARE CONSISTENT WITH LOCAL USAGE REQUIREMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY OR AUTHORITY. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DIG TEST PITS, WHERE REQUIRED, TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF UNDERGROUND UTILITIES AND WHEREVER PROPOSED UNDERGROUND UTILITIES MAY CROSS OR BE ADJACENT TO EXISTING UTILITIES. 3. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO RELOCATE, OR COORDINATE THE RELOCATION OF, ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WHICH CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN ON THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY APPROPRIATE UTILITY AT LEAST 3 WEEKS PRIOR TO ANY REQUIRED UTILITY RELOCATIONS. 4. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAINTAIN THE PROPER FUNCTIONING OF ALL UTILITIES IN THE AREAS UNDER CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO THE TIME WHEN THE FINAL SYSTEM IS PLACED INTO SERVICE. ALL PIPES AND STRUCTURES, AND POLES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK SHALL BE LEFT IN A CLEAN AND OPERABLE CONDITION AT THE COMPLETION OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO ANY EXISTING UTILITIES AND FOR REPAIRS THAT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OR RESPECTIVE UTILITY COMPANY. 5. ADJUST ALL MANHOLES TO FINISH GRADE AND CATCH BASINS TO FINISHED GRADE ELEVATION MINUS 0.01'. ADJUST ALL GATE BOXES, CURB STOPS AND CLEANOUT COVERS TO FINISH GRADE. EXISTING GRANITE CURB CATCH BASIN INLET SECTIONS SHALL BE REMOVED AND RESET. 6. UTILITY TRENCHES IN ROADWAY SHALL BE PATCHED WITHIN 48 HOURS OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ALL RESIDENTS AND BUSINESSES OWNERS OF ANY WORK WHICH MAY AFFECT ACCESS TO THEIR PROPERTY (SUCH AS DRIVEWAYS). SAID NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN, IN WRITING, 24 HOURS PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF SUCH WORK. 8. PROPOSED CATCH BASIN RIM ELEVATIONS ARE LISTED AS APPROXIMATE ELEVATION ON THE PLANS, ACTUAL ELEVATIONS SHALL BE FINISHED PAVEMENT ELEVATION MINUS 0.01'. 9. ALL WATER SHUTDOWNS SHALL BE PERFORMED BY THE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON WATER DIVISION. 10. ANY WATER HYDRANT THAT IS OUT OF SERVICE SHALL BE BAGGED. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY HYDRANT THAT IS TO BE TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE. 11. ALL WATER SERVICES SHALL BE RENEWED TO THE PROPERTY LINE OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. EXISTING WATER SERVICE BOX LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE ONLY. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY WATER SERVICE AND GATE VALVE LOCATIONS IN THE FIELD, PROVIDE SERVICE TAPS ACCORDINGLY AND ENSURE THAT ALL SUCH BOXES ARE IN WORKING ORDER AFTER THE COMPLETION OF THE WORK, AS APPROVED BY THE WATER DIVISION. 12. ALL WATER GATES, BENDS, CAPS TEES, PLUGS, PIPE RUNS AND BRANCHES SHALL BE RESTRAINED PER SPECIFICATION. 13. NO SPLICING OF WATER SERVICE LINES ALLOWED. IF CONTRACTOR DAMAGES WATER SERVICE LINE, THE DAMAGED LINE SHALL BE REPLACED FROM THE CORPORATION STOP AT THE MAIN TO THE CURB BOX SHUTOFF. 14. WATER AND SEWER PIPES SHALL BE SEPARATED BY A MINIMUM OF 10 FEET HORIZONTALLY AND 18 INCHES VERTICALLY WHEREVER POSSIBLE. 15. ALL WATER MAINS SHALL BE PRESSURE TESTED AND DISINFECTED. THE ENGINEER AND WATER DEPARTMENT MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL WATER SYSTEM TESTING AND DISINFECTION. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL SHEETS FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE ENGINEER'S INSPECTION OF WATER MAIN AND CONTRACTOR'S REPORTING AND CERTIFICATION. 16. ALL SEWER MAINS AND STRUCTURES SHALL BE LEAKAGE TESTED. THE ENGINEER MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL TESTING. REFER TO THE SPECIFICATIONS AND DETAIL SHEETS FOR SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS REGARDING THE ENGINEER'S INSPECTION AND CONTRACTOR'S REPORTING AND CERTIFICATION. 17. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DEWATERING AS NEEDED TO INSTALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES "IN THE DRY". 18.CAPPING DEAD-END WATERLINES: ALL NEW TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT DEAD-END WATERLINES SHALL BE CAPPED AND SEALED WITH MECHANICAL JOINT CAPS. 19.ABANDONMENT OF NON-PRESURIZED PIPING: EXISTING PIPELINE THAT WILL NO LONGER BE CONNECTED TO THE WATER SYSTEM SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND PROPERLY DISPOSED OR SHALL BE ABANDONED IN PLACE. PIPELINE ABANDONED IN PLACE SHALL HAVE ALL OPEN ENDS SEALED WITH MASONRY AND CONCRETE PLUGS TO PREVENT THE FLOW OF GROUNDWATER THROUGH THE PIPELINE(S). 20.WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS: SERVICE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED CONSISTENT WITH THE WATER SERVICE DETAIL PROVIDED ON DETAIL SHEETS. THE SERVICE BOX AND CURB STOP SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE PROPERTY LINE OR OTHER LOCATION AS REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER. 21.THRUST BLOCKS & JOINT RESTRAINT: THRUST BLOCKS ARE REQUIRED AT ALL WATERMAIN BENDS, TEES, PLUGS/CAPS, AND HYDRANTS; SEE DETAILS. JOINT RESTRAINT IS REQUIRED (IN ADDITION TO THRUST BLOCKS) AT ALL BENDS, TEES, PLUGS/CAPS, HYDRANTS, TRANSITION FITTINGS AND VALVES. PROPERTY PROTECTION: 1. LAND MONUMENTS AND PROPERTY MARKS SHALL BE CAREFULLY PROTECTED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESETTING OR REPLACEMENT BY A LICENSED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR OF ANY PROPERTY PINS OR MONUMENTS DISTURBED DURING CONSTRUCTION, FOR ANY REASON. 2. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL DAMAGE CAUSED BY THEIR ACTIONS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. 3. TOPOGRAPHY AND PLANIMETRICS PROVIDED BY NORTHAMPTON DPW. PROPERTY LINES PROVIDED BY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE. 4. EXISTING MAILBOXES SHALL BE PROTECTED OR REMOVED AND RESET TO PERFORM WORK. SEQUENCE OF WORK: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A DETAILED PLAN SHOWING THE OVERALL SEQUENCE OF WORK FOR EACH WORK ITEM, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO PROPOSED WEEKLY SCHEDULE, SEQUENCING OF INSTALLATION OF VARIOUS COMPONENTS OF THE WORK, PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURES, AND ALTERNATE ROUTES. THE SCHEDULE SHALL BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A NOTICE TO PROCEED. 2. THE SEQUENCE OF WORK SHALL ALSO DESCRIBE METHODS TO MAINTAIN PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC FOR ALL PHASES AND TO ALL AFFECTED PROPERTIES. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT A DETAILED TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL BY THE NORTHAMPTON DPW PRIOR TO CONDUCTING ANY SITE WORK. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL IMPLEMENT SITE SAFETY CONTROLS AND TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN MANAGEMENT PLAN PRIOR TO CONDUCTING ANY SITE WORK. DEMOLITION: 1. LIMITS FOR MILL & OVERLAY, RECLAIM, COLD IN PLACE [CIP] RECYCLING, OR MICROMILLING WIDTH ARE EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT AS SHOWN ON PLANS OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. ANY LOCATIONS WHERE EXISTING PAVEMENT IS WIDER THAN MILL & OVERLAY OR RECLAIM AREA, REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT AND LOAM & SEED AREA TO MATCH FINISHED PAVEMENT AND LOCAL GRADES OR INSTALL OTHER RESTORATION AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. 2. IN AREAS WHERE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE IS TO BE REMOVED, THE EDGE OF ANY BITUMINOUS CONCRETE TO REMAIN SHALL BE NEATLY SAWCUT PRIOR TO THE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE REMOVAL. IF THE NEATLY SAWCUT EDGE IS DAMAGED PRIOR TO FINAL PAVEMENT, IT SHALL BE NEATLY SAWCUT AGAIN AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. MATERIALS TO BE REMOVED MAY INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, CURBING, WALKS AND DRIVES; CONCRETE CURBING, WALKS AND DRIVES; CAST IRON, ASBESTOS CEMENT AND OTHER PIPING; UTILITY STRUCTURES; RUBBLE, ROCK AND UNSUITABLE MATERIAL. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF THESE MATERIALS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 4. UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, ABANDONED EXISTING UTILITY LINES SHALL BE CAPPED WITH MASONRY & CONCRETE PLUGS AT THE LIMITS OF WORK. ABANDONED LINES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF WORK SHALL BE REMOVED AND DISPOSED OF IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS. 5. EXISTING BURIED STRUCTURES THAT ARE NOT FUNCTIONAL MAY BE ABANDONED IN PLACE, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE ENGINEER, AS FOLLOWS: REMOVE THE TOP RISER SECTION; PERFORATE THE BOTTOM TO ALLOW IT TO DRAIN; ALL PIPE PENETRATIONS SHALL BE PLUGGED WITH MASONRY AND MORTAR; AND THE VOID SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED WITH ORDINARY BORROW OR CONTROL DENSITY FILL. 6. SHOULDERS SHALL BE GRADED WHERE OVERLAND DRAINAGE IS OBSTRUCTED, OR NOTED ON PLANS, PER ROAD CROSS-SECTION DETAIL, OR AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER. LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS AC ASBESTOS CONCRETE CB CATCH BASIN CONC CONCRETEDET DETERMINED DGCS DENSE-GRADED CRUSHED STONE DI DUCTILE IRON DIR DIRECTEDDMH DRAIN MANHOLE ENGR ENGINEER EOP EDGE OF PAVEMENTEX EXISTING F&C FRAME AND COVER F&G FRAME AND GRATE FIN FINISHEDGV GAS VALVE HMA HOT MIX ASPHALT INV INVERTMB MAILBOX MH MANHOLE PAVE PAVEMENTPROP PROPOSED PROT PROTECT R&D REMOVE AND DISCARD R&R REMOVE AND RESETR&S REMOVE AND STACK RET RETAIN ROT ROTATED SMH SEWER MANHOLETHERMO THERMOPLASTIC TYP TYPICAL UNK UNKNOWNWCR WHEEL CHAIR RAMP WV WATER VALVE WETLAND RESOURCE AREA ABBREVIATIONS BLSF BORDERING LAND SUBJECT TO FLOODINGILSF ISOLATED LAND SUBJECT TO FLOODING BVW BORDERING VEGETATION WETLAND LUWW LAND UNDER WATER AND WATERWAYS RFA RIVERFRONT AREAVP CERTIFIED VERNAL POOLS PAVEMENT MARKING ABBREVIATIONS DYCL DOUBLE YELLOW CENTER LINE (4" THERMO. + 4" SPACE + 4" THERMO.) SWCHL SOLID WHITE CHANNELIZATION LINE (8"THERMO.) SWEL SOLID WHITE EDGE LINE (4" THERMO.) SWLL SOLID WHITE LANE LINE (4" THERMO.)SWSL SOLID WHITE STOP LINE (12" THERMO.) SYCL SOLID YELLOW CENTER LINE (4" THERMO.) SYEL SOLID YELLOW EDGE LINE (4" THERMO.) WGL WHITE GORE LINE (12" THERMO.)YGL YELLOW GORE LINE (12" THERMO.) WATER MAIN SEWER MAIN STORM DRAIN GAS MAIN OVERHEAD WIRES PARCEL LINE EDGE OF PAVEMENT EDGE OF GRAVEL EDGE OF SIDEWALK FENCE SEWER MANHOLE STORM DRAIN MANHOLE CATCH BASIN HYDRANT WATER GATE / VALVE WATER SERVICE BOX SEWER CLEAN OUT GAS GATE / VALVE UTILITY POLE / LIGHT POST OUTFALL SIGN / MULTIPLE SIGN BOUND / IRON PIPE FOUND MAILBOX PUBLIC SHADE TREE STONE WALL / RETAINING WALL GUARDRAIL CITY BOUNDARY RAILROAD CONTOUR MAJOR CONTOUR MINOR DRAIN CHANNEL RIVER/ STREAM/ BROOK WETLAND WETLANDS PROTECTION ACT AREA, AS NOTED EDGE OF DRIVEWAY HMA CURB GRANITE CURB / OTHER CURB SUBDRAIN TEST PIT EROSION CONTROLS FLOW ARROW TREE PROTECT CONTROL POINT ROOT PROT./ AIR SPADING DRAWN: DATE: DESIGN: CHECKED: NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION NORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 125 LOCUST STREET FAX (413) 587-1576 (413) 587-1570 SCALE: 1" = DRAWING NO. SHEET TITLE REVISIONS DATE DESCRIPTIONPROJECTNO. VERT. SCALE: CITY OF N/A N/A . G-1 01/04/2022 GJN/DKV MHC MHCRIVERSIDE DRIVESEWER REPAIRNOTES & LEGEND 5/30/2023 RIVERSIDE DR MILL RIVER OHWM-1 OHWM-2 OHWM-3 207.92CONC. POST OHWM-4 207.45TOB/EXPOSED PIPE OHWM-5 DRAWN: DATE: DESIGN: CHECKED: NORTHAMPTON DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION NORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060 125 LOCUST STREET FAX (413) 587-1576 (413) 587-1570 SCALE: 1" = DRAWING NO. SHEET TITLE REVISIONS DATE DESCRIPTIONPROJECTNO. VERT. SCALE: CITY OF N/A 20' 40'20'0'20' C-1 5/26/2023 GJN/DKV MHC GJNRIVERSIDE DRIVESEWER REPAIR620 - 648 RIVERSIDE DRIVE 5/30/2023 DRAWN:DATE:DESIGN:CHECKED:NORTHAMPTONDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSENGINEERING DIVISIONNORTHAMPTON, MA. 01060125 LOCUST STREETFAX (413) 587-1576(413) 587-1570SCALE: 1" =DRAWING NO.SHEET TITLEREVISIONSDATE DESCRIPTIONPROJECTNO.VERT. SCALE:CITY OFN/AN/AD-19/8/2021GJN/DKVMHCMHCRIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIRDETAILS5/30/2023 Riverside Dr Maines Field L a n d y A v e Riverside Drive Sewer Repair Prepared by:Engineering DivisionDepartment of Public WorksCity of Northampton May 19, 2023 City of Northampton I1" = 100' NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx APPENDIX B PHOTOS NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx PHOTO 1. VIEW EASTWARD FROM MANHOLE ON CONSERVATION PROPERTY (4/11/2023) PHOTO 2. EXPOSED SEWER PIPE (APRIL 27, 2023) Drain outfall Bank erosion NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx PHOTO 3. EXPOSED SEWER PIPE (5/22/2023) PHOTO 4. VIEW OF DOWNSTREAM BANK CONDITIONS (5/22/2023) NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx PHOTO 5. VIEW UPSTREAM OF BANK CONDITIONS (4/27/2023) PHOTO 6. VIEW EASTWARD WITH PROPOSED PIPE ALIGNMENT AND TREES TO BE REMOVED Exposed pipe NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx PHOTO 7. VIEW NW OF FILL AREA TO BE RE-GRADED (4/11/2023) PHOTO 8. VIEW EAST FROM CONSERVATION PARCEL TO NEW MANHOLE LOCATION WITH PROPOSED PIPE ALIGNMENT (5/22/2023) Fill to be removed NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx APPENDIX C LIST OF ABUTTERS NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx ABUTTERS WITHIN 100 FEET OF PROJECT SITE: Parcel ID Owner Street Address City Zip Code 23A-286-001 Perstorp Compounds, Inc. (c/o Chemiplastica Inc) 238 Nonotuck St Florence, MA 01062 23C-037-001 660 Riverside Drive LLC 175 Main St Leeds, MA 01053 23C-036-001 Andrew Zucchino 648 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-090-001 City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main St Northampton, MA 01060 23C-035-001 Christine M. Shaw 638 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-034-001 Lisa Schmidt 634 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-033-001 Kristin & Mark Divoll 620 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-032-001 Kristin & Mark Divoll 620 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01060 23C-031-001 City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main St Northampton, MA 01060 23C-047-001 Jody Barker & Erica Scharrer 32 Willow St Florence, MA 01062 23C-048-001 Marvin & Jana Cable 38 Willow St Florence, MA 01062 23C-049-001 Patrick & Tracy Gabridge 44 Willow St Florence, MA 01062 NOTICE OF INTENT RIVERSIDE DRIVE SEWER REPAIR NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS M:\Riverside Drive\Sewer Repair 2023_near Mill River\Permitting\WPA\NOI Report.docx APPENDIX D MESA REVIEW CHECKLIST v.5/2022 Massachusetts Endangered Species Act M.G.L. c.131A and Regulations (321 CMR 10.00) Project Details *Project or Site Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ *Street Address/Location: ______________________________________________________________________________________ *Town(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Total Site Acreage: _________________________ *Acreage of Disturbance1: ____________________________ Parcel/lot number: __________________________ Assessors map/plat number: __________________________ Project Description (If necessary, a project/site description can also be provided as an attachment): __________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registry of deeds information2 Registry: __________________________________ Certificate # (if registered land): _______________________________ Book: _____________________________________ Page Number: _____________________________________________ Do you have a previous NHESP Tracking number? (Yes / No) If yes, please provide: _______________________________________ Will this project require a filing with the Conservation Commission and/or DEP pursuant to the Wetlands Protection Act (WPA)? (Yes / No) Map *Required: Enclose a map with the site location clearly marked and centered on the page. Landowner Info *Are you the Record Owner3 of the property? (Yes / No) *If No, are you a representative of the Record Owner or do you have permission from the Record Owner to submit this request or filing?4 (Yes / No) *Landowner Name Organization (if applicable) *Street Address/Location *City/Town *State *Zip Code Email Telephone Comments/Purpose of request5: _________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 Please disclose the full acreage of disturbance associated with the project, including areas outside of Priority Habitat. 2 If your project contains more than one registered property, please attach a document listing the Registry information for each. 3 Record Owner means any person or entity holding a legal or equitable interest, right or title to real property, as reflected in a written instrument or recorded deed, or any person authorized in writing by such person. 4 If you are not the record owner, a statement or proof that you are authorized by the record owner must be attached. 5 Provide the authorization you have to submit this request if you are not the record owner and not a representative of the record owner. v.5/2022 Applicant Info Applicant Name (if different from Landowner) Organization (if applicable) Street Address/Location City/Town State Zip Code Email (if available) Telephone Representative Info Representative Name (if different from Landowner) Organization (if applicable) Street Address/Location City/Town State Zip Code Email (if available) Telephone *Required Documents USGS map (1:24,000 or 1:25,000) with property boundary clearly outlined Project plans for entire site (including wetland Resource Areas, showing existing and proposed conditions, existing and proposed tree/vegetation clearing line, and clearly demarcated limits of work) Assessor’s map or right-of-way plan of site Statement/proof that applicant is the Record Owner or that applicant is a person authorized in writing by the record owner to submit this filing Photographs representative of the site Projects altering 10 or more acres, must also submit: A vegetation cover type map of the site Project plans showing Priority Habitat boundaries The Division will notify you within 30 days if the materials submitted do not satisfy the filing requirements under 321 CMR 10.20. The Division may request additional information, such as, but not limited to, species and habitat surveys. A request for additional information would come within 30 days of receiving a complete filing. *Filing Fee Fee schedule is available at *Total MESA Fee Enclosed: ___________ Payable via check to Comm. of MA - NHESP *Required Signatures I hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the information contained is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Property Owner/Record Owner of Property Date Signature of Applicant (if different from Owner) Date Please mail this completed form, with the required document and fee to: NHESP Regulatory Review | MassWildlife Field Headquarters | 1 Rabbit Hill Road | Westborough, MA 01581 Landowners within the Sewer Easement Area Parcel ID Owner Street Address City Zip Code 23C-090-001 City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main St Northampton, MA 01060 23C-035-001 Christine M. Shaw 638 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-034-001 Lisa Schmidt 634 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-033-001 Kristin & Mark Divoll 620 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01062 23C-032-001 Kristin & Mark Divoll 620 Riverside Dr Florence, MA 01060 23C-031-001 City of Northampton City Hall, 210 Main St Northampton, MA 01060 Bliss StWil low St Riv e r sid e D r N o n o t u c k S t Maple StMainesField Cross St 238 8 44 38 244 82 3 6326428162462 73 56 54 62072 67 63 82 48 42 63435 76 2 68 638296251 7 48 239 660 2552 61932 11236 21153139648 202 61521611USGS The National Map: National Boundaries Dataset, 3DEP Elevation8Program, Geographic Names Information System, National Hydrography 1 4Dataset, National Land Cover Database, National Structures Dataset, and National Transportation Dataset; USGS Global Ecosystems; U.S. Census Bureau TIGER/Line data; USFS Road Data; Natural Earth Data; U.S.epartment of State Huma 4nitarian Information Unit; and NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, U.S. Coastal Relief Model. Datrefreshed October 2018. I City of Northampton Public Works 1:2,000 Absolute Scale 1"=200' Riverside Drive Sewer The information depicted on this map is for planning purposes only. It is not adequate for legal boundary definition, regulatory interpretation, or parcel-level analyses. 5/23/2023 2:53:11 PM Scale is approximate Scale: May 15, 2023 City of Northampton- Department of Public Works 125 Locust Street Northampton, Massachusetts 01060 RE: Project Location: 620 Riverside Drive & 238 Nonotuck Street Town: Northampton Heritage Hub Form ID: IR-55110 NHESP Tracking No.: - To Whom It May Concern: Thank you for contacting the Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program (NHESP) of the MA Division of Fisheries & Wildlife (the “Division”) for information regarding state-listed species in the vicinity of the above referenced site. Based on the information provided, this project site or a portion thereof is located within the current Massachusetts Natural Heritage Atlas. The following state-listed species are mapped for either Priority Habitat (PH) alone, or for both Priority Habitat (PH) and Estimated Habitat (EH), as indicated in the following table: Scientific Name Common Name Taxonomic Group State Status EH PH 20841319Special ConcernDragonfly/Damselfl y Ocellated DarnerBoyeria grafiana The species listed above is protected under the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA) (M.G.L. c. 131A) and its implementing regulations (321 CMR 10.00). State-listed wildlife are also protected under the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) (M.G.L. c. 131, s. 40) and its implementing regulations (310 CMR 10.00). Fact sheets for most state-listed species can be found on our website ( Please note that projects and activities located within Priority and/or Estimated Habitat must be reviewed by the Division for compliance with the state-listed species protection provisions of MESA (321 CMR 10.00) and/or the WPA (310 CMR 10.00). Wetlands Protection Act (WPA) If the project site is within Estimated Habitat and a Notice of Intent (NOI) is required, then a copy of the NOI must be submitted to the Division so that it is received at the same time as the local conservation commission. If the Division determines that the proposed project will adversely affect the actual Resource Area habitat of state-protected wildlife, then the proposed project may not be permitted (310 CMR 10.37, 10.58(4)(b) & 10.59). In such a case, the project proponent may request a consultation with the Division to discuss potential project design 2PageIR-55110NHESP No. modifications that would avoid adverse effects to state-listed wildlife habitat. A streamlined joint MESA/WPA review process is available. When filing an NOI, the applicant may file concurrently under the MESA and qualify for a 30-day streamlined joint review. Please visit our website for filing instructions: MA Endangered Species Act (MESA) If the proposed project is located within Priority Habitat and is not exempt from review (see 321 CMR 10.14), then project plans, a fee, and other required materials must be submitted to the Division to determine whether a Take under the MA Endangered Species Act would occur (321 CMR 10.18). Please note that all proposed and anticipated development must be disclosed, as MESA does not allow project segmentation (321 CMR 10.16). Please visit our website for filing instructions: We recommend that state-listed species habitat concerns be addressed during the project design phase prior to submission of a formal MESA filing, as avoidance and minimization of impacts to state-listed species and their habitats is likely to expedite regulatory review. Please visit our website for more information on how to request a pre-filing consultation with the Division: This evaluation is based on the most recent information available in the NHESP database, which is constantly being expanded and updated through ongoing research and inventory. If the purpose of your inquiry is to generate a species list to fulfill the federal Endangered Species Act (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.) information requirements for a permit, proposal, or authorization of any kind from a federal agency, we recommend that you use the NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region ESA Section 7 Mapper ( and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Information for Planning and Conservation website ( If you have any questions regarding this letter please contact Melany Cheeseman, Endangered Species Review Assistant, at Sincerely, Everose Schlüter, Ph.D. Assistant Director