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City of Northampton REQUIRED INSPECTIONS t 4 J~V.VV� • V iL�B DING DEPARTMENT , 1. Footings and Walls 2. Structural Components in Place* 3. Complete Building* No. 727 Office of the Building Inspector Zoning Form No. 960051 Date 8/25/95 Fee 000000 Check#Waived p Page, 23B Parcel 014 ,Zone GI Section 127 u Yes ❑ No BUILDING PERMIT * Plumbing and Electrical Inspections required THIS CERTIFIES THAT Dome Corporation of America before Building Inspections has permission to construct a salt storage dome. Inspection on Site—Foundations situated on 125 Locust St. (DPW) City of Northampton Inspection of Plumbing—Rough provided that the person accepting this permit shall in every respect Inspec'ion of Plumbing—Finish conform to the terms of the application on file in this office, and to the Gas Inspection provisions of the Statutes and the Ordinances relating to the Construction, Insp ction of Wiring—Rough %r/ / 2'AF Maintenance and Inspection of Buildings in the City of Northampton. Any violation of any of the terms above noted is an immediate revocation Inspection of Wiring—Finish ///G/f rA//T of this permit.Expires six months from r.late of issuance,if not started. Building Inspection—Rough Note:A certificate of occupancy will be issued by this office upon return Insulation Inspection ____,,./_„,- ,/- of this card signed by the Plumbing,Wiring and Building Inspectors. Building Inspection—Finish 61rf3 2s�S , Smoke Detectors(Fire Department) Other THIS CARD _ E DI A D IN A CONSPI _PLA THE PREMISES Certificate of Occupan 1 pector c P21,If SilM 4460ak (4)40.°11.. /4' OIL) 0006°°16. OF C-1) ti3 • 0 to Ui , • DOME CORPORATION of AMERICA LEUMEM CQ F aroma ora[L 127 PINE STREET P.O. BOX 1540 MONTCLAIR, NJ 07042 DATE JOB NO. TEL.201/744-0440•TELEFAX 201/744-8759 August 25, 1995 ATTENTION Francis X. Sienkiewicz RE TO City of Northampton Salt Storage Building Department of Building Inspections 212 Main Street, Municipal Building ! r r-Th Northampton, MA 01060 9 15 WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached ;� Under separate cover via Federal Express the follgi n L Shop drawings ❑ Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications E Copy of letter ❑ Change order 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 SETS R-72' Dia. Dome drawings— signed & sealed 1 Signed & Sealed form— Inspections THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval 0 Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approval O For your use 0 Approved as noted ❑ Submit copies for distribution ❑ As requested 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 O FOR BIDS DUE 19 ❑ PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Dear Mr. Sienkiewicz, Please find enclosed the originals of the fax which we submitted to your attention on today's date. We trust you will find everything in order and will be able to proceed with our permit and license. Our crew is ready to commence work on Monday or Tuesday and we hope all will be approved by that time. Thank you for your kind assistance. COPY TO SIGNED: If• closures an not at natal, kindly notify us at ono.. Paul Murauskas, Project Manager LI I T Ur IVUK I hHr!r I UIV I tL IVU . 1-41.'.—JOO )f Go nuy LJ e 'J C. •J4 IYU .V L I . U= i.-7 '.e. ty (rit , of NorthamptonI! ', _ _ 4ram.i ."-" 1:i DEPARTMENT OP BUILDING INSPECTIONS 1TP^ INSPECTOR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building v0/ Northampton, MAIM 01060 Francis X. Sienkiewicz Inspector of Buildings ADDRESS: 125 Locust Street MAP 23B PLOT 019 ZONE GI OWNER: City of Northampton USE GROUP/GROUPS: • TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Salt Storage Doane NUM. OF STORIES: one ( 1 ) BUILDING HEIGHT: 39 ' -5" FIRE SEPARATION OF WALLS & CEILINGS: n/a FLOOR AREA SQ. FT. (EACH LEVEL) : 3894 CUBIC FEET OF BUILDING: 44,901 FLOOR LOADS (EACH LEVEL) : 2419 Tons HUM. OF TOILETS & URINALS (EACH LEVEL) : n/a DETAIL DRAWINGS OF FLOOR LAYOUTS: 2 attached FIRE SUPPRESSION AND/OR ALARM SYSTEM? n/a HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE? n/a 1 LIGHTING LEVELS: 32 ft . (above entryway-interior-each side of •oorway) I MEANS OF EGRESS/EXIT LIGHTS? One el.erior fixture above canopy / ;;;;-1-61--(&' 780 CMR SECT: 127 SIGNATURE OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND SEAL OF MASSACHUSETTS ONLY ' DATE August 25 , 1995 i��R A- � I 4,C No. 2692 c., C) m 0 Hackensack` O 2 N.J; f y, . k........ `Q I x—�• C. ( !Ark*. ...--..--•'' O y` s, �// yb� 061 / 1 '� �' I-- f ti .2. 1 S luny _--- 0 .b�Z MdQ -�J - °'17 5OZ JJ h , krYYJ oo n / XQ d 5 t J-1 1 s `wo ti tiZz � c,,L t'l • /5N ° 0 S,ig 4l7140n 1111INW + JZZ El / s_ y _ 0 C) t *,_o-, 13311 S 4 .:). , \iii ‘, _..... 44 I: 4111111 ' ' 1,(P 4441444.%k (?) ) / I 4 — 21111111111111111111111,-,_ /1111111 0 CP: '% if %7 6 CP\ gri 4,4,_( _ s000e lira, --..,_.......--...___ likapwak 40 ,,.. 7/ I I .G Q ' \hcfLimirk) Y� / Y \ - OLIZJ —/ R Af Ste --Z41V-. VO .., . ill co, l� o£z ,j WAL.,,,, \ Szz ",O'£�f �ObZ 0£z Vr�`` 0tt-^,, sz2 \ CD / osz ♦ r\~ t I __..i- 3000sz AMA' 633 H SI- - '' ' ' ...'. • l • I. DOME CORPORATION of,--Am IG [L[ TT[ j3 oQ F u[°n�&, al(,Duir 127 PINE STREET;3 �__ ri L5 Ni� C U . P.O. BOX 1582 tt� — MONTCLAIR, NJ 0714. i I DATE JOB NO. TEL.201/744-0440•TELEFAX.4 I 44-8A 2 1 1995 k! ,� July 19, 1995 ,� ATTENTION Tony Patillo, Asst. Bldg. Insp. DEPT OF BI�N_Q!ldG Fl I TI RE TO City of Northampton NORTt-tA;��/f f•,L "+t,tit ,•; _ Department of Building Inspections Salt Storage Dome 212 Main Street, Municipal Building Locust Street Northampton, MA 01060 WE ARE SENDING YOU Attached E Under separate cover via the following items: E Shop drawings ❑ Prints 0 Plans 0 Samples 0 Specifications C Copy of letter 0 Change order 0 COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION Zoning Permit Application Application For Permit To Alter THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: O For approval 0 Approved as submitted 0 Resubmit copies for approval ❑ For your use 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit copies for distribution O As requested 0 Returned for corrections ❑ Return corrected prints ❑ For review and comment 0 ❑ FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Dear Mr. Patillo, As required, enclosed please find the above mentioned items submitted for the project as referenced above. Hoping everything meets to your satisfaction. COPY TO SIGNED: If enclowns a,. not as noted. kindly notify us at once. Jennifer Dysinger FILE # 90051 11 n -�---r, APPLICANT/CONTACT P ON: ./x6-e 2 6 ! ';.s ILJ ADDRESS/PHONE:,C; "22Z VT OF U1LDING INSPEi;T,yS � NM. AT�IPRA MA 01660 PROPERTY LOCATION: /.4 ! ,c.-C 4 , > MAP -,� !� PARCEL: (/ ZONE Cam% THIS SECTION FOR-OFFICIAL USE ONLY: PERMIT APPLICATION CHECKLIST ENCLOSED REQUIRED DATE 7ONTNG FORM FILLED FD) OUT Fee Paid Building Permit Filled nut Fee Paid Type of Cnnctructinn• New Construction Remodeling Interior Addition to Existing ��� Accessory Structure Building Plans Included• Owner/Occupant Statement nr License # 3 Sets of Plans / Plot Plan THELLOWING ACTION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON THIS APPLICATION: Approved as presented/based on information presented Denied as presented: Special Permit and/or Site Plan Required under: § PLANNING BOARD ZONING BOARD Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Finding Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received&Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Variance Required under: § w/ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Received &Recorded at Registry of Deeds Proof Enclosed Other Permits Required: Curb Cut from DPW Water Availability Sewer Availability Septic Approval-Bd of Health Well Water Potability-Bd Health Per • from Co servar Commission S• ature of u' ckng Ins ate NOTE: Issuenoe of a zoning permit does not relieve an plioents burden to oomply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, Department of Publio Works and other appiioeble permit granting authorities. .9 ? < . T v -Z c r. .. ,7-... 5. -I yz > 5 CA e Z m r tr, 0 74 a 1 n Zoning Miscellaneous Additions,Repairs,Alterations,etc. Tel.No. Alterations %r NORTHAMPTON, MASS. 1 g Additions k A' APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ALTER Repair Additions Garage l. Location DPW Yard— Locust Street Lot No. 2. Owner's nam6ity of Northampton Address 125 Locust St,Northampton, MA 01060 3. Builder's nameDome Corp. of America Address 127 Pine St. ,P.O.Box 1582,Montclair, NJ 07042 Mass.Construction Supervisor's License No. Expiration Date 4. Addition , 5. Alteration 6. New Porch 7. Is existing building to be demolished? 8. Repair after the fire 9. Garage No.of cars Size 10. Method of heating n/a 11. Distance to lot lines 12. Type of roof asphalt shingles 13. Siding house 14. Estimated cost:- $97,700.00 The undersig certifies at the abov statcmcn a true to the best of his, her knowl d lief. ,,.._ N/ ---) Sigma' re of responsible appiican: Stanley S. Milic,President Remarks File No. / ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION (§10. 2) PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION 1. Name of App scant: 1 Dome Corporation of America 27 Pine street , F.O . Box 1582 Address: Montclair , NJ 07042 Telephone: 201-744-0440 p[�pe� City of Northampton,MA 2. Owner of 12 5 L O c_u s t Street Address: Northampton, MA 01060 Telephone: 413-582-1574 3. Status of Applicant: Owner Contract Purchaser Lessee x Other (explain): Contractor/Mahiufacturer of Salt Storage Bldgs . 4. Street Address: Parcel Id: Zoning Map# Parcel# District(s): (TO BE FILLED IN BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT) 5. Existing Use of Structure/Property 6. Description of Proposed Use/Work/Project/Occupation: (Use additional sheets if necessary): Construction of pre-fabricated Salt Storage Dome used for storing of winter highway de-icing materials including electrical work for exhaust fan & lighting j eic � ��,' 7. Attached Plans: Sketch Plan Site Plan Engineered/Surveyed Plans Answers to the following 2 questions may be obtained by checking with the Buildlny/ Dept or Planning Department Files. 8. Has a Special PermitNariance�nding ever been issued for/on the site? NO DON'T KNOW x YES IF YES, date issued: IF YES: Was the permit recorded at the Registry of Deeds? NO DON'T KNOW YES IF YES: enter Book Page and/or Document # 9. Does the site contain a brook, body of water or wetlands? NO DON'T KNOW x Y:S IF YES, has a permit been or need to be obtained from the Conservation Commission? - t Needs to be obtained Obtained , date issued: (FORM CONTINUES ON OTHER SIDE) • 10. Do any signs exist on the property? YES kNdOWt x IF YES, describe size, type and location: Are there any proposed changes to or additions of signs intended for the property? YES NO IF YES, describe size, type and location: 11 . ALL INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETED, or PERMIT CAN BE DENIED DUE TO LACK OF INFORMATION. 5 - Thiscolumn to be -t. dc in byyt fir cy. hw r{1.af.,; L0(,. ° �� Required A� lao Existil Proposed B Zonin• Lot size Frontage Setbacks - front - side L: R: L: R: - rear Building height 391 -5" Bldg Square footage %Open Space: 3894 (Lot az- a minus hld^ & aved parking) # of Parking Spaces # of Loading Docks Fill: (volume & location) 1663 13 . Certification: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Dom Cor rat ' o of rilca Date: 7/18/95 Applicant's Signature: St nley S. i1ic, President NOTE: Issuance of a zoning permit does not relieve an applicant's burden to comply with all zoning requirements and obtain all required permits from the Board of Health,Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works and other applicable permit granting authorities. \\.1 4451* TRANSMIT CONFIRMATION REPORT Juurnall Mo . : u01 Receiver 12017448759 Transm itter : CITY OF NORTHAMFTON 1187e : Aug 25 , 95 : 54 Tie : 01 ' 01 Mode : NORM DOCW;lerit : 02 Pages Result : K. CITY OF NORTHA.PTON t-i!:: 9 �/ MASS.�CHUSET�S �" 1 1 •1 zf -1' -CITY HALL t 1.. ie� F ice�'�Y�� 210 Main Straet \!111�1:!! •:1 I , II `4 jI_L•l 1 Northampton,MA 01060 (413) 586-6950 . (413) 585-8312 . FAX TRANSMITTAL . u© iP,.,"Vcil . DATE : 245 9g • FAX TO TELEP3ONE 11L7r3ER: c."),C/ 7 l 7 -1/3 -,-) . De47/1V eeLl2 TO: f -. • , • •• 9a,t4 ---)91 til2-446-Jizez. . . , •. • • . PROM: J�>` -d�C-� �'�• releti 5 Phone Ni1nher: 4-536-6950 _d....1(.(02Lift FAX Number: 413-585-8312 RE• da-- . rC PAGES, INCLUDING TSIS SEF.ET: c-"L— • • )j +ice. ;+ st:01AM Pi, +O � o QI, : ,t Tity of Mort ampton i z =* _ .'AT'!!AATI iassachustto 2 =v — DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS �__ ' 212 Main Street ' Municipal Building =-� INSPECTOR ,'/ Northampton, Mass. 01060 Francis X. Sienkiewicz Inspector of Buildings ADDRESS: 125 Locust Street MAP 23B PLOT 014 ZONE GI OWNER: City of Northampton USE GROUP/GROUPS: _ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUNS. OF STORIES: BUILDING HEIGHT: FIRE SEPARATION OF WALLS & CEILINGS: ; FLOOR AREA SQ. FT. (EACH LEVEL) : CUBIC FEET OF BUILDING: FLOOR LOADS (EACH LEVEL) : NUM. OF TOILETS & URINALS (EACH LEVEL) : DETAIL DRAWINGS OF FLOOR LAYOUTS: FIRE SUPPRESSION AND/OR ALARM SYSTEM? HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE? LIGHTING LEVELS: MEANS OF EGRESS/EXIT LIGHTS? 780 CMR SECT: 127 SIGNATURE OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER AND SEAL OF MASSACHUSETTS ONLY DATE FEE 7'5•"19'�5 11: `0j744E:75'a DOME CORPPAGE �� (f1 ' D V V n A�� •-__ } City a# Nertilanipto 2 5/6. ,i;; Up DEPARTMENT' OP RTNAP;p����G Lt=Yy SCALDING INSPECTIONS JNSPEc-RJR 212 Main Street • Municipal Building Northampton, Mu.. 01060 4 � Franois X. Sisnkievior Inspector of Buildings ADDRESS: 1. 5 Locust Street NAP 23B PLOT 014 ZONE GI OWNER: City of Northampton USE GROUP/GROUPS: • TYPE OP CONSTRUCTION: Ss 7 t gtprege Dome , NUM. OF STORIES: one ( 1 ) BUILDING HEIGHT: 39 ' -511 FIRE SEPARATION OF WALLS 4 CEILINGS: n/a { FLOOR AREA SQ. FT. (EACH LEVEL) : 3,94E CUBIC' FEET OF BUILDING: 44,901 FLOOR LOADS (EACH LEVEL) : 2419 Tons �411i� NUM. OF TOILETS & URINALS (EACH LEVEL) : n/a DETAIL DRAWINGS OP FLOOR LAYOUTS: 2 attached FIRE SUPPRESSION AND/OR ALARM SYSTEM? n/a HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE'___ „n/w __ -� LIGHTING LEVELS: _32 ft. (above entryway-interior- uch sisl- of doorway ) MEANS OF EGRESS/EXIT LIGHTS? One r ovs S4nopy 780 CMR SECT; � 127 S A URE OP' ARCHIITE ENGINEER AND SEAL OF MASSACHUSETTS ONLY DATE August 25, 1995 • ;No. 2692 'c, p ►Nox.nM.4 Ma ' A of M ��7. • ,, 08 25„ F 11: 23 2E117448759 L_ - CORP HJ PAGE 81 DOME CORPORATION OF AMERICA COVER PAGE FOR OUTGOING TELEFAX MESSAGE COMPANY: 1.i T /Y dF O R TH A 1')1 L'P AJ) D24 55 ATTN: Z11/tLl /AJ & JAJP1C7/D'V FRAIt1C15 J/Lt 'K/eW/! z. TELEFAX NO. : T/3 - 58 5 ¢ 3/ e2 _ NO. OF PAGES: 02- (including cover) FROM: DOME_CSAPRATION Off' AMER - TELr- ,( ENO : 201) 744-8759 DATE: AuGu S7 ,25; /TIME: [ : � 1 MESSAGE TRANSMITTED BY: LI/9, Ad/e J 9 REMARKS: lf/i - C).e/6//'-/.4L kPQ& 7/ôJ Z)1€/ 1/AJJ ,'DE/3A L- a/°/ef 5's 74-O.P,�y,_ WE- A'W yaa /V ORDe e- lie4 S5/&J C D £66/A) 1- / ,e/z� _ m x/_'"°. /L/ 52i4 "3,� /Uz-X i" Ak Please notify our office at 201-744-0440 if you do not receive full transmission. 12/PINE STMEET,MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY 07042 TEL.213111440440 • TELEFAX.201/744-8759 D8 HuNTLEy 11 ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. • 1' 3 j��5 --I SURVEYORS • ENGINEERS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS NORTHAP PION.MA 01060 October 30, 1995 Mr. Francis X. Sienkiewicz, Building Commissioner City of Northampton Building Department 212 Main Street Northampton, MA 01060 RE: Northampton Salt Storage Shed (Huntley Project No. 290-999) Dear Mr. Sienkiewicz: This letter summarizes results of our observations made during construction of the dome-style salt shed at the DPW yard on Locust Street. Visits to the site were made on September 28 and October 9, 11, 24, and 30, 1995. Foundation We did not witness the concrete pour or inspect the rebar installation. (See Attachment 1, letter from Dome Corporation of America, for statement concerning rebar.) Noting the absence of significant or extensive contiguous areas of voids or "honeycombing" on wall surfaces, either outside or inside, it appears that the concrete was thoroughly vibrated throughout the wall structure during the pour. Attachments 2 and 3 contain results of concrete compressive strength tests at 7 days and 28 days, respectively. Although slump slightly exceeded the four inches specified,the 28-day tets show compressive strength well in excess of 4,000 psi called for in the specifications and Dome Corporation's submitted plans. Tie holes and surface defects were chipped as needed and grouted. In lieu of concrete rubbing, the contractor proposed application of Thoroseal,a blend of hydraulic cements,lime,plasticizers and fine aggregates. The material was applied in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Adherence appears to be good; the material did not delaminate when subjected to a chip test as described in the product specifications. The interior surface of the concrete wall has been treated with two coats of linseed oil/turpentine mixture, as specified. eng\299-999\33jrf.Iet 30 Industrial Drive East • P.O. Box 568 • Northampton, MA 01061 • (413) 584-7444 • FAX (413) 586-9159 Structure The framing and erection of roof panels, entranceway, fan housing, bracing, etc., have been completed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications, based on our observations of panels and other components prior to, during and after erection. Roof Roof felt,shingles and flashing have been installed in conformance with the approved plans and specifications and manufacturer's instructions. Roofing nails used were of the zinc-wash type instead of conventional galvanized; the latter do not feed properly through nail guns because of their often rough finish. It is our opinion that these nails are equally satisfactory if not superior to galvanized nails for this application. Except for electrical service, fan wiring and lighting (which we have not inspected), the salt storage shed is substantially complete and can be used at any time for storage of road salt,salt- sand mixtures, etc. If you have any questions, please call this office. Very truly yours, ALMER HUNTLEY,JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jeffrey R. Folts / Pro'ect Manager ...,,zr_iz Review and Concur: ,a111/(-)21/1 . Almer M. Huntley, Jr., P.E., P. President JRF:dej Enclosures cc: George Andrikidis, Northampton Dept. of Public Works Dome Corporation of America eng\299-999\33 jrf.1et ALMER HUNTLEY, JR. & ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS • ENGINEERS • LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS 101'02/1995 17:43 2017448759 DOME C PF NJ PAGE 01 /ITT AC H w1 E ) I DOME CORPORATION E� O F AMERICA I " OCT3I October 2 , 1995 DE NORMW OTO;�.MA 01G Of�S Almer Huntley, Jr. 4 Associates, Inc. 30 Industrial Drive East Northampton, MA 01061 Attn: Mr. Ray Remillard VIA FAX & MAIL RE: City of Northampton, Massaeousetts Salt Storage Dome Construction Dear Mr. Remillard: This letter will serve as our confirmation and affidavit certifying that all work being done on this project is completed in accordance with our plans and drawings and specifications as issued by the City of Northampton. All reinforcing steel was supplied and installed strictly in accordance with our plans and the rebar schedule, which were submitted and approved by the City of Northampton. The concrete supplied was 4000 # and the 7 day test break show an average 3607 PSI. We expect the 28 days breaks t exceed 4000 #. Our structure was manufactured in accordance with the plans and drawings as submitted and approved by the City of Northampton. Erection and roofing shall be completed as specified. Please note that Dome Corporation of America guarantees its installation for a full period of FIVE YEARS, including labor, materials and workmanship. We hereby engage ourselves and will reimburse and compensate Almer Huntley, Jr. & Associates , Inc. and will hold them harmless as to any claims against themselves as to the quality of work performed by Dome Corporation of America. 127 PINE ST#ET, P.o. SOX 1582, MONTCLAIR, NJ 07042 TEL. 2o1/744-044o• TELEFAX. 201/744-8759 1O/Fi'2/1'295 17: 4 2017448759 DOME CORP NJ �i�E �72 Mom; �aM �N I � Almer Huntley, at. I hesociates, Inc. City of Northamipto , Mit Salt Dome Page Two we have provided our Performance Bonds covering our performance on this project and in addition , offer a full 5 year warranty as stated above. Please proceed with the inspections and certifications to the satisfaction of the City of Northampton, MA on our behalf. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours truly, 77:t5:: ON 0 ERIC A.• SS/L: jlm Stanley s. Milic, President Please notify our office at 201--744-0440 if you do not receive full transmission. 4-r-rA H/q,tr 3 . o 1 x 1540 127 PINE STREET, MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY 07042 L5------ �- _ TEL.201/744-0440 • TELEFAX.201/744-8759 Hi s �,p _,_(1 „��1 Q i , UU OC 31 . 1LJ Water (gals) DEPT OF 8 ILD!NG INSPECTIONS Admixture (oz) NORTH'MPTON.MA 01060 LABORATORY NO. C-055 C--0 6 C-•057 C-058 Specimen No. Set N1 A B C 0 Slump (in) 4 1/2" Entrained Air Content (%) 5.8 Concrete Temp. 72°F Date Sampled 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/18/95 9/.18/95 Date Received 9/19/95 9/19/95 9/19/95 9/19/95 Date Tested 9/25/95 10/16/95 10/16/95 10/16/95 Age at Test (days) 7 28 28 28 Dimensions (in) 6x12 6x12 6x12 6xI2 Area (sq in) 28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.5 29.6 29.5 29.6 Total Load (Ibs) 93,500 14.3,000 138,500 140,500 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3310 5060 4900 4970 Remarks. Respectfully submitted, ALLIED TESTING BORATORIES, INC. Copy:. v By: Chester V. Dawicki By: Chester V. Dawicki ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. 1 15 St. George Road r Springfield. Massachusetts 01 104 Phone: (413) 736-1846 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS — ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 3 CLIENT: Dome Corporation PROJECT: Northampton Salt Storage Facility -. LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Salt Shed Walls REPORTED TO: Dome Corporation DATE: 9/25/95 CONCRETE CLASS 4000 Mixture Weights per cubic yard Cement (Ibs) Fine Aggregate (Ibs) Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) G�i 3 i FBI Water (gals) DEPT OF BUILDING INSPECTIONS NORTHAMPTON.MA 01060 Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. C-063 Specimen No, Set #2 A Slump (in) 4 3/4" • Entrained Air Content (%) 5, 2 Concrete Temp. 76°F Date Sampled 9/18/95 Date Received 9/19/95 Date Tested 9/25/95 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6x12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.6 Total Load (Ibs) 100,500 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3550 Remarks RespectfuUy submitted, ALLIED TESTING 5f1,BORATORIES, INC. Copy: 1/. 4 By: Maar V. Dawicki daco 3JOQ 6SLSttLTOC SO :60 S66t/Z 0/Ot ALLIED TESTING LABORATORIES, INC. • 115 St. George Road •Springfield, Massachusetts 01 104 Phone: (413)734-Ie% friTilegkiSA)-r- COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF CYLINDRICAL CONCRETE SPECIMENS — ASTM C39 REPORT NO: 2 CLIENT: Dome Corporation PROJECT: Northampton Salt Storage Facility LOCATION OF CONCRETE PLACEMENT: Salt Shed Walls SEP. 29 REPORTED TO: Dome Corporation DATE: 9/25/95 CONCRETE CLASS 4000 Mixture Weights per cubic yard _D ,�� Cement (Ibs) j ij Fine Aggregate (Ibs) • _ OCT . I . F1 Coarse Aggregate (Ibs) DEPT OF BUILD!•IG INSPECTIONS NORTHAMPTI N.MA 01060 Water (gals) Admixture (oz) LABORATORY NO. C-055 Specimen No. Set #1 A Slump (in) 4 1/2" Entrained Air Content (%) 5.8 Concrete Temp. 72°F Date Sampled 9/18/95 Date Received 9/19/95 • Date Tested 9/25/95 Age at Test (days) 7 Dimensions (in) 6x12 Area (sq in) 28.3 Wgt. of Specimen (Ibs) 29.5 Total Load (Ibs) 93,500 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (psi) 3310 Remarks. Respectfully submitted, ALL/ED�TEESTING •BOR`ATORIES, INC. Copy: Ai f'. By: Christ',V. Dawicki :0 3EVd CH deoD 3143Q 6SLettLT9 • 50 :59 ;66t/39/9T