WB, LLC Job #212241 Northampton CPR WE 5.21.22I, WEEKLY PAYROLL RECORDS REPORT & STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE In accordance with Massachusetts General Law c.149, §27B, a true and accurate record must be kept of all persons employed on the public works project for which the enclosed rates have been provided. A Payroll Form has been printed on the reverse of this page and includes all the information required to be kept by law. Every contractor or subcontractor is required to keep these records and preserve them for a period of three years from the date of completion of the contract. On a weekly basis, every contractor and subcontractor is required to submit a certified copy of their weekly payroll records to the awarding authority; this includes the payroll forms and the Statement of Compliance form. The certified payroll records must be submitted either by regular mail or by e-mail to the awarding authority. Once collected, the awarding authority is also required to preserve those records for three years from the date of completion of the project. Each such contractor and subcontractor shall furnish weekly and within 15 days after completion of its portion of the work, to the awarding authority directly by first-class mail or e-mail, a statement, executed by the contractor, subcontractor or by any authorized officer thereof who supervised the payment of wages, this form, accompanied by their payroll: STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 5/25/2022 Janet R. Delisle Senior Payroll Professional (Name of signatory party) do hereby state: (Title) That I pay or supervise the payment of the persons employed by Warner Bros., LLC on the Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower Pleasant St, Northampton (Contractor, subcontractor or public body) (Building or project) and that all mechanics and apprentices, teamsters, chauffeurs and laborers employed on said project have been paid in accordance with wages determined under the provisions of sections twenty-six and twenty-seven of chapter one hundred and forty nine of the General Laws. Signature Title �(z<gL,�Senior Payroll Professional DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY, 19 STANIFORD STREET, 2ND FLOOR, BOSTON, MA. 02114 ., MASSACHUSETTS WEEKLY CERTIFIED PAYROLL REPORT FORM � Company's Name !Address Phone No. Payroll No. -- -�)j Warner Bros., LLC PO Box 91 Sunderland, MA 01375 413-665-4055 1 9♦ ' Employer's Signature Title Contract No. Tax Payer ID No. Work Week Ending_ Janet R. Delisle� I<. Ve,�Senior Payroll Professional 212241-22-3921149 5/21/2022 �warding Authority's Name Public Works Project Name -· Public Works Project Location Min Wage Rate Sheet No. City of Northampton Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower Pleasant St, Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower 20210606-002Northampton Pleasant St, Northampton K3eneral I Prime Contractor's Name Subcontractor's Name "Employer'' Hourly Fringe Benefit Contributions Ludlow Construction Warner Bros., LLC Project HOURS WORKED Hours Employee is Appr !Al OSHA Rate Allvmer Employee Work Classification Certified(?) (%) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Hours DeMaria, Vincent D Laborer 0 8.00 4.50 12.50 19 Cleveland Street 0.50 0.50 Greenfield, MA 01301 1�7i'i/' Dixon, Michael J Laborer 0 8.00 4.50 12.50 3 Rocky Ledge Ct 0.50 0.50 Vernon, VT 05354 1� 1 Fuller, Steven B 8.00 4.50 12.50 Laborer 0 131 Amherst Road 0.50 0.50 Pelham, MA 01002 1007/i/' Kelley Ill, John S 4&5Axle 0 2.25 105 Stock Bridge Street 2.25 Equipment Hadley, MA 01035 ,�,� ----- LaFlam, Christopher J Paver (Class 2) 0 8.00 4.50 12.50 n en 0.50 532 Franklin Road Vernon, VT 05354 1� Are all apprentice employees identified above currently registered with the MA DLS's Division of Apprentice Standards? For all apprentices performing work during the reporting period, attach a copy of the apprentice identification card issued by the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards/ Division of Apprentice Standards. �-�v'i" I (B+C+O+E) (Ax F) I ' Project Hour1y I HIIIIII& ERIIA Total Gross Wages Base ' ..... Pnlclll Supp Hourty {GI Wage ' Nll'IICil Plall u-. PrevWage Total Gross Check No (B) I R:(D) (E) (F)Wanes IHI 32.50 10.15 14.01 0.00 56.66 732.63 2022052716 48.75 1,538.86 •_•.· .. 32.50 1tHS 14.ti·-0.0()' 56.66 732.63 2022052716 48.75 ·; -.·· .. -.� ' 1,538.86 ' 10.15 14.01 0.00 56.66 732.63 2022052716 32.5048.75 ,. .. 1,561.64 80.96 0.05 3.12 0.00 65.56 182.15 2022052716 1,675.12 36.7 4 12.89 15.45 0.00 65.08 841.06 2022052716 55.11 2,210.96 YES NO No apprentices are identified above ✓ NOTE: Pursuant to MGL c. 149, s. 278, every contractor and subcontractor is required to submit a true and accurate copy of their certified weekly payroll records to the awarding authority by first-class mail or e-mail. In addition, each weekly payroll must be accompanied by a statement of compliance signed by the employer. Failure to comply may result in the commencement of a criminal action or the issuance of a civil citation. Page 1 of 3 Date received by awarding authority I I and 5/25/2022 Janet R. Delisle Senior Payroll Professional (Name Warner Bros., LLC on the Senior Payroll Professional __ MASSACHUSETTS WEEKLY CERT�FIED PAYROLL REPORT FORM_ _ ;f-·� Company's Name �ddress Phone No. Payroll No. (t -;:�Warner Bros., LLC PO Box 91 Sunderland, MA 01375 413-665-4055 1 �;}' Employer's Signature Title Contract No. Tax Payer ID No. Work Week Ending JanetR. Delisle� !<Be� Senior Payroll Professional 212241-22-3921149 5/21/2022 Awarding Authority's Name Public Works Project Name · -Public Works Project Location Min Wage Rate Sheet No. City of Northampton Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower Pleasant St, Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower 20210606-002Northampton Pleasant St, Northampton General I Prime Contractor's Name Subcontractor's Name "Employer'' Hourly Fringe Benefit Contributions ·=---...-·----·- Ludlow Construction Warner Bros., LLC ,. (B+C+D+E) (Ax F) Project ' . Project . HOURS WORKED Houns Hour1y ' Heallh & ERSIA Total Gross Wages Employee IS Appr (A) Base . ..... Penllan -Hour1y {Gl . . O�HA Rate All vmer Wage lnlurace Plan U-.,. Prev Wage Total Gross Check No Employee Work Classification Certified (?) (%) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Houns (B) (C) (D)ii!» (F)waaes !Hl 14 Gould Road Equipment ✓ Maiers, Michael T 4 & 5 Axle [2) 2.75 1.00 3.75 51.20 . 1 __ 1.l!Q . i;Se 0.00 65.56 245.85 2022052716 Ware.MA 01082 11$SSS i \Y;?;i? . -·.. 1,808 .17 10 Old Greenfield Road ✓ 1---+---+------.1----+---· --+--+---+---+----+---.......... --+---t----t-----t--------t McBride. Brian C 2 Axle Equipment [2) 1 50 o.5o o.5o 1_50 . 37 o355 55 ' · 12:eS .J$A5 0.00 65.37 116.00 2022052716 Shelburne, MA 01370 11� ·,, j 2,269.30 McBride, Brian c Roller (Class 3A) [2) 8 'ii°50 4-5 0 1250050 37 0\555 12.89 15.45 0.00 65.37 844.90 2022052716 10 Old Greenfield Road ✓ 1---+---t------,1----+---· --+--+---+---+----t----+----+-----t---t-----r-------1 Shelburne, MA 01370 11� 2,269.30 Rougeau, James D 4 & 5 Axle [2) 2-75 1-00 3.75 56-35 6.41 2.81 0.00 65.56 245 .86 2022052716 68 Kendall Street Equipment ✓ Granby, MA 01033 11� 1,878 .68 � ... 24 Shelburne Center Road ✓ Tobin, Ryan P Laborer [2) 8�0"" 4-50 12500 5 0 32504875 10.15 14.01 0.00 56.66 732.63 2022052716 Shelburne Falls, MA 01370 11$'� 1,538 .86 Are all apprentice employees identified above currently registered with the MA DLS's Division of Apprentice Standards? For all apprentices performing work during the reporting period, attach a copy of the apprentice identification card issued by the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards/ Division of Apprentice Standards. YES NO No apprentices are identified above ✓ NOTE: Pursuant to MGL c. 149, s. 27B, every contractor and subcontractor is required to submit a true and accurate copy of their certified weekly payroll records to the awarding authority by first-class mail or e-mail. In addition, each weekly payroll must be accompanied by a statement of compliance signed by the employer. Failure to comply may result in the commencement of a criminal action or the issuance of a civil citation. Page 2 of 3 Date received by awarding authority I I and 5/25/2022 Janet R. Delisle Senior Payroll Professional (Name of signatory party) (Title) Warner Bros., LLC on the (Contractor, subcontractor or public body) (Building or project) Senior Payroll Professional MASSACHUSETTS WEEKLY CERTIFIED PAYROLL REPO�!_FORM � 1Company's Name ddress Phone No. Payroll No. � -;) Warner Bros., LLC PO Box 91 Sunderland, MA 01375 413-665-4055 1 \ .. ,'�J Employer's Signature ·fnt1e Janet R. Delisle fl-J' R Be.-� I Senior Payroll Professional Contract No. 212241- ITax Payer ID No. !Work Week Ending_ 22-3921149 I 5/21/2022 !Awarding Authority's Name Public Works Project Name Public Works Project Location Min Wage Rate Sheet No. City of Northampton Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower Pleasant St, Northampton Ludlow Construction/Paving Lower Pleasant St, Northampton 20210606-002 General !Prime Contractor's Name Ludlow Construction !Employee Welch, Chad W 509 Hampden Street Holyoke, MA 01040 Williams, Timothy J 1109 Conway Road Apt 2C Ashfield, MA 01330 Work Classification Laborer 1� Roller (Class 3A) � Employee is OSHA Certified (?) f2] f2] Subcontractor's Name Warner Bros., LLC HOURS WORKED Project Appr A I Hou� I��j I Sun I Mon I Tue I Wed I Thu I Fri I Sat A=: a.oo I 4.50 I 1 ,2.so QSO QSO 8.00 0.50 5.50 13.50 0.50 Are all apprentice employees identified above currently registered with the MA DLS's Division of Apprentice Standards? For all apprentices performing work during the reporting period, attach a copy of the apprentice identification card issued by the Massachusetts Department of Labor Standards/ Division of Apprentice Standards. Hour1y Base Wage (B) 32.50 48.75 35.91 53.87 "Employer'' Hourly FringeBenefifContributions Htllllt & l ERIIA ..... ,._. T;.·:. 1 llf-X2i;or, i�(tf{.,_. ::r 8upp u..., (E) 0.00 12.89ff r15fflS< o,<W) YES (B+C+O+E) (Ax F) Total Hourly PrevWage (F) 56.66 64.25 NO Project Gross Wages (G) Total Gross I Check No Waim. (Hl 732.631 2022052716 1,538.86 894.311 2022052716 1,696.78 No apprentices are identified above ✓ NOTE: Pursuant to MGL c. 149, s. 278, every contractor and subcontractor is required to submit a true and accurate copy of their certified weekly payroll records to the awarding authority by first-class mail or e-mail. In addition, each weekly payroll must be accompanied by a statement of compliance signed by the employer. Failure to comply may result in the commencement of a criminal action or the issuance of a civil citation. Page 3 of 3 Date received by awarding authority I I