22.051 An Ordinance Relative to Form-Based Zoning - Amend Ch. 350-8.1, 8.8, 8.10, 8.11 - CertifiedIn the Year Two Thousand Twenty Two                              Upon the Recommendation of Mayor Gina‐Louise Sciarra & Planning & Sustainability  22.051 An Ordinance Relative to Form-Based Zoning - Amend Ch. 350-8.1, 8.8, 8.10, 8.11  An Ordinance of the City of Northampton,  Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of Northampton, Massachusetts, be  amended to create form‐based zoning in downtown Northampton and Florence Center.  Such zoning  requires modification of many sections of the code including the following sections below.  Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:   Amend Chapter 350 Sections 8.1, 8.8, 8.10, 8.11 by adding and deleting as shown:  8.1 For Entranceway Business (EB) and General Business (GB) Districts only, no additional off-street parking is required for the following: (3) The addition of a second floor to one-story (for the purpose of this section, basements shall not count as a story) buildings existing in the CB Districts only on January 1, 1996. (This is to encourage the restoration of building heights in the CB Districts which are more uniform and consistent with the scale of development which has historically existed.) However, the addition of additional floors or an expanded building footprint shall be subject to the parking requirements. 8.8(G) There shall be a maximum of one driveway curb cut per lot. In CB, GB, EB and HB Districts, and for all new two-family lots, a special permit from the Planning Board is required for more than one curb cut. See also requirements in 21 and 22 for Character District standards as applicable. The Planning Board may only issue a second curb cut if the applicant can show that there is something unique about the property that would otherwise render flow to and from the property unsafe and unmanageable. If the Board finds that more than one curb cut is necessary for traffic safety purposes, then additional off-site traffic mitigation may be required by the Planning Board to address pedestrian safety within the abutting street network. In all other districts, the Planning Board may, as part of site plan approval, allow additional driveways/curb cuts if, and only if, such permit will promote and improve safe and efficient traffic circulation. Residential driveways shall generally be over the front lot line directly from the street. Residential driveways may be constructed across side and rear lot lines directly from the street, however, when the Department of Public Works finds, or the Planning Board issues a site plan approval, that the driveway will not degrade safety. Driveways shall not cross lot lines of adjoining properties without Planning Board site plan approval. 8.8 (H). A driveway's entrance or exit shall not exceed, at its intersection with the front lot line, a width of 15 feet for single- , two- and three-family uses and 24 feet for all other uses, except that the Planning Board may, as part of site plan approval, allow a thirty-foot width if, and only if, such approval will promote safe and efficient traffic circulation. See also requirements in 21 and 22 for character  districts as applicable.  8.10 Special provisions in Central Business Districts for meeting off-street parking requirements. A. Payment made to the City of Northampton in lieu of providing some or all of the required off-street parking spaces for a project in the CB Districts shall be allowed by right. 8.11 Bicycle parking shall be provided for any new building, addition or enlargement of existing building, or, except for in the Central Business Districts, for any change in the use of a building. Form Based Code  7 of 14