22.058 An Ordinance Relative to Form-Based Zoning - Amendment to Ch. 156 CB and West Street Architecture - CertifiedIn the Year Two Thousand Twenty Two                              Upon the Recommendation of Mayor Gina‐Louise Sciarra & Planning & Sustainability  22.058 AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO FORM-BASED ZONING - AMENDMENT TO CH. 156 CB AND WEST STREET ARCHITECTURE An Ordinance of the City of Northampton, Massachusetts, providing that the Code of Ordinances, City of  Northampton, Massachusetts, be amended to create form‐based zoning in downtown Northampton and  Florence Center.  Such zoning requires modification of many sections of the code including the following  sections below.  Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Northampton, in City Council assembled, as follows:     Amend Chapter 156 by modifying the following:  156‐2 Map  A Central Business and West Street Architecture Ordinance is hereby established within the City of Northampton. The ordinance (this chapter) shall regulate the Central Business District – Core and  INSERT MAP  156.4 A  The Design Guidelines Manual, Downtown Northampton Central Business District, 19992022, as may be amended, is attached hereto by reference. It shall be cited in this chapter as the "Design Guidelines Manual."[1]  156.6D ‐2a  Any element of the project or the project in its entirety shall be presumed to meet the standards necessary for approval if the Committee finds that it meets the Applicability and Design Guidelines sections in the Design Guidelines Manual as well as the applicable standards in 350-21.7; and          Form Based Code   14 of 14