Giblin 2 ConcernsMayor Sciarra 3/13/22
Caroline Misch
210 Main Street
Northampton, MA 01060
RE: 107 William Street Development
Mayor Sciarra and Ms Misch,
We are the owners of 110 Williams St which is directly across from the recently approved (8) unit multi -family
development of 107 Williams St. We understand that the approvals were granted conditionally subject to
satisfactory answers and compliance to issues raised during the meeting. We share (5) five concerns raised during
the meeting that we would like to see addressed and complied to before construction commences. And we request
that, as indicated in the meeting, the project would not move forward until these issues are resolved.
1. I would like to see proof that the site has 30% open space as required by zoning. My view of the site plan
seems to indicate the conditionally approved site plan has 10% open space at best and the remainder of
the site is impervious.
2. The conditional approvals remove an 80-foot, mature conifer tree which currently mitigates significant
storm water run-off from the existing site and a large adjoining condo complex on Hockanum Road. It seems
illogical and ecologically unsound to remove such a magnificent tree that removes gallons and gallons of
storm water. This tree also absorbs 1 ton of carbon in its lifetime. This species is one of the most efficient
of all trees in capturing water and carbon. The new development, with its 90% impervious area, would
produce substantially greater storm water run-off. To deal with this greater storm water, the site plan calls
for the planting of smaller trees and shrubbery and installation of a rubber membrane storage tank. During
the meeting the architects co uld not even explain how this rubber membrane tank works let alone how
effective it would be to mitigate run-off. We would like to see proof from an outside ground water
professional that removal of this tree, the subsequent plantings and installation of a rubber membrane
storage tank would provide sufficient ground water mitigation.
3. The site plan calls for the access driveway to the development be place almost directly in fro nt of the
intersection of Montview Ave and Williams St. We would like to see proof from an outside traffic expert
that this design will not jeopardize pedestrian or vehicular safety. Perhaps the development access should
be flipped from the right to the left side of the building.
4. Perhaps the City, despite the “as a right” zoning for eight units, should consider a lesser number of units
to accommodate mitigating the storm water issues presented above.
5. We think it’s important that the public be able to read the DPW comm ents on the project. Can these be
made public as soon as possible?
We currently have, without this new development, profuse pooling of large amounts of water directly in front of our
house on Montview Ave and Williams St. As you know, this a flood plain, and any new development puts our
basements at risk of flooding. If these issues remain unanswered and unresolved, we believe the project, as
conditionally approved, will produce so much storm water run-off, our streets and our homes will flood. Our
basement has been dry for years. Should it begin to flood, we will be seeking monetary damages from the City to
compensate for property damage and diminution of property value.
In closing, thank you in advance for addressing our concerns and providing us the evidence that was lacking in the
meeting. We are very grateful for your diligence to protect and care for this City and its residents.
Very truly yours,
Bernadette Giblin and John Valente
CC: Attorney Thomas Day, Egan Flanagan and Cohen