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25C-004 (8)
4/4/22 8:50 AM City of Northampton Mail-124 North St-removal of Renaissance Builders citiff tAI. o w(�1 4 Kim Carson <kcarson@northamptonma.gov> ? Northampton 124 North St - removal of Renaissance Builders 1 message Jacqueline McCreanor <jacqui.mccreanor@gmail.com> Fri, Apr 1, 2022 at 10:40 AM To: kcarson©northamptonma.gov Good morning Kim, I just spoke with a woman in the Northampton Building Department who let me know, after I asked to speak with you, that you are not in the office today, but that you will be returning to the office on Monday, April 4th. I will be out of town on Monday 4/4, but plan to return home on the evening of April 4th. Should we need to clarify matters on the phone or through email, I will be available for the rest of next week, beginning on Tuesday, Aprii 5th. My interest in speaking with you today is in regards to my decision to remove Renaissance Builders from my project. The woman with whom I spoke on the phone today said to let you know my decision, via email or written letter, and to explain that I am in the process of interviewing and hiring another contractor to complete the project. She was unsure of whether the permit could stay open and the next contractor be added to it. I let her know that you had told me that the building inspector would come out to the house and take stock of the status of the project. The woman said it would be best for you and Ito discuss the details. I will be looking forward to touching base next week. Please remove Renaissance Builders from my project. Thank you Kim. Jacqui Jacqueline McCreanor 124 North St Northampton, MA 01060 Cell phone: (413)575-2021 Sent from my iPhone https:/!mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=28605c8627&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f%3A1728917302563053892&si mpl=msg-f%3A 1728917302563053892 111