ETL-RockyHillGreenway-amendment1-WF8-16-19-contractCONTRACT NUMBER: _________CITY OF NORTHAMPTON, MASSACHUSETTS
First Amendment to Contract: Rocky Hill Greenway Multiuse Trail
THIS AGREEMENT, executed this __________ day of August2019 by and between the City of Northampton, a Massachusetts municipal corporation, acting through its Office of Planning and Sustainability
with a mailing address of Wayne Feiden, Director of Planning and Sustainability, 210 Main Street, Room 11, Northampton, MA 01060, hereinafter called "Owner" and E.T. & L. Corp., with
a mailing address of 873 Great Road, Stow, MA 0177590 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563, party of the second part hereinafter called "Vendor".
THE OWNER shall pay the Vendor for the performance of this contract amendment an amount not to exceed $11,025.31in accordance with the attached proposal from E.T. & L. Corp. The amendment
includes the stormwater permit required by the Department of Public Works stormwater permit that was issued after the initial request for bids.
All other terms of the original contract and first amendment remain in effect.
PursuanttoM.G.L.Chapter62C,Section49A,Icertifyunderthepenaltiesofperjurythat wehave,tomybestknowledgeandbelief,compliedwiththelawoftheCommonwealthrelatingtotaxes,reportingofemployeesandcontractors,andwithholdingandremittingchildsupport.IfurtherauthorizetheCityofNorthamptonto
The Vendor, to the best of its knowledge, certifies that a) neither it nor any of its subcontractors have been subject to a federal or state criminal or civil judgment, administrative
citation, final administrative determination, order or debarment resulting from a violation of G.L. c. 149, c. 151, or the Fair Labor Standards Act within three (3) years prior to the
date of the Contract, or b) that if it or any of its subcontractors have been subject to a federal or state criminal or civil judgment, administrative citation, final administrative
determination, order or debarment resulting from a violation of G.L. c. 149, c. 151, or the Fair Labor Standards Act within three (3) years prior to the date of the Contract, the Vendor
has provided copies of any such judgment, citation, determination or order to the City prior to the date of the Contract. The Vendor certifies that while the Contract is in effect,
it will report any instance of the above to the City within five (5) days of Contractor's receipt
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Vendor caused these presents to be signed in triplicate and approved by David Narkewicz its Mayor and the said Owner has caused these presents to be signed in
quadruplicate and its official seal to be hereto affixed by its officer or agent thereunto duly authorized (by the attached corporate resolution). This instrument shall take effect
as a sealed instrument.ET & L Corp (Vendor):
______________________Date ____________
Wayne Feiden, FAICP, Director of Planning & Sustainability
_______________________Date ___________
Joyce Karpinski, City Auditor, approved as to appropriation.
Joe Cook, Chief Procurement Officer, as to MGL c. 30B compliance
_______________________Date ____________
Mayor David Narkewicz