Award-Proceed-RockyHillTrail-BurtsBog-WF6.24.2019June 24, 2019 Ben Sargent, Project Manager E.T. & L. Corporation 873 Great Road PO Box 295 Stow, MA 01775 RE: LWCF 25-00536 Rocky Hill Greenway Trail Dear Ben, Attached please find your copy of the contract for E.T.&L. to build our Rocky Hill Greenway Trail at Burts Bog. This now serves as your formal Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed. Prior to any work taking place, we need to have a pre-construction conference. Please let me and Berkshire Design know when you are ready to schedule that meeting. I look forward to working with you on this project. Sincerely, Wayne Feiden, FAICP Director of Planning & Sustainability